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JULY 1943




JULY 1943




First published in the United States of America by

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ISBN 1-57488-576-6
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This book is dedicated to James, Alex and Charlotte
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Editors: Peter Darman, Vanessa Unwin, Anne-Lucie Norton
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CENTRAL MUSEUM OF THE ARMED FORCES, Moscow: Jl (top), 12 (both), 14, 16 (both), 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 50, 51 (both), 53, 54, 55 (both),
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209, 211, 212 (top), 213 (both), 214 (both), 215, 216.

FROM THE FONDS OF THE RGAKFD IN KRASNOGORSK: 7 (top), 13 (both), 21 (bottom), 24, 29 (bottom), 56, 57, 59, 63, 70, 75, 76 (bottom), 79
(both), 84 (bottom), 89, 90 (both), 92, 94 (both), 95 (top), 96, 98 (bottom), 99 (top), 102 (top), 107 (bottom), 111 (top), 113 (top), 115, 116
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178 (bottom), 179 (both), 181 (both), 186 (bottom), 189, 197 (bottom), 205 (top), 206 (bottom), 210, 212 (bottom).
NIK CORNISH AT STAVKA MILITARY RESEARCH: 15 (bottom), 120 (bottom), 125 (bottom), 127 (bottom), 143 (top).
Robert Hunt Library: 6, 7 (bottom), 8 (both), 9, 10, 11 (bottom), 15 (top), 21 (top), 22 (both), 23, 27, 28, 29 (top), 30, 31, 32 (both), 33, 34,
35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 (both), 44 (both), 45, 46, 46-47, 48, 49 (both), 58 (both), 71 (both), 73 (bottom), 80 (both), 82, 83, 85 (top), 86,
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(bottom), 151 (both), 160, 161 (bottom), 162, 16,3, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 173, 174, 175, 182, 185 (top).
TRH PICTURES: 161 (top).

Introduction 6
Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Rearming the Wehrmacht 30

Soviet Preparations 50

Chapter 3

The First Day 70

Chapter 4

Northern Deadlock 92

Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Target Oboyan 106

The Air Battle 118

Chapter 7

Slaughter at Ponyri 132

Chapter 8

Crisis in the Salient 146

Chapter 9
Chapter 10

SS Spearhead 160
Tanks Burning Like Torches 176

Chapter 11

Withdrawal 190

Chapter 12

Aftermath 204


German Army formations committed

to Citadel 217
Major Red Army formations committed
to Citadel 218
Losses at Kursk 219
German tank aces at Kursk 220
Bibliography 221
Index 222


The destruction of the Sixth Army at Stalingrad at the beginning of 1943 was a
disaster for Germany. However, Manstein was able to restore the front in southern
Russia, which allowed Hitler to plan for a new offensive on the Eastern Front.

e have only to kick in the door and the

whole rotten structure will come
tumbling down."
Hitler's well-known comment, made on the eve
of the invasion of the Soviet Union was, by the
summer of 1943, sounding ominously hollow.
When, in the early hours of 22 June 1941,
Germany and her allies had unleashed Operation
Barbarossa, the codename for the invasion of the
Soviet Union, success looked like a foregone
conclusion as the panzers tore across the vast, open
steppes. By the end of November 1941 Leningrad
and Sebastopol (base of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet)
were under siege, the Ukraine and the Baltic States
were occupied, and Moscow itself was in the
frontline. In theory the vast bulk of the Soviet
Union's Army and Air Force had been destroyed,

captured or so badly disrupted as to be of little or

no fighting value. However, the theory was at odds
with the facts of the situation. Germany's lack of
preparedness for a winter campaign and the Soviet
Union's seemingly limitless supplies of men and
equipment were factors that had been overlooked
in the euphoria of the rapid advances of the
summer. The horrors of campaigning in the depths
of a Russian winter with no antifreeze, protective
clothing or roads worthy of the name came home
The Hammer and Sickle flies over the ruins
of Stalingrad after Axis forces surrender at
the beginning of February 1943. Some
250,000 German troops had been killed or
captured following the city's encirclement by
the Red Army in November 1942.

with a vengeance to the men of the Wehrmacht. As

Colonel-General Heinz Guderian, the panzer genius,
wrote to his wife "this is the revenge of reality." With
their men and machines a shadow of their former
strength, the overstretched units of Army Group
Centre faced the power of the Soviet counterattack,
launched on 5 December 1941. During the winter
of 1941 the temperature fell as low as minus 43 C.
Such was the force of the Soviet counterattack that
Army Group Centre appealed to be on the verge of
collapse, as position after position was overwhelmed
by Red Army men used to the harsh conditions and
equipped with machines and weapons designed for
winter warfare.
Disgusted with the advice of his generals to
withdraw from the outskirts of Moscow, Hitler
demanded that they stand firm and give no ground
without fighting. Replacing senior officers who
dared to question his orders, Hitler took command
of the army on the Eastern Front on 17 December
1941. Army Group Centre's line, although
punctured and severely weakened, held and its
fighting withdrawal did not degenerate into a rout.
Both Army Group North, facing Leningrad, and
Army Group South, completing the line down to
the Black Sea, fell back to more defensible lines.
Although the Russians pressed hard they were
unable to achieve their objective of driving the
Germans back behind the River Dnieper. The onset
of the thaw forced both sides to suspend their
operations and take advantage of the time to rebuild
their forces. The Soviet Union had survived the
Blitzkrieg of 1941 bloodied, but unbroken. It was
therefore essential to the Germans and their allies to
defeat the Soviet Union during 1942 before Russian
munitions factories, particularly those relocated
beyond the Ural Mountains, increased production
and outstripped those of the Axis powers.

Lack of fuel immobilized the majority of

the Sixth Army's motor vehicles, priority
being given to tanks and ambulances. These
armoured cars, an Sd Kfz 222 with its 20mm
gun pointed skywards and an eight-wheeled
Sd Kfz 232 Funk (radio), had been abandoned
for just that reason.

The Russian counteroffensive had saved

Moscow and crippled Hitlers plans for crushing
the Soviet Union with one mighty blow. But
despite its losses in men and materiel, the
Wehrmacht was by no means a spent force. The
objective for the German summer offensive of
The grisly harvest of Stalingrad: a field of
Axis corpses on the outskirts of the city.
Many of the bodies have had their clothing
removed by civilians to tailor for their own
use. In the background a Soviet-produced Gaz
lorry delivers another grim cargo.

1942 was to be limited in scope when compared
with Barbarossa, but highly ambitious in terms of
its territorial and economic aspirations. Instead of
an offensive from the Baltic to the Black Sea, only
Army Group South would be totally committed.

Operation Blau (Blue)

G.K. Zhukov, who in August 1942 was

named Deputy Commissar of Defence and
First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Soviet
Armed Forces. He planned and directed the
counteroffensive that encircled the German
Sixth Army at Stalingrad.

S.K. Timoshenko. Created a Marshal of the

Soviet Union and Commissar for Defence in
May 1940, his offensive in southern Russia in
May 1942 to retake Kharkov was a total
disaster. Forbidden by Stalin to withdraw his
forces, he lost over 200,000 men.

The outline of the German plan for the summer of

1942 was laid down in Hitler's Directive 41 dated
5 April 1942. Essentially Hitler set his forces the
task of clearing the Soviets from the region of the
River Don, the Donbass industrial area, taking the
Caucasian oilfields and occupying the passes
through the Caucasus Mountains, thus accessing
the Trans-Caucasian lands. It was anticipated that
operations south of the Caucasus would bring
neutral Turkey into the war on the side of the Axis.
Operation Blau, the codename for Army Group
Souths general offensive, was to begin after
Sebastopol had fallen and the Soviets' Izyum
bridgehead on the right bank of the River Donets
had been eliminated. Army Group South, in effect,
was to become two commands, Army Group B to
the north and connecting with Army Group
Centre, and Army Group A completing the line to
the Black Sea.
The operation was to be split into several
phases. Phases one and two involved the north
flank of Army Group South moving from Kursk to
Voronezh, advancing down the River Don to link
up with the Sixth Army, and encircling all Soviet
forces -within these two arms of a pincer before
taking out the Izyum bridgehead. Phase three
involved the right flank of Army Group South
forcing the defences along the River Donets in the
Voroshilovgrad area and moving up the River Don
to meet up with other elements of Army Group
South. At this point the designations Army Group
A and B would be activated. This second pincer
movement would close on Stalingrad and take the
city or at least neutralize it as an industrial and
communications centre. Stalingrad, standing on
the banks of the River Volga, controlled river
traffic, was an important industrial centre and, as
such, was the major objective of Directive 41. The
advance into the Caucasus was not dependent on
Stalingrad's capture.
The date chosen to begin the first phase was 18
May. However, at dawn on 12 May, Field Marshal


Fedor von Bock, commander of Army Group

South, was informed that his Sixth Army was
under attack in the Kharkov area. It swiftly became
clear that this was not a small-scale operation but
one that involved dozens of infantry divisions and
hundreds of tanks. Kharkov, fourth city in the
Soviet Union, was the objective for the Red Army.
The German counteroffensive was launched on 17
May with an attack on the Soviet left flank.
Marshal S. K. Timoshenko, commanding the
Soviet forces in the area, requested permission to
withdraw and call off the attempt to retake
Kharkov, but his request was refused by Stalin.
Consequently the Red Army lost more than
200,000 men, some 1200 tanks and a little over
2000 guns. In practical terms, Operation Blau was
now under way as the Izyum bridgehead was
overrun by 28 May and a foothold had been
established on the left bank of the River Donets.
The following week the final push against
Sebastopol began, and by 4 July it had fallen.
Following the fall of Sebastopol, the Eleventh Army
was thus released for inclusion in Operation Blau.
From Kursk to the Crimea, the Germans and
their allies could muster some 73 divisions, of
which 9 were armoured, 7 motorized (including 2

A German panzer nears a burning Russian

village during Operation Blau, the German
summer offensive in Russia in 1942. At first
the Blitzkrieg carried all before it. The First
Panzer Army, for example, drove 400km (25O
miles) from its start line on 28 June and
captured Rostov on 23 July.

Waffen-SS) and 26 were allies, mainly Romanian

and Italian. Although alerted by spies in
Switzerland during April and by the recovery of
German plans from a plane crash behind Soviet
lines on 20 June (just eight days before the start
date), Stalin refused to believe the evidence of a
forthcoming Axis offensive. He was convinced that
the main attack would be directed at Moscow and
that any operations in the south would be feints.
On 28 June Army Group B attacked on a
140km (90-mile) front south of Orel with 23
divisions, including 3 armoured and 2 motorized.
Two days later Colonel-General Friedrich Paulus'
Sixth Army extended the offensive by another
80km (50 miles) with 18 divisions, including 2
armoured and 1 motorized. This northern pincer
closed at Voronezh, trapping some 30,000 Soviet
troops before the end of the first week in July.

at that point Hitler intervened. XL Army Corps
was relocated from the drive on Stalingrad, leaving
that area of operations to the Sixth Army alone
instead of the two army groups originally allocated.
Paulus was forced to mark time as the Soviets did
everything in their power to organize their newly
created Stalingrad Front.

The drive to Stalingrad

A Field Marshal Wilhelm List, commander of

Army Group A during Operation Blau. He was
dismissed by Hitler for displaying a lack of
energy in pressing the offensive. In fact, the
slow progress was due more to the exhaustion
of the infantry divisions and losses in vehicles
than bad leadership.

On 7 July Timoshenko gave orders to his

South-Western Front to withdraw as the threat
from the Sixth Army was now obvious. Therefore
when the leading units of Army Group A attacked
two days later they met only Soviet rearguards
when crossing the River Don. As Paulus advanced
towards Rossosh, Army Group A began its part of
Operation Blau and by 12 July the whole of the
front was moving forwards in an attempt to
encircle the retreating Soviet forces. On 17 July
Voroshilovgrad fell and Stalin gave permission to
the commander of South Front to fall back. It was

By 15 July units of Army Group South were half

way to Stalingrad, having taken Millerovo. Rostov
fell to the Germans on 23 July but without netting
the hoped-for bag of prisoners. The Red Army was
trading space for time and the Wehrmacht marched
on into the seemingly endless steppes of the River
Don lands, and the Sixth Army towards its
appointment with destiny. On 23 July Hitler
issued Directive 45 from his forward headquarters
at Vinnitsa in the western Ukraine. The orders in
Directive 45 launched Army Group A into the
Caucasus and Army Group B into Stalingrad and
along the banks of the Rivers Don and Volga to
the north and south of the city. Thus Hitler was
attempting to achieve both objectives
simultaneously, and by doing so hoped to draw
Japan as well as Turkey into the war with the
USSR. To further complicate his generals'
problems, Hitler removed several key units from
Army Group South, including the SS
Panzergrenadier Divisions Totenkopf and
Leibstandarte, the 9th and llth Panzer Divisions,
and the recently upgraded Panzergrenadier
Division Grossdeutschland. The majority of the
Eleventh Army was distributed across the Eastern
Front but, by way of compensation, a further 10
allied divisions had been drafted in (although most
of them were incapable of more than garrison or
security duties). The rapidity of the German
advance had meant that fuel for the vehicles was
taking so long to reach frontline units that Paulus
was unable to exploit his successful action at
Kalach on 4 August until 21 August.
Paulus' orders of 19 August assigned the south
and centre of Stalingrad to LI Corps and the
northern districts to XIV Corps. However, the first
street fighting demonstrated how well the Soviets
had organized the Stalingrad Front, and resistance
was stronger and more determined than the
Germans had anticipated.

As the push into the Caucasus continued, even

more difficult to resolve than the worsening supply
problem was that of exhausted men and worn-out
vehicles. As a propaganda exercise, on 21 August a
detachment of German mountain troops planted a
swastika flag at the top of Mount Elbrus in the

A Soviet infantrymen were notoriously illdisposed to wearing helmets, believing them

to be an indication of cowardice. They
preferred the pilotka (side cap). This group of
men are worming their way towards a German
position through the debris of one of the many
ruined factories in Stalingrad. The men are all
armed with the PPSh submachine gun, an
ideal weapon for close-quarter fighting.

Caucasus range, one of the highest peaks in

Europe. Angered by what he perceived as a lack of
energy, Hitler replaced Field Marshal List as
commander of Army Group A and took the
responsibility upon himself. Progress was not made
and the winter was fast approaching. In Stalingrad
the fighting had taken on all the characteristics of a
battle of attrition. Both sides committed men and
Fires rage in Stalingrad as the Germans
and Soviets battle for control of the city. The
defenders, the Soviet Sixty-Second Army
under Lieutenant-General V.l. Chuikov, had
been driven almost to the Volga by midOctober 1942, but managed to hold on.


The crew of this 37mm antiaircraft gun,

probably men of the 9th Flak Division, fell
victim to the rapid advance of the Soviet
forces which overran Gumrak airfield on the
morning of 22 January. The poor quality of
their winter clothing is obvious.
The ghastly conditions of the Russian Front
during winter are vividly depicted in this
stunning image of an unidentified artillery unit
closing in on Stalingrad during December
1942.The gun is a 76mm ZiS-3 divisional
piece, which was introduced in 1942. The
relaxed manner in which the crew is perched
on obviously freezing metal is testament to
the quality of their winter clothing.

equipment to gain the advantage. Slowly and

bloodily the Sixth Army fought its way towards the
banks of the Volga. On 20 September German
infantry pushed through to the river but were
unable to hold more than a small part of the bank.
The Red Army found that it could neutralize the
air and artillery support enjoyed by the German
ground forces by keeping in close contact with
them and denying the Germans a clear target.
Heavy bombing by General Wolfram von
Richthofen's Air Fleet IV further exacerbated
conditions on the ground by simply creating large
areas of rubble which the infantry had to negotiate
inch by inch. Conventional armoured vehicles were
almost useless as their speed was reduced to a
crawl, at which point they became ideal targets for
Soviet infantry armed with Molotov cocktails,
grenades and antitank rifles. To support the Sixth
Army's efforts five battalions of combat engineers
were airlifted in, and although their expertise was
useful, their casualty rate necessitated them being
amalgamated into one battalion. Soviet
reinforcements were ferried into the city at night.
However, by mid-November, some units of the
Sixty-Second Army, Stalingrad's garrison
commanded by Lieutenant-General V.I. Chuikov,
had been driven back to within 200m (220yd) of
the Volga. It seemed that one final effort would
give Paulus victory.
On 15 November Army Group B had, on its
order of battle, 76 divisions, but of these, 36 were

allied (Romanian and Italian) formations that were

low in infantry and antitank weapons. These allied
troops were placed on the flanks of the Sixth Army
following the orders contained in Directive 41.
Unfortunately these divisions were occupying
positions of great responsibility for which they
were entirely ill-equipped. As the daily slaughter
in Stalingrad continued and the weather
deteriorated, the Soviets began to assemble their
forces for a counterattack which was designed to
trap the Sixth Army.
The Soviet counteroffensive was codenamed
Uranus and was to be commanded by Marshal
G.A. Zhukov. Its aim was simply to encircle all
Axis forces within its grasp by a gigantic pincer
movement. The first pincer was to be launched by
the South-West and Don Fronts to the north of
Stalingrad on 19 November. The second pincer, to
the south of the city, was Colonel-General
Eremenko's Stalingrad Front, which was to attack
on 20 November.
The northern pincer struck the Romanian
Third Army, which rapidly collapsed and thus
allowed a Soviet cavalry corps to pour into the
breach. A similar breakthrough took place on the
following day as the southern pincer attacked. The
next day Eremenko's cavalry cut the
NovorossiskStalingrad railway line. So rapid were
the movements of the Soviet pincers that they
linked up at the village of Sovietskiy during the
morning of 23 November. Paulus and his men
were encircled. That afternoon Hitler ordered
Paulus to "take up a hedgehog position and await
help from outside." During the evening of 23

This T-34/76 Model 1943, of an unidentified

unit, is one of a group firing on a column of
German vehicles, some of which are just
visible in the distance. The hastily applied
whitewash camouflage is clearly beginning to
wear thin. The open nature of the frozen
steppe was ideal tank country, with almost
limitless visibility.
An Italian L6/40 light tank, one of the 55
available to the Italian Eighth Army on the
Don Front at the time of Operation Saturn.
The light armour and 47mm main gun were
totally inadequate in the face of the massed
T-34/76 tanks that poured across the frozen
River Don.

November Paulus requested permission to break
out, as he reasoned that the "enemy has not yet
succeeded in closing the gap to west and southwest. But his preparations for attack are
becoming evident."
Convinced by Hermann Gring, commander
of the Luftwaffe, that it was possible to airlift at
least 508 tonnes (500 tons) of the 711 tonnes (700
tons) of supplies required daily by the Sixth Army,
Hitler did not rescind his stand-fast orders, despite
the protests of several of his senior officers.
Following discussions with his staff, Paulus ordered
his men to dig in, and the Stalingrad pocket
some 45km (37 miles) from the city to its western
extremity and 30km (25 miles) from north to
south was created. Inside the pocket were some
250,000 Axis troops.


To deal with this crisis Hitler created Army

Group Don, commanded by Field Marshal Erich
von Manstein, specifically to drive through the
Soviet lines and relieve the Sixth Army. On 12
December Manstein's attack went in, but its
spearhead only reached to within 55km (40 miles)
of Stalingrad and, to avoid encirclement, Army
Group Don began to withdraw on Christmas Eve.
The Red Army relied on cavalry to act as
scouts on the vast, open steppes of southern
Russia. These two men are part of the screen
searching for the small groups of Germans
that attempted to break out of the Stalingrad
pocket. Russian horses were renowned for
their stamina and capacity to survive under
the most extreme conditions.


Some of the extensive Soviet antiaircraft

batteries that ringed Stalingrad. One of the
reasons Hitler forbade the Sixth Army to
retreat was Gring's promise that his
Luftwaffe aircraft could supply the encircled
troops, but Goring was woefully wrong.
Warmly clad in ushanka (fur cap),
sheepskin coat and fur-lined mittens, this Red
Air Force man is checking the ammunition of
the main armament for the legendary Il-2
Shturmovik ground-attack aircraft, two 23mm
cannon. Strangely, given the snow-covered
terrain, the aircraft does not appear to be
camouflaged for winter operations.

A further Soviet offensive, this time aimed at the

Italian Eighth Army and the remnants of the
Romanian Fifth Army, began on 16 December.
Within 48 hours the Axis front had collapsed and
again the Red Army poured in to exploit the
breach. Moreover what little chance the Luftwaffe
had had of supplying the Sixth Army was reduced
even further by the loss of its forward airfields, and
each transport plane's journey increased to a round
trip of some 480km (300 miles) through


4 The face of defeat. Field Marshal Friedrich
Paulus pictured on the day of his surrender to
the victorious Red Army following the
crushing defeat at Stalingrad. Paulus was
suffering from depression and dysentery at
this time. His promotion from Colonel-General
had been announced on the day he went into
captivity, 31 January 1943. He apologized to
his Russian interrogators that circumstances
made it impossible for him to change his
uniform to reflect his promotion.

increasingly effective Soviet air defences. The fate

of the Sixth Army was sealed. Now it remained to
be seen how long it could occupy the attention of
the Red Army and allow Axis forces in the
Caucasus time to escape as the Soviets prepared to
drive farther to the west. Abandoning Krasnodar,
Field Marshal Ewald von Kleists Army Group A
withdrew into the Taman peninsula, situated
opposite to the Crimea, nursing the hope of
renewing their Caucasian ambitions at a later date.
A mixed bag of German and Romanian
prisoners. The Germans had cut the rations of
the Romanians in order to give their own
troops more supplies. The lack of winter
equipment, other than fur caps, can be seen
clearly from this photograph, as can the
apathetic mood of the men.

Chuikov offered Paulus the opportunity to

surrender but this was not taken, and on 22
January the final Soviet attack began. Inexorably,
and in bitter weather, the Red Army advanced and
the pocket became smaller. In a futile effort to
prevent surrender, as no German field marshal had
ever been taken prisoner, Hitler promoted Paulus
to the rank of field marshal on 31 January, but on
that day he was captured. Two days later the last
German detachments in the city surrendered. To
the west Manstein was desperately creating a
defence line along the banks of the River Mius,
having abandoned Rostov on 14 February.
Now the Soviets began to overreach themselves.
Flushed with success, they launched Operation
Gallop, commanded by General M.M. Popov, on
29 January. Gallop was a large-scale raid
undertaken by several tank corps moving in
different directions, with the objective of exploiting
the empty spaces and confusion behind the Axis
lines and keeping them off balance. Scraping

For many Germans their first sighting of

the River Volga was as a frozen bridge into
captivity. Later in the year POWs were used to
raise vessels that had been sunk by the
Luftwaffe. The likelihood of any of the
prisoners attempting to escape is slight, as
the number of guards reflects.

together what little armour he could, Manstein

succeeded in driving back Popov's main force and
destroying another tank corps which had almost
reached the River Dnieper at Zaporozhye, near
Mansteins headquarters, during the last days of
February 1943.
The Soviets opened a second improvised
offensive, Operation Star, on 2 February, with the
cities of Belgorod, Kursk and Kharkov as its
objectives. Following the surrender of Stalingrad
six Soviet armies were released for use elsewhere.
These troops were to be deployed as part of an
ambitious plan to encircle German forces in and

around the city of Orel. When this had been

achieved the next objective was to link up with
other Soviet,forces in a pincer movement and trap
the Germans between Smolensk and Briansk. The
ultimate goal of all these actions was to reach the
River Dnieper by the middle of March and thus
destroy the remains of Army Group Don, the
southernmost part of Army Group South.
Colonel-General K.K. Rokossovsky was to
command the Central Front, which was to be
created from formations that had fought at
Stalingrad. However, the difficulties in moving
men and equipment some 200km (150 miles)
along a single track railway led to Rokossovsky's
participation in the offensive being postponed
until 25 February. The Briansk and Western Fronts
had attacked before Rokossovsky's arrival and ran
into solid resistance. Rokossovsky's men, arriving
and attacking piecemeal, broke through German
and Hungarian units on 25 February allowing XI
Tank Corps to exploit the gap. XI Tank Corps,
operating with cavalry and partisans, penetrated
over 200km (125 miles) into the German rear,

Ambush! A pair of T-34/76s in fading

whitewash camouflage wait in hiding for any
panzers unwary enough to drive incautiously
into this small village during the advance
after the fall of Stalingrad. Attached to the
turret is the standard Russian rifle, the MosinNagant 7.62mm. The radio aerial indicates
that the vehicle is probably the troop
commander's tank.

reaching the River Desna on 7 March. By this time

Rokossovsky's forces were spread out along the few
serviceable roads, presenting a clear target for the
counteroffensive that the Germans were developing
from the south.
Manstein had concluded that the Red Army
could be held and then driven back by adopting a
mobile defensive strategy. This involved allowing
the Soviets to advance until they had outrun their
supply lines and then confronting them from
prepared defensive positions. Inevitably this
doctrine meant giving up ground, which was
anathema to Hitler. However, Manstein felt

confident that Hitler would find his ideas
acceptable. The two met on 6 February and Hitler
grudgingly gave his permission for a withdrawal to
the line of the River Mius. Now Manstein could
go ahead and assemble his forces in the western
Donbass for a counteroffensive. German divisions,
including SS Panzer Corps, which comprised the
three SS Panzergrenadier Divisions, Leibstandarte
Adolf Hitler, Das Reich and Totenkopf, had been
moving to the Eastern Front from the west since
early January. SS Panzer Corps had then been used
to cover the retreat of Axis forces east of the River
Donets before retiring in turn to take up positions
in preparation for Manstein's counterblow.
In such a fluid situation the Germans formed
short-lived battle groups from whatever forces were
available to stem the Soviet advance. For their part
the Red Army commanders viewed the Axis
movements as the prelude to a wholesale
withdrawal from the eastern Ukraine. Nothing
suggested that Manstein was methodically

regrouping his armoured forces. By the middle of

February Kharkov was in imminent danger of
falling to the Russians. Hitler issued yet another
stand-fast older, directing SS Panzer Corps not to
retire from the city. SS-Obergruppenfuhrer Paul
Hausser, SS Panzer Corps' commander, decided
that he must disobey his Fhrer and withdraw in
order to save his men and their equipment.
Kharkov was taken by the Russians on 15 February
and SS Panzer Corps regrouped at Krasnograd.
With Hitler's agreement, Manstein proceeded
with further regrouping and preparations for the
Into action with the tank desant troops.
Well-equipped for the brutal conditions of
winter warfare in thickly padded snowsuits,
these men blend in with the terrain. Tank
desant troops rode into battle clinging to the
outside of tanks and jumped off when close
enough to engage the enemy or occupy
abandoned positions.


counteroffensive, which was to consist of three

clearly defined phases:
1. SS Panzer Corps was to regroup near
Krasnograd, XL and LVII Panzer Corps near
Krasnomeyskoye, and XLVIII Panzer Corps near
Zaporozhye, from where they would converge
against the right flank of South-Western Front and
hurl it back over the northern River Donets.
2. They would then regroup south-west of
Kharkov, and strike at Voronezh Front, pushing it
back across the northern Donets before recapturing
Kharkov and Belgorod.
3. The offensive would continue towards
Kursk, and Second Panzer Army, from Army
Group Centre, would collaborate by striking
southwards from the Orel area to meet Manstein's
troops coming up from the south.
The counteroffensive was to be under the
control of the staff of the Fourth Panzer Army. The
forces assembled included seven panzer divisions,

These Soviet cavalrymen, riding past an

abandoned German Model 35/36 37mm
antitank gun, are part of VII Guard Cavalry
Corps. Involved in the rapid, confused pursuit
of the Axis forces towards the River Donets,
VII Guard Cavalry Corps was isolated and
severely mauled by SS Panzer Corps during
February 1943.

the 5th SS Wiking Motorized Infantry Division,

whose personnel were mainly Scandinavian and
western European volunteers, and four army
infantry divisions.
Manstein launched SS Panzer Corps at
Kharkov on 6 March. The Soviet leadership was
slow to realize the seriousness of their situation.
Initially two of Rokossovsky's armies (Sixty-Second
and Sixty-Fourth) were sent to reinforce the
Voronezh and South-Western Fronts in the
Kharkov region and along the Donets respectively.

A view of Kharkov's Red Square. This great

The liberation of Kharkov on 15 February

prize was the second city of the Ukraine and

1943. The Soviet reoccupation lasted one

the fourth largest in the Soviet Union, and its

month. Here, two T-34/76s drive through the

liberation was a major coup for the Red Army.

city's central plaza's Red Square. The Germans

However, Manstein's brilliant counteroffensive

had withdrawn swiftly, hence the relatively

not only recaptured the city in March, it also

undamaged appearance of the buildings. The

meant that the Germans had regained the

architecture is typical of the Soviet municipal

Donets-Mius line.

style of the period.


A StuG III assault gun armed with a long-

The SS rolls into Kharkov: infantry and a

barrelled 75mm gun on the outskirts of

Panzer III of the Leibstandarte Division move

Kharkov in March 1943. This vehicle belongs

through the suburbs. The SS men had been

to General Paul Hausser's SS Panzer Corps

forced to abandon the city in February 1943,

which, by 10 March, was to the east of the

but a month later were back to exact a bloody

city and ready to batter its way in.

revenge on the Red Army.

New orders were issued to Rokossovsky to reduce
the depth of the planned encirclement around
Briansk. The Soviet attack began on 7 March,
coinciding with the German Second Army's attack
on the River Desna. On 17 March the Fourth
Panzer Army and Second Army advanced on
Belgorod, Kharkov having been taken by the SS on
15 March. By the end of March, the Voronezh
Front was back on the eastern bank of the Donets.

Manstein's master stroke

On 14 Match Stalin, concerned by the deteriorating
situation in the south, summoned Deputy Supreme
Commander, Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K.
Zhukov, to Moscow. Zhukov was despatched to the
HQ of Voronezh Front to assess the situation. In his
report to Stalin, Zhukov was blunt.
"We must move everything we can from the
STAVKA [Soviet equivalent of combined chiefs of
staff] Reserve and the reserves of the neighbouring
Fronts at once, because if we do not the Germans
will capture Belgorod and develop their offensive
towards Kursk."
Within hours the Twenty-First and SixtyFourth Armies were moving towards Belgorod, but
they were too late to prevent its capture. Belgorod
fell on 18 March, confirming Zhukov's predictions.
The Twenty-First and Sixty-Fourth Armies
established strong defensive positions to the east of
the city. The speed of the Soviet redeployment had
frustrated one of Manstein's objectives: the move
on Kursk.
However, Manstein had the bit between his
teeth and did not care to surrender the initiative in
the Kharkov-Kursk-Orel region. Although his men
and machines were reaching the end of their
capacities Manstein attempted to persuade Field
Marshal Gnther von Kluge, commander of Army
Group Centre, to cooperate in an attack on
Rokossovsky's forces in the newly formed Kursk
salient. Kluge, insisting that his men were in no fit
condition to do more, refused. Indeed Army
Group Centre had been involved in its own
operation, the withdrawal from the Rzhev salient
in front of Moscow, which shortened the line by
some 300km (200 miles). This area had been the
focus of Zhukov's attention for several months and
he had planned an operation, codenamed Mars,
which was designed to emulate the success of

Field Marshal Erich von Manstein, one of

the finest German commanders. His mastery
of mobile warfare saved the southern wing in
early 1943, but Hitler's insistence on not
yielding ground led to his dismissal in 1944.

Operation Uranus (the encirclement of Stalingrad).

Operation Mars began on 25 November 1942.
However, Army Group Centre was in far better
shape than Army Group South and Mars was a
failure that cost the Red Army some 300,000 men
and 1400 tanks. On the Soviet side of the line,
Rokossovsky's opportunity to advance on Orel
passed as troops were diverted south and STAVKA
cancelled all further offensives other than those of
a purely local nature.
With the onset of the April thaw, both sides
settled down to consider their next move. The Axis
forces were back in almost the positions they had
held before Operation Blau, but the Red Army had
proven itself capable of inflicting a large-scale,
unprecedented defeat on the once-invincible



Wehrmacht. The ingredients were mixing that

would give rise to what promised to be an
interesting summer in Russia. As the troops of
both sides drew breath, their commanders began to
plan. Both STAVKA and OKH (Oberkommando
des Heeres, the headquarters responsible for the
Eastern Front) were aware that the summer
campaign of 1943 would be decisive. The
Germans had particular need to worry. It was
essential that Germany kept a firm grip of the
initiative on the Eastern Front to retain Nazi
influence over the neutrals of Europe.
The defeat at Stalingrad had lost Germany the
tungsten of Portugal and the chrome of Turkey,
both vital elements in munitions production and
thus a highly significant factor in Hitler's strategic
thinking (which placed the possession of such raw


With its winter whitewash fading fast, a

T-34/76 moves at speed across country during
the spring of 1943. To extend its operating
range theT-34 was often fitted with
supplementary external fuel tanks. The
handles on the turret are grips for tank
desant men. Casualties amongst these troops
were consistently high and the relationship
between them and their tank crews was
particularly close.

materials at the top of his military agenda).

