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2.1 Describe the listening process and identify the primary

features that distinguish listening from hearing.
Explanation of the hearing process and identify rey features that
distinguish from listening
Hearing is process of capfuring sound or sound with his ears and a
proces activites related to the senses of the listener catches listening to
the sound with different words representing the function and the task of
one of the five senses.
Listening can be defined and activity that includes activites and hear the
sound of language identify and observe the reaction to meaning.
Listening process requires serious attention from students in order to
achieve the desired goat
While listening is a capture process to understand and rememmber
best what he listens of something that is said by others to him and
respon to intentional or receive sound.

2.2 Discuss three reasons why listening is important in our

Listening skill important because it is part of communication, it helps
you to improve your human skills and to expand your social network.
However, many people tend to talk a lot and neglected the listening part
during a conversation.
Importance of listening in our lives :
A. Improve Understanding
Listening well will aids you improve your understanding towars your
surrounding environment and people, your daily task and job. No matter
you are the lower level employes or top manager of the company, you
need to have good listening skills in order to fully understand. Your
responsibility and task structure. Listening well also helps you to avaid
conflict and learn valuable information such as seniors experience in
handling specific challenge.

B. Build good relationship

People tend to perceived themselves and their thoughts as more
important than the others thus, most of the time people want others to
listen to what they say. In other words, people like others to pay
attention on them.
C. Support others need.
The command-and-control leadership style has long gone. Nowadays,
you need to have good human skills to lead your follower. In order to
have your followers to grow and improve, first you must listen to what
they want to tell you try to listen carefully especlaly when they mention
about the obstacles that stops them from stepping. Forward, and then
prepare an appropriate solution for them.

2.3 Define and discuss examples of active, empathic,

critical, and enjoyment listening
Listening is classified into four main type:
A. Active listening
The process of getting information from others as a speaker.
Exampe : Valued in conversation, small group discussion, and even
question-and-answer sessions in public speaking or when someone is
telling a story and after completion we provide feedback or input
B. Empathic listening
Is a way of listening and responding to another person that
improves mutual understanding and trust. Example : when someone
is feeling grief and sadness we participate in other people feel.
C. Critical listening
you challenge the speakers message by evaluating its
accuracy,meaningfulness, and utility. Example : a student ability
hearing or know what to till by lecturer , therefore she can prepare
tasks to given.

D. Listening for enjoyment

Involves seeking out situations involving relaxing,fun, or
emotionally stimulating information. Example : whether you are
listening to your favorite musical group and you very enjoyed and the
same time sing.

2.4Analyze barriers to effective listening, including internal

and external noise, perceptions of others, and yourself.
While we are going to be effective listener. We must have more attention
to speaker. Because, if we dont it. So that we can not be a good listener.
In listening many kids of barriers. Such as : noise that including internal
and external, perception other and yourself. In here I would like to
explain about barriers to effective listening.
Including internal and external noise, internal noise is speaker giving
message to listener to be clear. And than a listener can be get a message
from speaker. And external noise is a sounds of out environment. But in
here listener can not get a message from speaker.
The kinds of noise, such as :
A. Physical Distraction
Keep your situation from out sounds of environment. And you must
focus on the message. So, you know about what the message from
speaker. Example : All the students make noise when a teacher explain
about some material study.
B. Mental Distraction
Have immagination when a speaker give some message. Example:
Thinking a make orange juice while her teacher speak about of drink.
C. Factual Distraction
Focusing when speaker give a message. But can not get poin or main
idea from a message speaker. Example : listening to all of material study
from a teacher but when a teacher ask of them about point materi, they
are forgetting.

D. Semantic Distraction
More responding to an emotion when listening message from speaker.
Example : she is not listening and not responding while a teacher said
practice conversation.
In disscused we have get of differents behind internal and external
noise. Internal noise including are physical distraction and mental
distraction and semantic distructions.

