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Antigone, Greeks, and Tragedy

Greek Theatre Questions:

1. Ancient Greeks went to theatre because it was an expression of worship.
2. Tetralogy is when the plays are produced in groups of four.
3. Twenty to thirty thousand people could be seated when watching a play in
the theatre.
4. Greeks handled scenes of violent nature by performing the acts offstage.
They had a messenger reporting to the audience about what was taking place
in the scene.
5. They had the actors wear intricate linen along with wooden masks to
emphasize emotions in order to help the people who sit in the back of the
amphitheater see better.
6. The different parts in the play were called statisma, prologue, and exodus.
Statisma were choral interludes, and there were usually three separating five
episodes. Prologue was the opening scene which gave background
information about the play. This helped the audience understand a dramatic
situation. Lastly, an exodus was the final scene. It allowed the chorus to leave
the stage.
7. Aeschylus and Sophocles changed the way the plays were acted by
8. Catharsis was a belief by the Greeks where a tragedy would create a feeling
of emotional purification.
9. The Greeks considered a hero to be a noble man who performs actions that
no other human kind would do. As a result he would be the one to suffer the
consequences of his actions.
The Oedipus Tragedy:
1. The warning that Laius had received was
2. The baby that the shepherd had found was. He
3. Oedipus was
4. The warning that Oedipus received was
5. On the way to Thebes Oedipus
6. Oedipus appeased the Sphinx by. He was rewarded
7. Jocasta was. She died
8. To punish himself, Oedipus
9. Creon is. For Oedipus
10.Polyneices is. Etecoles is. What happens to them is
11.The law that Creon made was. Antigone responds by

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