Furthermore Sweden, a major supplier of iron ore
which had until this point pursued a policy of
"benevolent neutrality", now adopted a less
compliant stance. Indeed, such was Hitler's
concern in respect of Swedish raw materials that

reinforcements were sent to Norway in case the
situation should require the occupation of Sweden.
Hitler had hoped that Turkey would invade the
Soviet Union through the Caucasus. In the
aftermath of Stalingrad, Germany's recovery
notwithstanding, it became clear that this would
not happen. The support of Germany's partners on
the Eastern Front was also becoming less than
wholehearted. Both Italian confidence in
Germany's ability to win the war and Mussolini's
faith in Hitler had been seriously eroded. Finland,
regarding itself as Germany's ally more by chance
than choice, was in need of peace and now made
no secret of that fact. Romania, having sustained

heavy casualties as a result of the Soviet

breakthroughs around Stalingrad, requested that its
remaining troops in Russia be withdrawn from the
frontline. The Hungarian forces became less
amenable to following German orders and their
role was restricted to security duties in the rear.
With the beginnings of the thaw in April
1943, conditions deteriorated rapidly, the
melting of the frozen ground causing problems
even for the wide-tracked T-34/76s and the
KV-1s of the Red Army. The tracks of the T-34
were 478mm (19in) wide, which gave them a
distinct advantage over their opponents.


Finally, Japan was now highly unlikely to violate

the non-aggression pact with Stalin and move into
the Soviet Far Eastern provinces and Siberia.
Therefore it was with a sense of increasing urgency
that the German High Command began planning
the summer campaign.
As early as 13 March OKH had issued
Operation Order 5. This order, for security
reasons, had only a circulation of five copies. The
earlier sections of Order 5 called for the
construction of strong lines of defence along areas
of the front that would not be involved in
offensive activity and against which: "We must let
them crash, and bloody them."
Part one of this document dealt with the
Kuban bridgehead and the Crimea, that were to
remain passive. Part four covered the defensive
preparations on the Leningrad front. It is parts two
to four that are particularly relevant:
2. Army Group South.
A strong panzer army has to be formed on the
northern flank of the army group immediately and
no later than mid-April so that it will be ready for

The rasputitsa, or muddy season, posed

problems for the Russians as well as the
Germans. The troops of both the Wehrmacht
and the Red Army relied heavily on horsedrawn transport, and extensive use was made
of the peasant wagon, which was ideally
suited for the local conditions.

commitment at the end of the mud period, before

the Russian offensive. The objective of this
offensive is the destruction of enemy forces in
front of Second Army by attacking out of the
Kharkov area in conjunction with an attack group
from Second Panzer Army.
3. Army Group Centre.
First, the situation between Second and Second
Panzer Armies must be straightened out; then the
defensive fronts are to be strengthened and
equipped with antitank weapons as planned. This
is especially important near Kirov, in the region
north and north-west of Smolensk, as well as
Velikie Luki. Then an attack group is to be formed
to attack in conjunction with the northern flank of

Army Group South. The forces are to be obtained
by the Beuffelbewegung (the operation to abandon
the Rzhev salient).
4. Army Group North.
Since there is no plan for a major offensive
operation during the first half of the summer in
the Army Group North area of operations, the
main effort will be applied to the defence ...
An operation against Leningrad is planned for
the second half of the summer (after the beginning
of July).
From this order it is clear that the Kursk salient
was to be the object of a panzer-led pincer
movement. Later in March operations to drive the
Red Army from the industrial areas of the Donets,
south-west of Kharkov, were considered, but these
were later shelved in favour of concentrating on
Operation Citadel, or Fall Zitadelle as it was called
by the Germans.

On 15 April, Operation Order 6 was issued

and this was with a less-restricted circulation of 13
copies (perhaps an ominous omen). The order
begins, "I have decided to conduct Citadel, the
first offensive of the year, as soon as the weather
permits." The purpose of Operation Citadel was
clearly defined in a detailed list of numbered
1. The objective of this offensive is to encircle
enemy forces located in the Kursk area by means of
rapid and concentrated attacks of shock armies
German wounded from the fighting in
southern Russia in early 1943. The disaster at
Stalingrad and its aftermath had cost the Axis
war effort in the East five armies, one of
which, the German Sixth, had been
particularly formidable. In addition, the Red
Army had become more effective and its
commanders more able than in 1941.



from the Belgorod area and south of Orel and to

annihilate the enemy in concentrated attacks.
During the offensive a new, abbreviated front,
which will save strength, will be established.

Adolf Hitler (left) with Benito Mussolini in

happier times for the Axis alliance. Stalingrad
had shaken the Italian dictator's faith in his
pact with Germany. Hitler desperately needed
a victory in the East in 1943 to reassure

2. We must ensure that:

a. The element of surprise is preserved and the
enemy be kept in the dark as to when the attack
will begin.
b. The attack forces are concentrated on a
narrow axis, in order to provide local
overwhelming superiority of all attack means ... to
ensure contact between the two attacking armies
and the closure of the pocket.
c. The attack wedge is followed by forces from
the depths to protect the flanks, so that the attack
wedge itself will only have to be concerned with
d. By prompt compression of the pocket, the
enemy will be given no respite and will be
e. The attack is conducted so quickly that the
enemy will be denied the opportunity of either
breaking out of the encirclement or of deploying
strong reserves from other fronts.
f. Additional forces, particularly mobile
formations, are freed up by quickly constructing a
new front.

Mussolini and other wavering allies.

3. Army Group South will jump off with

strongly concentrated forces from the
BelgorodTomarovka line, break through the
PrileryOboyan line, and link up with the
attacking armies of Army Group Centre at east of
4. Army Group Centre will launch a
concentrated attack from the line Trossna north of
Maloarkhangelsk with the main effort on the
eastern flank, break through the line
Fatezh-Veretenovo, and establish contact with the
attacking army from Army Group South near and
east of Kursk ... The line Tim-east of
ShchigrySosna sector is to be reached as soon as
5. The earliest dare for the attack will be 3 May.
12. The final objectives of the operation are:
a. The shifting of the boundary line between

Army Groups South and Centre to the general line
Konotop (South)Kursk (South)Dolgoe (Centre).
b. The transfer of the Second Army with three
corps and nine infantry divisions, as well as the
attached Army troops, from Army Group Centre
to Army Group South.
c. The assembly of three additional infantry
divisions from Army Group Centre to be made
available to the OKH in the area north-west of
d. The removal of all mobile formations from
the front for use elsewhere.
Thus was the die cast. All that now remained
for Germany was to build up the strength of the
Wehrmacht, and in particular its panzer arm, in
preparation for the titanic struggle that would
soon burst over the Eastern Front like a
summer thunderstorm.
As both armies recuperated after the
fighting of early 1943, fresh men and
machines were brought in. Here, a Britishbuilt Churchill Mark 3 drives past a wrecked

Soviet dictator Josef Stalin. Totally

Wehrmacht Sd Kfz 232 sporting the remains

ruthless, he did at least take the advice of his

of its winter camouflage scheme. The

subordinates at times. Prior to Kursk, for

Churchill was unpopular with its Soviet crews

example. General N.F. Vatutin persuaded him

as it was weakly armed and slow in

that the German Army could be ground down

comparison with their own tanks.

in a series of defensive battles in the salient.



Rearming the
Despite the losses incurred by the Wehrmacht during Operation Barbarossa in 1941
and the defeat at Stalingrad between 1942 and 1943, the German Army was able to
rearm for Operation Citadel and field a number of new weapon systems.

t the outbreak of war in September 1939

German military theory was dominated by the
concept of Blitzkrieg: Lightning War. Blitzkrieg as
implemented by the German Army involved the
use of speed, firepower and mobility, especially
tanks, mobile artillery and aircraft, to inflict a total
defeat on the enemy. Attacking forces avoided areas
of strong resistance to sustain the momentum of
the assault, which concentrated on the enemy's rear
areas to sever his lines of communication and
supply. Having achieved this, less mobile forces infantry could then surround and destroy
isolated pockets of resistance.

In a series of short, sharp campaigns, first

Poland, then Denmark and Norway, and finally
France and the Low Countries had been overcome.
The operations in Yugoslavia and Greece had been
fought in a similar manner but not on such a
grand scale or over ground that was as suited to
Much was expected of the new Panzer V
Panther that the Germans rushed off the
production line to take part in the Kursk
offensive. Designed as a result of German
experiences with theT-34, the Panther had
well-sloped hull and turret armour.

tank warfare. Naturally men and materiel were lost

during these years but Germany's armaments
industry was able to make good the losses. During
the campaign in France the armoured forces of
Germany had been outnumbered but, by
supplementing their own machines with Czech
38(t) tanks and superior tactics, the Germans had
nevertheless emerged victorious.
When Operation Barbarossa began the
Germans deployed 17 panzer divisions with a total
strength of just over 3000 tanks. The tanks ranged
from the Panzer I, which was little more than a
machine-gun carrier and clearly obsolete, the
Panzer II, lightly armed with a 20mm gun and
again obsolete, through the various marks of
Panzer III and IV that were the vehicles on which
the Germans relied in tank-to-tank actions.
With the element of surprise, total air
superiority, tactical ingenuity and two years of
successful campaigning behind them, it is hardly
surprising that the panzer forces achieved such
spectacular results as they did in 1941. But the
essence of Hitler's earlier conquests had been
speed; rapid drives through countries with clearly
defined borders and highly developed road and rail
systems that could be easily integrated into those
of the Reich and facilitate the smooth flow of

Union that the Wehrmacht and its allies set out to

crush covered one-sixth of the earth's land mass,
was possessed of a much more primitive transport
network, and was considerably farther from the
essential munitions plants. Indeed, the Soviet railtrack gauge was broader than those elsewhere in
western Europe, and this in itself was to create
delays in a land where roads were little more than
well-defined cart tracks that dissolved into mud
after any rainfall.
As a result of pre-Barbarossa battle experience,
production of both Panzers I and II had been
ended other than for the manufacture of selfpropelled guns and specialist antitank vehicles
which used their chassis. The majority of Panzer
IIIs had had their main armament upgraded from
37mm to 50mm guns. The heavy tank, the Panzer
IV, retained its short-barrelled 75mm gun.
Although adequate for the campaigns before the
invasion of the Soviet Union, these weapons were

weapons from its factories. By contrast, the Soviet

found to be at a great disadvantage when faced

A German Sturmgeschtz (assault gun) III StuG III - on the edge of the Kursk salient in
the spring of 1943. Originally designed as a
armoured self-propelled gun to support
infantry attacks, the StuG III was later used in
the antitank role.


sufficient quantities to match the Red Army in
numbers. Soviet tank production was greater than
that of the Axis, even when disrupted by the
German advances between 1941 and 1942. Tank
factories were evacuated by rail to locations beyond
the Ural Mountains, off-loaded and back in
production within an incredibly short space of
time, though what the cost was in human terms
can never be calculated. The Panzer IVs lost during
1941 had been replaced by April 1942, but there
had been no real increase in numbers overall. The
Colonel-General Heinz Guderian was
created Inspector of Armoured Forces in
February 1943. Working closely with Albert
Speer, he increased the rate of monthly
panzer production. He also initiated many
corrections to panzers in person, travelling
around factories and tank-shooting ranges.
Minister of Armaments, Albert Speer, who
was responsible not only for armaments
production, transportation and placement, but

with the heavily armoured Soviet T-34 and KV-1

tanks which they first encountered in July 1941. In
June 1941 the Red Army fielded over 900 T-34
and 500 KV-1 tanks, many of which were lost due
to inexperienced crews and faulty tactical
deployment. When they were used properly they
created terror amongst the Axis troops, who had no
antitank guns capable of penetrating their armour,
particularly the sloping front-plate of the T-34. One
gun that could stop them was the legendary 88mm,
an antiaircraft gun which the Germans discovered to
be a highly effective tank killer. The other was the
long 75mm antitank gun, but this was not
available in large numbers at the time.
By the autumn of 1941 the Germans had
recognized the fact the Panzer III and IV were in
need of further improvement if they were to retain
the edge over the Soviet tank forces that their
training and experience had given them. Both
types were to be produced with thicker armour
and the Panzer IV was to have the long 75mm gun
as its main armament; the turret of the Panzer III
was too small to accommodate this piece.
Useful as these measures were in improving the
quality of the tank arm, they were only stop gaps;
it was vital that these vehicles were produced in


also for raw materials and industrial

production. He kept the German war machine
going, but only by using slave labour.


low rate of production was, in part, due to Hitler's
desire not to allow any radical disruption of
German civilian life, in particular the employment
of German women in munitions factories.
However, during the second half of 1942, with the
Wehrmacht crying out for more men and
munitions of all sorts, there was only one way to
overcome the labour shortfall: the employment of
"volunteer" workers recruited from the conquered
territories of Europe. Initially this workforce was
assembled voluntarily, but rapidly it became a
matter of conscription and coercion. The effects of
such workers being taken on by the most sensitive
and essential of Germany's industries can only be
judged by the number of defective weapons that
found their way into the hands of the unsuspecting
combat troops. But the importation of foreign
labour did allow Germany to finally abandon oneshift working in many armament factories. Even
with the increases in production, only 100 Panzer
IVs were produced in November 1942, a drop in
the ocean beside the 1000 T-34s that rolled off the
line during the same month.

Administrative changes
Another factor that improved Germany's industrial
production was the replacement of Fritz Todt as
Minister of Armaments by Albert Speer. Speer
demonstrated a flair for organization and was
primarily responsible for the rapid increase in
munitions production that began in 1942 and was
to continue until well into 1944. The other
significant appointment that Hitler made during his
period of post-Stalingrad rationality was that of
General of Panzer Troops Heinz Guderian as
Inspector of Armoured Forces. Guderian had been
ordered into retirement by Hitler, along with other
senior officers of Army Group Centre, for failing to
take Moscow in late 1941. On 17 February 1943
Guderian was summoned to meet Hitler at Vinnitsa
in the Ukraine. Guderian broke his journey at
Rastenburg to discuss the terms of his possible
reinstatement with Hitler's adjutant, Colonel Rudolf
Schmundt, and found them acceptable.
Following a meeting with Hitler, Guderian was
officially appointed to his new post on 28 February
1943. He was horrified at the condition into
which the armoured forces had sunk. Returns for
the 18 panzer divisions on the Eastern Front gave

The mighty Tiger entered production in

August 1942. Heavily armoured and armed
with the formidable KwK 36 88mm gun, it
could engage and knock out any Soviet tank
before the latter could get within firing range.
However, the Tiger was slow and was very
expensive to build.

the number of 495 battleworthy tanks, just over

twice the number of tanks in a fully equipped
panzer division at the start of Barbarossa. Guderian
was granted wide-ranging powers and would work
closely with Speer. It was expected that together
they would bring order and good sense to the

apparent chaos that dogged German tank

development and production. However, even these
measures did not prevent the absurd request by
OKH, early in 1943, to end all tank production
except that of Tigers and Panthers. At a meeting
on 9 March Guderian ruled out such suggestions
and it was decreed that production of the Panzer
IV should continue as it was the backbone of the
armoured forces. Panzer III production facilities
had been turned over to the assault guns, the
Sturmgeschtz (StuG) III, on the express order of
Hitler himself in December 1942.
1943 was to see the introduction of new
German tanks that had been under consideration
for some time. The two German tanks most closely
associated with the battle of Kursk are the Tiger
and the Panther. Of these, the Tiger had been
"blooded" in action on the Leningrad Front in late
1942 where it had performed badly in country
unsuited for armoured warfare. The Tiger was the
culmination of several years of development
influenced by battlefield experience gained in
Russia. Two designs had been commissioned, one
from Porsche (of Beetle and sports car fame) and
one from the Henschel company. On Hitler's
birthday, 20 April 1942, both prototypes were
demonstrated and the Henschel design was chosen.
An order was placed and production was to begin

The debut of the Panther at Kursk was

inauspicious. Because of technical problems
associated with the gearbox, transmission


and suspension, plus a number of engine

fires, many broke down before and during the
battle. From the original 250 Panthers, only
43 were still in service by 1O August 1943.

in August. The vehicle was designated Panzer

Kampfwagen VI Tiger Ausf H (Sd Kfz 181).

The Tiger
Experience had taught the Germans that the
weapon which was most effective against all Soviet
armour was the 88mm KwK 36, a derivative of the
legendary Flak 88. This gun was chosen to be the
Tiger's main armament. Thus armed, a Tiger could
stand off and destroy Soviet tanks at ranges over
1500m (1200yd), which put them out of danger
from the Soviet tank guns. Co-axially mounted with
the 88 was a 7.92mm MG 34, with a similar
machine gun in a ball mounting on the front
vertical plate for use by the radio operator/machine
gunner. Armour plate was up to 100mm (4in) thick
with the belly armoured to 26mm (1 in) to reduce
damage by mines and exploding dogs. The tracks
were wide to distribute the vehicle's 57 tonnes (56
tons) evenly over soft ground and snow. The


maximum road speed was 36km/h (23mph); offroad this was reduced to 19km/h (12.5mph). The
five-man crew consisted of the commander, gunner,
loader, radio operator/machine gunner and driver.
However, the Tiger was expensive in labour
terms, requiring more than 300,000 man hours to
make; also, if disabled, it was difficult to recover. A
version of the Tiger was produced specifically to
recover disabled Tigers and other heavy vehicles.
The Tiger was designated a "breakthrough tank"
(Durbruchswagen) and in this role it was to prove
its worth. In the hands of a tank ace such as
Michael Wittmann it would demonstrate time and
time again its combat power.
The Panther was almost a direct result of the
Wehrmacht's early encounters with the T-34;
consequently its design was a radical departure
from those of the Panzer III and IV. With a
sloping front-plate 80mm (3in) thick, its long
overhanging gun and road speed of 54km/h
(34mph), the Panther was clearly a product of the
T-34 theory of combining armament, armour and

mobility. Again two competing designs were

produced, one by MAN and one by Daimler-Benz.
It was the MAN design that was adopted and, in
November 1942, Panther production began with
the official designation of Panzer Kampfwagen V
Panther Ausf D (Sd KFz 171). Such was the mood
of desperation to get the Panther into frontline
service that the initial production programme
called for an output of 250 per month from the
outset. This sense of urgency was rewarded with a
rapid display of teething troubles, due in part to
the increased weight which was greater than the
original specification laid down. This led to
excessive wear of gears and a more powerful engine
that stretched the transmission to its limits. These
Soldiers of the Grossdeutschland
Panzergrenadier Division prior to their
participation in the Battle of Kursk. One of the
elite units in the German Army, the division
was liberally equipped with tanks, assault guns
and armoured personnel carriers.

problems and defects in the suspension were the
major weaknesses of the early production Panthers,
but these were the vehicles that were used at Kursk.
At the March meeting, Guderian had
emphasized that under no circumstances could the
Panther be expected to enter service earlier than
July 1943. This statement was confirmed by trials
held in Germany, where mechanical breakdowns
and engine fires occurred with monotonous and
disturbing regularity. However disconcerting the
field tests had proved to be, and despite the
warnings of the experts as voiced by Guderian,
Panthers could be produced twice as quickly as
Tigers and had a gun that was capable of knocking
out Soviet armour almost as easily as the Tiger's 88.
The main armament was the 75mm 42L/70, an
improved version of the gun fitted to the Panzer IV
model G. In addition there were two MG 34s, one
co-axially mounted in the gun mantlet and one on
the front-plate. The crew numbered five but, due to
its poor test performance and reputation for
spontaneous combustion, the tank was regarded by
the armoured troops with little optimism.


The chassis of the Porsche contender in the

Tiger competition was adopted in a modified form
as the basis for a self-propelled carriage for the 88
L/71. The final official designation was 88mm
43/2 L/71 Ausf Panzer Jger Tiger (P) Elefant
Frher Ferdinand. This 69-tonne (68-ton) unit was
not a subtle weapon: lacking a turret, the gun was
mounted in a high, box-like superstructure. The
gun, a longer-barrelled version of the 88, was the
only armament. The lack of a machine gun proved
to be a severe weakness at Kursk, leaving the slowmoving Elefant prey to Soviet tank-hunting
infantry squads. Some 76 Elefants were used during
Citadel by the Ninth Army in the 653rd and
654th Heavy Tank Destroyer Detachments.
Panzer IVs equipped with armoured side
skirts.These tanks are Ausf H models, which
differed from the Ausf G variant in having the
SSG77 transmission and a host of minor
modifications including all-steel rollers and
external air filters. A total of 3774 H models
were built starting in April 1943.

To extend the combat life of the Panzer IIIs

and IVs, armoured side skirts (schrzen) were
issued to protect the running gear, tracks and
turret against light antitank weapons. A total of
841 Panzer IV Model Gs constituted the mainstay
of the panzer arm at Kursk. This upgunned version
was capable of dealing with the T-34 at battlefield
ranges. Some 432 Panzer IIIs were also available
for Citadel, rearmed with the long 50mm gun
which, again at close quarters, could penetrate the
heavy front-plate of the T-34. These tanks
provided a useful supplement to the heavier types.
Some 60 Panzer IIIs were converted to
flamethrower tanks, and these vehicles were used

German troops hitch a lift aboard a Panzer

III. The Panzer III was outclassed by the T-34
on the Eastern Front from the end of 1941,
but because of armour shortages it remained
in service. At Kursk, for example, panzer units
were equipped with 155 Ausf IM models.

with particularly deadly effect, as the hot weather

had thoroughly dried the vegetation.
In addition to the various tanks, both old and
new, considerable reliance was placed on the
assault guns (Sturmgeschtz). Guderian had no
influence on the design and production of these as
they remained under the control of the artillery

chain of command, which jealously guarded its
power. Originally the majority of assault guns
were based on the proven Panzer III chassis. The
basic concept behind the assault gun was to
provide close, mobile artillery support for the
infantry. The original armament was the shortbarrelled 75mm gun housed in a turretless
structure with limited traverse. By 1943 assault
guns had proved to be highly effective tank
destroyers, particularly the up-gunned version
which was armed with the long 75mm 40L/48
gun. The addition of 5mm (0.19in) thick armour
plates to protect the tracks and wheels gave these
vehicles a rather boxlike appearance.
Finally, Citadel saw the first widespread use of
tank destroyers and self-propelled guns based on
different panzer chassis. These vehicles included
the "Grizzly Bear" (Brummbr), which was a
Panzer IV chassis with a heavily armoured
superstructure that protected a short-barrelled
150mm howitzer. Produced to destroy
fortifications, this self-propelled gun served with
Panzer Battalion 216 as a part of the Ninth Army.
Another adaptation of the Panzer IV chassis was
the "Rhinoceros" (Nashorn), a tank
hunter/destroyer with a similar boxy appearance to
the Grizzly Bear. The Rhino's main armament was
the 88mm gun, a more than adequate weapon
when faced with T-34s. The Rhino was earlier
known as the "Hornet" (Hornisse). The Panzer IV
chassis was also used for the "Bumble Bee"
(Hummel), a self-propelled gun that carried a longbarrelled 150mm howitzer in an open-topped
armoured body. The Bumble Bee was employed as
mobile artillery support for the 20th and other
panzer divisions.
The obsolete Czech-made Panzer 38(t) chassis
was given a new lease of life as the basis for the
"Wasp" (Wespe) self-propelled 105mm light
howitzer, another piece of artillery support for the
tanks. Neither was the chassis of the Panzer II
ignored. A long 75mm antitank gun was mounted
in a simple body and another effective tank
hunter/destroyer was available to the Wehrmacht. It
was known as the "Marten" (Marder II).
Greater production, repair and refurbishment
increased most panzer divisions' strength to
approximately 100130 tanks each by June 1943.
But there had been a change in the priorities of

allocation. The campaign in Russia had

demonstrated the courage, skill and fighting
efficiency of the Waffen-SS, Nazi Germany's
"Imperial Guard". The rewards for the Waffen-SS
came during 1942 when Hitler ordered that they
receive the latest equipment, from tanks and assault
guns to armoured troop carriers. In the teeth of
Wehrmacht opposition, the three original Waffen-SS
divisions, Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, Das Reich and
Totenkopf, although officially designated
panzergrenadier divisions, were increasingly
equipped and used as panzer formations.

Luftwaffe support
A little over two-thirds of the aircraft available on
the Eastern Front, some 1800 machines, were
scheduled for use in the Citadel operation. In
order to allow the increasingly vulnerable Stuka to
carry out its classic dive-bomber role unimpeded
by the Red Air Force, large numbers of
Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6s and Focke-Wulf Fw
190 A-5s were assigned to provide fighter cover. In
terms of expertise and the quality of its machines,
the Luftwaffe still maintained an edge, even though
the Soviets had achieved numerical and qualitative
parity at least. Operation Citadel was supported by
two Luftflotte (air fleets), one operating in support
of the northern pincer, one in support of the
southern pincer.
The Luftwaffe was to deploy for the first time
in large numbers the Henschel Hs 129 B-2R2
antitank aircraft. This machine was the first
purpose-built German "tank buster". The Hs 129
carried an impressive array of weapons, including
two 7.92mm machine guns and two 20mm cannon
in the nose, but the main armament was a 30mm
cannon mounted in a gondola under the cockpit.
German ground-attack units (Schlachtsgeschwader)
also used the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 carrying antipersonnel fragmentation bombs, in addition to their
wing-mounted 20mm cannons and machine guns.
A StuG III coated with Zimmerit antimagnetic paste and protected by armoured
side skirts. Zimmerit was first used in mid1943 to defeat the Soviet tactic of sticking
magnetic mines to the vertical surfaces of
panzers. It worked by putting a barrier
between the mine and the tank's surface.


The bomber force utilized the tried and trusted

Heinkel He III and Junkers Ju 88, as well as small
numbers of the long-range Heinkel He 177. Some
bombing of Soviet positions was carried out prior
to the opening of Citadel, as were several raids on
tank production facilities beyond the Ural
Mountains. However, the pre-offensive Luftwaffe
effort was not impressive. In part this was due to a
shortage of aviation fuel that was being conserved
for the major ground-support operations.
As well as carrying out their dive-bombing role,
many Stukas had been armed with two underwing,
pod-mounted 37mm cannons which, when used
against the more vulnerable areas of Soviet armour
such as the engine compartment, could destroy
their target with relative ease. But whatever the
achievements of the tank and aircraft units might
be, the Wehrmacht still had to contend with the
formidable Soviet infantry, and it was to be the
Landser, the German infantryman, who would
pick up this challenge.


Waffen-SS troops on board Panzer Ills. By

July 1943 II SS Panzer Corps had been built
into a powerful formation. The three divisions
of the corps - Leibstandarte, Totenkopf and
Das Reich - fielded a total of 390 tanks and
104 assault guns.

German infantry divisions had been

restructured during the course of 1942. The new
organization led to a reduction in strength that was
not compensated for by increased firepower. The
infantry divisions were cut from nine to six rifle
battalions and the artillery component by a
quarter. The effective strength was thus between
6000-8000 men. From the early days of
Barbarossa, it had become common practice for
many Axis units on the Eastern Front to enlist
former members of the Red Army in noncombatant roles such as cooks and labourers.
Collectively known as Hiwis (helpers) these men,
technically deserters, were under no illusions as to


their fate and that of their families should they be
recaptured or the Soviet Union prove victorious.
Therefore it was in their interest that Germany
prevail. Aside from the Cossacks and other
nationalist combat formations, there are numerous
instances of Hiwis being armed and fighting
alongside the Germans. However, it is unclear if
Hiwis fought during Operation Citadel.
Provision of antitank guns was poor. Although
many infantry divisions had been issued with a
small number of the effective 75mm guns, the main
weapon was still the 37mm model, which was of
little or no use against the T-34. Operation Citadel
was notable for the introduction of the Panzerfaust,
a highly potent antitank weapon. Between 1943 and
1945, thousands of these weapons were produced
and used with great effect, proving deadly in the
hands of an experienced operator.
Manpower, following the loss of over 200,000
troops as a result of the Stalingrad debacle, was at a
premium. On 13 January 1943, Hitler had issued
an order, "On general mobilization of men and
women for the defence of the Reich", which
extended total mobilization to all men between 16
and 45 and all women between 17 and 45. The
number of reserved occupations was reduced and
men within the age-range were drafted into the
armed forces, being replaced by older folk or labour

from other sources. By 30 May 1943 these efforts

had increased the strength of Germany's armed
forces to 9.5 million, their highest of the war.
Theoretically a 1943 panzer division had
130180 tanks, organized into a two- or threebattalion tank regiment, a panzergrenadier brigade,
an artillery regiment and divisional support units.
However, practice did not match theory, certainly
in the case of the Wehrmacht panzer divisions,
which were lucky if they counted 100 tanks on
their establishment. The condition of the WaffenSS formations was rather better. The three units
that formed II SS Panzer Corps were very well
provided for, as was the elite Grossdeutschland
Panzergrenadier Division of the Wehrmacht.
The unit returns for 5 July 1943 noted the
Waffen-SS divisions averaged 130 tanks and 35
assault guns each, with Grossdeutschland weighing
in with 160 tanks and 35 assault guns. Each of
these divisions was provided with a "heavy" tank
The Hummel self-propelled howitzer first
entered service in March 1943. Some 100
were in service by the time of Citadel, in the
heavy self-propelled howitzer batteries in the
panzer divisions. Each Hummel carried only
18 rounds of ammunition, and so special
Hummel ammunition carriers were built.



company of 14 Tigers; the remaining Tigers were

issued to specialist Heavy Tank Battalions allocated
at army or corps level and used where and when
the necessity arose. Grossdeutschland's 1st Tank
Battalion was equipped with Panthers, as were two
other army battalions that combined to form the
10th Panzer Brigade. The Waffen-SS divisions
operated small numbers of Panthers.
Some 533 assault guns were made available for
Citadel. Many were integrated into the panzer
divisions, but the majority went into separate
assault gun brigades of, on average, 30 vehicles.
However, as OKH was very well aware, it was not
simply a matter of quality or quantity of tanks and
aircraft but the methods which they employed that
would determine the battle's outcome.


The Marder III self-propelled antitank gun

comprised the 75mm Pak 40/3 gun mounted
on a Panzer 38(t) chassis. From May 1943
onwards they were deployed to the antitank
detachments of both infantry and panzer
divisions. Production of the Marder III began
in February 1943 and ended in May 1944.

With the introduction of new models such as

the Tiger and the Panther, it looked - certainly at
least when outlined on paper that once again
German tactics would prevail, even in the face of a
more numerous enemy. Consequently, the basic
application of Blitzkrieg methods would, with
slight modifications, again be used during
Operation Citadel.

The tactics that had proved so successful

throughout four years of war had depended on
bombing, artillery bombardment and a powerful
attack by tanks against a specific point of the
enemy's line. Once a breach was made the tanks
and motorized infantry would drive on, regardless
of danger to their flanks, to keep the foe offbalance and preceded by Stukas acting as flying
artillery support until the objective was reached.
The changes made for Operation Citadel were
mainly to do with using the Tigers in their role of
breakthrough tanks at the point of an armoured
wedge (Panzerkeil), but care was to be taken that
the wedge did not disregard its flanks or advance

The Wespe was a light self-propelled gun

armed with a 105mm field howitzer. Its task
was to provide mobile formations with
indirect artillery support. Wespes operated
behind the front and avoided engagements,
though they carried armour-piercing shells in
case of an encounter with enemy tanks.
The Sturmpanzer IV (Brummbr) assault
infantry gun was armed with a 150mm gun. It
was very effective against dug-in infantry
positions, buildings and strongholds. The first
Brummbrs were issued to Sturmpanzer
Abteilung (Battalion) 216 just before Kursk.

