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The Senior Project Committee:

I have had the privilege of working with Noor as she went through the process of creating her
most meaningful, reflective and senior project. During the process I have come to respect Noors
diligent approach to a multi-cultural world situation.
Throughout the process both Noor and I myself have worked together to help create a body of
knowledge and cultural interpretation of the Palestinian people and their current situation among
Middle East unrest.
Noor has learned the importance of cultural relevance and the very tenuous situation that is seen
in the Middle East and has learned even more about to relate the situation to peers, to remain
respectful of different opinions and how to be tolerant.
Noor has also learned the importance of timing and organization, and, the necessity of a plan
with goals and objectives when creating a project. Both the project and the process have been a
successful endeavor.
I thank Noor for selecting me as her mentor.
Sincerely yours,

Sylvan Tauber

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