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Calvert Formula Worksheet

(140-age) X wt in kg * (X 0.85 in women)

72 X serum creatinine


(Cockcroft & Gault Method)

(Can use Creatinine Clearance for GFR if new one is available)

(GFR + 25) X AUC = dose in mg
Warning: This can be an overestimation in obese patients with subsequent overdosage
Target AUC (mg/ml X min) depends on previous treatment and combination
chemotherapy. Physician makes this determination.
Target AUC
6 to 8

Chemo Combo
no combination

Previous Treatment

4 to 6

no combination


4 to 6

combination with Cytoxin


You Need:
Patient age = _______
Patient Weight In Kg* = ________
* Measured Weight in pounds = _________ Divided by Wt in kg = _______ Kg
Male or Female? _______
Serum Creatinine = _________
AUC (ordered by MD) = _________
{140 - (pt age)} X (wt in kg) (X 0 .85 if female) = ___________(GFR)
72 X ________ (serum creatinine)
{_____(GFR) + 25} X ______(AUC) = ________ mg (dose ordered)
Nurse giving chemo: ___________________________________________
Nurse checking chemo: _________________________________________


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