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Michelle La

How To Get A Grad Job

Copyright 2016 Michelle La
All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without
the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted
by copyright law.
The material presented is primarily based on personal experiences and is
provided for information purposes only.
--A special thanks to Daniel, Ivan, Lachlan, Lizzie and Sharyn for contributing
their various observations and insights to this book. This book wouldnt have
eventuated without your unconditional guidance, unwavering support and
most importantly friendship.

Heres Where We All Stand
About The Book
About Me

Chapter 1: The Foundations


Why the #1 Piece of Advice a Recruiter Told Me Three Years Ago is Now
The Conventional Way To Be Well-Rounded
Participate in Faculty-Led Events
Get a Casual or Part-Time Job
Make Your Own Job
Donate Your Time and Volunteer
Study Abroad
Master Your Online Personal Brand
The Non-Conventional Way To Be Well-Rounded
Get Creative With Your CV
Create a Website
The Overlooked Importance of Soft Skills
Small Talk
(Active) Listening
Emergent Leadership
How To Be Ahead of the Curve
Vacationer and Foundation Programs
Rolling Graduate Recruitment

Chapter 2: The Biggest Mistake That Students Make

The Main Difference Between a Big 4 and Mid-Tier Firm
Benefits of Working in a Big 4
Benefits of Working in a Mid-Tier
Business Advisory Services (BAS)

Chapter 3: Networking
Is Networking Even Necessary?
Professions and Organisational Culture
A Guide for Introverts
The Best Networking Tip



Chapter 4: Online Written Applications

How to Write the Best Responses
The STAR Method
Other Tips
What About Cover Letters?

Chapter 5: Online Testing

Aptitude Tests
Personality/Motivational Fit Tests
Game Changers

Chapter 6: Interviews
Video Interviews
Assessment Centres
Final Interview
The Type of Questions You Should Anticipate
Tell Me About Yourself
Why Do You Want to Work Here?
What Do You Think Will be Some of the Challenges You Will Face as a
What is Your Greatest Weakness?
Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?
Why You?
The Type of Behavioural Questions You Should Anticipate

Chapter 7: What Happens If Youre Unsuccessful

What Next If You Dont Receive Any Offers From Your Applications?
Follow the Careers Social Media Pages of the Firms Youre Interested In
Cast a Wider Net
Focus on Getting Work Experience
The Hidden Job Market

Chapter 8: Grad Life

4 Things You May Not Expect to Happen During Your Graduate Year
Top 3 Tips to Making the Most Out of Your Graduate Year






Heres Where We All Stand
Graduate Careers Australia (GCA) reports that 32% of bachelor graduates from
the class of 2014 did not have a full-time job four months after graduating.
Since GCA began measuring graduate employment in 1982, this is the highest
full-time unemployment rate ever recorded and the toughest labour market
conditions since the early 1990s.

One could attribute the issue to graduate oversupply, automation and offshoring
of work or just a slower rate of growth in businesses leading to a decreased
graduate intake.
Either way, it goes without saying that despite being Australias most educated
generation in a history, students are finding it tougher than ever to find
themselves a graduate job after completing their studies.
Like many others, I have friends who are remarkably bright students but have
still failed to secure a graduate job in this increasingly competitive market.
From one student to another, I want to share every step of my experience to
securing a graduate job from my background preparation, to my university
involvement, to the mistakes Ive made, to every part of the application process
and everything else in between.

I want to help YOU secure a graduate job.

Thats why I decided to write How To Get A Grad Job.

About The Book

As a commerce graduate myself, this book inevitably places an emphasis on
commerce-based graduate positions particularly within professional services
firms and generic industry (e.g. retail supermarkets, banks, telecommunications
etc.) based roles.
Regardless of whether or not youre interested in the above fields, this book still
provides an excellent overview of general application tips to domestic and
international students that are widely applicable to all graduate applications.
Even if youre a veteran to the job application space, I still believe there will be
some tangible value you can find in this book so do read on!

About Me
So what makes me qualified to write this book?
Good question.
First up, I am by no means claiming to be an expert in this field.
What I can say is that I have been in the graduate job application market for a
long time.
I started when I was in my final year of high school. I studied two university
level accounting subjects and applied for an accounting cadetship (a full-time
job with part-time university studies) at the Big 4 professional services firms.
I was knocked back on all fronts.
I began a three-year degree at the University of Melbourne, studying a Bachelor
of Commerce majoring in Accounting and Marketing.
At this point, I had my mind firmly set on pursuing a career in accounting and
had the belief that it would be a good starting point for any future career
In my first year, I applied for the first year foundation/orientation programs
offered by the Big 4 professional services firms and attended two of them offered
by different firms. I knew that this would help me get my foot in the door and
make it much easier to secure a vacationer placement next year.

In my second year, I applied for vacationer programs at the Big 4 and was
successfully accepted, but subsequently turned down the offer in favour of
studying on exchange.
It was during my exchange semester that I had a light bulb moment I wasnt
sure if accounting was for me. Sure, I was good enough at it to succeed in the
profession, but it wasnt what I was truly passionate about.
What I increasingly realised what I wanted to do was marketing.
By my third year, I felt that it was too late to change my career direction. I had
geared my whole degree heck, almost all my life to securing a job within the
accounting profession. My main networking contacts were in accounting, I
knew what the industry would be like and I knew what makes the ideal
So, I hedged my bets and applied for graduate jobs in the accounting
professional services field, as well as several marketing based positions.
Unsurprisingly, I was successful on the accounting side of things, but faced
rejection after rejection when it came to the marketing roles.
So I accepted an accounting graduate job as an auditor at a mid-tier
professional services firm, but also made it my personal mission to make a
career change to a marketing based role within one year of being an auditor.
Fortunately, I was successful with my career change and, at the time of writing,
I will be starting my marketing graduate role within the upcoming months.
(Youll read all about how I managed to do this later on in the book!)
I tell you about my graduate application history only because my story sets up
the basis of everything else I have written in the book.
A lot of students think that the path to successfully gaining a graduate job is
linear (i.e. you study a degree, you apply, you get the job).
However, I hate to break it to you, but this is hardly ever the case.
Those who succeed with graduate recruitment work hard and there is usually
lots of background work that goes into their eventual grad applications.
Ive applied for over 50 programs and still had to take a one-year side step to
work as an auditor before securing a job that I truly wanted.
Other than my graduate applications, Ive also applied for countless other
things: scholarships, casual jobs, being on the committee of student societies
and volunteering for not-for-profit organisations.
Needless to say, Ive written a lot of applications in my time.

While working at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, I had the

opportunity to assess the written applications of incoming Master of Teaching
applicants and interviewed selected candidates for scholarship positions.
This provided me with invaluable insights into what recruiters are looking for.
In this book, Ill be sharing my journey and everything that I know to ensure
that YOU have the best opportunity in securing a grad job.

Chapter 1: The Foundations

Why the #1 Piece of Advice a Recruiter Told Me
Three Years Ago is Now Redundant
It goes without saying that all students are different.
But what makes a student stand out in the eyes of a recruiter?
The answer (I was told): Be well-rounded.

In short, this means that students should aim to have a breadth of experiences
and that grades are not the be all and end all!
Of course, some industries namely management consulting, investment
banking and the like obviously place more emphasis and have stricter grade
requirements than other graduate jobs.
Generally speaking though, for professional services firms and broader industry
graduate roles, being well-rounded in your experiences will make your
application much more appealing than just having straight, high distinction
However, being well-rounded was what recruiters told me three years ago.
Heres the unfortunate thing about the graduate market today.

Its no longer an added bonus for students to be well-rounded.

It has now become a recruitment standard and expectation.
Let me explain.
As a bare minimum, it is a prerequisite that you will complete your degree and
meet the standard GPA requirement (typically the equivalent of a credit) for any
graduate job application.
(If you have failed subjects, dont be disheartened I know plenty of students
who have failed subjects and have still managed to secure a grad job.)
At every other step along the application journey, your GPA becomes irrelevant.

In fact, the UK branch of international accountancy firm Ernst & Young (EY) has
already announced that it will be removing the degree classification from its
entry criteria and that academic qualifications will no longer be a barrier to
getting a foot in the door.