A Heinkel He 111 medium bomber

The Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-5 was an

photographed in the skies over Orel in 1943.

excellent fighter. It had superb

This twin-engined aircraft was used

manoeuvrability, good speed, and its range

extensively at Kursk, but by mid-1943 was

and endurance were markedly superior to the

obsolete. It was very vulnerable to enemy

Bf 109. In addition, visibility with the full-

fighters when lacking an escort.

view canopy was also exceptional for the pilot.


too far beyond infantry and artillery support. The

flanks of the wedge would be Panzer IVs supported
by Panzer IIIs. Panzergrenadiers, mounted in
armoured personnel carriers, would be in close
support with mortars and light artillery. The wedge
was intended to bludgeon its way through the
Soviet defensive zones supported by selective air
strikes and artillery barrages. Orders were issued to
tank commanders that immobilized vehicles were
to be left behind; these would then act as fire
support for the mobile elements and await recovery
after the offensive had rolled forward. The need to
maintain the impetus was essential to the success
of the operation. Interestingly, the tactics adopted
by Colonel-General Walter Model, commander of
the Ninth Army, and Manstein differed from one
another. To the north of the salient Model wished
to conserve his tanks to exploit, not create, a
breakthrough. This is unsurprising as his
reputation was founded on his skill as a defensive

The Junkers Ju 87 G-2. Nicknamed the

"tank cracker" (Panzerknacker) or "cannon
bird" (Kanaonenvogel), it was armed with a
pair of underwing Flak 18 37mm guns, with
12 rounds of ammunition per gun. The 37mm
guns proved capable of destroying all but the
heaviest Soviet tanks with their tungstencored rounds.

general. Manstein, at the south of the salient, was

determined to use the juggernaut of the wedge
from the outset. In the environment of Operation
Citadel, Model was more keenly aware of the
formidable strength of the Red Army's defensive
system. Furthermore, STAVKA had devoted
marginally more to the defences of its northern
flank as it had anticipated that it would have to
bear the brunt of the German onslaught there.
The process of assembling the large number of
tanks required for Operation Citadel led to its


The Heinkel He 177 Greif was a long-range

bomber that had a poor combat record. The
aircraft was overweight, had structural
weaknesses and frequently suffered from
engine fires. Around 20 were used during the
Stalingrad relief operation.

opening being postponed several times. Five armies

were allocated to Citadel under the authority of
Army Group Centre (Kluge) and Army Group
South (Manstein).

Army Group Centre

The offensive on the northern shoulder of the
salient was to be carried out by the Ninth Army,
under the command of Colonel-General Model.
Model's forces numbered some 335,000 men,
and these men formed 21 German and 3
Hungarian divisions. The Hungarian divisions
were used for anti-partisan and security duties and
therefore were not regarded as part of the offensive
force. Of the 21 German divisions, six the 2nd,
4th, 9th, 12th, 18th and 20th - were panzer
formations, the 10th Panzergrenadier Division and
14 infantry divisions completing the line-up. The
divisions were allocated to army corps for the
purpose of higher command.


2nd, 9th and 20th Panzer Divisions, 6th Infantry
Division, and 21st Panzer Brigade. The armoured
divisions of this corps were equipped with Panzer
IIIs and IVs and StuG IIIs, but the 21st Brigade
had 3 Tiger companies in the 505th Panzer
Detachment with 45 Tigers and 15 Panzer IIIs,
and the 909th Assault Gun Detachment, which
was equipped with a total of 36 vehicles.
XLVI Corps
This comprised the 4th and 12th Panzer Divisions,
as well as the 10th Panzergrenadier Division with a
total of 184 tanks. At the outset of Citadel, this
corps was held in reserve.

equipped with the entire production run, to date,

of Porsche Ferdinands and a small number of
Panzer IVs. Additional firepower was provided by
the StuG IIIs of the 177th and 244th Assault Gun
Brigades, and the 66 Grizzly Bears of 216th Panzer
XX Corps
To the west; it consisted of four infantry divisions.
To the east; it consisted of three and one-third
infantry divisions.
The Junkers Ju 88 was one of the most
versatile aircraft of World War II. It began as a

XLI Corps
This comprised the 18th Panzer Division, as well
as the 86th and 292nd Infantry Divisions. It also
comprised the 653rd and 654th Heavy Tank
Destroyer detachments, recently formed and

dive-bomber and reconnaissance aircraft, and

was later used as a torpedo-bomber, night
fighter, day fighter and antitank aircraft. A
total of 10,774 were built, including 104
prototypes and experimental versions.



In total the Ninth Army fielded 590 tanks and 424

assault guns.
The forces that connected Army Group South
and Army Group Centre consisted of eight
infantry divisions, three antitank detachments, four
security divisions and the 8th SS Cavalry Division
Florian Geyer. All these units were short of heavy
weapons, armoured fighting vehicles and antitank
weapons. However, these formations, collectively
known as Second Army, were to remain on the
defensive throughout Citadel under the command
of Colonel-General Walter Weiss.

Army Group South

On the southern shoulder was an altogether more
powerful German force. Fourth Panzer Army,
commanded by Colonel-General Hermann Hoth,
and Army Detachment Kempf, commanded by
General Walter Kempf, constituted the main
striking power. The strength of Mansteins
command was nearly 350,000 men, 1269 tanks
and 245 assault guns, and these huge numbers
excluded the reserves.
LII Corps, on the left, consisted of three
infantry divisions, which would assume a mainly
defensive posture.

A battery of Hummels in a rear assembly

area prior to Operation Citadel. As can be
seen, crews of these tanks travelled in opentopped, high-silhouette compartments with all
their weather-related disadvantages.

XLVIII Panzer Corps, in the centre, comprised

the 3rd and llth Panzer Divisions, the 167th
Infantry Division, and the Grossdeutschland
Panzergrenadier Division, which included the 200
Panthers of the 10th Panzer Brigade; in all some
535 tanks and 66 assault guns.
II SS Panzer Corps, to the south, was made up
of the three SS Panzergrenadier Divisions
Leibstandarte, Das Reich and Totenkopf with 390
tanks and 104 assault guns, including 42 of Army
Group South's 102 Tigers.
Army Detachment Kempf was tasked with
guarding the right flank of the Fourth Panzer
Army, and consisted of three army corps.
Ill Panzer Corps
This was made up of the 6th, 7th, and 19th Panzer
Divisions with 299 tanks; 228th Assault Gun
Detachment with 25 StuG IIIs; and the 168th

Infantry Division. The cutting edge of III Panzer

Corps was the 503rd Panzer Detachment which
numbered 45 Tigers.

A German machine-gun team scans enemy

frontline positions. The weapon is a tripodmounted MG 34, the standard German infantry
squad machine gun of World War II. It fired

XI Corps (Corps Rauss)

This corps consisted of the 106th and 320th
Infantry Divisions and the 905th and 393rd assault
gun detachments with 25 StuG IIIs each.

between 800 and 900 rounds per minute.

XLII Corps
The 39th, 161st and 282nd Infantry Divisions
plus the Hornet-equipped 560th Heavy Panzer
Destroyer Detachment with 40 tank destroyers,
and Heavy Tank Destroyer Detachment C with
approximately 40 assault guns.
In support of this mighty array was XXIV Panzer
Corps, a force which included the 17th Panzer
Division and the 5th SS Motorized Division Wiking,
equipped with 112 tanks. Yet even with this
formidable assembly of men and machines at his
disposal, Hitler still had sufficient qualms about the
success of Operation Citadel to declare, prior to the
battle, that the very thought of what was to come
"turned my stomach". Well it might, since the period
before the opening shots were fired had not been
wasted by the commanders of the Red Army.
By the end of June 1943 Wehrmacht forces
around the Kursk salient were in a high state
of readiness. Morale and equipment levels
were strong among the infantry and panzer
divisions, as were expectations of victory. But
the troops did not realize the depth of the
Soviet defences they were facing.



Soviet Preparations
Hundreds of thousands of civilian workers were drafted to work on the Soviet
defences in the Kursk salient, where they constructed trenches, antitank ditches and
other field fortifications to turn the area into a vast killing ground.

he victory at Stalingrad shattered the myth of

the Wehrmachts invincibility and imbued the
Red Army with a new-found sense of faith in its
own capabilities: defeat no longer seemed
inevitable. The morale of both the armed forces
and the Russian people had been given a huge
fillip. Slowly at first, but with gathering
momentum, the Soviet propaganda machinery
churned out less Communist Party exhortations
and more appeals to Russian patriotism, love of the
Rodina (motherland) and family. To further
reinforce the sense of patriotism and fighting for
Russia, the Red Army re-introduced traditional
Russian items of uniform and insignia, discredited
since the years of revolution and civil war, namely
the peasant style shirt - the gymnastiorka and the

pogoni, or shoulder straps. The shoulder straps had

been banned as symbols of counter-revolution and
Tsarist oppression during 1918, and their
rehabilitation was not greeted favourably by all.
However, these changes were accepted, albeit with
reservations in some quarters.
Although chastened by the success of the
Wehrmacht in recapturing Kharkov and stabilizing
the front of Army Group South, Stalin and some
A mainly female working party labours
to repair a railway line near the station
at Ashkoljava. During the rasputitsa, the
muddy season that followed the thaw, the
railways proved the most effective method of

Armed with grenade and rifle, a MosinNagant Model 1930 7.62mm piece, this
formidable fighter is typical of the thousands
of partisans operating behind the German
lines in central Russia. Great numbers of Axis
troops were tied down in an attempt to
contain the activities of the highly organized
partisan formations during the build-up to
Operation Citadel.

of his more optimistic senior officers, such as Army

General N.F. Vatutin (commander of the Voronezh
Front), wanted to resume the offensive to pre-empt
any further German activity. However, the more
restrained arguments of Marshal of the Soviet
Union G.K. Zhukov, Deputy Supreme
Commander and second only to Stalin himself, as
well as others, won the day. The Red Army halted
and began to consolidate its positions and assess
the situation.
One look at the map would draw the observer's
eye to the most prominent feature on the Eastern
Front, the vast salient that bit into the Axis line
south of Orel and north of Kharkov, both
occupied by the Germans, with its centre the
Russian-held city of Kursk. All three cities were
important railway junctions, and railways were the
mainstay of the transport infrastructure in the
Soviet Union; without them it would be
impossible to wage a victorious campaign,
whatever the season. With the ending of serious
operations by the Red Army in late March, the
Soviet formations that held the perimeter of the
Kursk salient were, from north to south, as follows:
above Orel lay the Western Front (Colonel-General
V.D. Sokolovsky), facing Orel the Briansk Front
(Colonel -General M.M. Popov). The northern

flank of the salient was held by the Central Front

(Colonel-General K.K. Rokossovsky) and the
southern flank by the Voronezh Front (Army
General N.F. Vatutin). The head of the salient was
defended by formations of both Central and
Voronezh Fronts. To the south of the salient was
South-Western Front (Colonel-General R.I.
Intelligence reports poured in to Moscow, and
these indicated very clearly that the Germans were
planning to launch a powerful offensive aimed at
the Kursk salient. The source of these reports was
either the Red Army, the Red Air Force or partisan
groups operating behind the Axis lines. Further
evidence was provided for Stalin by the Soviet spy,
the so-called "Lucy" operating from neutral
Switzerland, who had access to the discussions of
The Red Air Force in the Kursk area was
built up massively in an effort to deprive the
Wehrmacht of the air cover essential to its
operations. Here, Lavochkin La 5 fighters are
being moved by rail. Interestingly, their only
protection seems to be from the weather as
no camouflage is in evidence.


the German High Command (OKW) through
anti-Nazi elements. As a result of "Lucy's" activities
Stalin was appraised of the contents of Hitler's
Operation Order 6, the Citadel order. The British
Military Mission in Moscow also provided
information regarding the German's offensive
intentions culled from the monitoring of Luftwaffe
radio transmissions and decoded using the captured
Enigma machine at Bletchley Park in England.
With these reports of the Wehrmacht assembling
large forces particularly to the north of the salient
- in mind, Stalin ordered his Front commanders
and advisers to prepare their own analyses of
German intentions. Furthermore, during the first
week of April, orders were issued to intensify Soviet
intelligence-gathering operations from both in front
of and behind the German lines. The behind-thelines operations were coordinated by the office of
the Central Partisan HQ in Moscow.

STAVKA'S intelligence
Strategic assessment reports from members of
STAVKA demonstrate a remarkably accurate
picture of German intentions: a pincer movement
from north and south that would amputate the
Kursk salient and destroy the Soviet forces trapped
inside, thus shortening the German line by some
250km (160 miles). Almost all were agreed that
the German offensive would begin during the early
days of May. However, the Kursk salient was such
an inviting target that it was almost too obvious.
Consequently, in order to avoid being caught
unawares by activity elsewhere, STAVKA carefully
monitored Axis movements along the entirety of
the Eastern Front. The weight of evidence was
such that Stalin agreed to the Red Army adopting
a defensive stance to await the forthcoming attack.
Zhukov's report to Stalin on 8 April contained
the following words:
"I consider that it would be pointless for our
forces to go over to the offensive in the near future
in order to pre-empt the enemy. It would be better
for us to wear out the enemy on our defences, to
smash his tanks and then by introducing fresh
reserves and going over to a general offensive to
beat the main enemy force once and for all."
On 12 April the decision was taken that Kursk
was to be defended from the outset and in so
much depth that it would be virtually


The Eastern Front on the eve of the Battle

of Kursk. By destroying Red Army forces
around Kursk, Hitler believed he could
forestall any future Soviet offensives and win
a much-needed victory in the East.

impregnable. In the words of Major-General S.M.

Shtemenko, First Deputy of the General Staff's
Operational Directorate, written after the
momentous events of 1943:
"Ultimately it was decided to concentrate our
main forces in the Kursk area, to bleed the enemy
forces here in a defensive operation, and then to
switch to the offensive and achieve their full
destruction. To provide against eventualities, it was
considered necessary to build deep and secure
defences along the whole strategic front, making
them particularly powerful in the Kursk area."
On 21 April, in an order to all fronts
concerned, which was signed by Stalin, STAVKA
instructed them to:
1. Establish a frontal zone ... and, by the 10th
of May of this year complete the evacuation of the
entire civilian population to the rear beyond the
bounds of a 25km [15.5 miles] zone from the
formerly occupied frontlines ...

Establish the rear boundary of the frontal zone.

2. Immediately set about constructing two (to)
three military defensive lines, following one after
another, in the frontal zone and accommodate all
population points in this zone for defence.
Prepare all towns and population points in the
frontal zone from which the civilian population
must have been evacuated for defence irrespective
of their distance from the frontlines ...
3. Immediately report fulfilment of this
The defensive belts of trenches and other
earthworks that were to be constructed to absorb
the German attack were remarkable for their sheer
size. It was on these fortifications as much as the
tanks, aircraft and guns that the success or failure
of the Red Army would rest. A major part of the
provision for Shtemenko's "eventualities" was the
creation, on 15 April, of a large strategic reserve
(known initially as Steppe Military District) and
commanded by Colonel-General I.S. Konev.
On 23 April Konev received his instructions:
1. During the period of its formulation,
simultaneous with its missions of combat training,
Steppe Military District forces are assigned the
following missions.

The officer addressing the civilian

labourers is Lieutenant Krenitz. Motivational
speeches on the need to construct the
defensive belts were frequently given by
combat troops to emphasize the urgency of
the task and to foster a bond of solidarity
between soldiers and civilians.

a. In the event the enemy assumes the offensive

before the District's forces are ready, care must be
taken to cover firmly the following axes ...
In accordance with the force grouping the
commander of district forces will organize careful
study by unit and formation commanders and
their staffs of these axes and the capabilities for
developing positions.
b. Undertake, study and prepare to defend a
line along the left bank of the Don River from
Voeikovo, through Lebedan', Zadorsk, Voronezh,
Liski and Pavlovsk to Bochugar. The line must be
ready by 15 June 1943.
c. Carry out reconnaissance of a defensive line
along the line of the Efremov ... to the Northern
Donets River to determine the state of defensive
installations along it... and to select that line


2. Forces, HQ and commanders will prepare

mainly for offensive battle and operations, for
penetrating enemy defensive zones as well as
executing powerful counterstrokes with our forces,
for rapidly fortifying positions which we have
captured, for repelling enemy counterstrokes, for
countering massive tank and air strikes and for
night operations.
Thus was Steppe Military District instructed to
cover all potential lines of German attack for
Operation Citadel. It was also to provide the main
line of defence should the Germans break through
and threaten to encircle the Soviet forces in the
salient and feed in reserves as necessary during the
coming offensive.
The Soviet fronts that were expecting to bear
the brunt of German fury were Voronezh, Central,
South-Western and Briansk, and they too planned
to build up their defences in such depth that the
panzers would be a spent force before reaching
open country. Once Stalin and STAVKA had
decided on an initial defensive stance it was a
question of how long they had to prepare their
defences before the Wehrmacht's onslaught began.
With the consensus of opinion being a May
deadline, it was imperative that work began
immediately. Any time beyond the supposed

An unidentified unit of women marches to

a position near Kursk itself. Female soldiers
were not new in Russia. During World War I
several battalions of women were formed and
this practice was continued, albeit on a larger
scale, during World War II. Many women were
employed as snipers and tank drivers and saw
widespread combat.

deadline would be a bonus that could only work in

the favour of the Soviets.

The Red Army

The ghastly losses that the Russians had suffered
between 1941 and 1942 had taught costly lessons
from which they learnt and went on to profit
during 1943. The purges of the 1930s had created
a mentality amongst the officer corps that abhorred
flexibility of thinking and tactical creativity. It was
these attributes that in part contributed to the
slaughter of men and the destruction of vast
quantities of equipment during the first 18 months
of the war in the East; initiative was not a quality
that Stalin encouraged in his subordinates. Stalin,
though possessed of almost limitless powers of life
and death in both the military and civilian
domains, was a realist if only as a result of the

military reverses the Soviet Union had endured.

Unlike Hitler, Stalin was prepared to listen and,
more and more as success bred success, take the
advice of his senior commanders as to the conduct
of the war. The blunt approach of men like
Zhukov and Lieutenant-General P.A. Rotmistrov
(commander of the Fifth Guards Tank Army) who
dared to place reality in Stalin's lap, had its own
rewards with the successes at Moscow in 1941 and
Stalingrad in 1942. That the operations which
followed in the wake of these achievements were
not as successful as their overly ambitious planners
had hoped led in turn to analysis of their
shortcomings. Such consideration was to bear fruit
at Kursk. However, the analysis of defeat and
victory can be of little value without the men and
machines to fight, and it was numerically, in the
latter particularly, that the Russians were beginning
to gain the upper hand.
Driven by philosophy and pragmatism, Russian
tank design was consolidated into the refinement
of a limited number of proven vehicles. Of all the
different tanks employed by the Red Army the T34 medium tank and the KV-1 heavy tank were
clearly superior to anything fielded by the Axis
between 1941 and 1942. Thanks to the foresight
of its designers the T-34 was, with minor
modifications but significant up-gunning, to
remain virtually unchanged throughout the war.
The result of this concentration on one main
vehicle was that a massive increase in tank
production took place. Indeed, despite the cruel
losses in 1941, the number of Russian tanks, of all
available types, rose from 7700 in January 1942 to
20,600 in early 1943. The cornerstone of the
Russian tank armada was the T-34 armed with a

Infantry reinforcements, many armed with

the legendary PPSh ("Pee Pee Sha")
submachine gun, make their way to positions
"somewhere in the Kursk salient" TheT-34/76
model 1942 nearest to the camera bears the
legend "For the Motherland" and would appear
to have recently arrived from the factory.
To increase their mobility and the scope of
their operations, many partisan formations
"saddled up" In an attempt to curb these
horsemen the Germans committed the 8th SS
Cavalry Division Florian Geyer which had been
commanded by Hermann Fegelein, the
brother-in-law of Hitler's mistress, Eva Braun.


76.2mm gun and two 7.62mm machine guns.

With its sloping front and side armour 45mm
(1.75in) and 60mm (2.3in) respectively and a
top speed of 55km/h (31 mph), theT-34 provided
very effective protection for its four man crew, as
well as a relatively stable gun platform.
Conversely the KV-1, although heavily
armoured and carrying the 76.2mm gun, was
relegated to an infantry support role. Thought was
given to ending the production of the KV-1 in
favour of the T-34 in late 1942, but the idea was
shelved. Again, during 1942, time was given to
considering a combination of the best features of
the T-34 and the KV-1. However, with the
appearance of the Tiger at the end of 1942 this
plan was promptly cancelled. The KV-1 was not
popular with Soviet tankers (tank crews) due to its
lack of mobility, poor obstacle-crossing capabilities
and its weight: at 44.7 tonnes (44 tons) it had a
tendency to destroy bridges as it rolled over them.
Furthermore, the KV-1 was felt to provide little
return in terms of firepower to compensate for its
many shortcomings.
The chassis of the KV-1 was adapted for use
with the 152mm gun-howitzer, which it was hoped
would prove powerful enough to take on the
Tiger's 88mm gun and thick armour at long range.
From design to production took a mere 25 days
during January 1943, and the SU-152

Pictured here are two of the 1386 Lend Lease M3A5 Lee tanks
Inadequate in performance, armour and
weaponry, these tanks gained a poor
reputation with their Russian crews. The
distribution of these machines during
Operation Citadel has been difficult to analyze.

(samokhadnaia ustanovka mechanized mounting)

was born. By May 1943 the first four tank
destroyer units were issued with 12 SU-152s each.
The Russian troops' nickname for this vehicle,
following the Kursk battles, was Zveroboi (animal
hunter) because of its success in action against
Tigers, Panthers and Elephants. The Germans
nicknamed the SU-152 the Dosenoffer (can
opener), as one hit from its gun could take the
turret off a Tiger. Its 60mm (2.5in) of armour
plating proved, too strong for the majority of
German antitank weapons.
The futility of producing light tanks such as
the T-60 and the slightly improved T-70 had been
recognized towards the end of 1942. Lend Lease
types produced by Britain and the USA,
particularly the AngloCanadian Valentine,
adequately filled their role as reconnaissance
vehicles. The industrial capacity released was given
over to producing the Red Army's first assault gun,
the SU-76M, which married the 76.2mm ZiS-3

divisional gun to the T-70 chassis in a simple,
thickly armoured superstructure. Initially these
vehicles were unpopular with the tankers who
derisively named them "crippled tanks". However,
events were to prove the efficacy of this marriage as
the SU-76 proved its capabilities as an antitank
weapon, as well as an infantry support piece.
Lend Lease vehicles were viewed as a mixed
blessing by the Soviet troops who were issued with
them. On the one hand, the tens of thousands of
American lorries such as the Studebaker and
Chevrolet and the Willys Jeep ensured the Red
Army's mobility as well as freeing up production
lines. By mid-1943 over 100,000 soft-skinned
vehicles had been supplied to the USSR by the
USA alone. On the other hand, tanks such as the
Churchill Mark 3 and the M3 Lee had acquired a
poor reputation with Russian tank men. Indeed,
such was their dread of the American M3 that it
was ghoulishly nicknamed "the grave for seven
brothers" or "the field crematorium". Nevertheless,
in 1943 some 20 percent of Soviet tank brigades
were using Lend Lease machines and over 10
percent were equipped entirely with them.

Assault guns and tank destroyers were being

produced, though not in such quantities as tanks.
The first such Russian vehicle was the massive,
slab-sided KV-2 produced from 1940 that weighed
in at 52.8 tonnes (52 tons). Built on a standard
KV chassis, the KV-2 was basically a monstrous
turret that gave it an overall height of 3m (lift),
carrying either a 122mm or 152mm gun that was
intended to give fire support for infantry or
armoured formations. The abysmal combat record
of this dinosaur was such that production ended,
with little regret, in 1941. At approximately the
same time as the SU-152 was introduced,
production began of the SU-122 which mounted a
short-barrelled 122mm howitzer on aT-34 chassis.
Another British vehicle, in this instance the
Universal Carrier, was used in the
reconnaissance role. Armed with an antitank
rifle and open-topped, the value of such
machines in a combat situation would have
been marginal. The troops pictured here are
involved in surveying potential sites for
antitank defences.

Soviet KV-1 heavy tanks. At the beginning

The Soviet 45mm antitank gun Model

of the war against Germany the Red Army

1942. Each Red Army rifle regiment in a rifle

possessed 639 KV-1s. Armed with a 76.2mm

division had an antitank battery equipped

main gun, the KV-1 could knock out all but

with six 45mm guns. Its armour-penetration

the heaviest German tanks. However, because

was only adequate at best, though it

of mechanical problems, it was unreliable.

remained in service for the rest of the war.



The superstructure was boxlike in shape but with

the advantage of a smoothly sloped front-plate
which caused shells to bounce off. This design was
to remain a feature of such Soviet vehicles. Again
the dual role of infantry support and antitank fire
was envisaged, but its performance in the latter
role was marred by the antitank round proving to
be lacklustre at best.
The tank units of 1942 had undergone
reorganization during the early months of 1943.
On 28 January 1943 the State Defence
Committee, the ultimate military authority, issued
Decree 2791 ordering the creation of Tank Armies
composed of units that had the same crosscountry ability as one another to enable all vehicles
to perform equally well in all terrain.
Theoretically a tank army was made up of two
tank corps, one mechanized corps and supporting
units, which gave a strength of 450560 tanks and
48,000 men. In practice the composition of the
five tank armies varied, often considerably,
depending on the nature of their mission or the
supply situation. The success of the long-range
tank raids following the fall of Stalingrad had

Freshly dug mounds of soil, bare bushes

and trees suggest that these mortar
emplacements were being prepared during the
spring of 1943. The mortars are the 82mm
Model 1941. Two men moved these weapons
on a two-wheeled carriage similar to a
modern golf trolley; the wheels are just
visible. The barrel is protected from the
elements by a dust cap.

demonstrated how effective such forces could be in

wrong-footing even the most experienced foe.
A tank corps consisted of three tank brigades, a
motorized rifle brigade and various technical
troops. Self-propelled guns were often included in
their own units. Tank brigades numbered 53-65
tanks in 2 or 3 battalions, giving a tank corps
200-230 tanks.
The Soviets fielded their new self-propelled
guns in a variety of configurations. The heavy selfpropelled artillery regiments included 12 SU-152s,
the medium regiments 16 SU-122s and 1 T-34
tank, the light regiments 21 SU-76s or 16 SU-85s
and 1 T-34, and the older composite regiments 17

SU-76s and 8 SU-122s. The 152mm-equipped
regiments were normally assigned to armies
undertaking breakthrough operations and to
selected tank armies. The 76mm and 85mm selfpropelled gun regiments were assigned to tank corps
and the composite (mixed calibre) regiments to
mechanized corps. This system was not completely
in place at the beginning of Operation Citadel.

Soviet artillery
Losses suffered by the Red Army during 1941 had
led to the amalgamation of such specialist units as
antiaircraft, antitank, infantry support tanks,
engineer and field artillery simply to preserve
them. Control of these formations was held at
army level. The increased production of the
weapons needed by these branches of service led to
a similar expansion, in much the same proportions,
as that of the tank forces. During the spring and
early summer of 1943 antiaircraft, antitank and
artillery penetration divisions were being formed.
Such multi-battalion units could bring colossal
firepower to bear in support of either attack or
defence. Field artillery pieces such as the 76.2mm
F22 and its successor from 1942, the 76.2mm ZiS3, were fine weapons, as were the ML-20 152mm
and the 122mm A-19, but the most devastatingly
effective weapon on the Red Army's artillery
register was the multiple rocket launcher, known to
the Soviet troops as Katyusha (Katy) and to the
Germans as "Stalin's Organ". The Katyusha was
available in heavy and light versions, the M-30 and
the M-13 respectively, and fired salvos which had a
terrifying effect on enemy morale. The launch
frames for the rockets were mounted on the backs
of lightly armoured trucks and, like so much Soviet
weaponry, were simple to produce and maintain
but highly effective. The basic formation was eight
rocket launchers.
Antitank guns were a weak area for the Red
Army and it was not until the late summer of 1943
that antitank units began to receive supplies of the
57mm ZiS-2 antitank gun. Prior to that the main
weapon was the 45mm gun of 1932 vintage which,
although modified between 1942 and 1943, was a
wholly inadequate piece. Great reliance was placed
on the PTRD 14.5mm antitank rifle, which was
capable of damaging the more thinly armoured,
older German tanks. The Red Army employed

specially trained dogs to run underneath tanks

with packs of explosives strapped to their backs.
The resulting inevitable explosion was usually fatal
for both tank and dog.
Red Army infantry formations were known as
"rifles" and a rifle division numbered, at full
strength, a little over 9000 officers and men. The
elite Guards rifle divisions were stronger, with an
establishment of over 10,000 officers and men.
Remarkably, the majority of rifle divisions in July
1943 stood at almost these levels. However, as the
Soviet General Staff Study of the Kursk battles
testifies, the strength of many formations had been
made up by new recruits and trawling through the
rear echelons and hospitals. The returns for the
Voronezh Front are cited as an example:
"Thus 27 percent of the Voronezh Front's total
requirement for replacements was satisfied by
mobilization of those eligible for military service in
liberated territory, 9 percent by return to duty of
those who had recovered and were released from
army and front hospitals, 33 percent by taking
those fit for duty in rear units and installations and
31 percent by march replacements [those who had
been called to the colours in the normal manner]."
Aside from the military build-up, a huge army of
civilians was mobilized to create the vast network
of trenches, antitank ditches, bunkers and artillery
positions. Operating under the guidance of army
engineers, by the end of June 1943 there were
some 300,000 civilians, mostly women and
children, working feverishly on defence lines.
The defensive web that they created was truly
awesome and based on minefields and antitank
positions. A typical antitank strongpoint included
an antitank company or battalion armed with
antitank rifles, an engineer platoon with explosives,
an antitank gun company with up to six guns and
two or three tanks or self-propelled guns. The
heavier German tanks were to be dealt with by
carefully emplaced 85mm antiaircraft guns, with
122mm and 152mm howitzers providing rapid
and heavy direct fire support. Furthermore, some
strongpoints concealed dug-in T-34s exposing only
their turrets. The troops manning these positions
were given special training to deal with the new
German tanks and would chant in unison the
methods of destroying Tigers and their weak spots.
As Nikita Khrushchev (at this time the Political


Commissar for the Voronezh Front) said, these

facts would be as well-known as the Lord's Prayer
had been in pre-communist days.
At points noted by the Soviet planners as
particularly vulnerable, "Pakfronts" concealing up
to a dozen antitank guns were dug to give
concentrated fire against armour that had been
channelled in their direction by the minefields.

"Operation Citadel emerged as the most

important in a series of limited offensives
designed to consolidate the German defenses
while inflicting sufficient damage on the Red
Army to delay any Soviet offensive. Citadel in
particular was expected to destroy two Soviet
fronts while shortening the German defensive
line by 120 kilometers" (David Glantz)



Three or four of these strongpoints were to cooperate and cover a single axis of approach and
formed an antitank region. Rifle regiments
constructed 3 or 4 such strongpoints, giving 912
for each division. Thousands of miles of trenches
connected the strongpoints to give protection to
riflemen, machine gunners and parties of
engineers. It is appropriate to quote the figures for
the Voronezh Front as noted in the Soviet study of
the Kursk operations:
"On the Voronezh Front alone, from 1 April
through 1 July, more than 4200 kilometres [2610
miles] of trenches, communications trenches, and
ditches were dug ... and around 500 kilometres [310
miles] of antitank obstacles were constructed."
On the Voronezh and Central Fronts the
results of these massive works was as follows:

Music while you work! The civilian

population was mobilized in huge numbers
and generally employed in building defences
in and around their homes. The vast majority
of the labourers were women and young men
not yet conscripted into the Red Army.

"During the three months [AprilJune] of

preparation, three army defensive belts, three
principal front defensive lines, and several
intermediate and cut-off positions were established
in the Central and Voronezh Fronts.
"Thus up to six defensive lines, successively
echeloned into the depth, were created within the
fronts along the assumed enemy attack axes
[Maloarkhangelsk and Schigry in the Central
Front, and Belgorod and Oboyan in the Voronezh

Front]. The least-developed defensive system was at
the junction of the Central and Voronezh Front, in
the heights of the Kursk bulge [the Russian
expression for the Kursk salient], where the
distance between the army rear belt and the first
front defensive line reached 60km [40 miles], while
at the same time in other sectors of the bulge, the

Dressed in their new 1943 uniforms,

complete with the controversial throwback to
the Tsarist officer corps shoulder boards, a
group of officers from different branches of
the Red Army listen intently to a Guards
officer lecturing them on the complexities of
the defensive belts on the Voronezh Front.


