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The Mindanao University of Science and Technology- Leadership

Empowerment and Development Series(MUST-LEADS) is a one year
leadership training program for the students of the said institution who
aspire to become the future leaders not only in MUST but also in the
community. The said program is under the Supreme Student Council, the
highest governing body of MUST studentry.
The MUST-LEADS mentees are initiating a community project entitled
LIHOK PA MORE PARA BASURA NO MORE under the second semester
LEADS KALIHUKAN program. This project aims to educate the people of
Barangay Macabalan about waste management. Furthermore, we will be
conducting several clean up immersions and seminars which will start on
February 21, 2016.
In line with this, we would like to make a partnership with your
organization to help us implement our project for the benefit of the
Barangay Macabalan community. We are encouraging the officers of your
organization to join our Cleaning Immersion/s and help us organize a
seminar in relation to the project proper. You may also help us financially
by giving an amount that would greatly help specially that we will be
handling over some cleaning materials (like garbage drums, signages,
etc.) to the chosen community. Any kind of help would be much
Your organization will be recognized as an official partner in our
community work. Moreover, if you have a Dark Green Project as one of
your activities in your Annual Work and Financial Plan (AWFP), it would be
much beneficial for your organization to coordinate with our team.
Should you have queries regarding the proposal you may contact Ms. Mary
Jane Infiesto through her mobile number ______________.
We are hoping for your positive response.
Thank you and more power!

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