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Radio trailer draft

Slow 29 music faded out when dialogue is spoken

Social media is a huge part of life today not just for young adults but
is evolving into older and much younger generations. This can also
have a negative impact on the emotion Last year there was over 3
Billion active Internet users and 47 % of these users were users on
There are also over 2 Billion active social media accounts.
On Facebook 4.5 Billion likes are also generated daily using the site,
and smartphone users check Facebook 14 times a day.
In 2014 there were 350,000 tweets every minute even though 90%
of the worlds Internet users do not use twitter.
Is there a growing problem with this constant use of social media?
Social media is addictive quote
Someone could be driven to mental illness quote
The guilty party is the person doing the bullying quote
Are we becoming more isolated? Is social media making us more
anti social and reclusive?
Join us next Wednesday at 9pm on BBC 3 as we discover the truth
about social media

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