Instead, EYs UK recruitment will use online assessments to judge the potential
of applicants.

Whilst this strategy has not been universally adopted by EY internationally or

any firms within the Australian industry, it is a clear sign that academic
qualifications are not as important as you may think!
Every other part of the application whether it be the initial written application,
video interviews, group assessment centres etc. is all about knowing who you
are and the type of life experiences you have had.

Put simply, if youre a student who is solely focused on getting high distinctions
for every subject, chances are youre not going to get very far in your graduate
Being well-rounded not just meeting the GPA minimum is, now, the new

The Conventional Way To Be Well-Rounded

The following are some of the easiest ways to get life experience under your
Dont Just Be a Student Member, Join the Committee of a Student

Depending on your committee position within a student society, youll get first
hand experience in organising events, running promotions and liaising with
third-party sponsors.

This is a perfect, easy way to demonstrate your ability to work as part a team
and to develop interpersonal and communication skills.

Better still, if you join in your first year of university and remain with the same
student society for the length of your degree, youll also showcase leadership
abilities (assuming that you eventually move up the ranks), consistency and a
dedicated commitment to the cause.

Participate in Faculty-Led Events

Most universities have loads of events that students can participate in.
These include (but are not limited to) case competitions, volunteering
opportunities, being an orientation week host or mentoring younger students.

Get a Casual or Part-Time Job

Besides having obvious cash flow benefits, working a casual or part-time job is a
great way to display your time management and negotiation skills.

Many students discount the importance of having work experience in a caf/

fast-food outlet as they feel it isnt relevant to the career or industry they want
to work in the future.

This is simply not true!

ALL work experience is beneficial and, I would argue, working in hospitality or

retail is particularly important.



Because these are customer service or to put it in a more fancy way client
facing roles.
Typically speaking, these positions mean youre working in a dynamic
environment, exercising strong interpersonal and communication skills, solving
problems to best meet a customers needs and championing the brand you work

So, dont be ashamed to list these jobs down on your CV and remember to use
them to your advantage in your next job application!

Make Your Own Job

If youre one of the unfortunate students who have a lot of university contact
hours (or forgot the date to enrol in your classes and ended up with a less-thanideal, system generated timetable) it can be difficult to get a regular, shift job.

Take the opportunity to utilise any strengths and skill sets you have.

For many students, this will be tutoring high school or previous university
For others, it may be coaching junior sport or teaching a musical instrument.

This demonstrates your ability to take initiative and to actively manage your
time across all your commitments.

Donate Your Time and Volunteer

With any not-for-profit organisation, there is generally a lack of volunteers.

Think about a cause that youre passionate about, do a web search and see what
organisations are available to you.
Even better, some not-for-profit organisations offer internships (e.g. the position
of Social Media Intern is a popular one) to students so you can gain some work
experience and volunteer your time towards a good cause.
Study Abroad

Whilst this can be a relatively expensive endeavour, I personally found studying

abroad to be incredibly valuable and fulfilling.
There are usually two options: 1) A short (typically 4-6 weeks) summer school
program in the Northern hemisphere during our winter break or 2) A semester/
year long exchange program.

Ive been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to complete both
options and, honestly, I can say that they are both pretty similar.
No matter which option you choose, studying abroad is a fantastic life
experience and presents the opportunity to step outside of your immediate
comfort zone, learn to study and live independently and allows you to be more
culturally aware of others.
Master Your Online Personal Brand
A personal brand simply refers to how you market or present yourself to others.
Its about knowing your value proposition to others that is, the strengths that
set you apart and why firms should want to hire you.

Back in the pre-Google era, you would start to establish your personal brand
when you first met someone.
However, times have changed and Googling someone, before youve actually
met them, has become the new norm.
So, if you havent done this already, do a quick Google search of your name and
make sure that nothing untoward comes up!
Then, ensure the following:

Have a public, professional and up-to-date LinkedIn profile.

One of the most under-utilised features of LinkedIn is the summary

section use it to briefly describe who you are, your experiences and
what career opportunities youre after.

Where possible, ask for endorsements or recommendations on

LinkedIn from previous managers/colleagues.

Consider liking/sharing/posting business articles that are of interest to

you and aligned to your chosen career pathway.

The Non-Conventional Way To Be WellRounded

If youve already done all of the above rather conventional suggestions, kudos
to you.
This section is for those who are looking to go above and beyond and want to
have a clear point of differentiation from others.


By the time I was in my final year of university, I had above average grades,
been a committee member on three different student societies, held several
casual/part time jobs, was a self-employed piano teacher, completed two
volunteering placements, studied abroad on a scholarship at a summer school
program in the United States and studied on exchange in the United Kingdom.
I say all of this not to gloat, but to highlight how despite all of my endeavours
I still wasnt able to secure a graduate job in the field I wanted marketing.
I was undeterred by this slight setback and proceeded to spend the rest of my
final year at university figuring out what was missing from my application and
how I could make it even better.
One of the things I realised that I lacked was relevant work experience in
However, the problem with trying to get a paid job is that, without relevant prior
work experience, youre unlikely to be hired.
So, here are some more non-conventional ideas to create your point of
Get Creative With Your CV
Depending on the type of industry youre applying for (e.g. marketing, design
etc.), it might be worth considering dressing up your CV.
It is said that recruiters spend an average of six seconds looking at your CV.

Most CVs look the same.

Theyre in Times New Roman or Arial, have black text on white paper, two
pages long and in PDF format.

But who says it needs to be or look like that?

Your CV is the only item in the initial application step that you can customise.

Play to your strengths and dont be afraid to stand out from the crowd.

One of the most daring CVs Ive ever seen had the persons name on it and a
URL link (yep, thats all they had on the page).

The URL link led to a two minute YouTube video where the person described
who they were, what work experience they had and why a company should hire
them (sounds a lot like what you would find on a regular CV doesnt it?).

If videos arent your thing, consider making your CV look more visually
appealing by turning it into an infographic.

There are many great web applications available for you to try this out on, like
Piktochart or Canva.
If, like me, creativity is not your thing all together, thats fine too.

Just remember the triple S rule for CVs keep it short, sharp and specific!
Create a Website

Your own, personal website is a powerful marketing tool for your personal

A well written, beautifully designed website will not only allow your personality
to shine, but also allows you to create a positive first impression online.

An article published on LinkedIn Pulse suggests that 56% of all hiring

managers are more impressed by a candidates personal website than any other
personal branding tool however, only 7% of job seekers actually have a
personal website.

Now, I should draw to your attention that this article and statistic relates to
professional job seekers, so you can only imagine how many (i.e. not many at
all!) students have their own website!

This will be a clear point of distinction for you!

A website acts as a platform for you to broadcast your achievements and

strengths to a broader audience.

Ive seen personal websites that act as a general online CV, ones that showcase
an individuals portfolio of work from university and others that are tailored
towards a single industry or market.

Personally, I set up my personal website to demonstrate that my interest and

passion for marketing extended beyond my university studies.

As I love to read marketing articles and news, I used my website to write my

own articles and I subsequently shared what I wrote with my LinkedIn
connections and potential recruiters.

To give you an example, you can access my website here:


The Overlooked Importance of Soft Skills

What weve spoken about so far mostly relates to a students tangible attributes
that is, the work and life experiences they can list out on a sheet of paper.
Its all well and good to have a long list of achievements, but what skills have
you actually learnt from them?
Hard skills, like technical competencies of using a software program, are
certainly a favourable trait to acquire.
However, more often than not, employers are interested in the intangible
benefits of being well-rounded and how applicants have developed their soft
The term soft skills simply refers to personal attributes that allow us to interact
effectively and harmoniously with others.
One of the reasons why recruiters look fondly upon work and life experiences is
because, in the process of participating in these activities, students tend to also
be honing their soft skill interactions at the same time.
Intangible attributes like good communication, cooperativeness, selfmanagement, learning on-the-fly and adaptability are impossible to quantify
but, the more life experiences a student has, the better the chances that their
soft skills are well developed.
Ask any partner at a professional services firm and theyll tell you that soft skills
are crucial to be successful within the industry.
Because client relationships are pivotal to a firms profitability.
Clients can take their accounting and tax business anywhere, but ultimately, it is
the strong and robust working relationships that partners form with their clients
that makes them sticky.
More often than not, partners look out for potential graduates who can break
the ice, hold a conversation and build a relationship.
Any other technical competencies can be taught along the way, but soft skills
are hard to teach.
The importance of some soft skills like communication, leadership, team work
etc. are widely known and regarded. (And there is lots of literature on them
already Google it!)


