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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam February 24, 2016

What is Bhagawans expectation of every spiritual aspirant or devotee?

Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.
It is not the nature of a spiritual aspirant to search for faults in
others and hide their own. If your faults are pointed out to you
by someone, dont argue and try to prove that you were right,
and dont bear a grudge against them for it. Reason out within
yourself how it is a fault and set right your own behaviour.
Rationalising it for your own satisfaction or wreaking
vengeance on the person who pointed it out these should
not be the traits of a spiritual aspirant or devotee. The spiritual
aspirant must always seek the truthful and joyful, and must
avoid all thoughts of the untrue, sad and depressing.
Depression, doubt, conceit these are as detrimental
as Rahu and Kethu (evil planetary influences) to the spiritual
aspirant. They will harm ones spiritual practice. When your
devotion is well established, these can be easily discarded if
they appear. Above all, you must be joyful, smiling, and
enthusiastic under all circumstances.
- Prema Vahini, Ch 63

It is only when you recognize your own faults that you begin to understand
the ways of the Divine. Baba
24 PrvrI, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:Bgvwn nUM,hr A`iDAwqimk swDk Aqy hr Bgq qoN ikhVI aumId huMdI hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl
smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: iek A`iDAwqimk swDk dw ieh sBwau nhIN huMdw ik auh dUijAW dy nuks k`Fy Aqy Awpxy nuksW
nUM,Cupwvy[jy koeI quhwfy nuks k`Fdw hY qW auhdy nwl bihs nw kro pr ieh is`D kro ik qusIN TIk ho Aqy ies
vwsqy aus nwl koeI iglw nw kro[Awpxy AMdr ieh GoKo ik ieh nuks ikvyN hY Aqy Awpxy-Awp dy brqwau iv`c
suDwr kro[Awpxy-Awp nUM suDwro pr dUijAW qy ic`kV sutxw,iek A`iDAwqimk swDk dw gux nhIN hY[iek
A`iDAwqimk swDk nUM,KuSI Aqy scweI dI Koj iv`c l`gy rihxw cwhIdw hY Aqy JUT Aqy mwnisk kmzorI vwly
ivcwrW qoN dUr rihxw cwhIdw hY[mwnisk qnwau,S`k Aqy DoKw,iek A`iDAwqim swDk leI,rwhU Aqy kyqU vrgy mwVy
igRhW vrgy hn[ieh Avgux,swDnw dw nukswn krn gy[jd quhwfI swDnw pkI ho geI qW,swry AvguxW dw
Awpxy-Awp nwS ho jwvy gw[swirAW qoN v`fI ieh gl hY ik quhwnUM hmySw,KuS,muskrwauNdy Aqy hOsly iv`c rihxw
cwhIdw hY[(pRym vwihnI, A`iDAwey 63)[

jd qusIN,Awpxy AMdrly nuksW nUM pihcwxx lg pYNdy ho qW hI idvXqw dI smJ,quhwnUM AwauxI SUrU huMdI

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