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Clump Classes

Use Clump Classes to clump adjacent similarly classified areas together using morphological
operators. Classification images often suffer from a lack of spatial coherency (speckle or holes
in classified areas). Low pass filtering could be used to smooth these images, but the class
information would be contaminated by adjacent class codes. Clumping classes solves this
problem. The selected classes are clumped together by first performing a dilate operation then
an erode operation on the classification image using a kernel of the size specified in the
parameters dialog.
You can also write a script to perform classification clumping using
the ENVIClassificationClumpingTask routine.
1 From the Toolbox, select Classification > Post Classification > Clump Classes.
The Classification Input File dialog appears.
1 Select an input file, perform any optional spatial subsetting, and then click OK to
display the Classification Clumping dialog. Clumping can only be performed on
classification images, identified by a file type of "ENVI Classification" in the image
header file.
1 Specify a Dilate Kernel Value. This field represents the structuring element used to
expand shapes contained in the input image. An array size of 3x3 and element values
of 1 are used unless otherwise specified.
1 Specify an Erode Kernel Value. This field represents the structuring element used to
reduce shapes contained in the input image. An array size of 3x3 and element values
of 1 are used unless otherwise specified.
1 Use the Class Order list to identify which classes will have clumping applied. Classes
may be added, removed or reordered. If no changes are made, all classes have
clumping applied and are processed from first to last.
1 Use Output Raster to specify an output location and filename.
1 Click OK.

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