Here are five soft skills that Ive personally found to be very important, but dont
get as much attention as they possibly should.
Small Talk
If youre an introvert, like me, youll find small talk with others a difficult,
daunting and challenging ask.
You might actually be asking yourself, why is small talk even necessary?
What Ive found, in client facing roles, is that small talk actually facilitates
getting the job done by building rapport and the beginnings of a working
As social beings, we inevitably find it easier to work with people who we are
familiar with, even if we only know them through some brief (often, mundane)
The key to small talk is to actually try and turn it into an actual conversation,
rather than a series of back-and-forth questions and answers.
Here are a few things you can do:

Answer the inevitable How are you? question with an extended

answer. Instead of just replying with Good, you? add some details
about what youve done. For example, you could respond with Good, I
spent last night watching this movie, have you seen it?.

Ask relevant questions. Its much easier for you to listen first, talk second
and then, based on what the other person has said, ask questions to
further progress the conversation.

Prepare and have a few go-to stories. Ive met people who regurgitate the
same stories over and over again (to different audiences, of course) and
have perfected them in the process.

(Active) Listening
I personally dislike the phrase active listening as I think all listening should be
Active listening simply refers to the following:

Asking questions either to clarify a situation or to show further interest

in what the other person is saying.

Maintaining eye contact.


Not interrupting others.

Paying attention to your own and the other persons body language
(which is another form of expression in itself).

Emergent Leadership

Examples of traditional forms of leadership would be being school captain or

president of a student society.
The idea of emergent leadership ties in with taking initiative and adaptability.
To illustrate this concept, a typical question posed may be:
When working in a team and an unexpected problem arose, how did you step
in and take the lead particularly when you werent assigned the role of leader
at the beginning?
With many things in life, emergent leadership cant necessarily be taught, but it
does come with practice.
Practice taking initiative and leading in smaller group discussions, remaining
calm in chaotic situations and emulating positive traits from leaders you
Generation Ys are typically seen to be a self-obsessed and narcissistic bunch.
Humility is having the willingness to learn from others, accepting that you may
not be the best and being open to new ideas, failures and your own
If youre wondering why humility is important, it is often through humble
individuals where group innovation can best thrive.
Innovation is rarely cultivated through individual breakthrough moments, but
rather, requires a collaborative group effort.
Within that group, you need individuals who are willing to think imaginatively,
ask big questions, but also accept that their ideas may be shut down and
shelved in the process.
All of us have experienced failure.
You would probably be surprised to know that the most successful people are
often also the people who have failed the most times.


Resilience is picking yourself back up after youve been faced with a setback (or
many setbacks).
If anything, the mistakes weve made, the failures weve encountered and the
disappointments weve faced make us a stronger character than before.
Here are some tips to help you stay strong in times when you may want to give

Remember why you started the project/application in the first place.

Search for the inner motivation and drive you once had.

Try to think rationally often, emotions cloud our better judgement when
weve experienced negativity.

Reward the small wins.

Learn from your mistakes remember that they will help prepare you for
any future mishaps.

How To Be Ahead of the Curve

Vacationer and Foundation Programs
Most seasoned experts of the grad job market will be aware that most firms who
offer graduate jobs will also have vacationer programs.
Vacationer programs are typically run over the summer break (from November
to February the following year) and can vary in length from 4-12 weeks long.
Vacationer placements are a great way for students to see what an industry or
firm is like.
However, dont forget that it is also a way for employers to try before they buy;
so treat your vacationer placement like an extended interview.
What some students may not be aware of is that some firms also offer
foundation programs.
The names and timings of these programs vary from firm to firm, but they are
basically an introductory program that students can be a part of from their first
year of university (if completing a three-year degree).
These programs are designed to provide some elementary insights into a
profession, industry or firm and are a great way for students to start exploring
career options, network and secure a vacationer placement later on.


Rolling Graduate Recruitment

Many firms will not stipulate an end date to their graduate recruitment program,
but rather will work on a rolling recruitment process.
This simply means that firms will assess applications as they receive it.
Therefore, the earlier you get your application in, the faster it will be processed
and the higher the chance of success!
It can be really intimidating, not to mention time consuming, to fit applying for
grad jobs in with your weekly schedule.
The best way to tackle this is, as always, to be prepared. Try the following:

Plan well ahead before the university semester commences and certainly
dont leave it until week 4-5 of semester when assignments and tests
come rolling in.

Be proactive, not reactive (e.g. follow careers social media pages and
subscribe to job alerts).

Make a list of which companies you would like to apply for.

Block out a few hours in your daily/weekly schedule to start your written
applications and make an achievable, realistic to-do list.

Keep a spreadsheet of which firms youve applied for, what division you
chose and the date you applied.

Monitor your own progress for each firm, including which firms you have
done the online testing for etc.

Remember, if youre going to apply for a job, you might as well give it your best
A rushed application is a wasted application.


Chapter 2: The Biggest

Mistake That Students Make
I made this mistake and I dont want you to make the same one.
This is it: I didnt really know what kind of graduate job I was applying for.
When I was a student, I read a myriad of employers websites and their
business area descriptions, but most of the time, I found myself thinking What
will I actually be doing?.
For example, in professional services, Assurance/Audit is key to sustaining
confidence in an entitys financial statements, Tax helps businesses to navigate
ever-changing, complex tax regulations and Business Advisory Services assists
organisations to improve their performance or, more likely, an even more
complex expansion of the above!
What does any of that even mean?!
Industry based firms (e.g. retail supermarkets, banks, telecommunications etc.)
are marginally better with their approach, but some will still describe the
streams they offer using business catchphrases like dynamic, resilient and
Sure, the large majority of students would be happy to get a graduate job
literally, any job and will just be applying to anything and everything possible.
Maybe Im more optimistic than most, but Id like to think that students can not
only get a graduate job, but they should also be able to secure a grad job that
theyll actually enjoy.
Plus, if you know more about what youre actually applying to be a part of, you
can draw on these insights throughout the application and interview process.
Admittedly, professional services firms are increasingly shifting to a one-stopshop business model rather than just specialising in audit, tax or advisory
As a result, this has resulted in a larger graduate intake to fill more specialised
roles within the aforementioned broader divisions.
The following chapter is dedicated to deciphering the business jargon and
helping you make an informed decision on what a graduate job will actually be
like in these fields.


The Main Difference Between a Big 4 and MidTier Firm

Most students think that the bigger the firm, the better the opportunities right?
Not necessarily.
The size of the firm typically dictates the size of its clients.
For example, ASX 200 listed companies are more inclined to go to one of the
Big 4 firms for their accounting and business needs rather than a mid-tier firm,
simply because mid-tiers dont specialise in that area, nor do they have the staff
numbers or expertise to accommodate such a large client.
The choice behind working for a Big 4 or mid-tier firm primarily comes down to
what type of clients you want to work for.
Big 4 firms will be dealing with medium to large sized companies, large
government sector jobs, as well as important high-net-worth individuals.
Mid-tiers specialise in the small to medium enterprise (SME) space, not-forprofits, trusts, high-net-worth individuals as well as small government sector
Benefits of Working in a Big 4

Higher, albeit marginally, annual salary at the graduate level.

Exposure to more complex work and larger clienteles.

Greater networking opportunities both internally (within the firms

various divisions) and externally (through client based work).

Better secondment opportunities.

More opportunities to transfer to different divisions internally.

More peer support and resources available when undertaking Chartered

Accountants (CA) modules.

Internationally renowned brand that allows for better future career

opportunities overseas.

More of a work hard, play hard culture (ideally suited to graduates).


Benefits of Working in a Mid-Tier

Lower working hour expectations and better work-life balance.

Ironically, often a higher wage per hour.

Wider exposure to different sectors and types of clients.

Develop broader skill sets across your division rather than being pigeonholed in one specific area.

