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M 95 Mariquita Snchez de ThompsonEXAMENES FEBRERO

3er ao

Daily Routine
1 Completar las oraciones con los verbos del cuadro. Unir los verbos con las imgenes.


do my homework - brush my teeth - get up - have five lessons - go home - have dinner - go to school have breakfast


I at 7.15 in the morning.

I go to the bathroom and ..
I .. in the kitchen.
I .. by bus.
I a day. I . at 3.00 in the afternoon.

6) I .. from 5.00 to 6.00.

7) I .. at 6.30.


2 Completar con los verbos en la forma correcta.

I.P.E.M 95 Mariquita Snchez de ThompsonEXAMENES FEBRERO

3er ao


3 Completar con do, does, don't or doesn't.

1) Sam eats fish, but he ................. eat meat.

2) " .............. you like listening to jau music?"
"No, I ...................... "
3) .................... your brother play basketball?
4) Where .................... your aunt play golf?
5) My sister .................... like getting up early in the morning.
6) I.................... you make dinner for your family?"
"No, I ..................... I make lunch."
7) My aunt and uncle ............. speak English.
8) When ................... you do your homework?
4 Poner los adverbios de frecuencia en el lugar que corresponda
1) Sue goes jogging in the morning. (always)
2) Dolphins are friendly to people. (usually)
3) Frida runs in the park. (sometimes)
4) Tom is late for school. (never)
5) My father makes dinner at night. (often)
6) They are at home in the morning. (sometimes)
7) They play baseball on Sunday. (usually)
8) I do my homework in the afternoon. (always)

5 Completar el dialogo con la forma correcta del verbo TO BE

Jack . you a student, Toby?
Toby Yes, I, .
Jack . you twelve years old?
Toby No, I.. I . thirteen.
Jack ' your school interesting?
Toby Yes, it . But it .. easy.
Jack .. your teachers nice?
Toby Yes, they . . They very interesting. They boring!
Jack . you and your friends good students?
Toby Yes, we .! We .. really nice!

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