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Plotting procedure in Origin 7.

0 for getting figures in the size and

format useful for standard journals.
Page Setup > set Portrait and A4, plot the graph*
Print/Dimensions > set Width=7.5", Height 3.5", uncheck all 4
printer related dimension boxes. This will give in print a size w x h ~
6.1cm x 3cm for the plot box area. Use Times New Roman font with size
18 for axis labels/numbers and size 20 for axis titles, line width 0.5,
symbol size 8.
New Layout (use tab)
Page Setup > set Portrait and A4
Copy the whole graph page and the select the Layout page
Paste on the Layout page. If more than one graph needs to be
put then copy each separately and paste on the Layout page and then
move these around on the Layout page (select using mouse) as per the
required arrangement.
If you use Add Graph then changes in the Graph automatically gets
reflected in the layout page.
*If an earlier plot of this type is saved as a Template then directly go to
the Plot menu and select this Template to plot.
For getting a bigger plot which is suitable for posters etc on can do the
following. On the Layout page select the graph, right click to get to
Properties then select Dimensions, lock the Aspect Ratio and then
increase Width or Height by a factor of 2.
Positive points about Origin (as opposed to Sigmaplot)
Remembers operations on columns
Reads points on plots
Easily removes bad points from plot just by clicking on those points
Can better handle larger data sets, 2D and 3D plotting
Dual axis easy (eg. Wavelength and Energy, T and 1/T)
Negative points about Origin
Exact size on print not well defined, for that one has to make a Layout
Cumbersome to have many graphs on a page, one has to copy each to
the Layout page
The Layout page has to be created every time a change is made on the

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