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Cara aku cari kerja dulu lepas grad:

i) Create Jobstreet Profile :

-from there kita akan dapat tahu updated kekosongn kerja di sesebuah syarikat
-once dah dapat tngok apa position yang available (Based on our qualification) dalam company
tersebut,then directly approach company profile dan hantar CV ke emel HR (emel HR biasanya
di career section)
ii)Selalu bukak website INDEED;website ::
iii)Selalu bukak website MYSTARJOB ; Website ::
ATAU beli newspaper THE STAR hari Sabtu.Ada pelbagai jawatan kosong terkini yang diadvertise
iv)Create LINKEDIN Profile :
-Masukkan segala details/pengalamn/qualification apa yang korang ada.
-Approach HR personnel directly.Mintak personal emel kat dorang,then emel CV directly to
-OR maybe you can approach Manager/Senior Manager and ask them nicely-No harm
-Peluang untuk di-temuduga mugkin tinggi dengan cara begini
-Nak mintak emel HR kena beradab ye.kalau boleh buat ayat dalam english.
-Cth :
Hi and As Salam to you Sir/Madam, Sorry for interrupting you at this time .My pleasure if you can
share with me your email address or any HR Recruiter Email at ...... so that i can send my CV for
your/their perusal.Actually,i'm really Interested to join ..... as a Mechanical Engineer ...
v)CV/Resume,Cover Letter,qualification cert antara attachment yang kena kepilkan dalam emel.
-CV/Resume kena nampak tersusun dan kemas
-kalau boleh semua ni compile kan sekali dalam satu PDF untuk memudahkn recruiter
-Ketika COMPOSE email :: Ada subject ,cth : Applying for Mechanical/Piping Engineer at (What
company) ,Updated CV,Feb 2016
-Ada kata2 aluan, cth :
Dear Sir/Madam,

Pertaining to the above, I am pleased to introduce myself Faris Firdaus Bin Abdul Mutalib
currently working.......(bla,bla,bla..)
....Enclosed herewith is my curriculum vitae and other necessary certificates for your kind
attention. I would be glad to be one of your team and greatly appreciate if you could consider my
Thank You.
vi)Google,search,google,google (repeat) sampai dapat panggilan temuduga.
vii)Ketika temuduga :
-nak tngok attitude/behaviour kita macamana
-Rilek,cool dan buat persediaan secukup nya untuk hilangkan rasa gabra.
-Approach Interviewer like a friend
-lepas interview,try to follow up
viii)Usaha,Tawakkal,doa...insyaAllah dapat la kerja idaman di syarikat idaman.Jangan merungut
kalau interview fail,seharusnya berfikiran positif..lumrah kehidupan

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