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TAN, Aldwyn Sean K.

MKT101- B
Anna A. Mendiola

January 26, 2016

Homework #1

1. Pantene 3-Minute Miracle Conditioner

Summary: The commercial started with showing a typical girl-hair problemstyling
damagethat using the 3-Minute Miracle Conditioner with PRO-V formula can smoothen
damage in just three minutes. It ended with the actress saying the tagline: Stronger, softer,
and shinier hair while the model with soft and shiny hair is being shown.
Observation: Styling damage is a common problem for girls esp. since simple, common
styling like using blowers already damages their hair, and it can be observed that Pantene is
targeting this specific demographic. The main selling point was it can smoothen the damaged
hair with just 3 minutes, and they used PRO-V formula, which sounds like a chemical that
can immediately give the viewers a scientifically grounded view of the product, to back up
their claim. The tagline and visuals are there to reinforce the promise that youll have
stronger, softer, and shinier hair if you use the product.
2. Safeguard Floral Pink with Aloe
Summary: The commercial started with a girl getting pimples from being in love with a boy
then the Philippines Association of Medical Technologies (PAMET) National President starts
endorsing the soap that fights pimple infection causing germs. The commercial shows two
faces of the girlone face using Safeguard and the other using any random beauty soap
and how the one using Safeguard has a clearer face. The commercial ended with the girl
having a clear face and now with the guy hes just been observing from afar before. Tagline:
Protection with no expiration.
Observation: The commercial used the most classic example of teenagers growing pimples
during puberty to target their target demographic. They used a comparison of the faces to
illustrate the difference between using Safeguard and regular beauty soap. They also used the
PAMET National President to be the speaker so as to give credibility to the effectiveness of
the soap. Protection with no expiration, is used to deliver the idea that youll be clear from
those germs for 24 long hours since youll only need to wash your face once a day.
3. Pizza Hut 25% More Cheese
Summary: The commercial started with the cheese-mis that 25% more cheese in Pizza Hut is
now free (with the words Free on Hut Feasts & Ala Carte Pizzas on the screen) and everyone
reacting shock and joyfreely? O-em-cheese! And then the commercial ended with a jingle.
Observation: The commercial made use of puns throughout the commercial to emphasize on
its main selling point which is the free 25% more cheese by using the words cheese-mis or oem-cheese. It delivered the catchy details of their advertisement through audio and visuals but
minute and not that important detail like Free on Hut Feasts & Ala Carte Pizzas only through
visual since itll just ruin the flow of the advertisement. It can be observed that Pizza Hut is
more of the middle classes pizza and the words tsismis and omg are just apt to the
vocabulary that the middle classes usually use. It also capitalized on the word free since its
common for us to be more attentive to hearing the idea of getting something for free. Lastly,
that short but catchy jingle in the end is a subtly technique for them to make their
advertisement stick to your headmaking you hum that jingle wherever you are.

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