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To: secretariadegobernacion@hotmail.

Subject: Economy of Mexico
Dear Mr. President,
My name is Ingrid Gutierrez. Im nineteen years old. I was born in Mexico, City,
and I lived eighteen years in the beautiful city of Cuautla, Morelos. Through this email, I
would like to discuss several points about how the economy of Mexico is been decaying
throughout your command, and what can we do to make it rise again.
This month the Mexican peso reached a high record in the history of 18.90 pesos
for a dollar. Two years ago 12 pesos was a dollar. The people of Mexico (your people)
could travel to the United States either for business, education, or tourism. Now, its
almost impossible for middle class people (more than half the population of Mexico) to
travel abroad.
It is true that today is as expensive to travel to Europe than to travel to the United
States. But this is not the only problem. Four years ago, to buy American products like
technology was cheaper than it is now, therefore people could have access to them.
Nowadays, because the price of the dollar is to high its almost impossible to buy
American products. In consequence, we are buying Chinese products, and the piracy is
getting stronger.
We need to do something Mr. President. This is our country and its going down
year by year. We are breaking records month by month, but the only thing that we are
wining is poverty and delinquency. We need to make the petroleum to go up again
because this is our principal trade. Also, we need to extend our natural reserves, and
sell dollars to stop the decay of the peso. Mexico has a lot of smart and working people,
and your duty Mr. President as our leader is to use all the resources we have in order to
make Mexico a better place.
I acknowledge your time to read my concerns. Im at your disposal at (505) 6789878, and I await your prompt response.
Ingrid Gutierrez Nuez
Student at the University of New Mexico
1899 University ave. NE, Albuquerque,
New Mexico. 87654

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