Culture is less political, hierarchical and competitive.

More adaptable to individual needs and preferences for personal and

professional development.

No matter whether youre at a Big 4 or a mid-tier firm, here is a snapshot of

what youll typically be doing in the three main divisions of Audit, Tax and
Business Advisory Services.

As an overview, auditors assess whether or not an entitys financials are
materially misstated and present a true and fair view.
In order to do this, auditors plan and perform testing procedures on different
sections of the financials.
There are typically two audit visits during the year an interim and a final visit.
At the interim visit (prior to the financial year-end), auditors will perform
preliminary reviews to determine the unique inherent and business risks faced
by that particular entity.
Auditors also complete a walkthrough of key business cycles e.g. accounts
receivable/payable to determine if there are any controls in place to mitigate
these risks.
At the final visit (post financial year-end), auditors typically complete the
majority of their testing procedures to evaluate if the year-end financial
balances are true and fair.
These tests including detailed testing, recalculation of balances, analytical
reviews etc. typically involve sampling a selection of transactions and
confirming it with prior expectations or a set list of criteria.
Audit is renowned for having a particularly intense busy season after the
financial year ends from July to October each year.


Audit is well suited to those who enjoy working in a dynamic team

environment, thinking on their feet and are adaptable to change. Youll also
require good verbal communication skills to liaise with clients, as well as
attention to detail in your work.

Corporate tax is typically split into two streams: Compliance and Consulting.
As the name suggests, tax compliance helps to ensure that clients are meeting
their tax obligations as per the ATOs requests and guidelines.
As an example, in most corporate businesses, accounting for accounting
purposes is usually different to accounting for tax purposes.
Compliance involves finding the discrepancies between the two methods of
accounting and ensuring that a business tax receivable/payable is based on
their taxable profit and not accounting profit.
In order to find and calculate any discrepancies, a tax provision review is
conducted and a firms deferred tax assets/liabilities are assessed by referring to
the Income Tax Assessment Act (ITAA) 1936/1997.
Other specialised areas of tax compliance include GST, indirect taxes, expats
tax, transfer pricing etc.
The overriding purpose of tax consulting is to retain a clients wealth.
This is completed via a client letter of advice (based on research conducted by
reading the ITAA or case law) and submitting private binding ruling
applications to the ATO.
When a client has taken a contentious tax position, the consulting tax team will
put together a reasonable arguable position paper where they will present
their findings as supporting evidence to their clients tax claims.
Tax is suited to graduates who are logical and methodical in their thinking, good
at researching, writing and have strong attention to detail.
A law degree will certainly help (due to the heavy legislative work involved) but
is certainly not necessary to do well in the field.


Business Advisory Services (BAS)

First up, the title of business advisory services particularly at the grad level
is a bit of misnomer.
Its less of the advisory type and more of the accounting and reporting type.
As a BAS grad, youll be doing high-level bookkeeping tasks for small to
medium sized companies, high-net-worth individuals, trusts, charities and
companies to ensure that their accounts are in an orderly fashion.
Increasingly, the BAS sector is seeing a major shift towards cloud accounting that is, using online accounting software like MYOB, Xero etc.
Tasks include management reporting, completing business activity statements,
fringe benefits tax (FBT), special purpose financial reports, managing the
administration of share portfolios, ensuring tax compliance, preparing budgets
The advisory part of it comes in when you and your team make
recommendations to your clients as to what accounting approaches they should
take, with almost all of this done by the manager or partner.
BAS is best suited to graduates who desire exposure to a wide variety of
accounting tasks across a diverse client base. BAS also has a more practical,
real-world focus that is more transferable than other service lines to
entrepreneurial pursuits.

An industry graduate role refers to positions offered by retail supermarket
chains, banks, telecommunications sectors etc.
In my opinion, the best feature of an industry graduate position is the team
rotations they offer.
Typically, youll apply to be a graduate under a certain stream (e.g. finance, risk,
marketing, operations etc.) and then youll also have the opportunity to rotate
round 2-4 different divisions within that stream.
This is perfect for graduates who have a general knowledge of what they would
like to do, but who dont quite know what role will best suit their personality
and strengths.


Chapter 3: Networking
As a student, I found general networking tips and advice online (e.g. make sure
you bring plenty of business cards, try and add value where you can, have a
sales pitch etc.) to be largely inadequate and irrelevant.
This next chapter is specifically written with students in mind who are attending
university career fairs or networking events hosted by prospective graduate

Is Networking Even Necessary?

In short, no.
(If youre satisfied with this answer, feel free to skip this chapter but I do strongly
encourage you to read on)
I say this because Im living proof that you can still land yourself a graduate job
in a completely new industry setting without attending a single networking
event during the year.
For background purposes, the reason why I didnt attend networking events was
because I, at the time, was working as a full-time, graduate auditor at a mid-tier
professional services firm.
As an auditor, I was constantly travelling from one client to the next and found it
difficult in fact, near impossible to juggle my existing work commitments,
apply for other graduate positions AND make time to attend networking events
without arousing too much suspicion.
As a result, I chose to bypass the networking stage and just focused on
submitting exceptional written applications. (See how I did this in Chapter 4:
Online Written Applications)
For me, this strategy paid off and, at the time of writing, Ive resigned from my
position as an auditor and will be moving into an industry-based, marketing
graduate role in 2016.
However, networking played a pivotal role for me in securing my first graduate
job as an auditor.
Because it allowed me to gain a deep understanding of the profession, the
different firms and their cultures.


Professions and Organisational Culture

A lot of students think they know what they want to be when they graduate.
In reality, hardly any students know what individual professions are going to be
The solution? Ask the professionals.
I started attending professional networking events when I was in my final year of
high school and continued attending some events every year during my threeyear degree.
During this period of time, I cannot even count how many employers, HR
professionals and existing graduates that I spoke to.
All of them provided me with invaluable insights into their professions, as well
as their organisations.
Existing graduates at an organisation would tell me what their typical day
consisted of, what work they completed and whether or not they received
ongoing training and development support.
HR professionals would inform me of what they were specifically looking for in
their graduates, the career progression opportunities and what their firms
culture was like.
For me, the process of attending networking events helped me narrow down
what I wanted to do and I found networking particularly helpful in the earlier
years of my degree.
If youre unsure of which profession or industry you want to be in, networking is
an incredibly useful tool and a great way for you to find out.
Even if you have made up your mind on the profession, its always good to find
out which organisations culture best suits your personality.

A Guide for Introverts

Despite attending countless networking events in the past, you may be surprised
to know that, as a self-identified introvert, I despised networking events.
The mere thought of having to socialise with strangers (namely, HR professionals
who are trying to recruit the very best) in a noisy, crowded environment with
dozens of other students vying for their attention was enough to set me on edge.
Once, when a HR Manager was doing a presentation on the different service
lines in their organisation, I even managed to let my glass of water slip out of my

hand. The glass hit the white tiled floor, shattered into dozens of pieces and the
spectacle was complete when the water splattered onto everyone elses shoes. I
made an impression alright.
I found networking events overwhelming and it goes without saying when
you feel overwhelmed, youre not performing at your best.
If youre a fellow introvert, firstly, do not fear.
Secondly, follow these top strategies that I used to overcome my anxiety:

Do your research. At career fairs or larger networking events, there will

be dozens of employers available for you to speak to. At first, this can be
incredibly daunting. Before attending the event, look up which
employers are attending, research their respective graduate programs
and make a list of who you would like to speak to.

Prepare questions. Besides company/graduate program specific

questions, here are my personal favourites:
o To employees/current graduates:
What do you wish you had known about your role/the
industry before you started?
What type of person do you think will succeed in your
Could you describe a typical workday for me?
Do you receive ongoing training and development?
What advice would you give to students when applying to
x organisation?
o To HR professionals:
What separates your firm from the competition?
What opportunities do you have for future career
I understand that there are sub-cultures within an
organisation, but what are the three words you would use
to describe your firms overriding culture?
What makes an application stand out?
What service line/division are you hiring the most
graduates in?

Dress up! Knowing that youre dressed correctly means that there is one
less thing to be worried about. As a general rule of thumb, if youre
attending a universitys careers fair, smart casual attire should suffice. If
youre attending a formal networking event at an employers premises,
dress in professional corporate attire.


