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The video was all about the idea of Self-Organize Learning Environment
program which says that based upon all of the knowledge built over the course of
human history there is no need to spend time in school learning it, when we can just
Google it. Through this innovations and new discoveries made education change.

I think if Sugat Mitras experiment is done in the Philippines especially in

remote areas, the same result will come up. But for me it is still the best if children
go to school because it is a place where they learn and there is a teacher who will
guide and discipline them and with the use of their knowledge of pedagogy and
learning design to craft a lesson that best gets students discover learning and
achieve the lesson objectives, contrary with the statement of Sugat Mitra that
school is obsolete.

I think that technology is truly changing the face of the world and with that
education is changing. This means that how we teach and prepare people for the
world is going to change. The question is how open are we to be to changes when
we have been so set our ways of teaching for so long?

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