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Overall Appearance and Organization of Display Board: /25 pts «At least one table AND at least one © Allparts of project are included and. |}——— graph (line, bar, pie, or other graphic k = e HILL Elementary 5th Grade ——--- Results: /10 pts ; = ees : GRADING RUBRIC = display of data). fables and graphs MUST have their OWN titles to explain their data. parts are in a sequential order. ard is neat and attra Experimental Materials: There are few or no spi © Good grammar is used throughout {+ pts +_Muttiple trials are shown. ‘the writing. List of items needed for ‘* All photographs have captions. experiment. Data Analysi /10 pts * Allgraphics, not made by student(s), © Include ANY and ALL specific ‘A short paragraph description of the sizes, colors, quantities, etc. + Note: ALL measurements must be done in metric. results found in the tables and graphs from above using WORDS instead of FE |just numbers and graphics, as they were above. Some numbers may, of course, be used. say where they came from belo «All diagrams include labels and ‘* Board parts are labeled with titles, such as Hypothesis, or Results, ete.) Conclusion: /15 pts Written in 1-3 paragraphs, answer ALL of the Experimental Procedure: ——/10 pts = Very specific, sequentic of the experiment. This should be a numbered list of instructions, like in a recipe. Question/Problem:__/s prs + Your experimental question. 1e hypothesis correct or incorrect? + What was the answer to the experimental question? Use data to support this answer, but you do not need to repeat the Data Analysis section above, - Background Research and Definitions: /10 pts © Paragraph with info discovered in 3 different sources, with at least 3 facts Even the tiniest steps should be included so any judge can How was your experiment limited? Did you have any problems or have things you should Pen cath soa eel pee He iter have done differently? E + Allresearch should be in your own words. E jay you carried Why do you think the results turned out - ‘© Definition(s) of one or more science it out at home. this way? words in the Experimental Question. ‘* Indicates at least 3 repeated How does your experiment’s results apply to trials. ‘the real world? © Indicates the variables, What else are you wondering about your Hypothesis: 5 pts topic now because of these results? P ‘statement that you can test that might | [ References and Acknowledgements: __/5 pts E ‘nswer your experimental question above. ‘+ Your research bibliography 3 | © Statement must explain WHY the. ‘© Anyone you would like to thank for their assistance with FINAL GRADE: 12 student(s) believed this was the answer. this project. E Noe prteeerececn si—i‘“ és

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