Due to the repressive anti-partisan

activities of the Axis forces, entire
communities took to the countryside and
joined in the widespread guerrilla warfare
being waged. Armed with a variety of Soviet
and captured weapons, the value of the
partisans' contribution to the Red Army's
success during the summer of 1943 has yet to
be fully explored.
The gathering of information was carried
out ceaselessly. These Russian reconnaissance
troops, dressed in their specialist camouflage
suits, are bringing in a recently taken German
prisoner. Missions were carried out to capture
what the Russians termed "tongues',' men
captured with the specific purpose of being
made to talk.

distance between defensive lines on average did not
exceed 15-20km [12-17 miles]."
As much advantage as possible was taken of the
terrain. The rivers Psel, Seim, Svapa, Northern
Donets, Tim, Kshen' and Don were all
incorporated into the defensive works, even though
they were generally not very wide, little more than
130m (100yd) and up to only 3m (10ft) deep. The
marshy nature of many of the river banks was
another asset. The hilly ground on the northern
shoulder of the salient reached heights of up to
290m (1000ft); the region was also sharply cut by
a large number of ravines that reached depths of
40-70m (100-200ft), again valuable assets.
It was in the use of mines, both antipersonnel
and antitank, that the Russians demonstrated a
lethal flair. Hundreds of thousands of mines were

carefully laid to channel tank attacks into artillery

killing zones. Any ground that apparently offered
some security would be mined, with devastating
results for the foot soldiers who took shelter there.
Similar traps were laid for tanks.
The figures for minefields are staggering. Up to
2400 antitank and 2700 antipersonnel mines were
laid per mile in the Sixth Guards Army sector,
which amounted to 69,688, and 64,340 mines in
Partisans interrogating a German prisoner.
This photograph is typical of the crudest type
of Soviet propaganda. The "feel" of the image
is wrong and it is very obviously posed. For
example, the alleged prisoner is wearing his
Iron Cross in the wrong place, and why are
the men positioned on a slope?


its first line of defence alone. In the second and

subsequent defence belts the density of mines fell
off sharply, but the basic principle of channelling
the advancing tanks was not ignored. On the
Voronezh Front alone were laid 60,000 mines of
all types. Interestingly, the Soviet analysts,
following the battle, calculated that it took
350-400 mines to blow up one tank in the
frontline, but only 120-150 in the rear areas. The
discrepancy being due, apparently, to the fact that
"mining during the process of withdrawal occurred
along already designated axes, while along the
forward edge a considerable proportion of the
minefields were in sectors where no enemy tanks
operated at all."
The length of the frontline was close to
450km (300 miles) but the depth was almost
190km (110 miles), dividing roughly into eight
lines. Across the "neck" of the salient, the line to

The dogs of war gather. One of the

stranger antitank "weapons" that the Red
Army experimented with was a specially
trained dog, of no particular breed, which
would run under an approaching German tank
with an explosive charge strapped to its back.
The explosion would disable the tank, easily
penetrating the thin belly armour. The effect
on the dog was predictable.

be held by Steppe Military District, lay another

defensive belt with yet another running along the
River Don to the north and south of Voronezh.
Over 20,000 guns and mortars, 6000 antitank
guns and hundreds of Katyusha rocket launchers
were distributed throughout the Red Army's
warren-like defences.
Attention was given to training the soldiers, of
all branches of service, in the methods of defence

that were to be used. This was an essential feature
of Soviet preparations, given the large numbers of
recently enrolled, raw and nervous troops.
Infantry training took place every other day;
alternate days were given over to construction
work as they were for other branches of service,
and was focused on "overcoming the soldiers' fear
of tanks and on the ability to control antitank
rifles, grenades and Molotov cocktails to
perfection and boldly enter battle against enemy
infantry following behind the tanks, isolate them
from the tanks and destroy them."
In the meantime, the tankers were engaged in
practising night marches, defensive fire, planned
counterattack routes and "participated in exercises
with rifle units". Sapper (combat engineer) forces
trained newly formed detachments to lay and
remove mines and mobile obstacles, all the while
carrying out such work for real. Chemical warfare

training was also given, with troops spending up to

eight hours a day in gas masks.
As the anticipated date of the German attack
approached, there were those in the higher
echelons of the Soviet command who counselled
for a pre-emptive attack. However, again the
arguments of Zhukov prevailed and the defensive
preparations continued. Hitler was not the only
one who hoped that postponing the start date for
Operation Citadel would enhance its chances of
success. Every day the Red Army continued to
A vital role undertaken by women soldiers
was traffic control. This smartly clad traffic
control officer stands in front of her sentry
box which is decorated with a picture of
Molotov, the Soviet Commissar for Foreign
Affairs during World War II. The man is filling
his cup with boiled water.


Dressed in a mixture of military and

The larger partisan formations were guided

civilian dress, this group of female partisans

in their political thinking by a Politruk or

relaxes for the camera. Even though they

political officer. The Politruk in this

undertook the traditional female activities

group is casually rolling a cigarette. The man

such as cooking, nursing the wounded and

on the right is armed with a German Mauser

child care, the women were also expected to

modified to take a box magazine; such field

fight alongside the men when circumstances

alterations were common amongst the

required. The weapons on show are the

partisans, some establishing underground

ubiquitous PPSh and Nagant pistols.

workshops to carry out such work.


pour men and materiel into the salient as quickly

as possible. Nature itself lent a hand to the
Russians by covering the spoil heaps and trench
lines in fresh plant growth, thus aiding the Soviet
efforts at Maskirovka (deception and camouflage),
which included the establishment of hundreds of
false gun positions complete with dummy (mockup) guns. Again the Voronezh Front statistics for
the huge Maskirovka preparations are interesting:
"Special engineer units carried out the
following measures: prepared 883 prefabricated
dummy tanks and 220 prefabricated dummy
aircraft; organized three false tank concentration
regions with 95 dummy tanks erected in them; and
constructed 13 false airfields with dummy aircraft
constructed in them."
Attrition was to be the order of the day as the
Soviet defences absorbed the impetus of the
German attack. The countryside over which the
fighting was to take place was mainly grassy,
undulating steppe with wheat and sunflower fields
near the built-up areas. It was good tank country,
if only the panzers could break through the
defensive belts and take full advantage of it.

Three generations of partisans: a

bemedalled veteran of World War I, his
daughter and granddaughter. During the
months before the opening of the Kursk
battles, Moscow would begin to take a firmer
grip on partisan operations as the numbers
and the usefulness of such forces became
more apparent.

The Red Air Force

As with the ground forces, the Red Air Force had
made significant progress in preparing for the
Battle of Kursk. Large numbers of Ilyushin 11-2
Shturmovik armoured ground-attack aircraft were
deployed, along with the Lavochkin La 5FN and
Yakovlev Yak 9 fighters. However, although the
numerically inferior Luftwaffe was hampered by a
lack of fuel, as an airborne force it still retained an
edge, primarily by virtue of its "Freya" radar
system, but also through the outstanding skill of its
pilots. However, the Wehrmacht could no longer
take air superiority for granted over the Eastern
Front, even though Red Air Force losses suffered at
its hands were enormous.


The First Day

The Battle of Kursk began with the Germans making heavy and sustained assaults
in the north and south. But commanders on the ground soon realized that the
defences in front of them were much more formidable than they had expected.

uring the weeks of May and June Soviet

partisan activity to the rear of Army Group
Centre had been stepped up, as had the efforts of
the Red Air Force. Hundreds of locomotives and
thousands of items of rolling stock had been
destroyed or disabled. Axis attempts to control the
partisans appear to have achieved little, other than
alienate further an already restive population. The
tension and foreboding aroused in the troops
moving up to the front on increasingly insecure
railway lines was in no way alleviated by their

The empty shell cases scattered by the

ammunition feeders holding the next rounds
testify to the work of this 76.2mm antitank
gun, nicknamed the ratsch bumm by the
Germans on account of the noises it made on
firing and impact respectively. These weapons
were highly regarded by the Wehrmacht, which
pressed many captured pieces into service,
since they were capable of destroying theT-34
at a time when it was the scourge of their own
inadequately equipped antitank units.

StuG Ills and Sd Kfz 251 armoured

personnel carriers of the Leibstandarte
Division advance on the first day of Kursk.
Commanded by SS-Brigadefhrer Theodor
Wisch, Leibstandarte smashed through the
positions of the 151st Guards Rifle Regiment.

SS grenadiers, possibly of the Totenkopf

Division, aboard a Panzer III. Paul Hausser's II
SS Panzer Corps was very powerful, having a
strength of 356 tanks and 95 assault guns
and being supported by a Nebelwerfer
multiple rocket launcher brigade.



going into action. They could only sit in their

trenches and consider the task confronting them.
After several postponements, Hitler announced,
on 25 June, that Operation Citadel would begin in
the early hours of 5 July. On 4 July, on the eve of
the attack, he issued his order of the day to be read
out to his forces and then destroyed.
"Soldiers! Today you begin a great offensive
whose outcome can have decisive significance for
the war. Your victory must even more than before
reinforce throughout the world the fact that, in the
final analysis, it is useless to render any resistance
whatsoever against the German Army ... Until now
it was Russian tanks, first and foremost, which
helped them to achieve some success. The colossal
attack, which this morning will strike the Soviet
armies, must shatter them to their very foundation.
And you must know that everything depends on
the success of this engagement."
The Russians had been warned by "Lucy" that
the offensive would begin between 3 and 6 July
but the time was not given. Rokossovsky and
Vatutin immediately put their fronts on full alert.
Instructions were issued to watch for any German
activity, particularly mine-clearance operations.
Now both sides could only sit and wait for the


Although the value of armoured trains had

diminished with the advent of air power, they
were still capable of delivering a useful
weight of fire. Later models used obsolete
tank turrets in the interests of
standardization and ammunition supply.

colossal events that were about to unfold. The Red

Army men and their opponents could almost feel
the tension in the hot summer air.
The tension was particularly noticeable in the
forward outposts located in front of the first line of
Soviet defences. The troops manning these
positions, referred to in the Red Army as "combat
security points", would be the tripwire that alerted
the Russians to the fact that the Germans were on
the move; theirs would be the red-rimmed eyes
that saw the Germans break cover, and move
through the dust and haze, firing as they came.
These outposts were not expected to do more than
gain enough time for the main defences to wake
up and man their guns, after which they would fall
back should they survive the initial contact. The
Russians were, by this point in the war, well aware
of the methods employed by the Germans at the
opening of an offensive, as they followed the

successful formula that had reaped such spectacular

rewards during the early years of the war. The
Soviet commanders were waiting for the Germans
to drive in their outposts with small units, often
the reconnaissance battalions, locating and clearing
the minefields with engineers as they advanced.
When contact with the first line of Soviet defences
was made, the Getmans would halt their advance
and move the bulk of their attacking formations into
their "jump-off" positions. Whilst these men and
vehicles were taking their places, the German artillery
would open fire. Happily for the Russians, the
Wehrmacht did not deviate from its usual pattern.
On 4 July the Russians were presented with
evidence that the attack was imminent. A Slovene
deserter from a German engineer platoon informed

The Red Army's rapid but highly effective

response to the armour of the German Tiger:
the SU-152.The "animal hunter", as the SU152 was nicknamed, was simply an ML-20
152mm gun-howitzer mounted in a heavily
armoured superstructure, on a KV-1 chassis.
The aerial indicates a formation commander's
vehicle, as the use of radio was still in its
infancy in the Soviet tank force.

German artillery near the frontline at

Kursk. During the early hours of 5 July
Red Army artillery shelled known German
artillery positions, causing death and
destruction to German gunners preparing to
support their offensive.


his Soviet interrogators that his unit had been

ordered to clear lanes through the minefields and
barbed wire in front of their lines. Furthermore,
they had been issued with vodka and rations for
five days, while the opening of the offensive had
been set for 03:00 hours on 5 July. This
information related to the southern flank of the
salient. Late on the afternoon of 4 July the
Germans made the move that confirmed that the
storm was about to break. Several battalions of
XLVIII Panzer Corps, to the south of the salient,
began a reconnaissance in force, moving against
the outposts of the Soviet 52nd Guards Rifle
Division on Vatutin's Voronezh Front.
The heavy fighting that the Germans became
embroiled in was an ominous portent of what was
to come. Although the grenadiers of the
Grossdeutschland, 11th Panzer and 3rd Panzer
Divisions had, by 21:00 hours, managed to push
back the Russian outposts, the mission had not
been an easy one. The next phase, XLVIII Panzer
Corps' assembly, now took place. The
Grossdeutschland's.fusilier and grenadier regiments
were supported by the division's panzer regiment
and the Panthers of 10th Panzer Brigade. To the


With an expression that reflects both

apprehension and determination, a Red Army
man stands guard over the field gun he may
soon be operating against the Germans as
dawn breaks over the Kursk salient.

left and right of Grossdeutschland, the 3rd and 11th

Panzer Divisions, respectively, gathered as silently
as armoured troops can.
At 01:15 hours II SS Panzer Corps began its
reconnaissance-in-force and, a little less than two
hours later, had achieved its objectives. Again the
assembly of tanks and men took place; however, it
was hampered by a violent thunderstorm, the
torrential rain turning the area's famous "Black
Earth" into a muddy soup which clogged the tracks
and wheels of many vehicles.
The junction of XLVIII Panzer Corps and II
SS Panzer Corps was covered by the 167th
Infantry Division. On the Leibstandarte?, right
flank lay the tanks of Das Reich and to their right
was the third division of Hausser's SS Panzer
Corps, the Tofcw/^o^/Tanzergrenadier Division.
Further to the south-east, German reconnaissance
had little effect due to the Soviet positions


following the eastern bank of the River Northern
Donets. Unfortunately for the Germans, during
the reconnaissance phase on III Panzer Corps' front,
an infantryman from the 168th Infantry Division
was captured and revealed that the main attack was
scheduled for dawn on the morning of 5 July. Dawn
comes early 03:00-04:00 hours in Russia during
the summer. Vatutin was now convinced that the
great moment was at hand. Marshal A.M. Vasilevsky,

The contrast between the simple

technology of this windmill, unchanged for
centuries, and the mechanized warfare raging
within a few miles, is stark. Buildings such as
this were very obvious observation points and
inevitably drew fire from the enemy eager to
deprive them of any vantage point.

Chief of the Red Army General Staff and STAVKA

representative on the southern flank of the salient,
gave permission to Vatutin to begin his
counterpreparations and informed Zhukov, his
counterpart to the north, of the situation.

German preparations
To the north of the salient, Model had not been
idle. Mine-clearance and reconnaissance operations
had been under way all along the front of the
Ninth Army for much of the evening of 4 July.
However, during the course of that evening Soviet
combat patrols had struck lucky and, having
observed and engaged a party of engineers, took a
prisoner. Any lingering doubts that the Russians
may have harboured as to the timing of Operation
Citadel were completely dispelled by the "tongue"
of Lance-Corporal Bruno Fermello of the 6th
Infantry Division, who claimed that the attack was
to begin at 03:00 hours on 5 July 1943. Swiftly
this intelligence was passed on to Zhukov, who
immediately ordered Rokossovsky to begin a preemptive bombardment and then informed Stalin
in Moscow that battle was about to be joined.
Stalin had already spoken to Vasilevsky and
approved Zhukov's decision requiring him to keep
in regular contact.
The artillery of the Voronezh Front opened fire
at 01:10 hours and that of Central Front at 02:20
hours. Stalin telephoned Zhukov shortly after
02:20 hours for an update. The targets were preplanned, being known or suspected German
assembly points and artillery positions. The
fortunes of the Russian gunners were mixed but
undoubtedly their efforts caused disruption. When
informed of the Russian countermeasures, OKH
responded by postponing the jump-off time by
two and a half hours for Army Group Centre and
three hours for Army Group South. So before the
offensive proper had begun, the Germans had been

forced to alter their plans by the Soviets; it was a
pattern that was to be repeated many times during
the following days, an ominous omen for Hitler
and his generals.
In addition to their artillery's efforts, the
Russians undertook a massive air strike with the
aim of hitting the Luftwaffe aircraft on the ground
immediately prior to take-off, when they would be
fully fuelled and armed but totally vulnerable.
Flying at heights of 2133-3048m (7000-10,000ft)
in tightly maintained formations, due to the
inadequacy of their night-flying capabilities, the
Soviet bombers lunged towards the Luftwaffes
airfields in the early hours of the morning. The
operation was to be undertaken by the forces of
the Second and Seventeenth Air Armies. A total of
417 aircraft took part.
However, thanks to the recent installation of
the "Freya" radar system, the Germans were given
just sufficient warning of the Red Air Force's
approach and were able to scramble enough fighter
cover to intercept the Russian bomber force before
it could do much damage. The Soviets claimed to
have destroyed or damaged 60 enemy aircraft as a
The crew of this ML-20 152mm gun is seen

On careful inspection, the depth of this

antitank ditch becomes very clear when
compared with the height of the man towards
the top of the picture. The length of the grass
provides ideal, natural camouflage, hiding the
trench until the last possible moment. Such
simple devices took their toll of the more
careless German tank drivers.
The crews of these PBHM Model 1938

completing application forms to become

mortars await the order to open fire. The Red

members of the Communist Party. Family

Army placed great emphasis on the use of

members of soldiers killed in battle were only

mortars, regarding them as equal in

informed of their loss if the soldier had been

importance to their "big brothers',' the

a party member. This fact encouraged the less

artillery. Their simplicity of manufacture,

idealistic troops to sign on the dotted line

maintenance and operation, and mobility

before going into action.

were clear assets in the close-support role.


result of these raids on the airfields south of the

salient. German claims, for the southern area,
amount to 432 for the first day. It seems, from the
Soviet General Staff Study of the Kursk operations,
that the Red Air Force over the Central Front did
not become active until the Luftwaffe appeared:
"During this initial period of the defensive
operation, however, our air operations had an
episodic rather than a planned character." Laconic
words, but the airmen's orders stated that they
should "combat enemy aircraft as they appeared
over our territory". The instructions were followed
to the letter, if not the spirit.
Following this action there can have been little
doubt at OKH that the Russians were well aware
of German intentions and that perhaps their
optimistic outlook was not justified. But by this
stage it was simply too late to reappraise the
situation; for better or worse, Operation Citadel
would not be postponed again.


Clearly extemporized and definitely

optimistic use of both the PTRD (left) and the
PTRS (right) antitank rifles in the antiaircraft
role. What the likelihood was of success for
these gunners in shooting clown anything
faster than an observation balloon would be
difficult to imagine!

Following the cessation of the Soviet artillery

strike, the German artillery preparation began at
04:30 hours. It was to last for 80 minutes and the
targets were within the first 4km (2.5 miles) of the
Russian defences. The Soviet artillery, using over
900 weapons of all types and calibres, followed 5
minutes later with counterbattery fire that lasted
for 30 minutes. Luftwaffe strikes paralleled those of
the artillery. The hideous cacophony of exploding
shells, whistling bombs and the banshee-like wail
of diving Stukas must surely have stretched the
already taught nerves of many of the recently

recruited Russian troops to breaking point. Then,

at 05:30 hours, the first German ground forces
advanced, the infantry closely supported by a
limited number of tanks. The initial move was
made by Freissner's XXIII Corps on the right flank
of the Ninth Army. This attack was aimed at the
junction of the Thirteenth and Forty-Eighth
Armies and designed to draw the Soviets' attention
from the main German effort farther to the west.
The strength of the Soviet defences rapidly became
apparent. Antipersonnel mines took a high toll of
the men of the 78th, 216th and 38th Infantry
Divisions. In the face of stiff opposition, even with
close air and armoured support, little headway
no more than 1.5km (1.2 miles) was made
towards their objective, the town of
Greater success rewarded the efforts of Model's
main attack that was to be undertaken by elements
of XLVII Panzer and XLI Panzer Corps. Model
had only committed the 20th Panzer Division to
the first wave of the attack and its Panzer III and
IV tanks kept close to their accompanying
engineers, who were to clear lanes through the
lethal Russian minefields. By 09:00 hours the 20th
Panzer Division had reached the village of Bobrik
and clawed into the defensive positions of the

Precise observation was an essential

feature of accurate artillery fire. This was
particularly true when the combat was close.
These forward observation officers are using
binoculars and a stereoscopic rangefinder to
check the fall of shells as the signaller reports
their findings by telephone. All are members
of a Guards artillery unit.

Pictured under camouflage netting somewhat skimpy protection from the

prowling bands of Luftwaffe ground-attack
aircraft - the commander of a formation of
KV-Is scans the countryside for signs of the
advancing German panzers.


The photographs on this page are a

selection from a series which depicts the
actions of the Grossdeutschland
Panzergrenadier Division during the Battle of
Kursk (note the divisional symbol of a German
helmet on the rear of the vehicle above).


Led by Lieutenant-General Walter Hoernlein,

the Grossdeutschland was an elite unit.
Equipped with its own panzer regiment, it
boasted 132 tanks and 35 assault guns. It was
part of Lieutenant-General Otto von
Knobelsdorff's XLVIII Panzer Corps.


Soviet 15th Rifle Division to a depth of some 5km

(3 miles). By late morning the Tigers of Heavy
Tank Battalion 505 had taken Butyrkin and
threatened the flank of the Soviet 81st Rifle
Division. Further penetrations, along the rail line
running to the south in the direction of Ponyri,
were achieved by Jagdpanzer (Tank Hunter)
Battalion 653 operating Ferdinands. Yet more
success had been gained by another Ferdinand unit
which had taken control of Alexandrovka, but this
force was cut off from its supporting infantry.

Firefight at Ponyri
With his Thirteenth Army under mounting
pressure, Rokossovsky sent in two antitank
brigades, an artillery brigade and the 21st Separate
Mortar Brigade, equipped with 82mm and
120mm mortars from the front reserve. Pukhov,
commanding Thirteenth Army, committed his
reserve 27th Guards Tank Regiment, mobile
obstacle detachments and combat engineers to
hold German infantry pushing towards Ponyri.
Rokossovsky provided air support, some 350
planes, to support Pukhov's men. In the words of
the commander of the German 6th Infantry
Division: "The Russians used aircraft in numbers
such as we have never seen in the East."
During the afternoon the 15th Rifle Division
was driven back to the line of ridges west of
Ponyri. This withdrawal exposed the right flank of
the Seventieth Army, the easternmost unit of
which, the 132nd Rifle Division, was also pushed
back. The advancing Germans were finally halted
by minefields and artillery fire. Further attacks by
Ferdinands, supported by Goliath remote-control
demolition machines, broke into the defence zone
around Maloarkhangelsk but were held by the

In the early hours of 5 July, both Soviet

and German artillery fire lit up the sky along
the frontline. Caught in the glare of the
shellfire, this evocative painting shows Red
Army engineers carrying out the hazardous
and delicate task of mine-laying in the rear of
the first defensive belt. Note the DP light
machine gun to the right.

Russian 129th Armoured Brigade. On this sector

of the front alone, Soviet engineers, often working
under heavy small-arms fire, succeeded in laying
over 6000 new mines, creating further hazards for
Model's tanks and infantry. A German's comments
on the tactics of the Russian infantry are apposite:
"The Soviet infantry refused to panic in the
face of the roaring Tiger and Ferdinand tanks ...
Everything had been done to inoculate the troops
against the notorious 'tank panic'. The result was
inevitable." The quote continues:
"The Russian infantrymen allowed the tanks to
rumble past their well-camouflaged foxholes and
then came out to deal with the German grenadiers
in their wake. Thus the battle continued to rage on
in sectors that the forward tank commanders
believed had already been won.
"Tanks and assault guns had to be brought
back to relieve the grenadiers ... By evening the
grenadiers were exhausted, and the tanks and
assault guns were out of fuel."
Here and there groups of armoured vehicles
had pushed deeper into the Russian lines but were
isolated. Cut off from their supporting infantry,
they found it necessary to pull back. By the end of
5 July Model's troops had advanced 8km (6 miles)
into the Soviets' first belt of defences, west of
Ponyri, on a front of almost 15km (12 miles).

However, the attackers had sustained 20 percent

losses in their panzer units, approximately 200 out
of the 300 tanks and assault guns committed, and
nearly 20,000 men. At Ninth Army headquarters
the outlook was cautiously optimistic; the first day
had gone well but the Red Army was a tenacious
defensive foe and its positions were as substantial
as Model's reconnaissance had foretold. The battle
of attrition that the Russians had anticipated was
unfolding. As one commentator put it:
"Nowhere had the enemy been taken by
surprise. Nowhere has he been soft. He had clearly

German infantrymen positioning a

Granatwerfer 34 (GrW 34 ) 81mm mortar. The
GrW 34 was well regarded by the soldiers that
used it, being sturdy, reliable and accurate.
Normal assignment was six 81mm mortars
per mortar platoon within each rifle company.
A German flamethrower team rushes
forward on the morning of 5 July.
Flamethrowers were useful for dealing with
enemy infantry in trenches and bunkers. The
Germans also used tank flamethrowers.



A happy group of German prisoners,

The Red Army used two types of antitank

mainly pilots and aircrew, stand around

rifle. Shown here is the more complicated

awaiting interrogation. Their apparent

PTRS, a weapon which utilized a clip-fed

cheerfulness was doubtless caused by their

magazine instead of the bolt-action of the

conviction that their captivity would be brief

simpler PTRD. The calibre of both was

and liberation would shortly arrive in the

14.5mm. There was little difference in the

shape of the triumphant German panzers.

performance of these two man weapons.


Colonel-General Hermann Hoth (front)
commanded the Fourth Panzer Army. This
aristocratic Prussian officer had some of the
best divisions that Germany had at Kursk,
including the Grossdeutschland.
These Red Army men are prepared for
antitank fighting. To the rear of the position is
a PTRD antitank rifle. Only marginally
effective against tanks, it was still useful
against lightly armoured vehicles. The grenade
to the right of the submachine gunner is an
RPG-40 antitank grenade that was dropped on
engine covers or through any open hatches,
with devastating effect.


been expecting the attack and numerous

statements by Russian prisoners of war have
confirmed this."
Rokossovsky, basing his plans on those drawn
up in the weeks before the fighting began, ordered
a counterattack for the following day. The
objective of the attack was simple: the restoration


Tiger tanks of the 2nd SS Panzergrenadier

Division Das Reich at Kursk. The division,
commanded by SS-Gruppenfhrer Walter
Kruger, was the strongest of the three
divisions of II SS Panzer Corps, fielding 145
tanks and 34 assault guns. The strike force of
this unit was the 2nd SS Panzer Regiment.


of the first defensive belt. The attack was to be
carried out by XVII Guards and XVIII Guards
Rifle Corps, supported by II Tank Corps' 3rd and
16th Tank Brigades. XIX Separate Tank Corps was
to cover the Seventieth Army's endangered right
flank and IX Tank Corps was to be brought up
from the front reserve, north of Kursk, and take up
positions from which it could support II Tank
Corps. It was, given the strength of the German
forces arrayed in front of them, an overly
ambitious plan.

Day One: Army Group South

Army Group Kempf and Hoth's Fourth Panzer
Army began their contributions to Operation
Citadel three hours later than scheduled. The main
objective of the Fourth Panzer Army was to seize
bridgeheads over the River Psel, south of Oboyan,
by the end of 6 July.
To achieve the objective, XLVIII Panzer Corps
and II SS Panzer Corps made their attacks up two
converging roads leading north through Pokrovka
(not to be confused with Prokhorovka) and
Oboyan towards Kursk itself. The immediate
objective for XLVIII Panzer Corps was the village
of Cherkasskoe, a major point in the first Soviet
defensive belt on the southern bank of the River
Pena. The centre of the thrust was to be the
Grossdeutschland Panzergrenadier Division,
flanked to the left by the 3rd Panzer Division
and to the right by the 11th Panzer Division.
The flanks of the panzer thrust were to be
covered by the 332nd and 167th Infantry
Divisions to left and right respectively.
The 3rd Panzer Division and 332nd Infantry
Division were faced by the 71st Guards Rifle
Division and, after intense fighting, punched
through the Soviet first and second defensive belts,
driving the Russian soldiers before them.
Fortunately for the Russians, the Germans were
moving northwards and this allowed the 71st
Guards Rifle Division to establish defences facing
eastwards from their original line. By nightfall the
3rd Panzer Division had reached the banks of the
River Pena.
The Grossdeutschland Division had moved off
at 05:00 hours, led by its own Tiger company,
aiming directly for Cherkasskoe. Almost
immediately the 10th Panzer Brigade, attached to

the Grossdeutschlands left flank and equipped with

200 Panthers, ran into an undiscovered minefield
near an area of marshy ravines. The bogged and
damaged vehicles gave the Russian artillery just the
target the mines had been intended to provide, and
the storm of shells, fired over open sights, caused
heavy casualties, particularly to the German
engineers. In the ensuing confusion some 36
Panthers were lost. This chaotic situation was
almost beyond the resources of the
Grossdeutschland^ engineers, who laboured
frantically for almost 12 hours before the way was
clear and the tanks could move forward to support
the flagging infantry. Interestingly, when the tanks
did move forward a Grossdeutschland artillery
officer commented:
"Where are our tanks? ... they're stuck in the
mud ... Suddenly tanks appear behind us, more
and more of them: they have a very long gun, a
completely new type. Oh yes, the new Panther!
Once again, however, our enthusiasm is dampened
straight away."
It was thanks to the furious attacks launched
by 11th Panzer Division, cutting through the
Soviet defences and reaching the village of
Cherkasskoe, that the Panthers could extract
themselves from the marsh.
Grossdeutschland's Tiger company, at the tip of
the wedge, had forced its way through the Soviet
lines, leaving the clearance of the trenches to the
supporting grenadiers. Fighting all the way, the
67th Guards Rifle Division was driven from its
positions. Despite being reinforced by antitank
guns and self-propelled artillery, the guardsmen fell
back to the relative safety of the 90th Guards Rifle
Division's trenches along the River Pena. However,
the ferocious tenacity of the Soviet troops and the
strength of their defences had thrown Hoth's
schedule into disarray and, by nightfall, XLVIII
Panzer Corps had fallen short of its objectives.
Hausser's II SS Panzer Corps, having
successfully negotiated the minefields, launched its
356 tanks and 195 assault guns along the main
road towards Bykovka. The firepower of the SS
divisions' integral artillery batteries was
supplemented by the aircraft of VIII Air Corps and
the weight of an entire Nebelwerfer brigade. The
Nebelwerfer was a multi-barrelled rocket launcher
capable of delivering six rockets with 2.5kg (5.51b)

warhead. The three SS divisions were deployed in a

parallel echelon to the right. Each division
possessed its own Tiger formations which formed
the tip of the armoured wedge. The opposition to
the SS consisted of the 52nd Guards Rifle Division
and 375th Rifle Division, both veteran formations;
the positions that they occupied were amongst the
strongest in the salient, as the Soviet leadership was
well aware of the fighting prowess of the elite
troops that would be facing them.
As the advance guard of the Leibstandarte
pushed towards Bykovka, it encountered the 5th
Guards Mortar Regiment which included several
batteries of Katyusha, multiple rocket launchers in
its strength. In what was to become a common
practice, the Katyusha crews dropped the angle of
the launch ramps and fired straight over open
sights at the advancing Germans. In many areas
specially designed ramps had been built to provide
just this facility. Bykovka fell to the Leibstandarte at
16:10 hours; with barely time to draw breath, it
was ordered to keep going and break through the
"second enemy lines ... and to establish a
bridgehead across the Psel". However, having run
into stiff resistance, the Leibstandarte halted for the
night "to resume its attack in the morning". Das
Reich, having met with easy successes during the
early hours of the offensive, and having cut the

The artillery duel that began in the early

hours of 5 July continued for hours. This
battery of 76.2mm ZiS-3 divisional guns are of
the 1942 type which was a development of
the 1939 model with an extra muzzle-brake
and a split trail. The maximum range of this
gun was 13,300m (14,545yd). Further
development of this excellent weapon
continued into the 1970s.

OboyanBelgorod road, found its way barred by

the 96th Tank Brigade. Totenkopf had driven the
155th Guards Rifle Regiment into the right flank
of the 375th Rifle Division, but was unable to
complete its destruction.
The effectiveness of the Soviets' defensive
flexibility prevented the Germans from breaking
through the Russian defensive positions north of
Belgorod, causing problems for Hoth's forces in the
days to come. However, by the end of the first day
Hausser's men had advanced almost 20km (16
miles), broken into the second Soviet defensive^belt
and, in the process, sliced the 52nd Rifle Division
in two. The southernmost German force to attack
on 5 July was Army Detachment Kempf. The main
task allocated to Kempf's troops was the protection
of Hoth's right flank, and this role would prove to
be one of vital importance.


