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Phrasing the Question

a. The statement of the problem expresses freedom of thought.
b. The statement of the problem should bring about interaction and even a clash of
c. The statement of the problem should be brief.
4. Posing the Question
- The discussion leader or chairman usually presents the problem to the group in an
overheard manner.
- He aims the question not towards any single person but towards the group.
- The question is not his but one which everyone has to face.
- After posing the question a pause usually follows, this is time for reflections.
5. Agreeing upon the Question
- A crucial importance to success in group discussions is the members understanding and
acceptance of the question.
- Usually first move after the pause after the question has been posed is clarification.
- Following is the groups selection of the aspect under which the question is to be resolved.
- To prevent preoccupation with definition of terms, agree upon an operational or working

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