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G going to, present continuous (future arrangements)

V look (after, for, etc.)

P sentence stress

When areyou going?

When are you coming back?

. . Where are you going?

a Whe n was th e last tim e you went to an
airport (or stat ion )? Were you m eetin g
someone or going so mewhere?

[] Airport Stories

b Read th e ma gazin e ar ticle . Com plete it

with these qu esti on s.
~ Do you know anyb ody here?

[[[] Are you going to stay f or long?


Is this your first visit?


W hen are w leavin g?


What are yo u planning to do?

Does he kn ow yo u're com ing?


How are you going to get there?


How long are y ou going to stay?


Wh ere are yo u stay ing in London?

c Read th e article aga in and write R (Rim a) ,

] (Jonatha n ), or M (Maki).

M is going to stay at a hotel.

6 _

is going to stay at a friend 's house.

is going to visit a fam ily member.
is going to th e theat re tomorr ow.
is only goin g to be in th e UK
four weeks.
is going to work.

I'm going to look for a job. Maybe as an au pair,

looking after children. And I want to improve
my English too, so I can get a better job when
I go back home. I hope I can find some work
quickly, because I don't have much money.

1 Is this your fi rst visit?

Yes, it is. I'm really looking forward to living
here, but I'm a bit nervous too.

Six months or a year. It depends how things go.

Yes, I have a friend who's working here in a

restaurant. I'm going to stay with her for a few
weeks until I can find my own flat.

Well, good luck!

2 GRAM MAR going to, present continuous


a In pairs, cover th e text. Ca n you rem ember

three of Rima 's plans ? Ca n yo u rem ember
three of Jona than's plan s?

Jonathan, 35, just arrived

from Melbourne, Australia

I'm going to see my Dad in Wales.

It's his seventieth birthday tomorrow.

Rim a's going to work.

b Look at the interview with Maki and Koji.

Highlight SLX pr esent contin uo us sentences.
Do th ey refer to the present or the future?

0 p.130 Grammar Bank 3A. Read th e rul es

and do th e exercises.

No. It's going to be a big surprise for him. And it's going to be very
emot ional too. I moved to Australia in 1990, and the last time I saw
my Dad was five years ago. It's too expensive to visit very often and
my father can't fly - he had a heart operation last year.

By train. All the family are waiting at my parents' house. We're going
to have a big party there tomorrow night.

Yes, for a month . It's too far to come for a short time - and I want
to see all my old friends here as well as my family.


Listen to Rima ta.lking six: months later.
Mark th e sentences T (tru e) or F (false).



from Nagasaki, Japan

We're on our honeymoon. We got

married last Saturday.

a Look at Rim a's interview on p.28 again. Find and underline three
expressions with look. Match th em to their dictionary definitions.


A n urse is a person who looks _ _ peop le who are ill.

She 's go ing to New York n ext m onth. She's really loo king _ _ it.

I can't fin d my keys. Ca n yo u h elp m e to look _ _ them?

I'm not loo kin g _ _ th e exa m - it's go ing to be very diffic ul t.

O u r ho use is a bit too small. We' re looking _ _ a new o ne .

Could you loo k _ _ o ur d og th is weeke nd ? We wa n t to go away.

Tell your partner. . .

so meth ing you are lo oking for ward to
so me th ing yo u o ften have to look for in th e morning
somebo dy or so m eth ing that yo u (occas iona lly) look aft er

On Friday. We're {loing to Paris next,

and then to Rome...

Well, have a good time!

try to fin d so m eth ing

wa it with pleasure fo r so m eth ing whic h is go ing to happen
be responsible for or take care of so me body o r so me th ing

b Com plete th e sentences with after, f or, or forward to.

Everything is organized for us.

Tomorrow we're doing a tour of London
on a double -decker bus, and in the
evening we're seeing a show. Then on
Tuesday we 're going to Oxford and
Cambridge and on Wednesday we're
flying to Edinburgh.

b Listen again for more details. Correct the false sentences.

We're staying at the Hyde Park Hotel.

We're just here for a few days.

She's working in an Italian restaurant.

It was easy to find a job.

She isn't living wit h her frie n d now.

She isn 't go ing to Eng lish classes.

She doesn't know if she 's going to go back to Lith ua nia.

She's leaving the restaurant next m o nth .

Her boyfriend is a wai te r.

Her fam ily are very h appy th at she's getti ng m a rried .

