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Trailer analysis of how women are

portrayed within film: Avengers

From this shot we can infer different
perceptions of Scarlett Johnsons
character on the far left. Firstly she is
seen as standing tall and firm alongside
other men, including Thors character
being seen as muscular, and determined.
This could suggest Scarlett Johnson to be
similar to them, and being portrayed as
strong which in most superhero films
men are seen as the strong, dominant
However she could also be seen as an
outcast is she is seen on the far left, and
this could imply to some audiences, that
the main focus is to be on the male
characters in the middle, as they are
most dominant.
In this shot Scarlett Johnson has been
sexualized by the clothing she is
wearing, being skin skin tight, and
having exposure from her chest area. To
men this would be seen as meeting their
gratification, which we can link to the
Male Gaze theory, of men being
attracted to her. Along with a grey, dull
background behind her, makes us as the
audience specifically focus on her. On the
other hand to women she could be seen
as Heroic as her stance is seen as strong

Trailer analysis of how women are

portrayed within film: Avengers
This shot implies that Scarlett Johnsons
character is strong as along with the
other heroes, she is seen as brave and in
action ready to fight. Usually this view of
violence is seen as part of the mans
characteristics within film, however this
shot highlights how Scarlett Johnsons
character as a female is still able to
conform to this view.

In this shot Scarlett Johnson has been

sexualized by the close up shot of a
sexual tension scene between her and
Bruce Banner. Yet we see the man as the
taller figure which implies his
dominance, giving indications of how
almost being seen as a sexual object by
him. Additionally as she is within dark
lighting, can imply she is some what
seducing, and this could be seen as a
fantasy sex object by a male audience.

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