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Radio Trailer Final Script

Music (Slow 29) faded out when dialogue is spoken

VO: Social media is a huge part of life today not just for young adults
but is evolving into older and much younger generations. This can
also have a negative impact on the emotion Last year there was
over 3 Billion active Internet users and 47 % of these users were
users on Facebook.
There are also over 2 Billion active social media accounts.
On Facebook 4.5 Billion likes are also generated daily using the site,
and smartphone users check Facebook 14 times a day.
In 2014 there were 350,000 tweets every minute even though 90%
of the worlds Internet users do not use twitter.
Is there a growing problem with this constant use of social media?
EXP: I think social media is quite addictive people feel a constant need to
update their status
Someone could be driven to mental illness
Social media can have an effect on someones self esteem
VO: Are we becoming more isolated? Is social media making us more
anti social and reclusive?
Join us next Wednesday at 9pm on BBC 3 as we discover the truth
about social media
Music (slow 29) fades back in

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