5 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress

a Underline th e words which are important for communication
in the se qu estions (the stressed words).
I Where a re yo u go ing ?
2 When a re yo u leavin g?
3 How are yo u ge tti ng th ere ?


4 Wher e are yo u stay ing?

5 When a re yo u coming ba ck ?

Listen and check. Listen again and repeat. Copy th e !:bYthm .

I'm going to the cinema
a Write down three plans or ar ran gements
on Friday night.
that you have for this week. Work in pairs.
A tell B yo ur plans. B listen and ask
for more informati on. Then swa p rol es. ~h a t are you going to see?

0 Communication Where are you going on holiday? p.116.

Find a tr avelling companion for an exotic holiday.


Mark Oh sure. Allie, this is Brad Martin. Brad

works in the Los Angeles office. Brad, this is
Allie Gray from the Lond o n office.
Allie Hello.
Br ad Hi Allie, grea t to m eet you . Mark told
me you we re very n ice but he d idn't tell m e
you were so beaut iful. So, is this yo ur first
time in San Francisco?
Alli e Yes. Yes, it is.

Brad Has Mark sh ow n yo u the sigh ts?

Allie Well, no t yet.

Brad Th en may be I can show you round.

I love this city.

Mark Allie, it's tim e to go. Excuse us, Brad.
Brad Well, grea t to meet you , Allie. See you
Allie Yes. Nice to meet yo u too. Go od bye.
Brad Bye.

Interviewer So Rim a, did yo u find a job as

an au pair?
Rima Well, I fou nd a job, but no t looking
after childr en . I'm working in a resta ur an t
- an Italian rest aurant. I'm a wa it ress. I
wo rk very lon g hours!
Interviewer Was it diffi cult to find a job?
Rima No. Th ere are lots of jobs in restauran ts,
hotels, clean ing, things like th at .
Interv iewer Are yo u still livin g in your
fr ien d 's flat?
Rima Yes, beca use it's very expens ive here
and I ca n't afford to rent my own flat.
Lon do n is incred ibly expensive!
Interviewer Your English is m uc h better!
Rima Well, a bit better, but J don 't go to
classes, because I don't have t im e. As I sa id,
I work ver)' lon g hours in t he rest aurant.
But I watc h a lot of English T V, and [
speak Eng lish at wo rk .
Interviewer "Vhen 'are you going back to
Rima [don 't kno w. My pla ns have changed
a bit.
Interviewer "Vhy?
Rima Well, I m et so me o ne in th e restauran t.
He's the chef. We're getting married ne xt
Interviewer Co ngratulatio ns! Is he from
Lithua nia too?
Rima No, he's Italia n. From Naples . He 's a
fantastic coo k.
Interviewer So, are yo u go ing to stay in
Lon do n?
Rim a Yes. I'm very happy here now . We both
really like Londo n - our dream is to open a
restau ran t together on e day.
Interv iewer Are yo ur family co m ing to the
Rim a No! T hey don 't eve n know I'm getti ng
m arri ed! You see, they want me to go back
to Lith uania.
Interviewer Well, good luck wit h
ever yth ing, Rima.


Presenter Today's topic is 'positive thin king'.

We all know that people w ho are
posi tive enjoy life m ore th an peo ple w ho
are negat ive a nd pe ssimist ic. Bu t scie n ti fic
st udies show tha t positive people ar e also
healthier, get bett er more quickly when
they're ill, an d live longer. A recen t study
shows th at peop le who are opti mis tic and
t hink positively live, o n aver age, nin e yea rs
lon ger th an pessim istic people who think
negat ively. So, let's hear w hat yo u the
listeners t hink. Do you have any tips to
help us be m or e positive in our lives?

