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The Road Not


Robert Frost
- Born in California, moved to Massachusetts USA
- Dropped out of Harvard university
- Moved to New Hampshire to live on a farm
- Two of his children died, the farm was
- Moved to England, got published
- During WWI he moved back to the farm in USA
- Became a teacher and won many Pulitzer Prizes

Setting & Symbols

New England in the fall
A Fork in the road
A yellow wood
Two roads that look the same

The Travelers Dilemmas

1. How can I choose if I cant see where it goes?
- to where it bent in the undergrowth
2. Cant choose both paths
- sorry I could not travel both

3. The less traveled one or the more common road?

- it was grassy and wanted wear
- the one less traveled by

4. Can I go back and choose again?

- knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever
come back

5. Will the choice affect my whole life?

- that has made all the difference

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