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Classroom Management Plan

Classroom Management Plan

Maria Plancarte
University of Utah

Classroom Management Plan

As a teacher I have two very important goals in mind all the time. One to keep my students
safe at all times, and two to help guide my student to do/ make acceptable choices. However, to
do that I need to give them the fundamentals they need for when that point comes through
Mathematics, Reading, Writing, in class behavior, and peer interaction. That is how I as a teacher
can help my students succeed and thrive.

*Disclaimer: What I have laid out is a solid skeleton but it is subject to change on my students needs.

Classroom Management Plan


Preventative Techniques

Classroom Rules
Our classroom will follow one main rule. Treat other how you want to be
treated. I am huge on respect and valuing other individuals because everyone
is just as important as the next person. This is something that will be touched
on throughout the year. (In a positive or negative way.)

Our class will have six rules (Scholastics Teacher Resources)


Treat other as you would like to be treated.

Respect other people and their property (e.g., no hitting, no stealing)
Laugh with anyone, but laugh at no one
Be responsible for your own learning
Come to class and hand in assignment on time
Do not disturb people who are working.

o I am huge on Please and Thank You. I will show my student this skill
at the begging of the year and through the school year. I believe the
earlier they learn these skills the easier it will be for them to utilize them
when they are in other public settings. Also, coughing and sneezing. I
will show them to sneeze and cough into their elbow and then going to
get hand sanitizer.


Supportive Techniques

As explained in our Building Classroom Discipline book Ron Morrish talks

about the basic discipline plan that covers three phases: Training for compliance,
teaching students to behave, and managing student choices. (Charles,2014)

Classroom Management Plan

i. As a teacher, you do not constantly want to be getting your student
attention verbally when they are being good or bad. This is where certain
gestures and hand signals will come into play such as:
1. Class group points
2. Shhh! with the finger on my lips
3. Looking at my student
4. Head Nod or shake
5. Count down 5,4,3,2,1
6. Thumbs up or down
7. Smile
ii. I will also use the Traffic Light Chart Green, Yellow, and Red cards.


Intervention Techniques

The reasons behind any human behavior are complex but we think of childrens
misbehavior as a generally arising from these main influences: basic needs,
social-emotional needs, lack of social- emotional skills, lack of academic skills,
and developmental factors. (pg.4, Wilson,2013)

Classroom Management Plan

i. I will give the student a verbal warning and tell him/her to take a drink in
the hallway or back of the room. Sometimes I believe we need to move to
get back into our groove.
ii. If the walk and the drink doesnt work we will move to the Traffic Light
Chart The chart will have Green, Yellow, and Red cards for each
student. If the student is still having a hard time controlling him/herself I
will ask them to move to a yellow. Once they move their card they have the
ability to move back to a green. However, if they go to a red they cannot
move back to a yellow to work their way back to a green.
iii. At this point, the student and I will have to talk to come up with a plan that

can help him/her avoid going to red.

Children have good and bad days just like adults. As I have read in a few books
and with hands on experiences I have had. So I want to instate the Grumpmeter.

This will look like a thermometer that will have 5 levels

I will tell each of my students what each level means and how we
can avoid getting to the red.
I will do weekly check-ins to see how they are doing, what is
going on, so they need to talk, and/or how I can help them.


Classroom Environment
Our classroom will be set up in a family structure. I will emphasize this since the
first day or school that we are a family, and need to take care of one another no
matter what. Similar to a family we might not agree with one another all the time,
but we have to be willing to help one another. Whenever there is an important
topic or subject that I want the class to be aware about I will say Family
Meeting When the students hear that they need to be look where I am and ready

Classroom Management Plan

to listen. When we have a new student come he or she will introduce him/herself
and then the children will have the opportunity to ask him or her 5 questions.
Basic Management
o Quiet! With a hand gesture counting down 5,4,3,2,1
o Track Me Like a Hunter
o I say Class, Class They say Yes, Yes
o Grumpmeter check in
Class Jobs
o I will have five class jobs that I will rotate at the beginning of each
1. Pledge- Will lead the pledge at the beginning of class.
2. Gardener- Will water the class plants every Monday and Friday
3. Calendar- Will be in charge of the calendar.
4. 2 Door holders- Will hold the doors open when needed.
5. Line leader- Will be in charge of guiding the kids.

My students will be required to read a minimum of 20mins a day. No matter
what! However, I will not hand out a homework packet. I will allow them to
create their own homework. From the spelling, words of the week, writing a
story, write math problems etc. This way I can see what they know and how

they think. Assessment and Progress Monitoring

Classroom Arrangement
o I will set my students into two rows that form an inner and outer U
o We will use the drive like a car method.
o Lunge around the class until they are at their seats
o Count down method 5,4,3,2,1
Beginning of the day routine
o We will begin the day by having them put their things away, and
putting their homework binder and book bag in to their cubs. Then, we
will proceed with morning news. This is where I will choose 3-5
students to tell me about their evening or morning. Then we will

proceed with the day

Daily Schedule

Classroom Management Plan

o The daily schedule will be posted on a board so that the students know
what is next, with the time next to the activity. That way the students

start noticing the time as well.

End of day routine
o At the end of the day everyone is tired and ready to go home.
However, we still have a few things to do. This is where I would pay
my students individually if they read $1.00 and $1.00 if they had done

their homework. I would plan out 5-10 mins for this

This is the routine we would follow
o Place reading log and homework binder on desk. To be checked
o Lockers ( if they have any)
o Check Cubs
o Move to the carpet
o Put stuff away
o Line up
Absent Students
o For absent students I would compile the papers that were passed out
during their absence. Then, the following day during morning news I
would catch him or her up on the previous day.

o As the teacher, you always need to be prepared. I would be the ONLY
one that can touch the emergency back pack. Unless I asked a student
to do it. Once my students and I have reached our designated spot, I

will have them get in class order. There I would go over the roll.
Restroom and Leaving the Room
o If students need use the restroom they need to place the bathroom pass
on their desk or seat, where I can easily see it. One boy, One girl
bathroom pass. However, if another student needs to go and it is an
emergency he or she can go also. For learning the room even if its

with a specialist. They NEED to ALWAYS let me know.

Lining Up
o At the beginning of the year they will receive a number based on
where they sat referred to as Classroom order This will be the lining

up procedure.
Sharpening pencils

Classroom Management Plan

o They will each have a pencil sharpener that they can use in their desk
or they may borrow a community pencil, but they are not allowed to

use my sharpener. It is too distracting.

Water Fountain
o I will give them dollar water bottles that close up; that they can keep
on their desks.


Communication with Parents/Guardians

I will send out letter to the parents in English and Spanish telling them who I am

and welcoming them and their student.

I will have a class website with all the important documents and dates.
Parents will be encouraged to contact me via email, phone, in person 30 mins

before school starts and 30 mins after school ends.

I will also send positive letter home with students 1-2 a week. Each student will
received a note. There will also be What we need to work on notes

Classroom Management Plan



Charles, C. (2014). Building Classroom Discipline (11th ed., p. 325). Pearson Education,.
Shalaway, L. (2015). Creating Classroom Rules Together. Retrieved from
Wilson, M. (2013). Teasing, Tattling, Defiance, and More (p. 267). Northeast Foundation for

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