2.5 Use strategies for critical thinking to evaluate both the

communication situation and the message of the speaker.
Any five strategies for critical listening to evaluate the communication
1. Based sender is creator of the message. Example ;
speaker,writer,director,designer and marketer.
2. Based message is the subject and purpose. Example ; inform,
persuade, entertain.
3. Based medium is the way the message is expressed. Example ;
speech, email,video,painting.
4. Based receiver is the audience of the message. Example ; listener,
5. Based context is the place and time of the message. Example ;
history, hurdies, opportunities.

Strategies for critical thinking to evaluate the message of the message.


Understanding content of ideas the speaker and must have skill to

identify supporting material when analyzing the message.
Know the sources recognizable as qualified experts on the speaker
identify the source.
Always listening the speaker when the speaker given the matery
about something.

2.6 Describe differences in listening behaviors between and

Men and women typically employ different listening styles. Men are
more likely to be action-oriented listening. Which means they focus on
listening to information pertinent to the taskat hand.
1.Response style
Men and women in listening roles during conversation tend to
express their responsiveness in different ways.
2.Brain activity
The difference in listening habits of men and womenis more than just
3.Listening ability
Despite all the reseach targeted at dissecting gender differences in
listening, little to no evidence suggest that members of one gender are
better listeners than members of the other.

2.7 Adapt general strategies for effective listening to specific

situations including the workplace, the classroom, and
mediated environments.
Strategies for effective listening to specific situation including in the
We have to pay attention when we listen we dont get distracted
We also have to monitor nonverbal behavior then we should be able
to determine whether we can provide appropriate to the speaker.
Hear the people who are outside and we have to minimize
distractions that exist arround.

Strategies for effective listening to specific situation including in the


Fine areas of interest in what we wanted to hear and listen when we

are comportable that we stay focused.
Avoiding interference and allowing no room of class that can
interfere with concentration and distracts
Listen to and record the main idea being listened to in order to
conclude what has been listened to..

Strategies for effective listening to specific situation including in the

mediated at home:

Choose a place and the tranquil athmoshpere away from the crowds.
Mind should be focused on the sound you want to be listening dont
to get the important things are missed.
Try to find out if there are words that have different meanings.

2.8 Engage in ethical listening behaviors.

How can you be an ethical listening?
Recognize the sources of your own conversational habits
Monitor your communication to recognize when you are engage in poor
listening behaviors
Ethics How you respond
Adapt to others

1.1 Foreword
Praise god we pray the presence of
Allah SWT. Blessings and gifts we can
resolve this paper well. Paper entitled
we realize that in this paper is still far
perfection, it is due to the limitations of
our knowledge skill and therefore, we
are looking forward to critism and
constructive suggestions from the reader.
May this paper can be useful for us.
The final word. We apologize if in
writing this paper there are many errors.

1.1. Forward..........................................................................................


2.1. Describe the listening process and identify the primary features
that distinguish listening from hearing..............................
2.2. Discuss three reasons why listening is important in our lives......
2.3. Define and discuss examples of active ,empathic, critical,and
enjoyment listening.............................................................
2.4. Analyze barriers to effective listening, including internal and
external noise, perceptions of others, and yourself.............
2.5. Use strategies for critical thinking to evaluate both the
communication situation and the message of the speaker.......
2.6. Describe differences in listening behaviors between men and
2.7. Adapt general strategies for effective listening to specific
situations including the workplace,the classroom, and mediated
2.8. Engage in ethical listening behaviors..........................................


3.1. Conclusin..................................................................................
3.2. Suggestion..................................................................................

Subjects listened to a subject that focuses on
understanding in evaluating speakers, subjects listened
to is one important component in the english language. In
the listening one can add vocabulary in the english

Perhaps this is in discourse in writing this group
although the writing is far from perfect. At least we
implement this article. Still a lot of errors from our
writing group, we hope to be useful for all of us and we
also need some advice / critism that could be a motivation
for the future better than the past. We also thank you for
listening university lecture eye supervisor imelda mother

who has given us the task group for the good of


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