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Founder Chairperson: Mithu Alur, Ph.D. LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION 28" Feb. 2014 Hazel Mascarenhas is well known to me asa hardworking therapist ever since she joined ADAPT. | am Director of Therapy Services and Hazel has been in constant interaction with me during her entire period of employment at our institute From my personal experience | have noticed that Hazel Mascarenhas has never been mediocre worker, always rising to Professional challenges. Hazel Mascarenhas has been vigilant observer and she is reluctant to accept concepts on face ‘values and is not convinced until she has thoroughly discussed it during our group discuslons. This | believe isa heathy habit, which will continue to help her forever. Having the opportunity to observe her up close, | have seen her mature both asa therapist anda person, Haze has worked as a Physiotherapist in the institute and was given the responsibilty of Assessment and therapy program onstruction, clinical reasoning application, customizing a therapy protocal, research projects, application ‘of vated ‘esearch based assessment tools and providing individually tailored one-on-one therapy sessions as well as group sessions for Neuro-Musculoskeleta eases. Hazel has commendable Organizational skill Her systematic and meticulous planning has always been her forte. Her Interest in music art, design and dance has always complemented her professional contribution to our institute | have found her to be a dedicated, sincere and disciplined therapist, Hazel is motivated towerds expanding her horizons ‘aways loking for new challenges. Though motivation has played an important rle in her success, it ise attitude towards learning, which | feel, will stand her in good stead in her academic pursuits, She is an eager and keen learner, with a Benuine appreciation for academic knowledge and a keen Interest t learn and know more Hazel Mascarenhas is amicable by nature and possesses excellent communication skis with colleagues and patents alike ‘She brings cheer and joy to those around her. On the whole, | would strongly recommend Hazel Mascarenhas to your institute fr higher studies with adequate financial aid. She would definitely be an asset to your institution, NDT StTrained eg. No: 1251/88/88 Director of Therapy Services aS ci) MATTE le SRE eS

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