In the wake of a short artillery barrage, the
infantry and tanks belonging to Army Detachment
Kempf rolled forward across the Northern Donets
River before breaking out from their bridgehead at
Mikhailovka near Belgorod. Facing them was the
Seventh Guards Army. The Russians defended
ferociously, so much so that Kempf was forced to
redeploy the 6th Panzer Division.
At 11:00 hours the 19th Panzer Division broke
into the Soviet positions across the River Northern
Donets. During the course of the day, the 19th
Panzer Division's panzergrenadiers drove the 228th
Guards Rifle Regiment back and began to bring
its tanks across the river. During the early
afternoon the 6th and 7th Panzergrenadier
Regiments of the 7th Panzer Division managed to
crash through the defences of the Soviet 78th
Guards Rifle Division and unleash their tanks,
before hurling the Russians back along high
ground for 6km (4.5 miles). By taking this high
ground, the Germans dominated the area on the
left of the river for more than 10km (8 miles). As
night fell the bridgehead had been expanded to

1.5-2.5km deep and 7km wide (24 miles deep,

10 miles wide). This expansion gave Kempf the
chance to employ the 6th Panzer Division, which
was moved to act in concert with the other
armoured formations.
The damage that had been inflicted on the
Seventh Guards Army was serious. However, its
sacrifices had not been in vain, as Army
Detachment Kempf had fallen behind its schedule.
The consequences for the armoured formations
under Hoth and Hausser's command were to prove
On the horizon sits a knocked out
Sturmgeschtz (StuG) III assault gun that had
penetrated the second defensive belt, only to
fall victim to a Soviet minefield.The Russians
in the foreground illustrate the mix of
weapons in use by the infantry during the
Kursk battles. The machine gun is the Soviet
version of the Maxim Model 1910, as used by
the Imperial Army during World War I. The
familiar two-wheeled Sokolov mounting is
hidden by the foxhole.

more and more problematic as the gap between

them and Kempf's troops that should have been
covering their flank widened, and they were forced
to use troops that should have been advancing in a
defensive role to protect their increasingly vulnerable
eastern flank. However, although slower progress
had been made than the Germans anticipated in
their planning, on the southern flank of the salient
the outlook was not too bad, and greater success was
anticipated during the following days.
Vatutin's responses, during the course of the
day, had been to move his reserves to block the
German axes of advance. Russian plans that were
made for counterattacks were rendered obsolete

T-34/76 tanks moving out from their

camouflaged positions into the dust and
smoke of battle. At the rear of the hull can be
seen the spare, external fuel tanks. Their
position on the vehicles proved to be a deadly
liability as they were unarmoured. The smoke
and dust of combat during the summer
months severely restricted visibility from the
inside of a closed-down tank.

almost before the ink was dry due to the speed of

the German advance. Therefore the First Tank
Army was instructed to hold a line east of the
River Pena, supporting the infantry already in
place there. The Fifth Guards Tank Army was
moved up to positions in the rear of the 51st
Guards Rifle Division; XXXI Tank Corps was held
as a rapid-response force waiting to react to any
threat that arose. Elsewhere on the line the 93rd
Draped in camouflage, men and equipment,
this heavy gun moves into position. The
majority of Soviet heavy artillery was tractordrawn. The most common tractor was the
Stalinets S-6O, produced in the Soviet Union
under licence from the American Caterpillar
company. The gun's tube is protected by a
chekol (dust cover), as the sandy soil could
seriously impair its performance.


The air battle that took place in the early

hours of the Kursk offensive was the largest
that was seen during World War II.
Furthermore, it marked the coming of age of
the Red Air Force in terms of men and
machinery. Numerically the Red Air Force
enjoyed a clear advantage; its success at
Kursk provided the pilots with the moral fillip
to have more confidence in their abilities.

Guards Rifle Division was moved to occupy

defensive positions east of the Lipovyi Donets
River, south-west of Prokhorovka, in order to
prevent the troops of II SS Panzer Corps and Army
Detachment Kempf linking up. The manner in
which Vatutin would deploy and use his tanks these vehicles numbering almost 1000 aroused
criticism from both Stalin and Zhukov.
However, Vasilevsky and Khrushchev, who
were both on the spot at that time, supported
Vatutin's performance. The lack of counterattacks
notwithstanding, Vatutin's methods were to
characterize armoured operations in the days that
followed. To their front, the panzer troops would
face tanks that engaged them in vicious
sometimes almost suicidal defensive battles,
while their eastern flank became ever longer and
more exposed to increasingly powerful Soviet
armoured attacks. So powerful were these Soviet
attacks that they threatened to cut through, and
isolate, the German spearhead.
Vatutin spent the entire night pouring muchneeded reinforcements into the area. These forces
included the 27th Antitank Brigade, with 72 guns.

The power of the German onslaught against the

Voronezh Front had taken the Russians
completely by surprise. Consequently, much of
their armoured force had been committed in an
infantry support role. However, the nature of the
German advance had exposed the Wehrmacht^
eastern flank, thereby offering a prime
opportunity, one that the Russians could not
afford to let slip through their fingers.
Russian infantry counterattack during the
afternoon of 5 July. Covering fire is provided
by a 7.62mm Degataryev light machine gun,
nicknamed the "record player" because of its
top-mounted magazine. The dry, dusty
conditions, well illustrated in this photograph,
taxed the endurance of the men and efficiency
of their equipment to the limit; during battle,
water became as essential as ammunition.



Northern Deadlock
As the tanks and assault guns of Model's Ninth Army tried to batter their way
through the Soviet defences in the north of the salient, Rokossovsky fed in reserves to
stem the German tide, then launched a devastating counterattack.

okossovsky ordered his staff to prepare for a

counterattack, which had the sole objective of
restoring the first defensive belt. On the night of 5
July, he submitted a report to Josef Stalin:
"The Supreme Commander told me that the
Front was being reinforced with LieutenantGeneral S.T. Trofimenko's Twenty-Seventh Army,
taken from the reserve. This was good news
indeed, and I sent several staff officers out to
meet the Army. However, our joy was short-lived
and next morning we received new orders: in
view of the threatening situation in the
neighbourhood of Oboyan the Twenty-Seventh

Army was to proceed to the Voronezh Front.

GHQ went on to say that we could count only
on our own forces, adding that we were assigned
the additional task of defending Kursk in the
Grimly determined to defend to the last
round, these Red Army men await the German
assault on the positions of the Central Front.
The light machine gun is the Degatyarev DP
squad automatic weapon - the "record
player". The ammunition drum held 47
rounds and was capable of firing at a rate of
550 shots per minute.

event of an enemy breakthrough on the Voronezh

Front to the south."
Stalin replied: "Your neighbour on the left is in
a grave situation, and the enemy may strike at your
rear from there." Consequently Rokossovsky was
forced to turn for troops to the Sixtieth Army,
commanded by General I.D. Chernyakhovsky,
defending the "snout" of the salient, which
provided a reserve formation. However, greater
strength than this would be needed to achieve
Rokossovsky's purpose, so to this end several units
were set in motion.
XIX Separate Tank Corps was moved up to
support the right flank of the Seventieth Army, and
IX Corps from the Front Reserve north of Kursk
was to support the Second Tank Army. XIX
Separate Tank Corps was to join the attack when it
arrived and III Tank Corps was to defend Ponyri
Station. The divisions of XVII Guards and XVIII
Guards Rifle Corps were to attack out of their
positions in the second defence belt supported by III
Tank and XVI Tank Corps of the Second Tank
Army. Unfortunately only the 17th Guards Rifle
Division and XVI Tank Corps were in their
designated jump-off positions by the appointed
time. Consequently less than half of the Second
Tank Army's 465 tanks were available for the attack.
Notwithstanding this shortfall, the fresh input of
Russian armour raised the numbers when added
to those committed by the Germans to over 1000
tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles.
The scene was now set for the mighty struggle
that was to rage for four days along the ridges
stretching between Ponyri and the heavily
defended villages of Olkhovatka and Samodurovka.

A German Army artillery on the north of the
salient. Many German artillery pieces were
knocked out during the battle by effective
Red Army counterbattery fire, thereby
weakening Wehrmacht assaults.

K.K. Rokossovsky, commander of the

Central Front. The son of a railroad engineer,

he served in the Imperial Army as a noncommissioned officer in World War I. In 1918
he joined the Red Army and served in the Civil
War, rising through the ranks to various Far
Eastern commands.


The hot, arid conditions that prevailed

The ZiS-3 76mm divisional gun proved its

throughout much of the summer of 1943 are

worth during the summer of 1943. It was

highlighted by the dried-out vegetation and

frequently used as an antitank gun. One of its

suntanned infantryman nearest to the camera.

advantages was that it was small enough to

The defensive position is typical of those

be manhandled, as has happened here. The

facing Model's troops as they tried to wrest

surrounding cereal crop was typical of the

control of the heights that faced them.

ungathered harvest in the battle zone.


It was clear to both Model and Rokossovsky that

the line of ridges held by the Russians was the key
to the northern route to Kursk. In this region the
engineers of the Red Army, ably assisted by many
hundreds of civilian labourers, had created one of
the densest and most sophisticated defensive
systems in the salient. The main topographical
feature, dominating the ridge line, was Hill 274
close by the village of Olkhovatka, which itself had
been turned into a veritable fortress. It was the Red
Army that was to make the first move on the
second day.
The guns of IV Artillery Penetration Corps
opened fire at 03:50 hours on 6 July onto preregistered targets. In order to confuse the German
artillery observers, the Russians exploded canisters
of dynamite, located well away from the actual
artillery positions, simultaneously with the fire of
real guns. Thirty minutes later Russian bombers
were intercepted on their way to attack German
tanks and infantry forming up in anticipation of
the Soviet attack. A vicious air battle ensued.
Soviet losses on 5 July were calculated at some 100
aircraft, and the Red Air Force claimed to have
shot down 106 German planes, but these losses did
not greatly reduce aerial activity on 6 July.
The 107th and 164th Tank Brigades of XVI
Tank Corps attacked at 04:00 hours in the
direction of Step' and Butyrki with some 100 T-34
and T-70 tanks. The Soviet 107th Tank Brigade
attacked first, but German artillery fire cut the
Russian infantry off from their tanks. After two
hours of intensive fighting, tanks of the 107th
Tank Brigade succeeded in driving the Germans
back to the line Ponyri 1Step'Saborovka.

Looking down over the approaches to a

village on the line Samdurovka-Ponyri, a wellcamouflaged Soviet artillery battery prepares
to add its firepower to the Red Army's
defensive effort, showing the daunting nature
of the task facing Model's troops attacking
such positions across open ground.
A group of unidentified staff officers hurry
across the railway line running south from
Ponyri to Kursk. The gauge of track in the
USSR was wider than that elsewhere in
Europe and necessitated considerable work on
the part of the Wehrmacht's engineer corps to
render it compatible with their gauge.


The next phase of the Soviet advance fell foul
of a well-prepared German ambush. Model had
moved up his 2nd Panzer Division, attached to
which was Heavy Tank Battalion 505 equipped
with Tigers. In a few minutes the 107th Tank
Brigade lost 46 out of 50 tanks to 16 dug-in Tigers
and Panzer IVs, and withdrew behind its infantry.
The 164th Tank Brigade lost 23 tanks and also
withdrew behind its infantry screen. Instead of the
powerful counterattack Rokossovsky had
envisaged, a piecemeal thrust had achieved little.
In his memoirs Rokossovsky describes the
activities of XVII Guards Rifle Corps:
"... XVII Corps advanced two kilometres,
where they were joined by elements of the 15th
and 18th Divisions which had been fighting in
encirclement for the second day. Holding out on
various sectors were two battalions, seven
companies, eleven platoons and a number of
smaller groups headed by officers. Occupying
advantageous positions, they did not falter when
enveloped by enemy panzers. On the contrary, by


striking from their rear these brave men forced

them to slow down their advance. The Nazis threw
large forces against them, but they stood firm,
repelling panzer and infantry attacks and greatly
helping our counterattacking troops, which
reached them in time. Now these officers and men
joined the advancing units and forged ahead."
However, the activities of XVII Guards Rifle Corps
were curtailed by their lack of armoured support,
and they were forced onto the defensive.
The Russian withdrawals were followed closely
by tanks of XLVII Panzer Corps advancing to the
second defensive belt held by XVII Guards Rifle
Corps' 70th and 75th Guards Rifle Divisions.
Again to quote Rokossovsky:
Surrounded by men of his artillery
regiment, a political officer delivers an
inspirational speech. Interestingly, the political
officer is the only man wearing the previously
proscribed shoulder boards (pogoni). All the
tunics are of the pre-1943 type.

Pictured immediately prior to take-off, this

Ilyushin Il-2m3 shows very clearly the reargunner introduced with this model. The Red
Air Force rarely tallied "kills'/ but the three
stars on the tailplane indicate three victories,
probably ground-attack targets. The writing on
the fuselage indicates that this aircraft is part
of a Guards formation.
Colonel-General Walther Model commanded
the German Ninth Army. He concentrated his
Tigers and Ferdinands in small but powerful
battalions whose task was literally to smash
their way through the enemy's defences.

"An enemy attempt to break into the second

line of defence on the heels of the retreating troops
was repelled. In view of the enemy's superiority in
tanks, especially in heavy ones, our troops were
ordered to reinforce their lines with tanks dug in to
carry on firing from stationary positions. It was
permitted to use tanks for counterattacks only
against infantry or light enemy armour, and then
only after his battle formations had been disarrayed
by fire.
"This order had been prompted by
circumstances. I remembered only too well the
time when our tankmen had hastily launched a
head-on attack against Tigers. They had suffered
substantial casualties and had been hurled back


Dramatically captured on film, a Tiger of

Heavy Tank Battalion 505 "brews up"To the
right of the picture a Ferdinand moves
steadily forward towards the outskirts of
Olkhovatka on 9 July 1943.

behind the infantry lines. The situation had been

saved by our artillery, which had stopped the
enemy with well-aimed, direct fire."
The flexibility of the Red Army's artillery was
an important feature of its defensive strength. One
particular example is the movement of the 23rd
Guards Mortar Brigade equipped with M-30
Katyusha rocket launchers. The M-30 units were
rarely used in defence because of their low
mobility, the necessity for extended fire
preparations, and the impossibility of rapidly
turning the launchers for a salvo in a new


direction. The 23rd Guards Mortar Brigade carried

out a shift to fire against a new German thrust in
45 minutes, an operation that should have taken
between two and three hours, all the while under
air and artillery attack. Direct fire from ramps and
over open sights became an increasingly common
phenomenon carried out mainly by the lighter,
more manoeuvrable M-13 Katyushas.
From behind the German lines could be seen
the dusty settlement of Olkhovatka, Hill 274 and
the low ridges that stood on the road to Kursk.
Pausing to regroup after their failure to penetrate
the Russian second defensive belt in the wake of
the Soviet withdrawal, the troops of XLVII Panzer
Corps drank deeply from their canteens as the sun
rose higher above the open fields. The assault was
to be launched during the late morning and the
spearheads of the panzer wedges were to be the
Tigers of Heavy Tank Battalion 505. Overhead
screamed ground-attack and fighter aircraft of both
One of the hundreds of 85mm Model 1939
antiaircraft guns deployed in the Kursk salient
by the Red Army during the battle. In
performance this gun compared favourably
with the famous German 88mm. However, it
seems to have rarely been deployed in the
antitank role. Antiaircraft guns were often
crewed by women.

Panzer front! A 45mm Model 37 antitank

gun makes ready to fire. This gun was a

The German Nebelwerfer multi-barrel

rocket launcher was a fearsome weapon.

derivative of the German 37mm antitank

Mobile Nebelwerfer batteries were able to lay

piece. The Soviets had increased the calibre to

down heavy and unexpected concentrations

take larger, high-explosive shells to enable it

of fire. It was known as the "Screaming

to be used as an infantry support weapon. A

Meemie" or "Moaning Minnie" for the sound

new version, the Model 1942, was introduced

made by the incoming rockets. Maximum

before Operation Citadel.

range was 5500m (6014yd).



Carrying only their weapons, this antitank

Pictured here, awaiting orders, are two

rifle squad dash forward. They are passing a

Red Army engineers. In front of them are

pair of shattered Panzer Ills, possibly knocked

some of the mobile antitank defences that

out by Soviet air strikes during the early

proved to be highly effective during Operation

hours of the fighting. The men have replaced

Citadel. Constructed from girders and easily

their standard issue knee boots with puttees,

moved, these latter-day chevaux-de-frise were

which was a not uncommon practice by this

another useful part of the Soviet defensive

stage of the war.


sides, rockets from Nebelwerfers and Katyushas

adding their characteristic howling and, as a final
note to this soundtrack from hell, the perpetual
drumming of the artillery. Inside their gently
simmering steel vehicles, Soviet and German
tank crews waited. At last the order was given,
"Panzer marsch"
Supported on their flanks by the lighter
tanks and assault guns, the Tigers rolled forward
into an inferno of Russian fire coming from
weapons of all calibres. The hamlet of Soborovka
fell. Model ordered the 9th Panzer Division into
the fray to reinforce this success, but his losses
were mounting inexorably.

A The work of forward artillery observation

officers was, by its very proximity to the
enemy line, hazardous. The men here are
under heavy German counterbattery fire but
continue to report the fall of their own shot
by landline.
A KV-1 - the Red Army's main heavy tank
at the time of the Operation Citadel - goes
into action supported by infantry on the
Central Front. A little over 200 KV-Is were
used at Kursk. An interesting feature of the
KV-1 was the ball-mounted 7.62mm machine
gun in the rear of the turret.



The bolt-action of the single-shot PTRD

antitank rifle is clearly shown in this
photograph. With a calibre of 14.5mm, the
PTRD packed a formidable punch and was
much valued as a sniping weapon. Stability

the forward trenches, Russian mortar crews fired

off hundreds of rounds to further dislocate the
German attack. For the German troops on the
ground, the main objective became one of survival,
but nowhere was safe. Seeking cover in a
depression could result in the loss of a limb or
worse, as the Soviet engineers had foreseen this
eventuality and liberally scattered antipersonnel
mines in such, apparently, safe havens. Nor were
the German rear positions secure; Soviet troops
appeared, as if by magic, from hiding places where
they had stayed patiently waiting as the tanks
drove past them, only to emerge and wreak havoc.
Snipers, too, carefully targeted officers and other
important personnel such as mine-clearing parties
as they moved forward, causing the Germans to
divert men to mopping-up duties who could have
been better employed elsewhere.
Time and again the Tigers reformed and
pushed forward; time and again the Russians drove
them back. The unharvested cereal crops, now
crushed flat beneath the tank tracks and soldiers'

was provided by a metal bipod.

This scout unit, recognizable by its

Grinding slowly forwards, the Germans were

becoming more and more enmeshed in the
complex web of the Russian defences. As superbly
camouflaged and sited Soviet antitank gun
batteries caught their tanks, so the German
infantry were shot down in their hundreds as the
Russian machine guns took their toll. From behind

specialist camouflage suits, is capable of

delivering a colossal weight of fire. The man
in the foreground is armed with the PPSh
Model 1942 with a curved box magazine that
held 35 rounds. At full power, fire at a rate of
2000 rounds per minute could be delivered by
the guns pictured here.

boots, began to stain with the blood of thousands

of men. Over this grim spectacle, the smoke from
hundreds of burning vehicles darkened the blue
summer skies. Finally exhaustion put an end to the
merciless fighting and, as evening fell, both sides
paused to count the cost.
Wherever possible, tank recovery units came
forward to rescue damaged vehicles and repair
them for the next round. Fresh supplies of
ammunition were brought forward, as was fuel for
the tanks. Casualties were evacuated to the rear
and the sounds of shot and shell were replaced by
the sighs and moans of the wounded of both sides
as they lay, untended and thirst-wracked, amidst
the carnage.

No way through for the panzers

To the east of the line General Josef Harpe's XLI
Panzer Corps again tried to split the Thirteenth
and Forty-Eighth Armies. The tank component of
the Panzer Corps was the 18th Panzer Division,
which was equipped with fewer than 100 tanks,
the majority of which were poorly armed Panzer
IIIs and IVs. The weight of the attack was to be
delivered by the Landser of the 292nd and 86th
Infantry Divisions. In their support, the Germans
had deployed the "Grizzly Bears" of the 216th
Panzer Battalion which would provide mobile
heavy artillery support. Fighting desperately, the
Germans pushed forward and gained ground in
the village of Ponyri. The momentum of the
German advance was checked by troops of the

The bitter price of failure. German infantry

lie dead before the barbed wire of the Russian
defences outside Ponyri. These men are
possibly from the 10th Panzergrenadier
Division committed by Model during the night
10/11 July in a last, desperate attempt to
breach the Soviet lines.

307th Rifle Division who tenaciously defended

their positions in and around the station. The
307th held the second line of the positions allotted
to XXIX Rifle Corps.
The final area, which was attacked by the
Germans, was the settlement of Maloarkhangelsk
to the extreme east of the northern shoulder. The
forces engaged here were again mainly infantry, the
216th Infantry Division and the 78th Assault
Division, supported by the 72 StuG IIIs of the
185th and 189th Assault Gun Detachments.
Despite these German efforts, the solidity of the
Soviet defences and the resolute stolidity of the
troops manning them again bested the Germans.
Finally, by 18:30 hours the Soviet XIX Tank
Corps was ready to go into the attack. The delay
resulted from the time the corps had taken
negotiating the infantry positions and cautiously
feeling its way through friendly minefields. The
general direction of the attack was towards
Podolian'. The 150 tanks of XIX Tank Corps
struck directly at the tip of the German 20th and
2nd Panzer Divisions in the Bobrik-Samodurovka
sector. Once again, however, dug-in tanks


supplemented by heavy artillery fire and air

support met the Soviet armour. The casualties that
ensued forced the Russians to retire.
Although the Russians had contained the
German advance, they had paid a high price in
men and materiel. But the Germans had suffered a
bloody day as well; by the time XLVII Panzer
Corps had called a halt, the Tigers of the 505th
Battalion had been severely mauled, many beyond
repair. The Germans were allowed little respite that
night as the presence of so many Soviet troops
within the German lines where such could be
said to have existed necessitated extensive
patrolling to ensure some chance of sleep for the
men who would be taking up the cudgels again the
following day. Throughout the hours of darkness,
German engineers laboured frantically to clear
routes across the Soviet minefields for their reserves
to cautiously navigate. All the while Russian
engineers worked to sow more mines, repair
bunkers and trenches, and shift mobile antitank
obstacles. Those men that could snatched precious
minutes of sleep as their commanders prepared
fresh orders for the coming struggle.
Rokossovsky could draw consolation for the
losses in his ground forces, however, as the
situation overhead was slowly shifting in the
Soviets' favour. The intensity of the aerial combat
was such that the Luftwaffe was forced to call on
fresh units from other parts of the front to meet
the Soviet air armada. The technical superiority

The lack of foliage indicates that this

image predates the Kursk battles. However,
the SU-76s pictured here were widely used
during Operation Citadel. Although originally
intended to provide direct, mobile fire
support for the infantry, the SU-76 played a
very valuable part as a tank destroyer.
A Red Army 45mm Model 1932 antitank
gun is towed to the frontline by a six-horse
team. The location is possibly Kursk itself. The
limber was generally used to carry two crew
members and ammunition; this one seems
rather overloaded.

and skill of the German pilots that had for so long
rendered the Red Air force impotent was gradually
falling victim to a battle of attrition from which
the largest force would emerge triumphant. Soviet
fighter squadrons were proving that it was possible
for them to suppress the Messerschmitts and
Focke-Wulfs for long enough to enable their
ground-attack and bomber aircraft to do their
work. From this day forward, the Red Air Force, in
this sector of the salient, would become
increasingly dominant. Soviet claims for 6 July are
113 enemy aircraft for 90 of their own.
On the other side of the line, Model had cause
for concern: the Soviet defences were as strong as,
if not stronger than, predicted. Although the
Ninth Army had made progress, it was minimal,
and at the cost of some 25,000 men killed or
wounded and about 150 tanks and assault guns.
Aerial reconnaissance reported strong Russian
columns moving westward, south of
Maloarkhangelsk, towards Olkovatka and Ponyri.
Obviously the Soviets were reinforcing as fast as
they could.
The pattern of the fighting on the northern
shoulder of the Kursk salient had been set. The
Germans had to advance to achieve any sort of
success; the Russians, having paid the bloody price
of lessons in ill-prepared counterattacks, would
defend. Numbers and tenacity would deliver
victory to whichever protagonist was well supplied
with both.

Exhausted Red Army infantrymen take a

well-deserved nap en route to the front. As
the war progressed, more and more lorries,
many provided by the USA, would carry the
Soviet troops into battle, thus saving them
tiring foot marches. The junior officer just
visible to the left of the picture keeps watch
over his men.
Russian cavalry ride through the dust
towards the frontline. Despite the
increasingly mechanized nature of warfare,
both Axis and Soviet forces used horses on a
grand scale. Much of the Axis artillery was
horse-drawn, and the Red Army used cavalry
in great numbers.


Target Oboyan
Hoth launched his Fourth Panzer Army against the defences of the Voronezh Front,
and at first success seemed at hand. But Soviet tenacity and strong defences began to
deplete the strength of the attacking panzer divisions.

he drive on Oboyan did not resume until the

mid-morning of 6 July. Oboyan was the
headquarters of Vatutin's Voronezh Front, and the
site of an all-important crossing bridging the River
Psel. As such, it had to be held.
Hoth deployed the 3rd Panzer, 11th Panzer and
Grossdeutschland Divisions for the attack, which
was launched after a 90-minute period of artillery
preparation. The Luftwaffe flew some 200 groundattack missions and, in a short space of time, the
Soviet forward positions had been overrun. The
67th Guards Rifle Division was pushed back until


it was fighting with its back against the 52nd

Guards Rifle Division that was facing II SS Panzer
Corps farther to the east. However, by the late
afternoon, the Russian Guardsmen were
withdrawn to positions in and behind the second
Soviet defensive belt.
Infantry of the Das Reich Division on the
advance across the grassy steppe south of
Oboyan. The lead soldier is shouldering an MG
42 machine gun, which had a cyclic rate of
fire of over 1OOO rounds per minute.

The depth of the second Soviet defensive belt

and the tenacity of the men holding it thwarted
eight attacks by elements of Knobelsdorff's XLVIII
Panzer Corps. Consequently, having failed to force
their way up the Oboyan road, the Germans
refocused their efforts.

Panzer IVs of II SS Panzer Corps during the

early phase of the Kursk offensive. These
tanks, equipped with armoured skirts and
additional turret armour, are obviously some
way from the frontline judging by their wide
spacing, open hatches, empty skies and
undisturbed terrain.

A slow and bloody advance

Reconnaissance units of the 3rd Panzer Division
probed towards the River Pena near Rakovo.
Unfortunately, the shallowness of the river belied the
swampy terrain nearby and the abrupt, muddy
banks made the area unfavourable for tanks.
Following an assessment of the situation, it was
decided to redirect the tanks of the 3rd and 11th
Panzer Divisions and Grossdeutschland along a more
suitable axis of advance. The route chosen ran
north-eastwards, past Alekseevka, Lukhanino and
Syrtsevo, following the Tomarovka-Oboyan road.
Pushing forward vigorously from Cherkasskoe,
the leading troops of 11th Panzer and
Grossdeutschland came into contact with the Soviet
90th Guards Rifle Division and III Mechanized
Corps along the River Lukhanino. Russian
reinforcements, including the 35th Antitank
Regiment, were moved into place as the German
attacks increased in ferocity. A German writer
described the situation in the following terms:
"On the left flank, the attacks by the 3rd
Panzer Division against Zavydovka were as
unsuccessful as those of Grossdeutschland against
Alekseevka and Lukhanino. The entire area had
been infested with mines, and tanks operating with

Wearing the recently introduced Model

1943 gymnastiorka (blouse) with stand-up
collar and shoulder boards, the Guards
artillery officer pictured here keeps watch for
the advancing Germans. The pilotka forage
cap was designed during World War I for
wearing under the steel helmet, as seen here.



A photograph of men and machines of II

A Panzer IV medium support tank of II SS

SS Panzer Corps taken considerably closer to

Panzer Corps at Kursk, possibly of the

the action. The men in the foreground are

Totenkopf Division. The short-barrelled 75mm

riding in an Sd Kfz 251 armoured personnel

gun had excellent penetration capabilities,

carrier, while the tank at right is a Panzer III.

though this tank has no additional armour.

all the advantages of high ground supported the

Russian defence along the whole line. Our assault
troops suffered considerable casualties, and the 3rd
Panzer Division had to beat off counterattacks. In
spite of several massive bombing attacks by the
Luftwaffe against battery positions, the Russian
defences did not decrease to any extent."
The Grossdeutschland Division was up against the
dug-in 1st and 3rd Mechanized Brigades of MajorGeneral S.M. Krivoshein's III Mechanized Corps,
reinforced by a regiment of the 90th Guards Rifle
Division and the remains of the 67th Guards Rifle
Division. The Russian tanks numbered 100 or so;
however, they were only part of the defensive belt, a
clear picture of which can be gained from the extract
from the Grossdeutschland's history:



These T-34s are gathering prior to

counterattacking II SS Panzer Corps. The log

An excellent photograph of infantry and

halftracks of II SS Panzer Corps at Kursk.

on the tank nearest to the camera is an

Hausser's corps only had three divisions but

unditching beam for placing under the tracks

boasted 451 tanks on 4 July. It is an

should the going be too soft for them to grip.

indication of the severity of the fighting

The metal drums along the sides are for

during the battle that on 9 July this had been

carrying extra fuel.

reduced to 249.


" ...the panzers reported that the advance was
proceeding smoothly and that the area south of
Dubrova (on the Lukhanino River) could be taken.
However, a heavy tank battle developed in the
broad cornfields and flat terrain there against the
Bolsheviks grimly defending their second line of
resistance. Earth bunkers, deep positions with
built-in flamethrowers, and especially well dug-in
T-34s excellently camouflaged made the advance
extremely difficult. German losses mounted,
especially among the panzers. The infantry fought
their way grimly through the indepth defence

Cavalry scouts who, apart from their sub-

machine guns and wrist watch, could date

from the wars of the nineteenth century,
look for the Germans. Both men are wearing
camouflage trousers over their breeches
and carry Cossack-pattern sabres which lack a
hand guard. The sabres are carried
in the traditional Russian manner, with the
edge upwards.

This photograph shows the most up-to-

date Soviet specialist antitank gun, the 57mm

Model 1943, fielded during the Battle of
Kursk. Interestingly, the performance of this
piece was enhanced by its ability to fire
tungsten-cored ammunition, which had much
more effect than the standard steel round
against enemy tanks.


Equipped with entrenching tool, breadbag

The strain of battle is clearly etched on the

and their trademark rolled greatcoat, Russian

face of this panzergrenadier of the

infantry jog forward in the wake of aT-34

Grossdeutschland Division, whose infantry

carrying a squad of tank desant men. The

often had to fight without tank support as

speed of the tank is apparent from the dust

the vehicles got stuck in mud and minefields.

kicked up by its tracks. Overhead circles an

unidentified aircraft. Given the open terrain, it
is to be hoped that it is a Soviet aircraft.

zone, trying to clear the way for the panzers.

Finally that evening the brave panzergrenadiers of I
Battalion under Major Remer were able to advance
by Dubrova and take Hill 247.2 where they dug in
... it appeared that the breakthrough had not yet
succeeded, instead the attackers were still sitting in
the midst of the enemy defence zone.
"Numerous Panthers had already been put out
of action: the panzer regiment was forced to
abandon many of its tanks on account of hits or
track damage inflicted by mines and leave them ...
for repairs."
The Soviets claim that by 17:00 hours the
Germans lost 74 tanks in the River Pena fighting:
"All attempts by the Germans to continue the
offensive in a northern direction were thwarted by
the stubborn resistance by units of Colonel V.G.
Chernov's 90th Rifle Division, and by First Tank
Army's VI Tank and III Mechanized Corps, which
had occupied prepared defences in the second line.


"In the Lukhanino, Syrtsevo, Hill 247.2 sector,

the enemy undertook eight attacks during the
course of the day; simultaneously throwing in up
to 250 tanks and infantry ... In the region of Hill
247.2 separate groups of tanks succeeded in
penetrating into our defences and filtered through
the combat formation of Colonel A.K.
Babadzhonian's 3rd Mechanized Brigade. While
separating the infantry from the tanks, the
brigade's soldiers did nor waver and, by means at
hand, they destroyed the penetrating machines."

