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Matthew 0. The Story of the Industrial Revolu Unit 4: Change Task: You must write a story book for a child around the age of 10 in order to teach them about what happened during the Industrial Revolution. You may write from a variety of perspectives and add as many characters as you would like. The goal is to effectively tell the story of what happened from the Agricultural Revolution through the effects of the Industrial Revolution. You ‘want to include as much content information as possible while making the story appropriate for a 10 year old reader. The story is due Monday, March 11", Content Information to be Included: ~ Life during the Agricultural Revolution (way of life, inventions) = Inventions (spinning jenny, telegraph, ect, explain how the inventions changed life) (5) = Urbanization (living conditions, the decision to move to the city) = Factory Conditions (assembly line, different jobs, pay) = _ Effects of the Industrial Revolution (unions, child labor laws, life with inventions, ect.) Possible Points of View ~ Child (child labor) = Farmer = Factory worker - Factory owner = Union leader Rubric: Story has a plot that is entertaining and appropriate for a children’s book 5s Story includes all above content information Zips Story is well written, creative, and free of errors FP 10 TOTAL 34_140 Comments: WU ote, \ xt weal, On yo Story book Please veo the Comments | Metuctedl cn “thre lat page! uve abe passe Sam bey informa ON; Cid Labor Inborunceti an Matthew Ott Ms. P Global Studies 17 February 2015 Industrial Revolution Being a farmer during the times between 1760 and the 1840s were a blessing and a struggle. As the farmer that dens tinceatioband his work fit)was a very hard. Then many things had then happened later on in the years. There was then the Agriculture Revolution, new inventions, urbanization, new factories and the conditions that come with them, and lastly the industrial revolution with its effects. {tell you all about these topics and what they did good and bad for a farmer like myself. First thing that happened first was the Agriculture revolution. The Agricultural Revolution was a period of technological improvement and increased crop productivity that occurred during the 18th and early 19th centuries in Europe. In this lesson, learn the timeline)\, causes, effects and major inventions that spurred this shift in production. When this revolution & % struck us and the world on how farming was, and what it the most amazing thing we ever saw. Everyone was farming back in the day but, nobody knew how much work was needed each day to keep things rolling. So as the days had gone by and all the hours are worked hard for the ending was the best thing to see, Many new crops and foods were being made and people were then getting healthier. The next topic were the inventions that were made for us farming during this world ime. It made revolution. The inventions were the best thing to ever come upon us during thi farming such much more efficient and effective that people started to want jobs for it. There ‘were many inventions that helped us such as, the crop rotation, the cotton gin, the mechanical oe reaper, the seed drill, and selective breeding. All these things helped farming be much more enhanced for us farmers as well because, then we didn’t have to do as much work. Some of the of eS ye inventions were hard to work with at ist, but one you get the hang of tall then your se for Rak living. Co ‘ St Now on to 1riztn things. I would say urbanization all depends on where you 4 4 live and what you're doing there. iif say you're a very rich factory owner with many i om businesses running great and you live all happy. You'll most likely have a nice house in a well rooted area with nobody poor around. Then the urbanization of that would be you having almost % superior power you could say. Now, if you take your stand point of a poor worker or bad farmer then it would be very different. You might then be living in very poor area with a bad effect on you and your family and causing you to do worse later on. During this time period 80% of people lived in rural areas. The ride of cities didn’t start until the 1850s in Great Britain, On the last note, having these industrial cities did give of good wealth for the working and there were many working. aS 4 Then with all these new industrial buildings and big factories, they all came with x conditions but all from different views, Like for me as a farmer there i@Yypuch of factory conditions because we don’t have one. Also as a farmers conditions would be as to the weather i effecting your crops, fields, and plants. As if a dust storm comes in then you're toasted and then have to start your process all over again. Now if you're a factory worker there can be many conditions you will have to follow. You might need to be in work at a certain time, get all these things down in a certain time, watch out for cautions, not getting hurt and the list keeps going. With these conditions being there to see and look out for. Lastly the effects of the industrial revolution had left remarks on everything, It made farming a whole lot easier and had crops and fields growing like crazy. It made machines which then lead on to making even bigger inventions that lead to even bigger and better things. So with life and having too many inventions being made it lead to America becoming revolutionary and making this place great.

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