The Best Networking Tip

Someone told me the best networking tip and I used it to secure my first
graduate job as an auditor.
Here is the BEST piece of advice Ive ever received when it comes to attending
career fairs or networking events: Be an early bird and beat the crowd! Why?

Its more time efficient. By being one of the first through the door, you
wont have to wait around for other students to finish asking their

You wont be facing a tired and disgruntled HR Manager who has been
answering the same questions all day long! (As a general rule of thumb,
always try and appease HR Managers and their staff!).

You can have longer, more meaningful one-on-one discussions with HR

and their staff. During this discussion, do the following:
o Ask thoughtful questions and actively listen to their response.
Questions like What is your GPA grade cut-off? and What
service line divisions do you have? are dull and can easily be
answered by a simple Google search. See above for suggested
questions to ask.
o Make mental notes of the key takeaways from your discussion
and, when youve walked away, quickly write down these mental
notes in a notebook or on your phone. Then, where possible, try
to intertwine this in with your online written application. This
will show the HR team that you have not only made the effort to
attend a networking event and meet their staff, but also that youve
taken onboard what theyve said and applied it to your
o Ask for their contact details. Once your written application is
complete, submit it through the typical portal online, but also,
email it to the HR member you spoke to. This will, hopefully,
allow for your application to be fast-tracked and, by adding a
personal note to your emailed application, this will help the HR
staff identify who you are and where theyve met you.
o Follow up with them. After the networking event, send a quick
email to thank them for their time. Add a note about the
conversation that you had (e.g. as you may recall, travelling is a
passion of mine and I really appreciated your explanation on the
global secondment opportunities you have in your firm etc.).


Alternatively, you can add them to your LinkedIn connections (if

you dont have a LinkedIn account already, I highly recommend
you set one up) and remember to send them a personalised
In general Always keep in mind that youll either be speaking to those who
will ultimately hire you, or those that should you be successful youll be
working with.


Chapter 4: Online Written

First up, do not underestimate the time required (it honestly feels like another
university subject altogether!) to write and submit your online applications.
Secondly, think of your written application as you making your first impression.
Thirdly, do be aware that some (if not, most) firms operate on a rolling
recruitment basis. This essentially means that rather than assessing all
applications in one big batch when applications close, those who apply first will
be assessed and processed first.
So, it is certainly advantageous to get your foot in the door as early as possible
to maximise your opportunity of being selected!
A word of caution: most students (typically around 50%) will be rejected by
the end of the combined online written application and testing stages.
Therefore, it is crucial that your written application stands out from the rest of
the crowd!

The above diagram provides a general depiction of the application funnel and
how many students are likely to progress onto the next stage.


How to Write the Best Responses

Regardless of your prior work/life experiences, here are some things you can do
to maximise the effectiveness of your application.
The STAR Method
The STAR method is a preferred and commonly used technique by recruiters
in behavioural interviews.
In one-on-one interviews, recruiters will often ask applicants to respond to their
questions using the STAR method as it provides a clear, signposted structure to
the applicants answer.
Whilst the STAR method is not compulsory in the written application stage, I
find that it is a great way to structure my responses to behavioural questions.
Also, recruiters will be familiar with this technique and theyll find it much
easier to read and digest.
STAR is an acronym for:
Situation: Describe the specific situation that you were in or the context
surrounding the event.
Task: What task did you need to achieve or accomplish?
Action: As a result of the situation, what action did you take to ensure that the
task was carried out properly?
Result: What was the end result was your course of action appropriate for the
situation and was the task completed?
Heres an example.
Q: Describe a time when you had to adjust to a significant change in your life?
A: A situation where I had to adjust to a significant change was when I
was 19 years old and went to study on exchange at the University of
Nottingham in England for a semester.
The task I faced was the challenge of living, studying independently and
adapting to a new foreign environment whilst on exchange.
The action I took is as follows I approached the situation by doing lots of
prior research online, such as researching the university, reading forums
about the living conditions and putting together a financial budget to
ensure I had the means to cover my own costs. I also sought out some
students who had previously studied at the University of Nottingham and
kept in close contact with them to ask about their exchange experiences
and any potential problems they faced.


The end result was overwhelmingly positive. The experience of exchange

forced me to step outside of my immediate comfort zone and, as a result, I
learnt that I am a highly resilient character. Studying and travelling alone
overseas brought out my strengths and made me more culturally aware of
how to interact with others from different walks of life.
Often, a little research can go a long way.
Simple things like knowing what the cultural values of an organisation are, or
what they pride themselves on within a particular industry, or even any industry
news or wins (i.e. new client, successful tenders, release of a new product,
expansion into a new market etc.) they might have had can add to your
Your first port of call should always be the firms website, but then expand your
research out to a general Google search for current news and industry insights.
Most importantly, weave this research into your application.
Use it to think about how you would fit in to the organisation and what value
you could add to it.
From a recruiters perspective, its always reassuring to see students taking the
time to research their respective firms, thinking about how they could fit in and
knowing that they havent applied just on a whim.
If Why are you choosing x company within y industry? isnt a question on
the initial written application, I guarantee you that youll hear it somewhere
along the other interview stages.
Heres an example of how I answered this question for an application to NAB:
Q: In 250 words or less, please tell us why you would like to be considered for a
position in the 2016 NAB Graduate Program.
A: I graduated with a BCom from the University of Melbourne with
Marketing and Accounting majors. Im looking to join the Marketing
stream and I see a big 4 bank, like NAB, as the perfect union between my
financial commercial knowledge and my creative, strategical marketing
mind. What differentiates NAB from the other banks is its brand and
product campaigns such as the famous Break Up campaign from 2011
by Clemenger BBDO, the more give, less take slogan coupled with no
monthly account fees and, more recently, the NAB Footify project.


Furthermore, as with any organisation, I strongly believe it is the culture,

values and people that set it apart from the rest. Having been to countless
careers fairs, I have had many opportunities to speak to NABs
representatives. Everyone that I spoke to had a welcoming and genuine
disposition and addressed any questions that I had with personal insights
and honesty. Furthermore, from my conversations with graduates, NABs
commitment to continuously provide constructive feedback and support to
its graduates is one that I deeply admire. Undoubtedly, the transition to
full-time work will require some adjustment, but NABs emphasis on work/
life balance is one that will certainly direct graduates in the right direction.
Other Tips

Write and save all your application responses in Word first. This will
help to ensure that all your spelling and grammar is correct. This also
provides a saved reference point for any future interview stages so you
can refresh your memory on what you previously wrote.

Try and not use the university group assignment example. Every student
has worked as part of a team and has completed a group assignment.
Try and use examples that are unique to you to showcase the work
experiences you have had.

Less is more. The typical graduate program receives thousands of

applications each year. Recruiters dont want to be spending all of their
time reading through your waffle and padding signpost, be concise
with your answers and most importantly answer the question!
(On another note, make sure you stick to the word allocation limit if
theyve provided you one.)

Do not write refer above. This is plainly frustrating to the reader and
adds a sense of confusion to your response as to where the reader
should refer above to.

Dont submit your application right away. Finish writing it, leave it then
come back and re-read it later on with, hopefully, a fresher perspective.
This will enable you to pick up on any mistakes or disfluencies you may
not have realised previously.

Check online forums like Whirlpool. If its been a while since you heard
back from the firm or if youre unsure about how your online written
application is progressing, you can check sites like Whirlpool.
Whirlpool is an online, collaborative forum where applicants can share
details about the progress and status of their application and whether or
not theyve progressed to the next stage.


What About Cover Letters?

I am of the school of thought that if youve done a good enough job on the rest
of your written application, cover letters are redundant.
Usually, cover letters are optional in the recruitment process and Ive never
bothered with submitting a generic one.
Because your written application and CV combined should already say
everything that is included in your cover letter. Simple as that.


Chapter 5: Online Testing

Online testing, or psychometric testing, is used to assess a students aptitude, as
well as their personality and motivations.
By employing the same psychometric test on all candidates, these tests provide
a fair, standardised result to compare and rank all students against, regardless of
university studies or work experiences.
Online tests are typically broken up into two categories: aptitude tests and
personality/motivational fit tests.

