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Paige Edwards

Post questionnaire graphs

What gender are you?



What age category do you fit into?

Paige Edwards

Was the genre of our film clear?

Do you think the certification 15 is appropriate for our film?



Paige Edwards

Did you think the title 'Temptation' was appropriate for our film?

After watching the opening sequence, would you watch the entire film?

Paige Edwards

Were the sound effects used in our opening sequence effective?

Was the font we used for our titles clear and readble?

Paige Edwards

Do you think our actress followed the typical stereotype of a female protagonist?

Do you think our actor followed the typical stereotype of a male anatagonist?

Paige Edwards

Did we have a clear protagonist and antagonist?



What was the strongest component in our opening sequence?

Paige Edwards

What was the weakest component in our opening sequence?

Wss the narrative of our film clear and easy to follow?

Paige Edwards

Overall, was you satisfied with the quality of our production?

Paige Edwards

Paige Edwards

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