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The One

A poem by: Stephanie Karin

Although you’re blue and sad,

You pretend to be joyful and glad.
You fool everyone in sight,
But there’s someone who sees what is right.

This someone is a person who cares,

And your feelings with him you do share.
You can tell he has something to say,
You ask but he says “Wait the next day.”

The next day is here and you’re frightened as can be,

You think of what he needs to say but you’ll have to wait and see.
You see him and he tells you he loves you so much,
After, you turn, run away, and cry a whole bunch.

As you lay alone in bed at night,

You think of what hes told you, is it wrong or right?
You believe that what has happened is good,
And you realize that by your side hes always stood.

You go looking for the man you’ve dreamt of,

The one you believe was sent to you from above.
You find him and tell him you love him as well,
“What changed your mind?” he asks, “Do tell.”

I realized that you were the man in my head,

The one that I see when laying asleep in my bed.
Say it once more, say I Love You my dear,
“I Love You” he says, and then rolls down one tear.

A single tear rolls down this face full of life,

And is even happier when asked, “Please be my wife?”
A marriage, a honeymoon, some kids, and old age,
Still happy and in love and still on the same page.

Then one night a death it has come here so fast,

But they will soon be together in heaven forever at last!

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