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Geotechnical Design Report for Steere Hall, Restaurant, and Proposed Round-About

Team: Nathan Ploughman, Rahil Shah, Zar-lusht Khan

Instructors: Dr. Thiem, Chris Duhamel, John Steere, Mark Fisher
9 December 2015
Design Report:
During this fall semester the geotechnical team of Prometheus Engineering worked on
and completed the geotechnical reports for the Steere Hall, the Restaurant, as well as the
proposed roundabout. Additionally, the geotechnical team took the lead on designing the solar
array field for the super fund site. Using the boring logs of the soccer field site, provided by
Chris Duhamel, we were able to construct 2-D and 3-D soil profiles for the site as well as find
the bearing capacity and seismic soil class based on ASCE 7-0. The above information and
drawings are included in the geotechnical report for the Steere Hall/Restaurant.
At the conclusion of this semester the geotechnical team is confident that the complete
design of these three sites will be able to be concluded by May 2016, and dont see any main
issues upcoming. Some areas we plan to dive into next semester include the design of the
footings for the canopy and dormitory, as well as look more into the super fund site and its
wetlands. With a preliminary plan for the solar array site completed, we will take this plan and
further study the effectiveness and practically of this site and maybe expand our own designs.
Settlement of the soil may be an issue and we will explore this possibility next semester.
Concurrently, some type of foundation/footing will have to be designed for the main site. Fill
will also be needed in order to bring the site up to the grade for that is necessary to construct a
solar farm. Many of the wetlands in the area may also prove to be a problem in construction. E
will look further at the areas in which there might be problems, and start constructing solutions
to work around it. We have already started the calculations for the footings of the canopy along
with the structures team, and hope to finish them early next semester.
Overall, throughout the semester our team completed their assigned work in the area of
geotechnical engineering in addition to the work on the design of a solar array. With 30% of the
plans completed this semester we hope to be able to have success in all design work next

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