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Weekly Test FOR B.A.

Q.1. Correct the following sentences.

1. We went to the village fair and enjoyed a lot.
2. We should believe in such story which are told to enhance our confidence.
3. Everyone of the employee are against this law.
4. He was killed when driving.
5. The wisdom is the gift of the God.
6. The teacher with his students visit the hill station.
7. His son is more cleverer than us.
8. No less than fifteen student is absent from the class.
9. He has availed this chance.
10.Either the servants or officer are in the wrong.
11.It is me who is enjoying the holiday.
12.He is the student who work hard to secure good marks.
1. Write a note on the symbolism in the novel.
2. Do u agree with the end of the novel? Justify your answer.
Q.3. Use the following idioms and phrasal verbs in your sentences.
1) A fly in the ointment
2) A feather in ones cap
3) Achilles heel
4) A birds eye view
5) At cross purposes
6) a blue stocking
7) bear u
8) bear with
9) break down
10)break out
11) bring about
12) carry on 13) come about
14) break into


Q.1. Correct the following sentences.
1. We had visited the zoo one week ago and enjoyed a lot.
2. I have not slept for three days.

3. I have not written to you last night.

4. He has been died with cholera.
5. He asked his son why did he not write his homework.
6. I told to him that it is worth driving car.
7. The voice of a woman is more softer than man.
8. He is the best of the two.
9. She is the best and beautiful girl in the class.
10.They considered me as a great fool.
11.He walks as if he is lame.
12.He absented from the class.
13.He avenged on the enemy. (he acquitted creditably in the examination)
14.Why she wrote incorrect sentences in her copy.
15.He aims to please every one.

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