Panzers forward
Once again the Germans had been held by defence
in depth, and the judicious use of reserves; again
they had fallen short of the River Psel. However,
the German position was a good one, although the
Soviets were proving to be an even tougher nut to
crack than had been anticipated.
Rested and refuelled in the early hours of 6 July,
Hausser's II SS Panzer Corps was once again ready to
attack. Late in the morning, after an artillery barrage,
with the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler on the left, and


A sight to gladden the heart of any hard-

pressed Soviet infantrymen: a line of T-34s

rolling across the steppe. With a top speed of
51 km/h (32mph), when operating in dry
conditions the dust thrown up meant that
charging into action necessitated tanks
spreading out to see where they were going.

Das Reich on the right, the panzers advanced up the

BelgorodOboyan road. Smashing through the 51 st
Rifle Division, the leading Tigers came up against
the T-34s of V Guards Tank Corps south of
Iakovlevo. As one German commentator put it:
"On separate slopes, some 1000m [1094yd]
apart the forces faced one another like figures on a
chess board, trying to influence fate, move by
move, in their own favour. All the Tigers fired. The
combat escalated into an ecstasy of roaring engines.
The humans who directed and serviced them had
to be calm; very calm, they aimed rapidly, they
loaded rapidly, they gave orders quickly. They
rolled ahead a few metres, pulled right,
manoeuvred to escape the enemy crosshairs and

bring the enemy into their own fire. We counted
the torches of every tank which would never
again fire on German soldiers. After one hour, 12
T-34s were in flames. The other 30 curved wildly
back and forth, firing as rapidly as their barrels
would deliver. They aimed well but our armour
was very strong."
Despite their bravery, the Guard tanks were
thrust aside and withdrew to the east and the
south-east with the remains of two Guards Rifles
divisions. Elements of III Mechanized Corps' 1st
Guards Tank Brigade and 51st Guards Rifle
^ A squad of Russian infantry pass the
disembowelled remains of a Panther which
has clearly been abandoned for some time.
Although a highly effective tank, the initial
production-run of Panthers, as used at Kursk,
was still plagued by mechanical problems. The
German Balkan cross marking can be made
out at the front of the side armour.

Yakovlev fighters peel away from escorting

a bomber group. The Red Air Force marked

their aircraft clearly with large red stars
outlined in white. The numbers on the
fuselage indicate the machine's number in a
particular squadron.



In a scene reminiscent of World War I,

Russian infantry advance across the open

steppe. Their weapons are held in the
regulation position. Despite the technology
involved, the infantry of both sides still
fought and died in large numbers at Kursk
because they had to occupy and hold the
ground after the tanks had pushed on.

Division held our in Pokrovka and Bol'shie

Maiachki on the left flank of II SS Panzer Corps.
Now Hausser found himself in an interesting
position. Having penetrated the second Soviet
defensive belt, the route to Prokhorovka was open.
However, his orders were clear: to proceed north to
Oboyan. Furthermore, his flanks were becoming
more and more exposed, as the infantry tasked
with protecting those areas had not yet arrived.


Therefore Hausser chose to cover his flanks and

not advance towards Prokhorovka.
In the event, Hausser's decision was justified as,
in the early evening, the Soviet II Tank Corps
launched an attack across the Lipovyi Donets River
against the corps' right flank, which coincided with
another by 96th Tank Brigade farther south, aimed
at cutting into the SS rear echelons. The attack by
the Guards tanks was halted by the ground-attack
aircraft of the Luftwaffe, but it had underlined how
vulnerable Hausser's flanks were. SS
Panzergrenadier Division Totenkopf"was derailed to

Leading specially trained antitank dogs

towards the front, and the dogs' inevitable

doom. One can only wonder at the thoughts
of the handlers as they led their charges
towards their fate.


In the heat and dust of a Russian summer

it was more comfortable for tank crews to

drive, in non-combat zones, with all the
hatches open. Russian tanks were notorious
for their lack of crew consideration at the
basic design stage. The twin turret hatches

two tank regiments, a self-propelled artillery

regiment and the 72-gun 31st Antitank Brigade.
With the arrival of the 6th Panzer Division the
Russians were driven back to a low ridge running
from Gremiachii to Batratskaia Dacha, where they
consolidated their positions.

show this to be aT-34/76 Model 1943.

Kempf's dilemma
protect the corps' eastern flank, having made little
forward progress during the course of the day.
To the south of the German line, Army
Detachment Kempf was making good progress,
crashing out of its bridgehead over the River
Northern Donets. Leading the way were the tanks
of the 7th and 19th Panzer Divisions, that were
joined late in the afternoon by the 6th Panzer
Division. The 19th Panzer Division took Belovskoe
but was halted by the last available reserves of the
81st Guards Rifle Division near Iastrebovo.
The 7th Panzer Division was engaged in
desperate fighting with the recently arrived 73rd
Guards Rifle Division, which was supported by

Once again the tanks had broken into the Russian

defences and pushed them back, but now it was
Kempf's turn to face a dilemma similar to that of
Hausser: protect his flanks or drive northwards.
Again the hunt was up for infantry to protect the
panzers' march. By nightfall, a total of 30 percent of
Manstein's armour was being used as flank guards.
However, there was cause for optimism at
Army Group Souths headquarters. The lead
elements of XLVIII Panzer Corps had established a
link with those of II SS Panzer Corps near
Iakovlevo, establishing a clear threat to Oboyan.
Despite grievous losses and a creaking schedule,
the Germans were still advancing.



The radio team of a scouting formation

communicates the intelligence it has

gathered. During the Kursk operations, scout
troops often worked closely with partisan
groups and civilians, making use of their local
knowledge to add to the Germans'

Vatutin was now confronted by a gaping hole

in his forces' front, and consequently by nightfall
he had committed much of Central Front's
reserves.That evening he requested four tank corps
and two aviation corps.
Vasilevsky, STAVKA representative at the
Voronezh Front, added his own comments to
Vatutin's request:

A mixed formation of Soviet armour

advances in support of an infantry attack. The

lead vehicle is aT-34/76 Model 1941, which
can be identified by the large, one-piece
turret hatch. The second vehicle is a Model
1943. The spongy nature of the ground is
typical of the damper areas in the salient.


"I consider it expedient ... to reinforce the front

with two tank corps, sending one of them to the
Prokhorovka region and the other to the Korocha
region ... In addition, I consider it necessary to move
Rotmistrov's [Fifth Guards Tank Army] to the Oskol
River and to the region south of Staryi Oskol."
Stalin replied to Vatutin by telephone. He
agreed to release the two tank corps, and further
ordered him to:
"exhaust the enemy at prepared positions and
prevent his penetrations until our active operations
begin on the Western, Briansk and other fronts."
The commander of Steppe Front, General I.S.
Konev, was ordered to bring forward V Tank
Corps. Major-General A.F. Popov's II Tank Corps
was set in motion, and the two corps moved
towards Prokhorovka and Kovocha.

A The Red Army had, during the early months

of the war, sent lorry-borne infantry into
battle in support of their armoured
formations. The results of such a
transportation method was frequently
disastrous. The use of tank desant troops was
another method of providing tanks with close
support, albeit uncomfortable for the infantry.

STAVKA was continually moving

reinforcements to threatened areas of the

front. The camouflage was a precautionary
measure though, in this case, possibly a token
gesture. The gun, a 122mm Model 1930
howitzer, is being towed by a caterpillar
tractor, a vehicle much favoured by the Red
Army for its cross-country capabilities.

Vatutin's change of plan

Vatutin revised his plans with the aim of holding
the Germans with his present forces and then
destroying them with the two new tank corps
when they arrived. The air force of the Voronezh
Front was to be used against the Oboyan axis and
that of the South-Western Front against Army
Detachment Kempf.
XXXI Tank Corps would advance towards the
right flank of II SS Panzer Corps. II Tank Corps
and V Tank Corps would threaten the SS left
flank, while VI Tank Corps and III Mechanized
Corps would halt XLVIII Panzer Corps' progress
up the Oboyan road.


The Air Battle

Though the Battle of Kursk is rightly considered a tank engagement, the struggle in
the skies was no less important. The Luftwaffe gave the panzer divisions excellent
aerial support, but the Red Air Force was to prove the eventual master in the air.

he Luftwaffe commitment at the beginning of

Operation Citadel was 1800 aircraft. This
figure represented some two-thirds of the machines
deployed on the entire Eastern Front. The bulk of
this force was concentrated to support the southern
pincer under VIII Air Corps commanded by
General Otto Dessloch. A squadron commander
during World War I, Dessloch had vast experience,
having led various Luftwaffe units prior to the
Kursk operation. Under Dessloch's leadership, VIII
Air Corps controlled the flying units of 4th Air
Fleet, 1st Hungarian Air Division and I FlaK
(antiaircraft artillery) Corps, disposing a total of
1100 aircraft. Included amongst these flying
formations were seven units of dive-bombers, the
infamous Ju 87D Stuka.

The Stukas were expected to carry out their

classic role, established during four years of war, as
flying artillery plunging out of the skies to bomb
and strafe the enemy immediately ahead of the
panzer wedges. The near-vertical dive that
preceded bomb release was accompanied by a
howling wail, as the pilot aimed his aircraft at the
target, a wail that froze the blood of the men on
the ground, convincing them that they as
individuals had been specially chosen for death.

By 1943 Soviet aircraft such as the

Lavochkin La-5 could match these Focke-Wulf

Fw 190s in terms of speed. In addition. Soviet
fighters tended to have better performance at
low altitudes.

Operation Citadel was the last time the Stuka

would be employed in this manner, as its
performance no longer matched the demands of
the Eastern Front. When their dive-bomber role
was rescinded, all the remaining Stukas were
transferred to low-level ground-attack duties, and it
was during the Kursk operation that Stuka "tank
busters" were employed on a wide scale for the first
time. A 37mm antitank gun was fitted under each
wing, and this weight of fire in the hands of an
expert such as Flight-Lieutenant Hans-Ulrich
Rudel was to wreak havoc in the Soviet tank fleets.
It is claimed that Rudel destroyed 12 tanks on the
first day of Citadel alone.
Another first for the Luftwaffe at Kursk was the
employment of Schlactsgeschwaders (ground-attack
wings) utilizing Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-4s and
Henschel Hs 129 B-2/R2s in large numbers. The
Henschel Hs 129 had been designed specifically as
a "tank buster". In its nose were two 7.92mm
machine guns and two 20mm cannons, but its real
power was in its main armament, a single 30mm
Mark 101 or 103 cannon housed in a gondola
beneath the fuselage. When brought to bear on the
thin engine housing at the real of a tank,
unarmoured lorries or the timber-built Soviet
bunkers, this weight of fire was usually fatal. The
Fw 190s operated closely with the Hs 129s,
dropping SD1 and SD2 fragmentation bombs to
disrupt the Soviet infantry attack lines.

A "Scramble!" Soviet pilots, weighed down

by their parachutes, run for their Lavochkin
La-5s. The La-5 had an air speed of 648km/h
(4O3mph), which was faster than the
Messerschmitts and Focke-Wulfs that it faced.
Armament consisted of two 20mm fixed,
forward-firing cannons in the upper part of
the forward fuselage.

The Bf 109 was an excellent fighter and, in

the hands of an ace pilot, could outfight any

Soviet aircraft. However, by mid-1943 the
Luftwaffe was stretched thin in the East,
while the Red Air Force was growing in size.


A A flight of Pe-2s proceeds steadily towards

its target. The range of the Pe-2, with a bomb
load of 10OOkg (2205lb), was 1500km (932
miles), which gave it an unlimited operational
capacity over the Kursk salient. The 7.62mm
machine gun located in the belly is clearly
visible. The nose glazing was intended to
increase the accuracy of bomb runs.

The slow speed of the ground-attack aircraft

such as the Hs 129 and the Stuka necessitated
close fighter cooperation to allow their crews to
concentrate on the job in hand, and this was to be
provided by the Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6 and
Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-5s. The armament of the
Fw 190 four 20mm cannon in the wings and
two 7.92mm machine guns in the forward fuselage
coupled with a speed of 605km/h (382mph),
made it a fighter to be reckoned with. The
weaponry and performance of the Bf 109 was
similar. Heavier bombing operations were to be
conducted by other tried and trusted aircraft, such
as the Heinkel He III and the Junkers Ju 88.
The Luftwaffe supported the northern pincer
with Colonel-General Ritter von Greim's 6th Air
Fleet, which consisted of the 1st Air Division, the
12th FlaK Division and the 10th FlaK Brigade.
The mixed bag of antitank fighter and bomber
aircraft numbered 730. Amongst these were three
Stuka groups. The guns of the FlaK units were
highly effective weapons, particularly the 88mm.
However, such was the effectiveness of the 88
against Soviet tanks that many FlaK batteries were
assigned to the Wehrmacht to bolster the antitank
gun formations which had less effective weapons.
The consequence was that the protection available
to Axis airfields was severely curtailed.

This Shturmovik's rear-gunner carefully

checks each cartridge in an ammunition belt.

The 12.7mm machine gun was a clear asset,
as the II-2 series had a maximum speed of
only 415km/h (258mph), due to their armour
plating, and consequently were at the mercy
of roving Axis fighters.


The Luftwaffe that now geared up for
Operation Citadel was not the one that had
dominated the Russian skies for almost two years.
Commander of the Luftwaffe, Hermann Gring,
had promised that no bombs would fall on the
Reich. By early 1943 the emptiness of his words
was proven daily by the Anglo-American bomber
offensive that damaged Germany's industrial
output and chiselled away at the people's morale.
To counter this, Gring had withdrawn many
fighter squadrons from the Eastern Front and
diverted aircraft output to the West, with the
consequence that the Eastern Front fought with
diminished assets. To further compound this
difficult situation, the Western air war was given
priority in the allocation of fuel, so that the fuel
allowance for the Battle of Kursk was 30 percent
below its actual requirement.
However, the experience of the aircrews, the
efficiency of the ground crews and the superiority
of the machines were all factors that the ordinary
German soldier took for granted; after all, had not
the Wehrmacht enjoyed almost total air superiority
over the Red Air force since the first hours of
Operation Barbarossa? What the Landser in their
trenches were unaware of was that the Red Air

Force was now not, as it had been for so long,

mere target practice for the Red Baron's proteges,
but a real force to be reckoned with, and one to be
taken very seriously indeed.

The Red Air Force

On the eve of 22 June 1941 the Red Air Force
(RAF) on the western frontier of the USSR had
numbered 2770 aircraft. During the opening days
of Operation Barbarossa, astronomic claims were
made by the Luftwaffe for the numbers of Soviet
aircraft destroyed: 1811 by the end of day one, of
which 1489 were caught in neat rows on the
ground. As one anonymous Russian pilot was
brave enough to advise the Party Central
Committee in writing in June 1941:
"our camps adjoining the frontier are set out as
if for inspection with white tents in rows, clearly
visible from the air."

These flights of Pe-2s are returning,

apparently without fighter escort, from a

mission over the Kursk salient to a base in
the rear. Although they had ceiling of 8800m
(28,870ft), these aircraft appear to be flying
considerably lower than that.

To compound this "target highlighting",
aircraft were being delivered to frontline squadrons
in factory finish, often-reflective silver, with little
or no attempt being made to disguise them. On
Stalin's orders, work was put in hand to devise
camouflage schemes. Unfortunately, it was too
little, too late. Also, the aerodromes used by the
RAF were generally located much nearer to the
fighting line than their counterparts in the
Luftwaffe, and losses were suffered due to the
effects of German artillery fire on bases that had
been targeted before 22 June.
Furthermore, training had been a very
unimaginative process and following the textbook
was the standard by which young Soviet pilots
were judged. Maintaining formation in the teeth of
enemy ground and air fire was encouraged, as was
the practice of using large, unwieldy bomber
formations, sending wave upon wave into a
maelstrom of FlaK, with the inevitable result that
they were blown from the sky in vast numbers.
Aircraft design in the USSR had not progressed
as a rapidly as in Germany, and the RAF was
equipped with many hundreds of obsolescent
machines that were no match for the experienced
and well-equipped Luftwaffe. One of the
consequences of this situation was that Soviet
pilots reverted to the desperate expedient of

ramming their enemies in mid-air! Interestingly,

the Russian leadership did not discourage such acts
as long as the exchange was one obsolete Russian
machine for a modern German one. The survival
rate of Russian pilots who engaged in this risky
form of combat, known as taran, seems to have
been quite good - as long as they bailed out at a
sensible altitude. Amongst Luftwaffe personnel, the
rumour quickly spread that Soviet aircraft were
manufactured with special armoured propellers in
order to facilitate such actions.
In line with the Red Army and Navy, from
December 1941, the honorific title of Guards was
awarded to formations of the RAF that had
distinguished themselves in action. Each man was
issued with a small red and white enamel badge,
with the inscription "Guards", that was to be worn
on the right breast pocket. This emblem was also

These women of the 47th Squadron are

dressed in both the new and old styles of Red

Air Force uniform. The officer on the right is
wearing the new, 1943-style blouse, or
gymnastiorka, and shoulder boards. The
others retain the pre-war, more proletarian
style of uniform. The enamelled badge worn
on the right breast indicates that this
squadron was part of a Guards formation.

painted on the fuselage of aircraft and the Turrets

of tanks. To symbolize this recognition of elite
status, an elaborate ceremony took place. The
proclamation from the People's Commissariat for
Defence was read aloud to the assembled unit, with
officers and men kneeling while their commander
received and kissed the new colours. They then
repeated the oath word for word after him:
"In the terrible years of the Great Patriotic War,
I swear to you my country and to you my Party to
fight to the last drop of blood and my last breath and to conquer. Such is the Guard's creed. Forward
to victory! Glory to the Party of Lenin."
Guards units (of whichever branch of the
armed forces) were usually issued with the latest
equipment and were often larger in size than
conventional formations. They were expected to
serve as shock spearheads and it was anticipated
they would set an example to others in overcoming
the once-dreaded Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe.
But even such desperate measures as taran, no
matter how well publicized in the Soviet media or
how richly the pilots were rewarded, posthumously
or not, could disguise the fact that the RAF lagged
far behind the Luftwaffe in terms of Training,
experience and machines. The skies over Russia
were to be a happy hunting ground for the Axis for
almost the next two years, even though Soviet

A With their aircraft warming up in the

background, the crew of this Ilyushin 11-2
prepare for yet another ground-attack
mission. The 11-2 was better known as the
Shturmovik. The Shturmovik was responsible
for the destruction of hundreds of Axis
armoured and unarmoured vehicles during the
summer of 1943, and was a classic groundattack aircraft.

aircraft production rose steeply as relocated

factories returned to production. Unlike the Red
Army's tank armada, the RAF suffered from a
plethora of designs that inevitably diffused
production. But as combat experience taught the
Red Army, so the RAF learnt as well.
By 1943 the RAF was receiving fighter aircraft
such as the Lavochkin La-5FN, which matched the
German Fw 190 A-4 and Bf 109 G-4 for speed.
The Yakovlev design team came up with the Yak-9
fighter, which was available for use at Kursk and
performed equally well. Furthermore, Britain and
the USA, under the Lend-Lease scheme, had
provided large numbers of aircraft. Of particular
note was the Bell P-39 Airacobra (4000 were sent
to the Russians) as flown by the second highestscoring Soviet fighter ace, Alexander Pokryshkin,
who was credited with 59 victories.




A variant on the Tupolev SB-2 series was

The Petyakov Pe-2 was built in a host of

the SB-2bis which had uprated, different

varieties, but the majority of the 11,427

engines and greater fuel capacity than the

constructed were designated as attack

original SB-2. Defensive armament consisted

bombers. With a crew of three, it could carry

of twin 7.62mm machine guns in the nose and

an internal and external bomb load of 1600kg

one 7.62mm machine gun in the dorsal and

(3527lb).Two 7.62mm fixed, forward-firing

belly turrets.

machine guns were located in the nose.

The P-39 was nicknamed britchik (little shaver)

by the RAF and proved to be an ideal fighterShturmovik (literally ground-attack) aircraft
because of its 37mm cannon firing through the
propeller hub. This propeller hub cannon position
was later emulated in Soviet designs like the
LaGG-3, and eventually on the Yak-9T.
Of all the Soviet aircraft operating over the
Kursk salient during Operation Citadel, one stands
out: the 11-2 Shturmovik "Special Purposes Ground
Attack" plane. Combining the ability to carry a
terrifying weapons package with an armoured
fuselage to protect it from light ground fire, the 11-2
was a truly formidable machine that struck fear
into the hearts of the Fhrers panzer forces. When
the decision to defend Kursk in depth was made,
care was taken to plan the role of the RAF with a
much higher level of thoroughness than had been
the case prior to previous operations.
By May 1943, the RAF was three times as large
as it had been but a year before, with over 8000
aircraft. During the weeks preceding Operation
Citadel the RAF conducted night raids by planes
of the ADD (Aviatsiya dal'nevo deistviya - Long


Yak fighters prepare to take off in the early

morning. Judging by the lightness of the

camouflage, enemy air attack was deemed
unlikely. Apart from its fighter capabilities,
the Yak series of machines could carry an
extremely useful external bomb and rocket
load of up to 200kg (441 lb).

^ The skilled, hard work of Soviet ground

crews is often overshadowed by the glamour
that is attached to the pilots. However,
without the careful, painstaking efforts of the
men on the ground, the pilots would have
been unable to function. The careful packing
of ammunition belts was an essential feature
of this crucial work.


Range Air Arm) flying I1-4 and Lend-Lease North

American B-25 Mitchell bombers against the most
important rail centres serving the Germans in
Russia. On 3 May, over 100 ADD bombers
attacked the rail junction at Minsk, followed by
raids on Gomel, Briansk and Orsha. On these
occasions partisan groups were directed to sabotage
lines outside of the towns, causing the trains to
stack up and thus present an ideal target for the
RAF bombers to attack.
When the German troops and their equipment
finally reached their frontline assembly points, they
were battered nightly by formations of
Nahmaschinen ("Sewing machines", the German
nickname, on account of its engine's sound) of U-2
bombers. One of the U-2 formations was the 46th
Guards Women's Night-Bomber Regiment, which
was an all-female regiment. The RAF had a total of
three all-female regiments by 1945.
Luftwaffe bases were also kept under constant
surveillance. Between 6 and 8 May, a concerted
series of strikes on 17 airfields was made by 112
day-bombers, 156 Shturmoviks and 166 fighters.
Six Soviet air armies contributed to this operation,
extending over five army fronts, in which a leading
part was played by the Sixteenth and Second Air
Armies on the Central and Voronezh Fronts.
Intermittent intruder raids against forward
Luftwaffe airfields were kept up by these two air
armies throughout the next two months. Both
were commanded by men whose experience had
been acquired in the Battle of Stalingrad: General
S.I. Rudenko retaining command of the Sixteenth



A Tupolev SB-2 being manhandled by its

crew and their helpers. The SB-2 design dated

from the mid-1930s, when it had been
designated a light bomber. The internal bomb
load was 600kg (1323lb).The ability of the
SB-2 to operate from rough-ground airfields
was a distinct advantage.

Air Army; and General S.A. Krasovski replacing

General Smirnov in the command of the Second
Air Army after handing over the Seventeenth Air
Army on the South-Western Front to General V.A.
Sudets. To their immediate rear lay Konev's Reserve
(later re-titled Steppe) Front, where five armies
were supported by General S.K. Gorynov's Fifth
Air Army, reconstituted after its move from the
North Caucasus, where most of its air regiments
had been transferred to K.A. Vershnin's Fourth Air
Army or the Black Sea Fleet Air Force.
Rudenko and Krasovski were also reinforced by
air corps from the GKO (Gosudaarstvenny Komitet
Obovony State Committee for Defence) Air
Reserve, the Sixteenth Air Army receiving
Yumashev's VI Fighter Corps, Karavitski's III
Bomber Corps and Antoshkin's VI Composite Air
Corps, while the Second Air Army was bolstered
by Podgorny's IV Fighter Corps, Polbin's I Bomber
Corps and Ryazanov's I Shturmovik Corps.
Together with the flanking Seventeenth Air Army
and some supporting ADD corps, a total of
2500-3000 Soviet aircraft had been prepared, and
they were ready and waiting for the moment when
the German offensive would at last begin.


In one respect, however, the Soviets were
unprepared. The most threatening thrust was
expected from the north, but Luftflotte 6, with
bases in the Orel-Briansk region, had only 730
aircraft. However, the Red Air Force held a clear
numerical superiority, possessing twice as many
fighters as the Luftwaffe - largely due to Zhukov's
insistence that fighter strength should be
substantially increased to meet the German
offensive and with many times the German
number of ground-attack aircraft. Only in its day
bombers was the Red Air Force inferior to the
Luftwaffe. The Soviet air operations were to rely
heavily on the newer, better armed and better
engined Ilyushas (II-2s) for their success.
As at Stalingrad, overall coordination of air
operation was the responsibility of Air Marshal
Novikov, subordinate to Zhukov as Stalin's deputy,
assisted by his First Deputy, General A.V.
Vorozheikin, and his newly appointed Chief of Air
A The Mikoyan-Cure v ich MiG-3 was an

A pilot and fitter of an unidentified unit

aircraft of very high performance, but one

discuss the finer points of aircraft tuning

that was difficult to fly. Although originally

during the Kursk battles. The machine is a

designed as a high-altitude fighter armed with

MiG-3. Capable of speeds of up to 640km/h

one 12.7mm and one 7.62mm fixed, forward-

(398mph) and with a range of 1195km (742

firing machine guns in the upper part of the

miles), the MiG-3 was very useful in the

forward fuselage, the MiG-3 could also carry

fighter-bomber role, and could carry 200kg

external bomb and rocket loads for ground-

(44Olb) of rockets and bombs.

attack missions.

Straff, General Khudyakov. A network of secondary

command and control centres was set up inside the
salient, and deputy air commanders were posted to
the headquarters of those ground armies primarily
involved in meeting the first onslaught of the
German offensive. Rudenko's deputy, MajorGeneral Kosykh, was stationed with the
headquarters of Pukhov's Thirteenth Army
confronting Model, with first priority in
summoning air support and allocating strikes in
the interests of Pukhov's army.
Large numbers of auxiliary and emergency
airstrips were prepared and existing airfields
enlarged, one-third of these as decoy or dummy
fields to deceive the Luftwaffe. On the whole,
Soviet tactical fields were farther back than those
prepared by the Luftwaffe, and while German
Staffeln flew into airfields which were situated
18-20km (11-12 miles) behind the frontline on 4
July, with some advanced fighter strips only 5km
(3 miles) from the front, the Soviet fighters were
based 25-49km (15.5-30.6 miles) behind the
front, while Shturmoviks were stationed 6070km
(37-43.5 miles) and bombers 120-130km
(74.581 miles) to the rear of the frontline.
Although this was in accordance with the
planned Soviet defence, it also showed a clear
respect for the Luftwaffe's talent in hitting forward
airfields unexpectedly and hard, and it was
preferred to maintain patrols of 18-30 fighters
over the front, rather than run the risk of losing
fighters waiting on standby on frontal airstrips.
Final preparations included the designation and
timing of rendezvous for fighter escorts,


A A Shturmovik prepares to take off from a

forward airfield during the last days of the
Kursk fighting. This is the II-2M with a
12.7mm rear-facing machine gun in the
heavily armoured cockpit area, in addition to
the two 23mm forward-firing cannon in the
leading edges of the wings. Rockets and
bombs weighing up to 1000kg (2205lb)
completed the formidable range of munitions
carried by this remarkable aircraft.

arrangements for cooperative support between

neighbouring air armies, the allocation of call-signs
and the readying of repair and recovery services.
In general, the subdued level of Luftwaffe
activity immediately prior to the breaking of
Citadel enabled a good deal of preparatory work to
be done, although, as events proved, not enough to
prevent breakdowns in effective air control under
pressure. In the waiting air regiments, the political
officers tuned the fighting spirit of their aircrews.
When one pilot received a letter from relatives in
recently reoccupied territory recounting the
atrocities committed by the SS, the politruk read it
aloud to the assembled unit and exhorted everyone
to avenge themselves in the coming battle. Many
aircraft carried slogans painted on the side of the
fuselage in which the words "vengeance" and
"damned fascists" figured more frequently than
expressions of patriotic zeal.
On 5 July the day dawned bright and warm.
On the dusty runways of Belgorod, Kharkov,
Poltava and Dnepropetrovsk the Ju 88 and He 11 ]
bombers of VIII Air Corps lined up for take-off as


the first waves of the Citadel air offensive, when
the wireless monitoring service reported a
considerable increase in Soviet air traffic, and soon
afterwards the "Freya" radar at Kharkov detected
the approach of large air formations from the east.
These formations contained 132 Shturmoviks and
285 fighters of the Second and Seventeenth Air
Armies, detailed to destroy the German bombers
on the ground when their fighter escorts were not
yet airborne. But this pre-emptive strike was not to
succeed. The Soviet regiments were intercepted by
the Bf 109 Gs of Jagdgeschwader (hunting
formations) 3 "Udet" and JG 52 scrambled from
Kharkov East and Mikoyanovka, which claimed
120 air victories in the opening air battle.
In the northern sector, the Germans reported
that Soviet fighter reaction to 1st Airborne Division
operations began only in the late afternoon, and the
Fw 190 fighters of JG 51 and JG 54 had claimed
115 Soviet aircraft by nightfall. The committal of
fighters to the abortive pre-emptive strike in the
early morning left the RAF unable to contest
Luftwaffe air supremacy on the southern flank of
the salient, and in the north, Soviet replies to the
Luftwaffe attacks were tardy and ineffectual. The
two fighter corps designated to give frontline cover,
Yumashev's VI Fighter Corps over the Central
Front and Klimov's V Fighter Corps over the
Voronezh Front, were unable to cope. Without
adequate air cover, the Soviet ground forces lost
confidence and the Wehrmacht began to make

headway. Novikov had to give his attention first to

the failings of his fighters and, as a result of his
investigations, Yumashev and Klimov were both
replaced, VI Fighter Corps being taken over by
Major-General Yerlykin and V Fighter Corps by
Major-General Galunov.
Nor were the Soviet attacks on German armour
initially successful. Despite new antitank bombs,
their RS-82 rockets and more formidable 37mm
cannon, the 11-2 Shturmoviks failed to get through
and stop the panzers rolling forward. Flying in
small groups, the Il-2s and Pe-2s often lacked
fighter escort or they were abandoned when the
very first sign of trouble appeared.
On Khudyakov's orders, the Shturmoviks began
to fly in much larger formations of regimental size
to make escort easier, and to enable the Il-2s to
break through and suppress ground fire by sheer
weight of numbers and the persistence of attack.
Flying in pelang formation - staggered line abreast
the Il-2s no longer made hasty passes at low level
under favourable conditions, but carried out
calculated dive approaches from under 1000m

The shattered remains of this Stuka

ground-attack aircraft symbolize the failure of

the Luftwaffe to maintain its air superiority
over the Eastern Front. Underpowered and
underarmed, the Stuka, when deprived of
fighter cover, was a vulnerable target for the
increasingly confident Soviet fighter pilots.



The model of Shturmovik shown here is

the II-2M3, which carried the 37mrn antitank

cannon in its wings. In addition, and also
wing-mounted, the 11-2 series carried two
7.62mm machine guns. The Red Air Force
officers are discussing bullet holes in a
parachute that belonged to one of their
comrades, whose life it saved.

(3280ft) at angles of 30-40 degrees, releasing their

bombs and rockets when 200-300m (656-984ft)
from their target, and making repeated passes with
cannon and machine guns.
At the end of the second day, in the north of
the salient, the RAF had overcome its problems
and was able to contain the German fighters, if not
the bombers. But from 7 July the Sixteenth Air
Army got into its stride and began to wear down
the Luftwaffe. By 8 July Khudyakov was able to
report on the improvement in Shturmovik potency,
and the Luftwaffes power to control air space over
the battle areas declined. The Luftwaffe was
running out of replacements to maintain its
squadrons at full strength, and the RAF began to
range more freely over the German lines.

The despondency of this captured

Luftwaffe man is evident. The Axis had taken

air superiority for granted for so long that the
improved performance of the Red Air Force
over the Kursk salient was a deeply traumatic
experience for German pilots.


