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Black holes


The Birth of a Black Hole

-Black holes are born when a star 10 to 15 times the size of our sun dies in a big
explosion called a supernova. The only thing left after the explosion is the core
which then ther is nothing to repel gravity so gravity crushes the stars core into a
incredibly small space giving it incredible gravity and creating a black hole.

Black Holes in Binary Systems

If the other star survives the explosion then the newly formed black hole it will pull
the other stars mass off it. When it has pulled too much it will eject the excess via
qazar and still keep pulling things towards it.

The Black Hole Sensation

Anything that gets pulled into a black hole is streched into just one atom wide.If
you fell into the event horizon (the place where you were beyond help) feet first
you would feel a bigger pull on your feet than your head.The streching effect
would continue to get worse as you aproched the singularity(the point in the center
where all the matter piles up)and eventually you would be crusched by the
powerful gravity.Someone looking at you from a safe disance would see you as
red as light struggles to escape.Long after you had been pulled toward it that
person would see you hovering over the rim then disapper.

Supermassive Black Holes

Most galaxies like the milky way have supermassive black holes in the center.
some experts belive that supermassive black holes were created when a bunch of
matierail were pushed together.others think that the black holes just pulled
everything o form the galxie.

*national geographic
*SPACE a visaul encyclopedia

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