Aptitude Tests
Aptitude tests are typically broken down into numerical, verbal/comprehension
and logic/spatial reasoning tests.
These tests werent meant to be easy theyre inherently designed to rank every
candidate in the pool of applying graduates. Therefore, the tests have to give a
chance for the very best to shine and will weed out the weak.
Contrary to what some sources may suggest, theres no real way to ace these
Sure, definitely do the practice questions (this is a good website for some
additional practice) and familiarise yourself with what type of questions youll
be expected to answer. After doing a few practice tests and some real tests,
youll soon realise all the questions are quite similar in nature.
Keep an eye on the set time limit and try to work as quickly, but as accurately,
as possible.
Note that some tests dont allow for you to skip questions and then go back to
the blank questions at the end. Make educated guesses, mark down the ones
that youve guessed and, if you have time and if the test allows for it, you can
give those questions another crack at the end.

Personality/Motivational Fit Tests

These tests are designed to understand your personality, as well as what
motivates you to work within an organisation.
Unlike aptitude tests, personality tests are typically untimed and there is no
right or wrong answer.
Theyll be a series of situations or problems that, as a hypothetical employee at
an organisation, youre likely to face. A series of choices will be available for

you to choose from and, based on your personal preference, youll select one
that aligns with your personality.
These tests will assess your emotional intelligence (i.e. capacity to recognise
and manage your emotions, using your emotions to guide your decision making
etc.) and, ultimately, whether or not youll fit in to an organisation.
Personally, I know that every student just wants a grad job at the end of the day,
but I think its really important that you answer the personality test truthfully.
The test acts as an indicator as to whether or not the culture of an organisation
suits you. If you have provided responses that you think an organisation wants
to hear, and then you get the job, you might feel as if the firm isnt the best
cultural fit for you.

Game Changers
Soon, these aptitude and personality tests may be a thing of the past.
Big 4 professional services firm KPMG have taken to gamifying their approach
to hiring graduates.
Instead of traditional testing, KPMG have introduced gamified recruitment
assessments which combine gamification with analytics, big data, predictive
psychometric models and cloud technologies.
To break this down, candidates are given 10 minutes to complete a game that
will measure their mental agility, cognitive speed, attention, spatial aptitude and
numerical reasoning.
The overriding concept behind this is to provide a better opportunity for digital
native students to showcase their talents by immersing potential graduates in a
game-like assessment where they will respond naturally.
This process will filter out 60% of candidates before KPMG recruiters even look
at a single resume.
Gamification assessments are already widely used in the United States and are
predicted to take up a larger market share in the Australian graduate recruitment
market in the future.


Chapter 6: Interviews
An interview should be a conversation with a purpose.
Those that do succeed in securing a grad job dont get through by sheer luck.
The best way to ensure your success during the interview process is to prepare
and research.
This means preparing your own responses to commonly asked questions (see
the end of this section) and researching the company youre interviewing for.
Above all else, make sure you can articulate confidently why you want to work
for this firm and what you can bring to it.
Also, remember that during this process, you are also interviewing the firm too.
During the interviews, youll get a good feel of how the firm operates, what type
of people work there and whether or not youll fit in. Make sure you take notice
of this and consider what may be best for you.
In addition, try and keep up to date with the news including national,
business and industry specific headlines. You never know when this may come
in handy.
Finally, if your interviewer is just responding to you with a blank face and
giving you absolutely no indication at all they are even hearing what you are
saying, dont take offence.
This technique is used to ensure that there is no bias in assessing candidates.
For example, if an interviewer is overly enthusiastic with one applicant, and less
enthusiastic with another, there may be an unfair bias towards the former
The following chapter will be broken down into the specific types of interviews
youre likely to encounter, as well as my tips and suggestions for each of them.

Video Interviews
Video interviews are the new version of phone interviews.
They provide recruiters the chance to finally put a face to the name behind an
application and the opportunity to virtually meet you.


Therefore, you should treat the video interview as if you were actually meeting
your interviewer for the first time.
Prepare, dress up and make the video as professional as possible.
That is, try and find a white background to film in front of, make sure youre
wearing a professional shirt/blouse (and tie, if applicable) and try to ensure there
isnt any noticeable or distracting background noise.
Depending on the type of organisation, the format of the video interview may
Some video interviews will consist of a set of pre-recorded questions where
youll be given 1-2 chances and a set time limit to record your answer.
Other video interviews will have pre-recorded questions but infinite
opportunities for you to re-record your answer until youre satisfied with it.
Another more innovative approach, known as the selfie interview, will ask
applicants to record a 2-4 minute introduction of themselves.
This allows candidates to showcase their verbal communication, personality,
creativity and ultimately how well they can sell themselves.
Here are some general tips to succeed in the video interview stage:

Prepare! (I honestly cant stress this enough!) Think about the prerecorded questions that are likely to come up (see the end of this chapter
for examples and responses) and make sure youve prepared appropriate
answers for them. Usually, you wont have enough time to articulate and
think up a great response on the spot, so its vitally important that you
have some examples at the tip of your tongue!

It will be awkward. Theres no sugar coating it talking to your laptop,

when youre dressed up in a fancy business attire in your bedroom will
be awkward.

Just try and imagine that your interviewer is sitting on the other side
and dont do anything that you wouldnt typically do at a real interview.
Look into the camera. Again, if you imagine your interviewer is in front
of you, you want to be making eye contact with them (and you dont
want to make it look like youre staring at their ear the whole time).

If youre reading from notes that youve typed up on your laptop (tick
good preparation), make sure you dont make it too obvious and try not
to read it word for word.


Be genuine. Getting to the video interview stage is a great achievement

and its your first opportunity to let your personality shine through! Smile,
use hand gestures and be genuine, enthusiastic and thankful for having
the opportunity to be part of this process!

Assessment Centres
An assessment centre is where a group of students are invited typically to the
employers offices to participate in a set of exercises designed to simulate
different aspects of the work environment.
This will usually be the first chance that recruiters have to finally meet you in
person, so assessment centres provide a great opportunity for recruiters to assess
your overall personality and, more importantly, how you communicate and
work with other people.
The most common type of activities both in a group dynamic and, less likely,
as an individual youll encounter during an assessment centre include:

Problem solving activities i.e. following instructions to build something

as a team.
Case studies i.e. coming up with a solution to a hypothetical business
Public speaking i.e. presenting your groups findings from the case
study back to the wider group/audience.

During each activity, an assessor will sit with on your table to rate each
individual on pre-defined core competencies. Some of the main competencies

Problem solving
Adaptability to change

At first, it may seem intimidating having an assessor rate youre performance, but
its really important to just focus on the task at hand and soon, youll forget
theyre even there!
Having sat through countless assessment centres, here are my personal tips on
how to stand out:

Be a team player. Putting your team first is vital to your success. This may
sound counter-intuitive (after all, youre the one trying to get the grad job,
not the whole team) but acting in your teams best interest shows that
you understand the task at hand is not all about your individual success.

o Furthermore, keep in mind that the activities you do within the

assessment are designed to simulate real-life work experiences
and decisions. Your capacity to be a team player in these activities
will be indicative of how you perform within the organisation.

Participate in every activity. Whether it be a simple brainstorming of

ideas, solving a case study, or presenting information back to a group,
make sure you offer your insights and put your hand up for everything.

Volunteer to be the scribe and/or time keeper. In group activities, this is a

simple way to take initiative and show that youve thought about
recording down your teams ideas, as well as having the attention to
detail to keep a close eye on the time (and steer your team back on track
at the five minute warning mark!).

Be the devils advocate. Offer contrarian opinions and dont be afraid to

think outside the box. For example, if your team is largely focusing on
the short term benefits of a given proposal or strategy, suggest some long
term implications that may impact upon its viability.

Bring in quieter members of the team into the discussion. Part of being a
team player means being inclusive and listening to everyones opinion.
There will inevitably be some members of your team that either:
a) feel intimidated by the level of discussion that is happening;
b) naturally are soft spoken and just like going along with the crowd;
c) actually want to participate but feel as if they would be interrupting
the flow of ideas.

