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Topic wise analysis of SSC CGL Tier 1

SSC CGL Tier 1 Analysis

1. Logical Reasoning is the first Section of the Exam . This section is normally
considered as easy and high scoring . A person with good logical abilities can score
40-45 marks in 35 minutes. It is mainly a practice based section and one should
practice a lot of mock tests to score good in this section before going for the exam.
This section more or less contains questions from the below mentioned topics only.

2. This section tests your General awareness. It is a knowledge based section and is
considered as the most vast and tough in CGL exam . One needs to devote a good
part of the preparation time to it. Then also he cant be sure of scoring even 20-25
marks, which serves as one of the major reasons many aspirants dont touch this
section. As SSC CGL does not have any sectional cutoff , not preparing this section
doesnt hurt too much .

3. Quantitative Aptitude section tests your capability to do fast and accurate

calculations. It also needs presence of good logic and remembering some formulas.
Practicing a lot of questions and relevant formulas is the key here to score good
marks. Many aspirants consider this section high scoring but at the same time it is
the most arduous section to many other students. It requires application of
frequently used formulas and methods but in new type of problems and that too
with clock ticking. Normally a person good in Maths can score 45+ in 40-45 minutes.

4. The last Section is English Comprehension. Although , no one can prepare a new
language in a few months or even in a year , but analyzing the pattern of the paper
can give you an idea about the type of questions asked. And it is the most
predictable section of the exam and therefore can be used by Hindi Background
people to score good marks. Nothing much has changed in the no of questions from
different topics and their difficulty level in the past years. So one can easily prepare
only the relevant topics to score good in this section. A well versed person can score
40-45 marks in 20-25 minutes in this section.

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