Although the Germans could still mount

effective ground-support missions, in specific areas
if not along the entire combat zone, their
superiority was being eroded at an alarming rate.
By the end of effective ground-offensive operations
in the northern sector, the power of the Luftwaffe
was much reduced.
The picture to the south was much the same.
Soviet weight of numbers and the increasingly
efficient use of machines whittled away at the
numerically inferior Germans, and by 11 July the
Luftwaffe was only able to achieve success in
narrow areas such as supporting the thrust of II SS
Panzer Corps towards Prokhorovka. As Rotmistrov
described the scene over the battlefield of
Prokhorovka from his command post:
"At the same time, furious aerial combats
developed over the battlefield. Soviet as well as
German airmen tried to help their ground forces
to win the battle. The bombers, ground-support
aircraft and fighters seemed to be permanently
suspended in the sky over Prokhorovka. One aerial
combat followed another. Soon the whole sky was
shrouded by the thick smoke of the burning
If Prokhorovka was, as Konev described it, "the
swansong of the German armour", then Operation
Citadel would mark the coming of age of the Red
Air Force. For the first time since the outbreak of
war, the RAF had met the Luftwaffe on almost
equal terms, and although there was a long way to
go before they reached the final victory, the Soviet
air fleets had clipped the wings of Hitler's
Luftwaffe and had gained control of their own skies
once more.

A Appraising the results. These Soviet

aircraft are pictured flying over a heavily
bombed area "somewhere in the Kursk
theatre of operations'/ It was over this ground
that the Red Air Force, for the first time,
wrested air superiority from the Luftwaffe.
Once gained, this achievement
was not surrendered.

Although a decade old in 1943, the

Polikarpov 1-16 was still widely used as a

frontline fighter-bomber by the Red Air Force.
Its speed of 489km/h (304mph) put the 1-16 at
a distinct disadvantage when faced by the
faster, more manoeuvrable German fighters.
Losses of this type over the Kursk battlefields
were very heavy and it was subsequently
withdrawn from operational service.


Slaughter at Ponyri
In the north of the salient the Germans launched an all-out attack to seize the
village of Ponyri, which was the hub of road and rail links with Kursk itself, in an
attempt to penetrate the Central Front's second defensive belt.

he objective for the Germans operating on the

northern shoulder of the Kursk salient was
very clear. They had to break through the Central
Front's second defensive belt around the village of
Ponyri and to the north of Olkhovatka, some
10km (6 miles) to the west. The tactical
significance of Ponyri was obvious to all
concerned: it controlled the road and rail links
with Kursk from the north. In the words of the
Soviet General Staff study of the battle of Kursk:
"The most intense fighting on 7 July took
place for Ponyri, which the defending 307th
Rifle Division had controlled with a strong
defensive centre."

It was a position from which it was clear that: defending it, it was possible for our
forces to deliver flank attacks against the enemy
groupings advancing along the Maloarkhangelsk

Go, Go, Go! Red Army men breaking from

the cover of a ruined building. The junior

officer, with his PPSh submachine gun, is
about to give covering fire. This scene
allegedly took place in "a village to the east
of Ponyri" during the afternoon of 10 July.
The privates are all wearing the popular
pilotka side cap, and the officer wears a
furashka or peaked cap.

and Ol'khovatka axes. Understanding the
significance of this centre, the Germans decided to
capture it all costs on 7 July so that they could
freely advance to the south.''
Units of the German 292nd Infantry Division
had captured the railway embankment and
established a foothold on the northern outskirts of
the village on the first day. However, despite
receiving reinforcements on 6 July, the Germans
had made little progress in the teeth of determined
opposition. Bitter experience had taught the Soviet
commanders that long-range firefights against the
88mm guns of the Tiger were futile. Consequently,
all Soviet armour on the line was ordered to dig in
and leave only their turrets showing and "conduct
only a positional [in place] struggle against infantry
and light tanks."


A remarkable image of a Katyusha

formation at the moment of firing. The

simplicity of these weapons, coupled with the
awesome weight of shot that they could

A torrent of steel
As the sun rose, so came the Wehrmacht.
Supported by tanks of the 18th Panzer Division,
the men of the 292nd Infantry Division launched
fierce, headlong attacks on the lines held by the
307th Rifle Division. On each occasion, small
gains were made, but their losses mounted.
Intricately woven barbed-wire entanglements,
liberally seeded with mines, tote bloody gaps in the
ranks of the German infantry. Yet mote mines tore
the tracks from the Panzer IIIs and Vis as their
crews strove to make headway amidst the steel
torrent of rockets, antitank shells and bullets that
the Soviet forces unleashed.
As the morning drew on, the sky was
blackened with the oily smoke from dozens of
burning tanks. Overhead, the Shturmoviks and
Stukas performed a deadly aerial ballet, a danse
macabre, that spelt death for the anonymous men
and vehicles beneath them. Screaming through the
smoke of battle, with split seconds to pick a target,
it would be difficult to guarantee hitting definite
enemy targets. It is open to speculation how many
men and tanks fell victim to friendly fire when the
operational area was so restricted.
Finally, at 10:00 hours, a dust-coated group of
German infantry, red-eyed with exhaustion and
stress and supported by 50 tanks, broke into the
southern outskirts of Ponyri. But this success was
short-lived. Like spectres from the crumbling
ruins, Major-General M.A. Enshin's men of the

deliver, made them one of the Red Army's

most formidable tools. These are firing the
132mm rocket with an 18kg (40lb) warhead.

Behind the Soviet defence lines and armies

in the Kursk salient lay the forces of Army

General I.S. Konev's massive Steppe Front,
which provided reinforcements and extra
depth to the Red Army's defences.


307th Rifle Division rose and drove back the
Germans. Step by bloody step, building by
shattered building, the Germans retreated, past the
torn, fiery shells of their tanks until they reached
their start line, and relative safety.
At midday Hoth received cheering news. To
the east of Ponyri, the 1st May State Farm had
fallen to a battle group of a dozen tanks and two
battalions of infantry that had pressed on into the
suburbs of Ponyri itself. To the west the 9th Panzer
Division had driven back the 6th Guards Rifle
Division to occupy part of the forest.

Grim-faced tank desant men await the

order to attack. The commander of the T-34

Model 1943 stands surveying the situation.
Just visible on the side of the turret is part of
a unit marking or patriotic slogan. A broad
white band across the top of the turret
identified Soviet tanks to the air forces of
both sides during the Kursk fighting. Use of
the national symbol, the red star, was, at this
stage of the war, rare.

The soldier on the left is a Guards private

named Kuznetsov. Here, Kuznetsov is seen

having his application for membership of the
Communist Party checked by his unit's
political officer. Happily Kuznetsov survived
the action he was about to participate in and
was awarded a medal for bravery.



A Tiger crew takes a well-earned break

An infantry squad moves cautiously past

during the attack on Ponyri. Judging by the

an abandoned StuG III Ausf G. This StuG

shell mark on the turret, this vehicle has been

variant was armed with a 105mm

in action. The Tiger was an excellent tank, but

Sturmhaubitze 42. For close defence, an MG

was available in only limited numbers. The

34 with 6OO rounds was mounted on the top

Ninth Army, for example, had a total of only

of the superstructure. The thinness of the

31 Tiger tanks at the beginning of the battle.

armoured side skirts is apparent.



These five grizzled partisans are reportedly

the "oldest members of the Orel region

partisan organization." The men are all
well-armed with the later-model PPSh. Their
varied clothing is a mixture of civilian and
military items. The fur caps all appear to be
decorated with a strip of red cloth to indicate
their political leaning.

Refusing to be concerned with these threats to

both flanks, Enshin fed in the 1023rd Rifle
Regiment to hold the German tide. Further Soviet
forces were committed during the course of the
afternoon: tanks of the 129th Tank Brigade,
batteries from the 13th Antitank Brigade, and the
1442nd Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment.
The see-saw battle for Ponyri raged throughout
that summer's afternoon, burning buildings and
vehicles only adding to the discomfort of the men
sweating to operate their increasingly hot weapons.

The nervousness of these German

prisoners is obvious from their body

language, particularly the senior NCO on the
right. Prisoners of war, as can be seen here,
frequently had their boots removed to prevent
them from escaping. The central figure is
wearing the Model 1942 reed-green summer
field uniform.


Fresh water was at a premium, as was ammunition
supply to the men on both sides who endured in
the rubble. Often urine was the only available
source of coolant for the barrels of guns that
poured out their torrent of death. As the afternoon
lapsed into evening, the Germans counted
themselves lucky to have wrested half of the village
from its defenders. As a German later wrote:
"Ponyri, a strung-out village, and Hill 253.5
were the Stalingrad of the Kursk salient. The most
fiercely contested points were the tractor station,
the railway station, the school and the water
However savage the battle for Ponyri, that for
Olkhovatka was no less important, certainly in
General Model's eyes. The high ground here fell
away to the south, Kursk itself being some 150m
(133yd) below Olkovatka and within its sight. To
take these commanding ridges, Model, having
decided to reduce the pressure on Ponyri, launched
the 2nd Panzer Division with the Tigers of the
505th Panzer Detachment and the 20th Panzer
Division on the right against the Soviet lines

between Samodurovka and Olkhovatka. This

position, the second defensive belt of the Soviet
Thirteenth Army, had been reinforced during the
previous day and night. Once more the Luftwaffe
and artillery hammered the Soviet defenders as the
panzers massed. However, powerful as the attack
was, it was attended only by local success.The
Soviets described the action thus:
"A large group of tanks penetrated into and
captured Teploe. However, the neighbouring 70th
and 175th Divisions firmly held on to their
positions and closed the penetration by
introducing their reserves into combat in the

Two very smartly turned out female

snipers. Both are armed with Mosin-Nagant

91/30 rifles with PU sniper sights. The
camouflage suits are worn over the 1943pattern gymnastiorka (blouse). Snipers were
frequently recruited from the members of
civilian rifle clubs. In the fluid conditions of
the Kursk fighting, Russian snipers were
greatly feared by their German targets.

A Rifle-armed Soviet infantry dash through

an overgrown garden. The usually carefully

Captured on film charging into the attack.

Although many Soviet photographs are

tended plots in Russian villages grew wild

clearly posed, Russian combat camera men

when their owners were evacuated from

took as many risks as their counterparts in

threatened districts. Visibility in such areas

other armies and suffered high casualties as a

was limited by the heights to which the

result. The general release of many images of

plants grew. It was usual for infantry attacks

war was officially suppressed in the interests

to be covered by machine-gun teams.

of security.

direction of Samodurovka, cutring off the tanks

and infantry which had infiltrated from the main
enemy forces. German tanks in the Teploe region
repeatedly attempted to link up with their forces
near Samodurovka, but they were unable to do so
and were destroyed by our antitank units."
Cut off from their Waffenbruder (brothers in
arms), German tanks and infantry tried to break
out from this encirclement. Russian infantry
engineers with Molotov cocktails, grenades and
mines played a deadly game, hunting down their
foes as the shadows grew longer.
The fighting died down. The Ninth Army had
advanced, but at a heavy cost in men and machines.
But Model still held an ace up his sleeve: the 101
tanks of 4th Panzer Division, a fresh unit
commanded by General Dietrich von Saucken,
with which he hoped to break through the Russian
lines. The blow was to fall on Samodurovka.
However, it was Rokossovsky, not Model,
whose men attacked first. At dawn on 8 July the
men of 307th Rifle Division poured across the
debris that had once been Ponyri station. The 51st
and 103rd Tank Brigades simultaneously struck at
the 1st May State Farm, which they took after
three hours of fighting. The Soviets claimed to
have knocked out "16 Tigers and 24 medium tanks
in the attack." Their force numbered 140 tanks.


The Model 1937 45mm antitank gun was a

light, manoeuvrable weapon that doubled as

an infantry support gun. Consequently it was
an ideal piece to use in rough or built-up
terrain, such as that pictured here. The thin
armoured shield provided the crew with a
modicum of protection from small-arms fire.

Taking advantage of every scrap of cover, be it

metal, stone or human debris, and fighting like
men possessed, the Russian infantry gradually
drove back their foes. In the brutal, close-quarter
street fighting, men hacked and slashed at one
another with sharpened entrenching tools, knives
and anything that came to hand. Having regained
part of the town, the Russians faced renewed
German counterattacks, but despite these, they
conceded barely a metre.
Both Model and Lieutenant-General N.P.
Pukhov, commander of the Thirteenth Army, fed
in reserves. During the next 48 hours the
paratroopers of the elite Soviet 3rd and 4th Guards
Airborne Divisions and the fresh German 10th
Panzergrenadier Division and 31st Infantry
Division were poured into the maelstrom. On 9
July the German 508th Grenadier Regiment,
supported by six Ferdinands, were employed to
attack Hill 253.3. The Germans trusted in the


Encapsulated in this small area are all the

Just visible, left of centre, is a sign in

factors that made fighting in ruined zones so

German indicating that the building housed a

testing. The Russians are all armed with PPSh

command post. The low-level visibility has

submachine guns, weapons that were ideal

been caused by the dust raised by collapsing

for conditions where the rate of fire was

masonry, a very real hazard when fighting in

more important than accuracy. In Ponyri the

built-up areas. The number of incidents of

street fighting was so vicious that it was

casualties caused by friendly fire in

dubbed the "Stalingrad of Kursk".

conditions such as these was very high.


heavy armour of the Ferdinands to carry them

through the Russian lines and create a gap that the
supporting infantry could exploit. Hill 253.2 was
carried by the Germans, but they lacked the
strength to build on this achievement.
During the early hours of 11 July, Model
played his last card, the 10th Panzergrenadier
Division, which launched a series of desperate
attacks into the wreckage of Ponyri. Although the
Germans now held most of the town, it was
impossible to move forward as their losses had
been too great.To the west the Soviet XVII Guards
Rifle Corps took the full force of the German
attack. Wave after wave of German tanks in groups
of 60100, closely supported by infantry, moved
^- Gefallen: "killed in action". These German
corpses in Ponyri bear mute testament to the
fighting in and around the "Stalingrad of
Kursk". The building in the background is
possibly the school, one of the Germans'
main objectives. The SU-76 has sustained
damage to its right track guard and the glacis
plate has an unpleasant stain.

This squad machine-gun team is caught on

camera moving through Ponyri railway

station during the see-saw fighting of 9-12
July. By 12 July, the Germans held the main
street of the village. However, they were
unable to effect a breakthrough, due to the
strength of the Russian defences.


against the ridge north of Olkhovatka,

Samodurovka and Hill 257. A German eyewitness
reported the course of the battle:
"The grenadiers of 20th Panzer Division fought
a ... furious battle on 8 July near the village of
Samodurovka under a scorching sun. Within an
hour, all the officers of 5th Company, 112th
Panzergrenadier Regiment, had been killed or
wounded. Nevertheless the grenadiers swept
through cornfields, capturing trenches and
excavating new ones. The battalions melted away."
Within sound of this ferocious encounter, the
4th Panzer Division broke through the defensive
belt at the junction of the 175th and 70th Guards
Rifle Divisions and took Teploe.
"The battalion had already lost 100 men. But
the divisional commander did not want to give the
Russians time to gather their wits. The 3rd and
35th Panzer Regiments were lined up on the edge
of the village [Teploe]. Armoured troop-carrying
vehicles joined them. Dive-bombers shrieked
overhead towards Russian positions.
"On the opposite slope were the 3rd Antitank
Artillery Brigade. Moreover, T-34s had been dug
in. Their flank was covered by a Soviet rifle
battalion with antitank rifles, simple but highly
effective weapons against tanks at short range ...
"After a few hundred yards, the German
grenadiers lay pinned to the ground. It was


A Red Army platoon rushes to launch a

counterattack on an unidentified village. The

mixture of thatch and shingle roofing is
typical of village buildings in this part of the
Soviet Union. Most of the men appear to be
counterattacking armed with rifles.

impossible to get through the Soviet fire of a few

hundred guns concentrated on a very narrow
sector. Only the tanks moved forward into the wall
of fire.
"The Soviet artillerymen let them come within
500, then 400 yards. At that range even the Tigers
were set on fire by the heavy Russian antitank guns.
"But then three Mark IVs overran the first
Soviet gun position. The Grenadiers followed.
They seized the high ground. They were thrown
back by an immediate Russian counterattack.
"For three days the battle raged in the field in
front of Teploe. The 33rd Panzergrenadier
Regiment stormed the ground. They were
dislodged again.
"The neighbouring 6th Infantry Division
similarly only got to the slope of the hotly
contested Hill 274 at Olkhovatka."
From the Russian perspective, Hill 257 was the
key to XVII Guards Rifle Corps' defensive sector.
...the enemy again shifted to the offensive
and attempted to penetrate our defence on a front
from Ponyri to Samodurovka. The Germans

^- The pilot of a Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-3 of
an unidentified Red Air Force squadron
checks grid references pre-take-off. At this
time, the Red Air Force was more lavish in its
use of markings than the Red Army. The
pilot's sidearm is the standard Soviet issue
Nagant 7.62mm model of 1895.

Panzer IV tanks storm forward during

Colonel-General Walther Model's all-out assault
on Olkhovatka. He massed the tanks and
assault guns of the 2nd, 4th and 20th Panzer
Divisions, supported by fighter-bombers and
infantry, in an attempt to shatter the Soviet
line. However, once again the Germans failed to
pierce enemy defences, though at a terrible
cost to the Red Army. Citadel's northern pincer
was slowly but surely grinding to a bloody halt.


attacked four times here, but each time
encountered all types of organized fire.
"The fiercest battles took place on Hill 257.0
... Three times in groups of 60100 tank, each
simultaneously from the north-east and the north,
the enemy attacked the hill; German infantry,
despite fire from defending units, attempted to
advance behind tanks to the hill. By 17:00 hours
the enemy had successfully occupied it, this further
advance was stopped. The enemy was completely
unsuccessful in the remaining front sectors of XVII
Guards Rifle Corps.
"Thus on 8 July, after fierce battles along this
axis, German forces were unable to achieve
significant success. The final attempt to penetrate
Olkhovatka failed."

A latter-day Verdun
A Soviet officer's report in this area is revealing:
"The enemy has occupied Kashara, Kutyurka,
Pogorelovtsy and Samodurovka and, preparing for
a second frontal attack, is moving up 200 tanks
and motorized infantry in the direction of Teploe.
"The 1st and 7th Batteries have perished, but
they have not withdrawn a step. Forty tanks have
been destroyed. There have been 70 percent losses
in the first battalion of the antitank rifles.
"The 2nd and 3rd Batteries and the second
battalion of antitank rifles have prepared to meet
the enemy. I have communications with them.
There will be a struggle. We will either stand or
perish. I need all types of ammunition. I have
committed all my reserves. I await your orders."
The concerns expressed here are tinged with a
determination to hold the line, whatever the cost,
and hold it the Russians did.

Lack of real success on 8 July forced Model to

waste precious time the following morning
regrouping his forces for an all-out assault on
Olkhovatka. Once again the Germans would push
forward, past the charred human and mechanical
evidence of their earlier failures in an attempt to
achieve their goal.
Numbering almost 300, the massed tanks and
assault guns of the 2nd, 4th and 20th Panzer
Divisions prepared to make a last bid to break
through the Russian defensive belt. The men of
the 6th Infantry Division who were to provide the
support for the armour listened as waves of Stuka
dive-bombers delivered tonnes of high explosives
onto the Soviet defence lines on the lower slopes
of Hill 274. Thousands of German shells and
mortar rounds churned up the ground into a
latter-day Verdun.
Under the weight of explosives that hammered
at the Russian positions, it seemed to the German
infantry that nothing could survive to block their
way. As the last shell exploded and the Stukas
withdrew, the momentary silence was broken by
the roaring of panzer engines exploding into life
and metallic grinding as hundreds of tank tracks
signalled that, once again, the Germans were
attacking. The Russian artillerymen stood to,
staring at the lines of "Hitlerite Bandits" moving
towards them.

A heavily camouflaged convoy of artillery

heads for new positions. The guns are being

towed by American-supplied US-6 Studebaker
2.54-tonne (2.5-ton) lorries. The Red Army's
artillery was almost fully motorized, thanks to
Lend-Lease vehicles such as these.


Wrapped in their greatcoats against the

evening chill, an artillery crew waits patiently

to move forward.The tractor unit is based on
an American design of pre-1920 vintage. The

The German Ninth Army had totally failed in

its attempt to breach the Soviet lines. Now all
Germany's hopes lay with Manstein and Army
Group South.

huge scale of the traffic movements within

the Russian defensive areas involved a

colossal feat of logistics.

warfare itself. The squad of Soviet infantry is

Within minutes the first German infantry

relived the experiences of their fathers on the
Western Front in World War I, learning that
artillery fire makes a poor wire cutter. Everywhere
men were falling to Russian mines and bullets, yet
they pushed on. Through the afternoon, the men
of the German 6th Infantry Division hurled
themselves at the Soviet defences, lunging into the
labyrinth of trenches, barbed wire and infantry.
Model's regrouping had given the Soviets time to
bring up reserves, the 162nd Infantry Division. It
was against these fresh troops that the Germans
failed. It was apparent that Operation Citadel's
northern pincer was not sharp enough to cut
through the Red Army. Zhukov and Stalin were sure
that on 12 July, troops of the Briansk and Western
Fronts should move against the Orel Bulge.
A Soviet report noted: "On 11 July the enemy
went on to the defence along the entire front and
began to gather his threadbare panzer divisions in
the immediate rear for their subsequent transfer
against Briansk Front Forces."

village, which has a mixture of crops and

The use of captured weapons is as old as

advancing into a typical central Russian

houses. The supporting weapon is a captured
German MG 34, which was capable of firing
80O rounds per minute.



Crisis in the Salient

In the south, Hausser's II SS Panzer Corps and Knobelsdorff's XLVIII Panzer Corps
reached the last defensive belt of Vatutins Voronezh Front. Unless they were stopped,
they would break through and give Adolf Hitler victory.
plan to contain the seemingly
inexorable march of Hoth's tanks was built on
the foundation that placed First Tank Army's XXXI
Tank Corps on the right flank of Hausser's II SS
Panzer Corps, and II and V Guards Tank Corps on
Hausser's left flank. In this position, the SS panzers
would be trapped between two fires. To the west,
XLVIII Panzer Corps' progress along the Oboyan
road was to be curtailed by VI Tank and III
Mechanized Corps.
Driving as hard as they could to the support of
the Voronezh Front were II and X Tank Corps and
Fifth Guards Tank Army. It was vital that Vatutin's
forces held the Germans until such time as these
reserves came up. The time of the reserves' arrival

would be crucial to the success, or not, of Vatutin's

operations. If the hard-pressed men of Voronezh
Front broke, then they would expose those coming
up to all the hazards of fighting an encounter
battle, straight from the march, surrounded and

Patience, sharp eyes and single-minded

concentration were essential assets for any

scout formations. The scouts were the
forerunners of the present-day Russian
Special Forces, the Spesnatz. During the
Kursk fighting, specialist troops, such as this
man, often fought behind the German frontlines, attacking supply columns and
ammunition dumps.

impeded by the detritus of those retreating in the

face of the men of the swastika. Indeed, the longer
the Voronezh Front presented the Germans with a
cohesive defence, then the greater the opportunity
for the reserves to arrive, refuel, rest and deploy
their tanks for the imminent titanic struggle.

XLVIII Panzer Corps' objectives

Lieutenant-General I.M. Chistiakov's Sixth Guards
Army and the mobile corps of Lieutenant-General
M.E. Katukov's First Tank Army were in strong
defensive positions along the Rivers Pena and
Lukhanino and south-east of Pokrovka. These forces
had been supplemented with all Vatutin's remaining
armour, antitank and fighter aviation units.
Following often vigorous conversations with
STAVKA, Vatutin had received reluctant
permission to dig in his tanks, as had been done by
Rokossovsky in the north, rather than fritter them
away in attacking the Germans' longer-range
weapons. With over 600 armoured fighting
vehicles, Katukov's Tank Army and Chistiakov's
Guardsmen were aware that their mettle would
soon be put to the test. In fact, that testing process
began more swiftly than Vatutin had anticipated.
The day of 7 July started with a series of
German attacks along the whole of the Fourth
Panzer Army's front. As dawn broke in the east, so
XLVIII Panzer Corps rolled forwards. The task
facing Knobelsdorff's men was twofold: to
continue their march on Oboyan, and to clear and
protect the left flank of II SS Panzer Corps. A third

A One of the heaviest weapons in the Soviet

arsenal, the 203mm B-4 Model 1931 howitzer.
The projectile weighed 100kg (220lb) and one
can be seen being loaded by crane in the
centre of the picture. The B-4 was towed into
position by a tractor unit, its tracked carriage
proving an immense advantage in muddy or
rough conditions.

Under fire these Soviet engineers work at

laying mines behind their barbed wire
defences.The alteration of safe zones through
the minefields was carried out at all times of
the day and often behind German lines. The
heroic story of these brave men remains, to
this day, very much unknown.

task would rapidly emerge: that as it progressed


northwards, the left flank of XLVIII Panzer Corps
would in its turn be exposed.
When the Luftwaffe and the artillery had done
their work, the tanks of the Grossdeutschland and
11th Panzer Divisions cut their way into First
Army's defensive positions astride the Oboyan
road. A total of 300 tanks, including nearly 40
Panthers, were on the move between Sirtsev and
Iakovlevo. Dubrova fell, despite heroic resistance
from the Soviet forces. The next target was Syrtsevo,
as Soviet records state:
"During the repeated attacks, by introducing
fresh forces, the enemy penetrated the defensive
front and began to spread in a northern and northV


Major-General Senchilov is seen here

Like soldiers all over the world. Red Army

men enjoyed their periods of rest and

relaxation. Here, a concert party entertains an
unidentified Guards formation to a selection

distributing medals to a group of Guards noncommissioned officers. Rank was indicated by

of popular melodies. The accordion is a

stripes, stars and embroidery on the recently

re-introduced shoulder straps. The tunics are

propaganda emphasis moved closer to

promoting patriotism than political cliches,
the political officers became responsible for
organizing entertainment such as this.

of the pre-1943 type. The rakish angle at

which the forage caps are worn is typical.

popular instrument in Russia. As the


A In a scene that, but for the 1940-pattern

Intimations of mortality? Yet another

helmet, could be directly from the trenches of

applicant for the Communist Party of the

World War I, Soviet troops eat their dinner.

Soviet Union fills in the forms before going

The defensive belts in the salient were built

into action. In this case it is a Yefreitor, lance-

along World War I lines, with duckboards and

corporal. On his wrist he appears to be

timber revetments. Here, entire silver birch

wearing a compass.

trunks have been used to reinforce the sides

of the trench.

westward direction. The brigades [1st and 3rd

Mechanized] withdrew in bitter fighting. A platoon
of the 3rd Battery, 35th Antitank Artillery Regiment,
occupied firing positions at a fork in the road at Hill
254.5. A group of enemy tanks, including Tigers,
advanced on the artillery's positions. Permitting the
tanks to approach within 200300 metres, the
artillery opened accurate fire and over the course of
several minutes set fire to five heavy Tiger tanks. The
remaining tanks turned back."
Elements of the 11 th Panzer Division thrust to
the north of Syrtsevo, and Grossdeutschland to the
north-east; both were hilly areas. It fell to the tanks
of Grossdeutschland to make a frontal attack on the


town itself. The official history of the

Grossdeutschland provides a vivid picture of what
happened next.
"Unfortunately for the attackers, at this point
the Panthers suffered enormous losses in tanks
knocked out and the fully deployed Strachwitz
panzer group drove into a minefield which had
not been identified, frustrating all further
movement. An advance by I Battalion
Panzergrenadier Regiment Grossdeutschland was
thus stopped for the time being. The panzers and
panzergrenadiers tried to maintain their positions
under very heavy fire, and the lack of mobility of
the tanks cost them further losses ... finally the
remaining tanks of I Battalion, as well as the few
remaining Panthers, succeeded in crossing the
minefield, in the course of which they became
involved in a sharp tank-versus-tank engagement
late in the morning.
"Meanwhile, farther to the north II Battalion
Panzergrenadier Regiment Grossdeutschland
launched an attack in the direction of Sirtsev but
progress was slow ... Very heavy attacks by enemy
close-support aircraft disrupted these movements
considerably; in some places the fighting entailed


Snipers Nomokonov and Kanatov are the

best in their division." So reads the original

caption to this photograph. The patience and
attention to detail demanded a particular
mentality and sniping was a highly regarded
skill in the Red Army. It was a sniper who
killed the commander of 6th Panzer Division,
General von Hunersdorff, on 14 July on the
River Northern Donets.

very heavy losses. The advance proved to be slow

and laborious; heavy close-quarters fighting broke
out over every single position."
A similar picture is drawn by the Soviet
account of the fighting.
"North of Syrtsevo, in the area of Hill 230.1,
the tankists of Colonel M.T Leonov's 112th Tank
Brigade stood heroically in their defensive
positions. Heavy battles raged here until late
evening during which the Hitlerites lost 15 tanks,
including 6 Tigers. The brigade also suffered heavy
losses, losing 15 tanks."
Sirtsev fell to the Germans, and the Russian
formations fell back towards Syrtsevo,
Gremiuchii and Verkhopen'e.


The Chief of Staff of XLVTII Panzer Corps,
writing after the war, describes the Soviet
"The fleeing masses were caught by German
artillery fire and suffered very heavy casualties; our
tanks gained momentum and wheeled to the
The timely arrival of reserves propped up the
sagging Russian lines as, in the late afternoon,
tanks of the 112th Tank Brigade at last began to
arrive. At nightfall, some 60 tanks of the 112th
went into the attack against the Grossdeutschlands
armoured reconnaissance and assault gun
battalions. The Germans claim to have destroyed
35 Soviet tanks, while the Russians were
responsible for destroying " ... 21 enemy tanks
including 6 Tigers."

Troops of the Grossdeutschland Division,

probably of the Antitank Battalion, prepare a


StuG III assault guns of II SS Panzer Corps

on the road to Prokhorovka. At Kursk these

50mm Panzerabwehrkanone (Pak) antitank

vehicles provided valuable direct-fire support

gun for action. It could knock out a T-34 up

for infantry attacks, and with their long-

to a range of 5OOm (547yd).

barrelled 75mm guns could also fight tanks.



The Grossdeutschland had pushed these units

ahead as the result of an error by some
panzergrenadiers, who mistakenly reported their
location, as General EW. von Mellenthin wrote:
"The grenadiers were under the illusion that
they were in Nowosselowka [Novoselovka] and
could not believe that they were only in
Gremutschy [Gremiuchii]. Thus the report of the
so-called success of the grenadiers was proved
wrong; things like that happen in every war and
particularly in Russia."
Soviet realignments took place. Katukov, to
support Krivoshein when his defences gave way,
had ordered Major-General A.L. Getman's VI Tank
Corps to shift into new positions facing eastwards

A Clearly an anachronism by 1943, but a

sight that would have stirred the hearts of
ordinary Soviet fighting men, a tachanka.
Basically a light country carriage with a
Maxim machine gun mounted on the back,
the tachanka had gained a legendary
reputation during the Russian Civil War and it
was to continue in service with the Red Army
during World War II.

across the River Pena to the south of Verkhopen'e.

This was to be followed by a counterattack to
cover the withdrawal of III Mechanized Corps; this
attack went in at nightfall. As darkness descended,
Hoth's men also made adjustments to their
positions as the fighting drew to an end. The
panzergrenadiers of Grossdeutschland, under heavy
fire from the Russians on the east bank, cleared the
last vestiges of Soviet resistance from the west bank
of the River Pena.

Two T-34/76s await their turn to join the

fight. On the turret of the tank farthest from

the camera is the vehicle's formation marking.
The marking is diamond-shaped, which was
the Red Army's map symbol for a tank. The
symbol was stencilled on in white or yellow
paint. However, the numbering system
identifying brigade, battalion, company or
corps was at this time not standardized.


^ A Soviet machine-gun team rushes to a
new position, towing their Maxim gun behind
them. As well as the familiar Sokolov
wheeled mounting, the Maxim could also be
fired from a tripod. However, the watercooled, armour-shielded Maxim was an
awkward gun to move and consequently the
wheeled mounting was preferred.

A Katyusha rocket-launcher which,

judging by the crew clinging on, is moving
quite rapidly. The smoke thrown up by a
battery of these weapons provided an ideal
target marker for German artillery or
Luftwaffe countermeasures. Above the
windscreen is a thin piece of armour plate
which was fitted to protect the glass from
the heat of the rocket's propellant.