If you notice that someone hasnt said anything for a while (or at all), feel
free to say What do you think about this <insert name here>? or Is
there anything you would like to add <insert name here>?.

This shows the assessor that youre aware not everyone has had their say
and that you are interested in ensuring that everyones opinions are
Try and get the balance right. In every assessment centre that Ive ever
been to, there is always someone in the team who is the loud dominant
one. Theyre usually pretty easy to identify theyre rather obnoxious,
overly assertive and generally thinks that the team activity is all about
them. You dont want to be this person. As suggested above, you want to
be an inclusive team player that doesnt shout over the ideas of someone
else. In my experience, this loud, dominant applicant hardly ever gets
through to the next round.

By the same token, dont be too quiet. I know it may be hard to offer
your opinion when everyone else is shouting out theirs, but try to find an
opportunity to say what you think.

Be weary of your team size. This may sound like a strange thing to say,
but from personal experience, the size of your team drastically affects
the overall team dynamic. Generally, a team of 3-6 people is a good size
that allows everyone to have their say. However, anything above a team
of 6 people may mean that it becomes rather difficult for you to get your
point across. In these circumstances, you may need to adjust your
behaviour to become slightly more assertive to ensure that youre heard.

Finally, treat everyone at the assessment centre like a future colleague.

Show that youre a great person to work with, not only to the assessors,
but also to all applicants at the assessment centre.

Final Interview
First up, congratulations on making it through to the final interview!
By this stage, youre probably part of the elite ~5-10% that have made it through
from the many hundreds, if not thousands, of applications.
Having said all of this, you can be sure that the remaining applicants are also of
a pretty high calibre.
I think this adage best sums up how to succeed in the final interview: failing to
plan is planning to fail.
That is, preparation is key.
See the following section The Type of Questions You Should Anticipate for
some general themes and questions that are likely to come up.
Other than this, here are some general tips on how you can ace your final

If you know who your interviewer is, do a quick Google search of them.
This will give you an idea of their professional background, how long
theyve been with the company and what division they belong to. You
may be able to use this information to your advantage by asking relevant
questions in your interview.

Be aware of your body language. It is said that 55% of our

communication is delivered by our body language, 38% by vocal signals
(i.e. tone) and the last 7% by our words. Things like smiling, using open
hand gestures and maintaining eye contact can help to engage your
interviewer in a genuine conversation.

Use the STAR method. As reiterated above in Chapter 4, using the STAR
method to answer an interviewers questions will provide a familiar
structure and clear signpost to your response.

Focus on you. As narcissistic and egotistic as this may sound, the

interview is all about you. Even when asked questions relating to team
work and cooperation, dont speak about the overall teams achievement,
but focus on what you did to facilitate the teams success.

Answer the question! This sounds simple enough, but Im an absolute

shocker when it comes to this I tend to waffle on and on and then,
when I finish waffling, the interviewer will probe me even further on the
same question (and thats when you know you really havent answered
the question).

One way to overcome this issue is to begin answering the question by

rephrasing the question itself, or by using the STAR method above to
help keep you on track.

Make it sound like a conversation. As said before, an interview should be

a conversation with a purpose. Yes, interviewers will want to know about
your personal experiences and decision-making process, but above all
else, they want to see how you communicate with others. Talk to them
openly about what makes you you and, if the time is right, dont be afraid
to crack a joke.

Lacking confidence? Try power posing. This is best articulated by Amy

Cuddys famous TED talk on how our standing posture can affect our
level of confidence. Dont believe me? Watch the vid.

Dont be afraid to pause. Sometimes, youll just need a moment or two

to gather your thoughts. Dont be afraid to take a bit longer than usual to
start responding to the question and, if youre really stuck, ask if you can
come back to that question later.

Refrain from making derogatory remarks about prior employers or

colleagues. This just makes you sound and look like a bitter, negative
person that enjoys gossiping and talking about others behind their back!
A general comment like I didnt feel like my prior workplace had the
most conducive learning environment would suffice.

Ask questions. Even if you dont have a particularly pressing question,

still ask a question. Why? Asking questions shows that you have thought
deeply about the position and the organisation and, with anything in life
that youre interested and invested in, you want to know everything about
it. Here are some good general questions to ask if youre stuck:
o Are you able to provide me with any more details on what my
responsibilities might involve?
o If successful, what do you think is the single most important thing
a graduate should learn or do in their first year?
o What do you enjoy most about working here?

o How do you see the company evolving in the next three years?
o Can you tell me what your typical working day looks like?
o What sort of training or career development opportunities do you

The Type of Questions You Should Anticipate

This section provides examples of the types of questions you should anticipate
receiving not only at the final interview, but also throughout other stages of the
application process.
Tell Me About Yourself
Summarise your professional and educational background and make a
connection to the position and organisation you are applying for. Then, mention
your strengths and abilities and why you are well suited to the role.
Heres an example of what I would say when applying to be an auditor at a
professional services firm:
Im in my final year of a Bachelor of Commerce degree, majoring in
Accounting and Marketing, at the University of Melbourne. During my
studies, I have held several leadership positions, actively participated in a
variety of extra-curricular activities and have worked as a self-employed
piano teacher, research assistant and annual giving caller.
For example, as an annual giving caller, I would cold call alumni from the
University to ask about what they were currently doing, as well as asking
them to make a donation to the Universitys fundraising campaign. I am
able to easily strike up a conversation with a stranger and build rapport
over a short period of time. I believe that this would be a useful skill to
possess when building and maintaining a working relationship with new
Why Do You Want to Work Here?
This is a question that youve got to think deeply about and perform the
necessary research to determine what stands out about x company. Its also a
great way for you to demonstrate your knowledge about the organisation and
why it takes top spot on your list.
This may be the companys commitment to developing graduates, or their focus
on corporate social responsibility or even how youve been impressed by how
others describe the firms culture and work environment either way, find
something genuine that clicks with you.
Here is an example of what I wrote to explain why I wanted to work for Telstras
marketing team:

I would love to work in an organisation that is passionate about innovation

and adding value to everyday Australians. Despite an increasingly
saturated telecommunications market, Telstra has delivered wonderful
marketing campaigns that have set its brand apart from its competitors. For
example, Telstras core message to deliver a brilliant connected future
was highlighted in the Count on Me marketing campaign and this
promise to customers has been backed up by new product launches and
consistent improvement of their network coverage.
All these reasons above make Telstra a fantastic place to work and I would
love a spot in the graduate program so that I can learn more about Telstras
brand positioning, customer service and development. It would facilitate
my career dream of being part of a fully integrated marketing division that
places a huge focus on innovation, technology and a developing a better
way of doing things for all future Australians.
What Do You Think Will be Some of the Challenges You Will Face as a
Articulating the challenges you think you might face and following up with
action steps on how to overcome these challenges is a fantastic way to let
assessors know that youve thought deeply about the job.
Here are some challenges (again, what I wrote as part of my Telstra application)
and some ways to overcome them:

Experiencing a steep learning curve. As with any new job, there is often a
learning curve at the beginning where new employees learn about
expectations, key skills and the culture of the firm. Often, this process
can be quite overwhelming, but I think it is necessary to embrace it and
be a sponge to absorb as much information as we possibly can.

Fitting into the firms corporate culture. Ive always believed that a firms
culture plays a huge role in determining its success. Id like to think that I
share all of the firms values such as taking responsibility, being
determined as well as having an immense desire to learn. However,
culture is an intangible item that is very difficult to articulate in words
and something that can only be truly experienced when youre in the
firm itself.

Finding that work-life balance. As important as work is, Im someone that

strongly believes there is much more to life than just work. Striking a
work-life balance is something that will be challenging, particularly in
the first couple of months as work load expectations are set. However,
having spoken to friends who are working or have worked at this firm, I
do believe that finding that a work-life is very achievable.


What is Your Greatest Weakness?

