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Herbal medicine is the use of plants (herbs) to treat disease and

enhance(spori) wellbeing. Herbal medicine is used to treat a range of disorders
including anxiety, arthritis, depression, high blood pressure, insomnia, hormonal
imbalances, migraines, skin problems such as eczema and other disorders. Herbs
can act on the body as powerfully as pharmaceutical drugs and need to be
treated with care. Herbs are administered by a herbalist or herbal therapist.
1. Herbs can be used to treat a wide range of disorders(tulburari), including:
High blood pressure
Hormonal imbalances, such as premenstrual tension
Poor blood circulation
Skin problems, such as eczema
2. A pharmaceutical drug typically uses a synthesised version of a plants
active ingredient. Practitioners of herbal medicine maintain that an active
ingredient can lose its impact or become less safe, if used in isolation
from the rest of the plant.
3. Herbs tratement has very good results in mild diseases or in the early
stages of the diseas . In chronic diseases ,phytotherapy has an adjuvant
role and contribute to a partial reversibility of symptoms or lesions.
4. Herbal remedies can be used along with conventional medicines.
5. Herbal remedies can be also used even if the person is not suffering from
a diseas in order to prevent one or just to keep a optimum balance of the
6. Herbal treatment has no side effects or less comparing to pharmaceutical
7. Herbal remedies involve lower costs comparing the drugs and the
traditional herbal medicine in poor countries is the only affordable option
because of the high price .
8. Herbal remedies are easy to procure and doesnt involve prescription in
order to be bought.

9. Some of the herbs that have been scientifically studied, and found to be
effective and safe, include:
Echinacea boosts (stimuleaza) the immune system and aids the body in
fighting infection. It is used to treat ailments such as fever and herpes.
Echinacea is under investigation for its use in treating cancer and AIDS.
Dong quai (dang gui) (angelica chinezeasca) - used for gynaecological
complaints, such as premenstrual tension, menopause symptoms and
period pain. Some studies indicate that dong quai can lower blood
Garlic - can be used to reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering blood
fats and cholesterol levels. The antibiotic and antiviral properties of garlic
mean that it is also used to fight colds, sinusitis and other respiratory
Ginger - many studies have shown ginger to be useful in treating nausea,
including motion sickness and morning sickness.
Ginkgo biloba - commonly used to treat poor blood circulation and
tinnitus. Some studies have found ginkgo biloba to be effective in treating
neurological disorders, such as memory loss and Alzheimers disease.
Ginseng - generally used for debility and weakness, for example during
recovery from illness. It can be used to reduce blood pressure and
cholesterol levels, however overuse of ginseng has been associated with
raised blood pressure. Some studies show that ginseng can also boost
immunity, improve mental functioning and speed the healing processes of
the body.
Hypericum - commonly known as St Johns Wort. Many studies have
demonstrated that hypericum is just as effective as some synthetic
antidepressants in treating mild to moderate depression. It is also effective
for anxiety and insomnia. Research is currently focusing on hypericums
antiviral properties and its effect on AIDS. Recent information suggests
that hypericum can interact with a number of prescription drugs, including
the oral contraceptive pill.
It is very important that people do not self-diagnose any health
conditions. Any medication (herbal or otherwise) should be taken
under the supervision of a knowledgeable practitioner.

1. Herbal therapies are less verified and results are not specifically
2. Inappropriate for many conditions: Modern medicine treats sudden and
serious illnesses and accidents much more effectively than herbal or
alternative treatments. An herbalist would not be able to treat serious
trauma, such as a broken leg, nor would he be able to heal an appendicitis
or a heart attack as effectively as a conventional doctor using modern
diagnostic tests, surgery, and drugs.
3. Lack of dosage instructions: Another disadvantage of herbal medicine is
the very real risks of doing yourself harm through self-dosing with herbs.
While you can argue that the same thing can happen with medications,
such as accidentally overdosing on cold remedies, many herbs do not
come with instructions or package inserts. There's a very real risk of
4. Poison risk associated with wild herbs: Harvesting (recoltarea) herbs in
the wild is risky, yet some people try to identify and pick wild herbs. They
run a very real risk of poisoning themselves if they don't correctly identify
the herb, or if they use the wrong part of the plant.
5. Medication interactions: Herbal treatments can interact with
medications. Nearly all herbs come with some warning, and many, like
the herbs used for anxiety such as Valerian and Hypericum, can interact
with prescription medication like antidepressants. It's important to discuss
your medications and herbal supplements with your doctor to avoid
dangerous interactions.
6. Lack of regulation: Because herbal products are not tightly regulated,
consumers also run the risk of buying inferior quality herbs. The quality
of herbal products may vary amon, brands or manufacturers. This can
make it much more difficult to prescribe the proper dose of an herb.
I think natural therapies should complement those of traditional
medicine , not replace them . Currently, 60 % of traditional medicine
cure cancer and people should trust it.

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