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To Prepare ..

Keep in mind that you have max. 3 minutes to make a good first
Be very concise, maybe even drop a couple of slides
Practice to go through the whole presentation and your pitch in less
than 15 minutes.

Before you Pitch ..

Uncover your audiences Hot Buttons

Ask the question:
To make our meeting today as effective as possible, what are the
three most
important things that you would like to learn about my
company at this time?
Adjust time & emphasis on appropriate sections accordingly


Data Source: SVASE

Company Name
Tag Line and Logo (if any)

Executive Summary
Your Company is a Company Type that specializes
in Your Business for Your Customers.
Our Your Key Differentiator gives us a Your USP
(Unique Selling Point) that will capture A% of this $B
We are looking for $X to build a Product/Service that
will generate $Y over the next Z months.
Year founded - existing Investments
<20% of presenters do this well

Whats the Problem?

Describe the problem you are looking to
address in simple, clear concise terms
Target Customers Profile of people having
that problem
Scale of the initial market
No more than 6 bullets
Graphics better than words
< 10% of presenters do this well

Whats your Solution

Describe your solution in simple, clear,
concise terms.
Unique Selling Proposition - Key benefits,
features - why people will buy
Product roadmap
No more than 6 bullets
Graphics better than words
> 70% of presenters do this well

Whats your Special Sauce

Whats the proprietary, underlying magic
that gives you a clear, defensible advantage?
Patents on their own are rarely sufficient
What are you going to do particularly well that
it will be difficult to copy?
Graphics better than words
<30% of presenters do this well

Whats the Business Model

Explain how you are going to make money - clear,
concise (If you cant describe your business model in
20 words or less, you probably dont have a workable
Whats the value to the customer? Customer Value
=(Seriousness of Current State + Benefits of the
Desired Future State) Cost of the Solution
Bottom up is better than top down
< 10% of presenters to this well

Go to Market Strategy
Describe your Marketing & Sales strategies
in simple, clear, concise terms.
1 or 2 marketing strategies
Sales cycle & strategy for initial market
No more than 6 bullets
Graphics better than words
< 50% of presenters do this well

There is ALWAYS competition even if its
the way its done now.
Provide a Competition Analysis
a table/chart comparing your solution to the
current approach and major competitors, by key

The more realistic you are, the more

believable your case
< 30% of presenters do this well

Whos on the Team?

Management Team
Why is this the Right Team?
relevant information/experience only the
shorter the better
include relevant company names & positions
include Advisors, if applicable

Identify holes that will need to be filled

< 10% of presenters do this well

Financial Projections
- By Quarter for first year, annually thereafter, 3 years out.
Past Year
Cash Flow

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 TOT 2nd Year 3rd Year

Bottoms up better that top down

Assumptions are by far more important than the numbers
be prepared to explain them
< 10% of presenters do this well


Status & Timeline

Major Milestones, whats been achieved to date
Current Status and activities
What still needs to be done & how long its going to
Capital Requirements
Explain how far the investment will take you and how
you plan to continue from there

<30% of presenters do this well


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