Presenter And o u r first ca ller th is eve ni ng

is And y. Hi Andy. What's yo u r ti p for
bein g posi tive?
Andy Hello. Well, I think it's very important
to live in th e p resent and not in th e past.
Don't thi nk about mist akes yo u ma de in
the past. You can 't change the past. T he
important thi ng is to think abo ut how you
will do things be tter in th e futu re.
Presenter T han k yo u And y. And no w we
have an oth er ca ller. What's yo ur name,
Julie Hi , my nam e's Julie . My tip is th in k
pos it ive th ou ghts, not negat ive o nes. We all
have negat ive th ou ghts so me time s but
wh en we start hav ing th em we nee d to sto p
and try to change them into pos itive ones.
Like, if you have an exam to m o r row and
you start thin king 'I'm sure I' ll fail', then
yo u'll fail the exam. So you need to change
th at negati ve th ou ght to a posit ive th ou ght.
Just think to yo u rself"!' Il pass.' [ do thi s
and it usually wo rks .
Presenter T han k yo u Julie . An d o ur next
caller is Gio va n n a. Hi Gio vann a.
Giovanna H i. My tip is don't spe nd a lot of
time readi ng the papers or watch ing th e
new s on TV. It's always bad news an d it just
makes yo u feel d epre ssed . Read a book or
listen to yo ur favo ur ite mu sic instea d .
Presenter T ha nks Giovann a. An d o u r next
caller is M iriam. Miriam?
Miriam H i.
Presenter H i M ir iam . Wha t's yo u r tip ?
Miriam My tip is eve ry wee k m ake a list of
all the goo d thin gs that hap pen to you.
T hen keep the list w ith yo u , in your bag
or in a pocket , and if you 'r e feel ing a bit
sad or de pressed just take it o u t and read
it. It'll make you feel better.
Presenter Th a nks Mi riam . And o ur last call
is from M ichael. H i Mi ch ael. We're
Michael Hi. My tip is to tr y to use pos itive
langua ge when you speak to ot he r people.
You kn ow, if your friend has a prob lem
don't say 'I' m so rry' or 'Oh poor yo u', say
so me thi ng pos it ive like ' Do n' t wo rr y!
Everythi ng w ill be OK : Th at wa)' yo u' ll
ma ke th e other per son think m ore
posit ively abo u t their problem.

Presenter Th an k you, Micha el. Well that's all

we've got time for. A big th ank you to all
our callers. Until next week then , goo d bye.

Patient So wh at does it me an , doc tor?

Dr Muller Well, first the party. A pa rty is a
gro u p of peo ple. T his mea ns that you're
goi ng to mee t a lo t o f peo ple. [ thi nk yo u're
go ing to be very bu sy.
Patien t At work ?
Dr Muller Yes,at wor k ... you work in an
o ffice, I th ink?
Patient Yes, th at 's right.
Dr Muller I thi nk th e part y me ans yo u are
going to have a lot o f me etings.
Patien t Wh at abou t th e cha m pag ne?
Dr Mu ller Let me look at my notes again. Ah
yes, you were drinking cham pagne.
Cham pagne means a celebrat io n. It's a
sym bol of success. So we have a mee ting or
meetin gs and then a celeb rat io n. Maybe in
the fut ur e you 'll have a m eeti ng with yo ur
boss, about a possible promot io n?
Pat ient Well, it's po ssible. I ho pe so ... Wh at
abo ut th e garden an d th e flowers? Do they
mean anyth ing?
Dr Muller Yes. Flowers are a positive symbol.
So, the flowers mea n that you ar e feelin g
positi ve abo ut the future. So perh ap s you
alrea dy knew abo ut th is possible
promoti o n?
Patient No, I did n't. But it's true , I am very
happy at wo rk and I feel ver y positive
abo ut my future. T hat's not wh ere my
problems are. My p ro blems ar e w ith my
love life. Does m y d ream tell yo u anyt h ing
abo ut tha t?
Dr Muller Mm , yes it d oes . You're single,
aren' t you ?
Patient Yes, well, d ivo rced .
Dr Muller Becau se the violi n music tells me
you want so m e roma nce in your life
you're loo king for a partner perhaps?
Patient Yes, yes, I am . In fact I m et a very
n ice woman last mo n th - I really like her,
. . . I think I'm in love with her. I'm meeting
her tonight .. .
Dr Muller In your d ream you saw an
ow l. .. in a tree?
Patient Yes, an ow l. .. a big ow l.
Dr Muller Th e ow l rep resen ts an older
pe rso n . I think yo u'll need to ask this older
person for he lp. Maybe this 'o lder person' is
me? Mayb e you need my hel p?
Patient Well, yes, wha t I really wa n t to
know is
Does thi s person . .. thi s
wo ma n lo ve m e?
Dr Muller You reme m be r the end of your
dream? You were feeling cold ?
Patient Yes, my feet were very cold.
Dr Muller Well. .. I think perha ps yo u already
kn ow th e an swer to you r qu est ion .
Patient You m ean she doe sn't lo ve me.
Dr Muller No, I do n't th ink so. I thin k you
w ill need to find ano ther wom an. I'm sorry.

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