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Santa was walking on the road one day and he trips over the stone on the road and

falls hard on his face. The next day he comes on the path and he looks at the stone
on the road and thinks to himself Oh god again I have to fall today also?
This is one of the jokes about stupidity. Yes I too laughed at it. Then it struck me that
how great a metaphor it is for our daily life too.
In a day you might be using these strategies from early morning till break of dawn.
Responding to the alarm in the morning, switch it off to doze again. From getting
irritated at your partner for something every single morning before you rush to
office to ending up feeling burdened at office, hating your boss or a co-worker. From
reacting to behavior of the opposite person be it your family or friend or at a driver
who crossed you on the road.
From slamming oneself for frustrations in career, love or family to blaming society
for it. We have these and we react to them similarly day in and day out like the
stupid who looks at the rock and stumbles upon it again.
I understood that in life if you keep doing the same thing again and again you
wont get a different result, but the same result.
An example of this can be A person who is dishing out water from a sinking boat
with rigor, but not plugging the hole. Trying to find solutions for symptoms rather
than for the root cause not only fails you but also leaves you exhausted in a
negative state of mind.
We create habits, beliefs and strategies for many situations, challenges that we face
in our daily life. Its time to create new strategies in life if you want to live a new life.
As Lauren Resnick (1999) stated, Ones intelligence is the sum of ones habits of mind.

First step in creating new strategies for old problems is to bring awareness. It can be
brought by self-introspection or a qualified coach who can see it from a third eye
perspective. Bringing awareness to the cause wins half the battle.
So, slow down your reactions to stimulus and bring focus on to self. Next time you
see a rock on the road STOP think what else can you do if you do not want to fall

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