This is a question about self-awareness. Its easy to name your greatest strengths
(after all, we do like to focus on what were good at), but its much harder to
pinpoint and name your greatest weakness.
You may have heard others tell you that you should turn your greatest weakness
into a strength. For example, My greatest weakness is being a perfectionist, but
this also means that I exhibit strong attention to detail skills and my work is of
an exemplary standard.
Personally, I dont like this approach. More often that not, interviewers want to
hear candid, straight responses about an applicant not something sugar
Surprise them by admitting a real weakness albeit one that doesnt really
impact on the job then describe how you overcame it by using strengths that
are relevant. For example, you can refer to overcoming nervousness at public
speaking by thorough organisation and preparation.
Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?
Outline your career goals in the industry and how securing this particular
graduate job will help you accomplish them. Include specific steps on how you
plan to achieve your overall career goal and how you intend to take initiative
and action to successfully reach them.
Why You?
This two-word question is probably the toughest one yet.
The key here is articulating your motivation, why you believe you are better
than every other candidate and what key strengths you can bring to the job.
The best way to answer this question is to think of it as a sales pitch: Draw on
your experiences, outline how they are applicable to the role youre applying for
and what key attributes you possess.

The Type of Behavioural Questions You Should

The following are some common behavioural questions that might be asked in
your final interview. As these questions are often context and individual
specific, it is best for you to personally consider how best you would answer
them depending on your own circumstances.


As always, remember to use the STAR method when answering these questions.

Describe a time when you came up with an idea that required you to get
the support of others.
Describe your greatest personal or professional achievement to date.
Describe a time when you were faced with a stressful situation. How did
you cope and what was the result?
Give me an example of a time where you set a goal. What steps did you
take to try to achieve that goal? Were you successful?
Tell me a time when you had too much to do and too little time. How did
you manage to complete all your tasks?
Give me an example of a time where you had to cope with interpersonal
conflict when working in a team. How did you deal with it and what was
the result?
Give me an example of when you showed initiative and took the lead.
Describe a situation where others you were working with on a project
disagreed with your ideas. What did you do?
Describe a time where you demonstrated leadership skills.
Describe a time when you were able to successfully work with someone
who you found difficult.


Chapter 7: What Happens If

Youre Unsuccessful
It would be foolish of me to claim that if you followed everything in this book to
a tee, then voila, youll get yourself a grad job.
Who am I kidding? All of us no matter how much of a gun you are are going
to receive one of those trusted rejection emails.
You know the ones Im talking about: Unfortunately, due to the high calibre of
applications we received this year, we are unable to process your application
any further.
So what should you do when faced with such regrettable rejection?

The smartest graduates actually use rejection to improve and make their next
application even more effective.
Until you land a job, you should constantly be asking yourself What could I
be doing differently that might get me better results?
If youve progressed through to the assessment centre stage or further, always ask
for feedback.
If youve been rejected earlier on (i.e. during the written application or video
interviews stage) then youre more unlikely to receive feedback simply due to
the sheer number of applicants however, it doesnt hurt to try and ask anyway.
Email the HR recruitment division (or your particular interviewer), be
appreciative, thank them for their time and ask them if they have any feedback
for you to improve upon your next application.
You may feel as if youve already given each application everything youve got,
but realistically, there is always more you can do to increase your chances.
Accept this, use the feedback youve got, stop repeating the same mistakes and
wasting your time and energy.


What Next If You Dont Receive Any Offers From

Your Applications?
I know this can be a gut-wrenching feeling, but its really important to not lose
You may not have been successful this time around, but opportunities are
always there.
Here are some things you can do before next years opening grad intake:
Follow the Careers Social Media Pages of the Firms Youre Interested In

This is more commonplace in professional services firms, but there may

be the chance for the opening of additional graduate roles later on in
the year. This may be because some employees from the firm have left (a
high turnover of staff is particularly prevalent in professional services) or
it may be due to more clients coming on board, which require more staff.

Lower-end retail or customer service roles may be advertised that are

well suited to students. Although it may not be as promising as a fullyfledged graduate job, its still a great way to get your foot in the door.

Cast a Wider Net

Consider the small-to-medium enterprise (SME) space. Sure, these jobs

dont have the prestige of some of the larger companies, but they are
still a fantastic way for you to get industry related experience.
Furthermore, SMEs usually:
o Have a shorter and less competitive recruitment process.
o Have a more personable work culture.
o Allow you to have broader work experiences, responsibilities and
opportunities across the division.
o Are less hierarchical in nature.
o Have more flexible working arrangements.

Dont limit yourself to one sector or industry. You might have your mind
set on working in a business related field, but perhaps you could also
reconsider sales or an administration type of position?

Focus on Getting Work Experience

Time and time again, I hear that employers are much more interested in
your relevant work and life experiences rather than education
credentials (this is why further postgraduate studies may not be the best
option around). Take up a part time job (your universitys career portal is


a great place to start looking), create your own opportunities, or even just
take some time out to travel and soak up what the world has to offer.
Consider doing an unpaid internship. Personally, Im not a fan of these
unpaid internships as, to some degree, you could say it is labour
exploitation of students. However, these unpaid internships are very
popular in both the UK and US and, if youre desperate for some work
experience and the organisation really takes your fancy, then why not
give it a shot?

Just be aware of your employers and your own expectations do you

expect to get a paid job at the end of your internship or is it merely for
work experience purposes only?
The Hidden Job Market

It is said that 20% of jobs arent actually ever advertised anyway.

It pays to ask those who are in the know. You can do this by attending
loads of networking events, being active in LinkedIn groups, keeping in
touch with your professional contacts etc. Sometimes, internal hiring
opportunities will arise down the track and it always helps if youre a
visible candidate.


Chapter 8: Grad Life

Grad life is great.
As a graduate, managers typically would not expect you to have a great deal of
technical knowledge.
Theyre only expectation is that you give everything a go, you take initiative
and you put your best foot forward to learn all that you can.
This essentially means that graduates have permission to ask countless
questions, to try new things and to make mistakes.
In fact, I would argue that its vitally important to ask all the questions you have
and fail as many times as possible during your grad year as, when the next lot of
graduates come in, theyll be turning to you for the answers.

4 Things You May Not Expect to Happen During

Your Graduate Year

Be prepared to do the grunt work. Keep in mind that in the corporate

hierarchy of importance, youre at the very bottom. Someone has to do
the work that is, at times, monotonous, repetitive and downright boring.
When this happens, take it in your stride and see it as a rite of passage.
Remember that everyone who has ever worked in your profession has
done something similar and utilise the vacationer students when they
come in!

The prized 9-5 doesnt really exist. Of course, this is highly dependent
on what industry you work in, but the general expectation is that you
work until whatever youre working on is completed (or until your
manager/colleagues leave).

Youll be pretty tired for the first month or two. Most graduates finish their
final year at university, have a nice three month holiday/break then dive
into a full time graduate role. The first one or two months will be an
adjustment phase for your body and mind, so be prepared to feel
somewhat overwhelmed and tired with the hours and demands of full
time work.

Sometimes, you just got to fake it till you make it. This is particularly the
case when youre dealing with clients who expect you to know things. I
would recommend just going with the flow it usually all works out.

Of course, Im just focusing on some of the negatives so that you have an

holistic idea of what to expect.


Top 3 Tips to Making the Most Out of Your

Graduate Year

Find a mentor. Whether this is your assigned buddy, a manager you get
along with particularly well or anybody else, make sure you have a goto person who you can ask all the stupid questions to. This persons
experience and knowledge will be invaluable to you, particularly as
youre learning the ropes.

Prioritise learning over working. When you first start, youll obviously
need to learn how to do the work before you actually do it. There may
come a point where youve learnt all you need to do the job at hand and
it just becomes easier to focus on completing the work and not stepping
outside of your comfort zone to learn more. Always try to remember that
working is secondary to learning and, ultimately, learning and your
professional development will add more value to you than just getting
the job done.

Make a good impression by setting great habits. In any team or

workplace, everyone has some sort of reputation. Try to set and build
your reputation from the very first impression you make. Have a strong
work ethic, be thorough with your work and dont be complacent. I once
worked with someone who was meticulous with every piece of work
they submitted for manager review and, needless to say, she became very
well respected amongst the team for her work and commitment. Be the
person that everyone else wants to work with.

As you climb up the ladder in an organisation, youll begin to have more

responsibilities and higher expectations from your managers. Make the most of
your grad year by asking questions, taking chances and learning anything and
everything possible.
All the best, thanks for your company and I wish you all the very best for your
graduate job hunt and beyond!


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