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February 16, 2016

Governor Rick Snyder

P.O. Box 30013
Lansing, Michigan 48909
As a student of the Social Work Department at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke, I
am advocating on behalf of children and families affected by the tragedy in Flint Michigan. As
the families and citizens cope with urgent infrastructure and health issues concerning their water
contamination situation.
I also write you as an American citizen fully aware that this could happen anywhere in our
country. These children and families have waited nearly two years for recognition of their
deteriorating infrastructure and health conditions. Now that this tragedy is open to the public, we
ask you to respond promptly to providing monetary and consulting aid to improve Flints water
system to acceptable conditions. It is also imperative to act quickly to addressing the medical,
educational and developmental issues that stemmed from lead-contaminated water. The
developing bodies and brains of children cannot wait; they are missing out on a great education.
I appreciate the amendment and efforts by Senators Stabenow and Peters to provide an
immediate funding relief set-up and the opportunity to observe additional studies of the longterm effects of lead exposure, so that forthcoming penalties of this kind of tragedy are properly
and correctly addressed for these citizens and for all other American communities that may
become victims of related situations. The urgency of this incident requires no postponement nor
should other human essential programs that contribute to our nations children and families be
obligated to compensate crisis. Therefore I beg of you to provide emergency funding for the
citizens of Flint Michigan.

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