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AUTHOR: Francis, Rebecca, Shannon, Susan J.

TITLE: Engaging with blended learning to improve students learning outcomes.

PUBLISHER: Taylor & Francis
YEAR: 2013
Reviewer: Rafael Miravete, National University TED 690
This article talks about blending traditional teaching with the new era that students are growing up
with; technology. Students are more prone to pay attention to presentations that capture their attention,
provide movement, color, and associate the material to them more than the book can. Not just
presentations, but the opportunity to provide student-to-student feedback without being observed
provides more interest in part by the students. Engaging with blended learning provides the teacher to
re-capture the lost interest provided by dull material from a books page.

Critical Evaluation:
Technology is not going anywhere other than more into the classroom. If we learn to accept it, rather
than fight it, we can have the students attention and thus create a better learning environment. In my
case, I have set up a warm up that is similar to a Facebook page. Students are required to copy the
warm up question into the status part of the page, followed by answering the question in the part
where they would normally put their thoughts. This in part with having an allowed time, has caused
students to respond quite well to it. They seem to enjoy it since they are also able to place a picture of
their choosing as their profile pic each day.

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