Rest that night was difficult for the men of

both armies, as a German soldier noted:
"The sky was fire-red, heavy artillery shells
shook the earth, rocket batteries fired at the last
identified targets. Soon the Soviet 'crows' were in
the air dropping large numbers of bombs on the
fires and other targets."
Just as they had caught the Russians the
previous day, now it was the turn of the Germans
to be pre-empted. Over 40 Russian tanks of III
Mechanized Corps sallied out from Syrtsevo in an
attempt to stop the Germans. Unfortunately, they
almost immediately drove into the sights of the
Tiger company of Grossdeutschland and lost 10
tanks in quick succession. Grossdeutschlands history
describes the subsequent operations:

A A section of machine gunners towing their

guns past a burnt-out Soviet truck on the
road to Prokhorovka in the days before the
battle. The open nature of the ground is
obvious from the background beyond the dust
track that serves as a road.

...I Battalion Panzergrenadier Division GD

together with the tanks advanced on Syrtsevo from
the east. The attackers broke into the village at
about 12.30 [14:30 hours Moscow time] in the
face of heavy antitank fire from the west bank,
after which they mopped up the remaining Soviet
defenders in Syrtsevo. The 3rd Panzer Regiment
assisted in this attack from the west."
The Soviet account draws a similar picture:
"Up until 13:00 hours, the 10th Mechanized
Brigade, the remains of the 1st Mechanized
Brigade and the 112th Tank Brigade held off the
German attack by a force of up to 2 infantry
regiments and 70 tanks, while suffering heavy
losses from aviation and artillery fire. In the light
of his great losses, at 13:00 hours VI Tank Corps'
commander gave permission to his brigade to
withdraw across the River Pena [from Syrtsevo]
and dig in."

A pause during their march to the front.

Soviet infantrymen break ranks to drink from

a drum of boiled water carried by a packhorse, visible to the rear of the picture. The
action of sun and dust on the men's clothing
is plain to see, its khaki hue has been lost
and faded almost to white.



North along the River Pena, Grossdeutschland!B
panzergrenadiers were recorded by their historians
as being:
...involved in heavy fighting with fresh Soviet
tank reserves at the eastern end of Verkhopen'e ...
That evening, after refuelling, the Gottberg Panzer
Battalion (II Battalion) was pulled out of Syrtsevo
and likewise sent in the direction of Verkhopen'e ...
Extending for a kilometre along the Pena in a
north-south direction, it was a tough nut to crack.
The effect of enemy fire from the west bank of the
Pena on the mass of panzergrenadiers attacking
from the south and east was especially
uncomfortable and disruptive."
The significance of this apparently tiny
settlement lay in the load-bearing capacity of its
bridge across the River Pena, which the Soviets were
determined to hold. The official history continues:
"The 200th Tank Brigade did not succeed in
entrenching itself along its designated lines and
suffered considerable losses from enemy air attacks.
During the course of the day the brigade held off
12 enemy attacks, but, by the day's end, withdrew
behind the River Pena, where it set about digging
in its tanks."
Invigorated by the achievements of his men
during 7 and 8 July, Knobelsdorff felt that he was
in reach of the River Psel, and indeed it looked as
if XLVIII Panzer Corps was poised to burst the

central sector of Vatutin's defences. But what of

Knobelsdorff's right flank, II SS Panzer Corps?
The men of Hausser's II SS Panzer Corps had,
during the first two days of the offensive, been
drawn towards Prokhorovka by following the
Soviets' least line of defence. It was to be in this
direction that the SS headed again on the morning
of 7 July. Totenkopf pushed into the valley of the
River Lipovyi Donets on II SS Panzer Corps' left
flank, whilst the Leibstandartes two
panzergrenadier regiments attacked Pokrovka and
Bol'shie Maiachki. Thus reads the Soviet account:
"In the Pogrelovka and Mikhailovka region the
enemy attacked the 1st Guards Tank Brigade. Up
to 100 enemy aircraft bombed it from the skies.
All enemy attempts to penetrate into the brigade's
defences failed. Simultaneously, the Hitlerite
command threw up to 30 tanks and an infantry
battalion against Pokrovka and captured it. This

A motorized reconnaissance troop moves

towards the front. The vehicles are W13A1

White scout cars provided by the USA under
the Lend-Lease agreement. Imported vehicles
were usually left in the paint scheme
provided by the country of origin, in this case
American olive-drab. The weapon is a
Browning .30-calibre medium machine gun,
again of American manufacture.


created a threat to the brigade's left flank.

Lieutenant-Colonel A.F. Burdov's 49th Tank
Brigade was rushed to the Pokrovka region to
restore the situation. He drove the enemy from
Pokrovka, but during the subsequent battles, he fell
back to the north and the enemy again occupied
Leibstandarte s 1st SS Panzer Regiment and Das
Reich's 2nd SS Panzer Regiment advanced up the
Prokhorovka road, driving parts of V Guards Tank
Corps ahead of them, through and past Teterevino.
The momentum of the SS tanks was slowed by the
need to detach two panzergrernadier regiments to
deal with Soviet forces on their flanks.
Further detachments of panzergrenadiers were
dispatched to expand the wafer-thin flank screen
provided by the Totenkopf. However, hard fighting
at the tip of the Panzerkeil (armoured wedge)
meant that the flanks were crucial and had to be
held inviolate. The records show that the
Leibstandarte claimed Soviet losses in their sector
for 7 July to be 41 (later raised to 75) tanks, 12
aircraft, 23 artillery pieces, 13 deserters and 244
prisoners. II SS Panzer Corps gathered the tanks of
the Leibstandarte and Das Reich Divisions during
the evening in preparation for the operations the
following day:


A Scout infantrymen occupy a recently

captured German foxhole. The sacks carried
on the men's backs contain the bulk of their
equipment and food, as well as all their
personal possessions. In the summer heat,
corpses deteriorated very rapidly, a strong
inducement to bury them quickly.

"After assembling its attack forces by 06:00

hours with the main point of concentration on the
right wing of its sector as far as the road from
Belgorod to Obajan [Oboyan], the LAH
[Leibstandarte] is to move left of DR [Das Reich}
and is to establish contact with XLVIII Panzer
Corps north of Nowososselowka [Novososlevka].
Elements should also be moved out of the
Lutschiki area, turned from the west to the south,
and be deployed to capture Bol Majatschki
[Bol'shie Maiachki]. The completion of the
preparations should be reported to the Corps. The
start of the attack will be given by order."
Leibstandartes panzergrenadiers took Bol'shie
Maiachki, whilst its panzer regiment moved against
the Soviet 242nd Tank Brigade nearby. Totenkopfs
two panzergrenadier regiments succeeded in
pushing the 237th Tank Brigade from Gresnoe up
to the River Psel.


^ It is sometimes forgotten that the rivers
threading through the Russian landscape
provided a vital element in any defensive
lines due to the absence of significantly high
ground. In the early morning mist, a small
Russian unit carries out a security mission on
a waterway in the Kursk area. The slow
punting method of propulsion was preferred
to the noise of an outboard motor.

The Russians, however, had plans of their own.

Totenkopf 2J\& Das Reich advanced straight into the
path of Major-General V.G. Burkov's XTank
Corps, fielding 185 tanks and self-propelled guns.
Burkov's force was meant to have formed part of a
Soviet spoiling attack against the right flank of II
SS Panzer Corps, timed to coincide with a similar
blow at the left flank of XLVIII Panzer Corps. X
Tank Corps launched a series of piecemeal attacks
during the course of the morning, but all were
bloodily rebuffed.

A well-entrenched Soviet antiaircraft gun,

an 85mm Model 1939, is prepared for action.

The almost cloudless sky is ideal for air
operations at any altitude. The conditions are
equally good for the ground forces. The
gunners are wearing the Model 1936 helmet
and the pre-1943 tunics. Soviet artillery
pieces were generally left in their factoryfinish khaki paint scheme.

II Tank Corps of General A.F. Popov arrived in

the late afternoon, too late to support Burkov, and
suffered a similar bloody repulse. The 100 tanks of
V Guards Tank Corps were badly mauled in and
around Kalinin and Iasnaia Poliana. But it was
Burdeiny's II Guards Tank Corps that was to take
the most vicious pounding.
The Soviet tanks, emerging from the woods
where they had spent the night, were spotted by a
flight of Henschel Hs 129s, led by Hauptmann
Meyer. Meyer called up four squadrons of
Henschels and, with their 30mm antitank guns,
proceeded to riddle the thinly armoured engine
covers of the T-34s. Within an hour, some 50
Soviet tanks were in flames, a blazing monument
to the first occasion in history when an armoured
attack was defeated by airpower alone. Fw 190s
peppered the Russian infantry with antipersonnel
bombs to complete this vista from hell. Vatutin's
hope of carving a wide swathe through the rear of
Hausser's advance was burning on the steppe.

II SS Panzer Corps claimed to have destroyed

no less than 121 Soviet tanks on 8 July. The SS
forged ahead, linking up with XLVII1 Panzer
Corps at Sukho-Solotino. However, Hausser was
forced to use Das Reich as the right flank guard
until such time as III Panzer Corps should arrive
and offer assistance.
Army Detachment Kempf was engaged in a
fight to protect its own flank as the Soviets
launched violent counterattacks on the 106th and
320th Infantry Divisions near Maslova Pristan.
This action tied down the 7th Panzer Division,
which the 106th should have been able to release
from flank guard.
However, early on 7 July, elements of the 7th
Panzer Division went into the attack. With the 45
Tigers of 503rd Heavy Panzer Derachment to the

A More reserves, for the slaughter house

that Operation Citadel had developed into,
march towards the front. Soviet officers
usually rode on horseback, and their task
was to marshal the troops and deliver orders
by riding to and fro. The regimental
commander had the luxury of a staff car.

fore, the 6th Panzer Division and those parts of the

7th Panzer Division which were free to do so
advanced towards the vital road junction of
Miasoedovo. That evening, the Soviets
committed two divisions of XXXV Guards Rifle
Corps to support the collapsing defences which
were east of Belgorod.
On the left flank of III Panzer Corps, the 19th
Panzer Division took Blizhniaia Igumenka in the
rear of the 81th Guards Rifle Division, but failed
to cross the River Northern Donets. Worryingly
for Kempf, the 168th Infantry Division was
making poor inroads against the Soviet defences
east of the River Northern Donets and Belgorod.
On 8 July, with the Tigers in the lead, 6th
Panzer Division pushed on 8km (4.9 miles) and

A heavily camouflaged artillery piece

drives past a group of fascinated locals near

to Kursk itself. The very cheerful gunner
seated to the right of the photograph is
mounted on a tracked prime mover. The Red
Army had pioneered the use of halftracked
vehicles during the Russo-Polish War of 1920.



took the next key road junction at Melikhovo,
east of the River Lipovyi Donets. But both the
19th and 7th Panzer Divisions had failed to keep
up. Although III Panzer Corps was clear through
the first Soviet defensive belt east of the River
Northern Donets, it could not break through the
line of the River Lipovyi Donets and into the rear
of the Russians, east of Belgorod.
The countermeasures which were adopted by
Lieutenant-General M.S. Shumilov, commanding
the Seventh Guards Army, were extremely effective,
and they served to reinforce defensive areas whilst
simultaneously continuing to attack Army
Detachment Kempf's right flank.
Throughout 7 and 8 July, Vatutin's men had
held, but this had been achieved at a price. Nearly
all of the Voronezh Front's reserves had been
committed, as well as units drawn up from
elsewhere. At a meeting which took place during
the evening of 7 July, with the front of the Sixth
Guards Army in ribbons, Khrushchev addressed
his assembled commanders. He expressed himself
in the following terms, and it was clear that he
would brook no failure:
"The next two or three days will be terrible.
Either we will hold out or the Germans will take
Kursk. They are staking everything on this one
card. For them it is a matter life or death. We must
see to it that they break their necks."

A In a hastily prepared position, an antitank

gun crew awaits the commander's order to
play its part in the battle.

This bald statement was as true, if not more so

24 hours later, but by then the tanks from Steppe
Front were even closer than they had been before.

Dressed in the pre-1943 tunics a group of

replacement infantrymen are briefed on their

new position by another soldier. The
simplicity of the equipment carried by Red
Army men of all branches of service is
evident from this photograph.



SS Spearhead
As the German northern pincer ground to a halt, all hopes of victory at Kursk rested
with the forces of Army Group South. In II SS Panzer Corps Manstein had an elite
force that was capable of giving the Fhrer his victory.

uring the night 8/9 July, STAVKA speeded

up the assembly of strategic reserves by
ordering Rotmistrov's Fifth Guards Tank Army of
three mobile corps, totalling 593 tanks and 37 selfpropelled guns, to accelerate his march towards the
region of Prokhovka, and subordinating him to
Vatutin's Voronezh Front. At the same time,
General A.S. Zhadov's Fifth Guards Army was
transferred to Voronezh Front control, and ordered
to deploy its two Guards rifle corps along the River
Psel from Oboyan to Prokhorovka. It would take
several days to position Zhadov's 80,000 men.
Simultaneously, Vatutin was orchestrating
further movement within the Voronezh Front to
consolidate the defences along the Oboyan road.
The result of this rejigging gave Katukov's Fourth
Tank Army another two tank corps: Burkov's X
and Major-General A.G. Kravchenko's V Guards.

New tanks would be provided on the march and it

was anticipated that both corps would be in position
early on 10 July, providing additional support for
the First Tank Army's Oboyan road defences, or for
an attack on Knobelsdorff's XLVIII Panzer Corps'
left flank along the River Pena. As well as the tanks,
infantry, antitank and artillery regiments from
various, more secure locations and STAVKA reserves
were put at Katukov's disposal.
On the German side of the line, Hoth had not
been idle. It was decided to clear the threat to
XLVIII Panzer Corps' left flank once and for all.

Two grenadiers of the Totenkopf Division

prepare for another assault at Kursk. As well

as a panzer regiment, the division had two
panzergrenadier regiments, an artillery
regiment, and antiaircraft and antitank units.


II SS Panzer Corps was equipped with the

Ferdinand tank destroyer. This metal monster

was armed with the 88mm Pak 43/2 L/71 gun,
which could knock out any Soviet tank with
ease. However, its lack of any secondary
armament put it at a distinct disadvantage
against Soviet antitank infantry.

To this end, the Grossdeutschland, 3rd PanzerDivision and 332nd Infantry Division would deal
with the Russians to their west, while some
elements of the Grossdeutschland and llth Panzer
Division would continue to drive against Oboyan.
The bulk of Grossdeutschland, having dealt with the
flank problem, would then proceed north again.
However, Knobelsdorff had underestimated the
resilience of the Russian troops which had been
positioned on his left flank.
II SS Panzer Corps would attack north with
the Totenkopf 'and Leibstandarte Divisions, while
the Das Reich and 167th Infantry Divisions
covered their eastern flank along the River LipovyiDonets to Prokhorovka. The thrust on Kursk
would rest on the shoulders of Hausser's 283 tank
and assault gun crews. Manstein himself allocated
all available close air support to bolster the force of
the Waffen-SS attack.
^ The commander of Army Group South,
Field Marshal Erich von Manstein. Writing in
his memoirs after the war, he described Army
Group South's work at Kursk thus: "Difficult
enough and made only slow progress."


River Pena in order to soften up the objective.

Finally, at about 08:35 hours, the commander of II
Battalion, Panzergrenadier Regiment
Grossdeutschland, reported that he was in the last
houses in the northern part of Verkhopen'e, which
meant as much as the capture of the hotly contested
town. The strong flanking fire from the west
continued, an indication that our left neighbour had
been unable to keep up with our advance; he was
still farther to the south-west and was heavily
engaged with enemy tank concentrations."

Stuka dive-bomber support

A T-34 tanks and infantry of Rotmistrov's

Fifth Guards Tank Army make their way
towards the Prokhorovka region. Made up of
V Guards Mechanized Corps and XXIX Tank
Corps, its 170 tanks and 21 self-propelled
guns would prove crucial in defeating the
southern wing of the German offensive.

The objective of XLVIII Panzer Corps on 9

July was Novoselovka, which was defended by
Krivoshein's III Mechanized Corps and Baksov's
67th Guards Rifle Division. Verkhopen'e fell
during the morning, its defenders going down
under a welter of German armour, aircraft and
artillery fire. As Grossdeutschlands history states:
"At about the same time, about 07:00 hours,
the panzergrenadiers again set out against
Verkhopen'e with II and III Battalions in an effort
to finally take possession of the town in spite of
heavy flanking fire from the west. Battle Group
von Strachwitz supported the advance from the
southern tip of Verkhopen'e with about 19 Panzer
IVs [long], 10 Tigers and about 10 of the surviving
Panthers. At the same time, in a massed attack,
Stuka wings dropped their bombs on recognized
targets in the town and on the west bank of the


Elsewhere progress was equally good. The official

history continues:
"The morning of 9 July saw the Panzer Fusilier
Regiment Grossdeutschland advancing beneath a
cloudy sky past Verkhopen'e to the east towards
Novoselovka and Point 240.4 [just west of
Novoselovka]. There, however, it was halted by a
very strong defence of antitank guns and tanks. At
about the same time about 06:00 hours [08:00
hours Moscow time] - the Armoured
Reconnaissance Battalion, bolstered by the Assault
Gun Battalion Grossdeutschland, was carrying out
the division order for an advance towards Point
260.8 along the road to Oboyan.
"The attack was preceded by Stuka attacks on
what appeared to be enemy armoured spearheads
and troop concentrations farther to the north.
Waves of dive-bombers dropped their loads with
precision on the Russian tanks. A tall pillar of flame
erupted each time a crew was sent to 'commissar
and Red Army heaven'. Under cover of this really
outstanding air support the battle group of
Armoured Reconnaissance Battalion
Grossdeutschland approached Point 260.8.
Observations revealed that to the east the 11th
Panzer Division, which was still partially equipped
with the Panzer III, was preparing to attack along
the road to the north ...
"With the good progress of the panzer fusiliers
in the direction of Novoselovka and the reinforced
Armoured Reconnaissance Battalion towards Point
260.8, the Strachwitz Panzer Group was pulled out
of the area south of Verkhopen'e as quickly as
possible and sent to the north-east. It soon reached
Point 240.8. The Strachwitz Panzer Group then
drove through the Armoured Reconnaissance

Battalion Battle Group in the direction of Point
240.4. Our tanks soon ran into the enemy tank
concentration [86th Tank Brigade], however,
which were sighted from a distance of 25003000
metres [27343280yd]. A major tank-versus-tank
battle developed, with the Stukas providing
continuous support. Hill 243 was reached after
heavy fighting and the panzers halted there
initially. On the horizon were burning and
smoking enemy tanks. Unfortunately three of 6th
Company's tanks had been knocked out as well ...
In the further course of the engagement
Hauptmann von Wietersheim succeeded in
carrying the attack as far as the antitank defences
at the village of Novoselovka and reached the hill."

"Extremely heavy fighting"

But the situation for the 3rd Panzer Division was
far from good, as the report continues:
"However, the difficult situation of the 3rd Panzer
Division on the left forced the division command to
change its plans. The Panzer Fusilier Regiment
Grossdeutschland held farther north and north-east of
Novoselovka and south of Point 244.8. The 1st and
2nd Battalions and the regimental command of the
Panzergrenadier Regiment Grossdeutschlandwere now
committed west and north-west of Novoselovka and
screened the front to the north and north-east. Panzer
Group Strachwitz had to turn almost 90 degrees in
order to leave its former location on the road to
Oboyan and head for points 251.4 and 247-0 [northwest ofVerkhopen'e]. Its orders were to make a
frontal attack on the enemy tanks in that area which
were holding up 3rd [Panzer] Divisions advance. The
reinforced Armoured Reconnaissance Battalion
followed this movement while screening the flanks to
the south-west."
Grossdeutschland's turn through a right angle to
face west was noted in its divisional history:
"These movements, the result of the difficult
situation in which the 3rd Panzer Division found
itself, brought the division's units to Point 244.8
on the road to Oboyan, which was obviously the
deepest penetration into the Kursk pocket by
Grossdeutschland. It was possible only at the cost of
extremely heavy fighting and in some cases
considerable losses."
Grossdeutschland was to spend the following days
embroiled in a ferocious battle with the Soviet VI

Tank Corps, which meant that although the

Grossdeutschland Division would emerge victorious,
XLVIII Panzer Corps was deprived of the extra
strength it needed to break through to Oboyan.
Vatutin was acutely aware of the choice presented to
him. Rapidly forces were moved to the western flank
of the Voronezh Front to ensure the Grossdeutschland
and 3rd Panzer Division, along with their supporting
infantry, would not have the opportunity to rejoin
the drive on Oboyan, let alone Kursk. By the
morning of 10 July, Grossdeutschland and 10th Panzer
Brigade were reduced to some 87 tanks and assault
guns, including 30 Panthers. Nevertheless, they and
the 3rd Panzer Division launched themselves at the
junction of the Soviets' VI Tank and III Mechanized
Corps. The 11th Panzer Division alone would now
undertake the march on Oboyan. A classified Soviet
account describes the clash:
"Isolated and broken-up tank groups of the
200th and 112th Tank Brigades were encircled in
the region north of Berezovka, where, during the

One of the thousands of Soviet tank crew

members who fought at Kursk. This man is

taking ammunition on board for the tank's
main gun. Note the machine-gun ammunition
magazines scattered on the hull.


course of the day, they fought with enemy tanks
and infantry. Only at night were they able to link
up with the main force of VI Tank Corps. As a
result of the combat on 10 July, VI Tank Corps
suffered heavy losses and counted in its ranks only
35 tanks and 10 antitank guns. Having withdrawn
to the line Novoselovka to Noven'koe, the corps
halved its defensive front [20-10km/12.4-6.2
miles] and again restored its smashed defences."
This success, however, did not move XLVIII
Panzer Corps towards Oboyan, as General
Getman, commander of VI Tank Corps, wrote:
"Nevertheless, the Corps continued to resist the
enemy. Having littered the field of battle with
hundreds of his burned and destroyed tanks and
guns and thousands of bodies, the enemy
succeeded in pushing our lines back several
kilometres. His attempt to seize fully the village of
Noven'koe and advance further in a northern
direction failed. Meeting organized fire resistance,
he ceased his attacks at nightfall."
Mellenthin's summary of the day rather
contradicted this. The 11th Panzer Division's
progress towards Oboyan had been slow, pushing
into, but not breaking, the Soviet defences, and all
the while extending its right flank to relieve units
of the Leibstandarte.
Late on 11 July, Knobelsdorff put into practice
his plan for a thrust on Oboyan by
Grossdeutschland and the llth Panzer Division:
"With 11th Panzer Division waiting for
Grossdeutschland to take up its place on the left the
Germans could see far into the valley of the River
Psel, the last natural barrier this side of Kursk. With
field glasses the towers of Oboyan could be made out
in the fine haze. Oboyan was the objective.
"It seemed within arm's reach. Barely 12 miles
away. No distance at all under normal
circumstances for a fast formation. Would XLVIII
Panzer Corps make this last leap?
"According to Hoth's carefully worked out
timetable, the following should now have
happened: XLVIII Panzer Corps to strike towards
Oboyan and seize the crossings over the Psel. Its
bulk to wheel eastward and before thrusting on
Kursk to defeat, jointly with Hausser's SS Panzer
Corps, the enemy strategic armoured forces
approaching across the strip of land of

Although this was Hoth's plan for XLVIII

Panzer Corps, Vatutin had other ideas. He simply
ordered Katukov's VI Tank Corps and the battered
remnants of his tank army to:
"prevent the enemy from penetrating
northward of the Kruglik-Ol'khovatka line, and
with your main forces, attack from the line
AlexandrovkaNoven'koe in general south-eastern
direction in cooperation with the Sixth Guards
Army with the mission of seizing Iakovlevo and
Pokrovka and, jointly with the Sixth Guards and
Fifth Guards Tank Armies, encircle the penetrating
[enemy] mobile group and subsequently exploit
success to the south and south-west."
With his tanks, Katukov was to counterattack
the left flank of XLVIII Panzer Corps.

Prokhorovka. That was Hoth's plan."

sought vainly for infantry to release his precious


II SS Panzer Corps
The main advance of II SS Panzer Corps on 9 July
was to be undertaken by the Leibstandarte and
Totenkopf. Totenkopf, now completely detached
from its flank cover activities, had been moved
across the rear of Das Reich and Leibstandarte.
Attacking in line abreast, it drove back Krivoshein's
crippled III Mechanized Corps and Chernienko's
XXXI Tank Corps to Kochetovka.
To the north of the Leibstandarte, Totenkopf
reached the banks of the River Psel and captured
the village of Krasni Oktiabr. The fall of Krasni
Oktiabr signified the breaching of the last
defensive barrier in front of Kursk: the River Psel
was bridged and the Germans had the opportunity
to wheel northwards into the Soviet rear. The
Leibstandarte, having linked up with the 11th
Panzer Division, crossed the River Solotinka, but
the division was held on the outskirts of
Kochetovka by the Soviet X Tank Corps.
The relative ease with which the Leibstandarte
and Totenkopf cut through the Soviet lines was at
odds with the bitter fighting that Das Reich was
engaged in on the eastern flank alone the
Prokhorovka road. The success of the Leibstandarte
and Totenkopfwas in stark contrast with the lack of
progress by III Panzer Corps to the south. The 6th
Panzer Division had regrouped near Melikhovo
and reconnoitred to the north. Meanwhile, the 7th
Panzer and 19th Panzer Divisions held their
ground east of the River Northern Donets. Kempf

tanks to march on Korocha and intercept
Rotmistrov's Fifth Guards Tank Army and secure
the eastern flank of Hoth's thrust. This was
something that Kempf had so far been unable to
do. Concerned for his flanks, alert to the need to
open up the rear of the Soviet defences facing
Army Detachment Kempf, Hoth had learnt from
aerial reconnaissance that large armoured forces
were moving towards the front from the northeast. In Hoth's own words:
"It is better first to dispose of the enemy who is
to be expected at Prokhorovka before the thrust
northwards to Kursk is set in motion."

The order to shift the axis of advance for II SS

Panzer Corps was issued late in the evening of 9
July. It has subsequently become known as the
Prokhorovka Order. The essential parts are sections
two and three, and they indicate exactly what the
German forces were expected to achieve:

Troops of II SS Panzer Corps on the Kursk

battlefield, 9 July 1943. On that day the

Waffen-SS divisions breached the last
defensive barrier in front of Kursk. The price
in heavy casualties and knocked-out tanks
was vindicated: victory appeared at hand.

1. Enemy forces prepared for defence are
equipped with antitank weapons and tanks and are
standing in a line from the western edge of the
forest at Swch. Komsomolets to the railway line at
Ivanovskii Vyselok.
2. II SS Panzer Corps is to move out on 10
July 1943 with the Leibstandarte to the right and
SS Panzergrenadier Division Totenkopf to the left
on both sides of the River Psel and head northeast. Attack objective: Prokhorovka/East - Hill
252.4 [2.5km/1.5 miles north-east of there]
Beregovoe - Hill 243.5 [2km/1.2 miles north-west
of Koritnoe] Kartashevka.
3. The reinforced LSSAH [Leibstandarte] is to
move out at 06:00 hours on 10 July 1943 after the
barrage by the entire Artillery Regiment/LSSAH
and Werfer-regiment 55. After the Luftwaffes,
preparation, the LSSAH is to move along the road
from Teterevino to Prokhorovka, capture the latter
town, and hold it. First attack objective:
Prokhorovka and Hill 252.4. SS Panzergrenadier
Division Das Reich is to set out with LSSAH and
to capture the high ground 2km [1.2 miles] southeast of Iwanowskij Wysselok. SS Panzergrenadier

Division Totenkopf \s to move forward from the

Kliuchi bridgehead to the north-east."
During the short hours of darkness that
typified a summer's night on the Russian steppe,
both the Red Army and the Wehrmacht adjusted
their positions. But far away on the sun-soaked
beaches of the Mediterranean island of Sicily,
events were shaping that would profoundly
influence German operations on the Eastern Front.
The Western Allies had opened a new front on
Hitler's vulnerable southern flank by invading
Sicily on 10 July. With American and British
troops pouring onto Italian beaches, the very
foundations of the Axis were under threat. Hitler's
nightmare, a repetition of what had occurred in
during World War I, was quickly becoming a
reality: war on two fronts had finally come to pass.
The Fhrer now had to reconsider where his

The mighty Tiger proved a great success at

Kursk, and the skill of the panzer crews

resulted in staggering victories. The 1st SS
Panzer Regiment, for example, destroyed 90
enemy tanks in three hours on one day.

priorities lay, as he knew that his limited strategic

reserves would be stretched almost to their
breaking points.
Hitler received better news from Army Group
South during the course of 10 July. Hausser's II SS
Corps regrouped with considerable difficulty
during the night 9/10 July. Indeed, such were the
problems it faced that the attack was launched in
an uncharacteristically piecemeal fashion,
employing the forces immediately to hand. Shortly
before dawn, the panzergrenadiers of the Totenkopf
struck across the River Psel and attempted to storm
Hill 226.6. The failure of this attack forced him to
postpone his twin attack south of the river, and the
efforts of the SS were delayed until 10:45 hours.
However, this time the River Psel was crossed and
a bridgehead secured on its northern bank east of
Kliuchi, and the northern slopes of Hill 226.6
were taken.
Meanwhile, the Leibstandarte was making
greater progress, advancing up the Prokhorovka
road. Fighting all the way and warding off almost
continual attacks by T-34s, the Leibstandarte 's
panzergrenadiers had, by the early afternoon, taken
the Komsomolets State Farm and were engaged in
vicious fighting for Hill 241.6. Although defended
by summer thunderstorms and emplaced Russian
tanks, Hill 241.6 was taken just after night fell.
The Leibstandarte's claim for the day's fighting was
53 Soviet tanks and 23 antitank guns.
The advance of Das Reich was, in comparison,
lacklustre. Operating south of the Prokhorovka
road across the railway line towards Storozhevka 1,
it met heavy resistance. After a gruelling battle of
attrition, Das Reich had gained but part of the


Panzer Ills of the Totenkopf Division

advance towards the frontline. The division

started the battle with 63 Panzer Ills; by 10
July, this figure had fallen to 48. Note the
swastika flag draped on the back of the righthand tank for aerial recognition purposes.

small village of Ivanovskii Vyselok. Once again,

Das Reich's performance had been blunted by its
need to protect its right flank, a situation that was
imposed by the regrouping of elements of the
167th Infantry Division, which freed more of Das
Reich's panzergrenadiers. Hausser's men had made
slow progress, but they had nonetheless pushed
ahead far enough for Hitler to order that
Operation Citadel be continued.
From Vatutins point of view, the German
advance came at a most inopportune moment, just
as his forces were carrying out their complex
regrouping. The greater part of Major-General
V.G. Bukov's XTank Corps had withdrawn to join
First Tank Army on the Oboyan road, leaving
behind its llth Motorized Rifle Brigade, which
resisted Totenkopf & advance throughout the day.
The three tank brigades - 26th, 169th and
99th - of General A.F. Popov's II Tank Corps had
replaced Bukov's men across the Prokhorovka road
and, at dawn on 10 July, launched themselves
against the leading elements of Leibstandarte and
Das Reich, engaging both divisions in the hot
contest for Komsomolets State Farm and Hill
241.6. But, despite their best efforts, Popov's tanks
were driven back. However, by nightfall
reinforcements in the shape of the Fifth Guards
Army began to reach Prokhorovka, the first being


the elite 9th Guards Division, commanded by

Colonel A.M. Sazonov. These rroops, although
weary and in need of rest, took up their defensive
positions east of Prokhorovka.
More and more of Zhadov's Fifth Cuards Army
streamed through and around Prokhorovka during
10 July. By the end of the day, the 95th and 97th
Guards Rifle Divisions had occupied the defences
along the River Psel, reinforcing the battered
remains of the 51st and 52nd Rifle Divisions in
preparation for the next phase of Hausser's
onslaught. These dispositions led in turn to the
183rd Rifle Division marching off to relieve V
Guards Tank Corps forces that in their turn moved
to bolster the First Tank Army farther to the west.
As Kravchenko's tanks moved out, so Burdeiny's II
Guards Tank Corps disengaged from its flank
attack missions, on the right of II SS Panzer Corps,
for re-equipping in preparation for its future role
in support of the Fifth Guards Tank Army.
With all the skill and poise of a seasoned juggler,
Vatutin had succeeded in regrouping his armoured
forces and their supporting troops whilst contending
with non-stop German attacks. What would the
outcome have been for his carefully laid plans had
the Panzerkeils of the SS broken through the sorely
pressed Russian lines? The effect on vast convoys of
vehicles and men struck in the flank by the longrange artillery of the Tigers can only be imagined.
However, Vatutins faith in his methods and men was
paying off. Now he had the time to carry out the


Throughout the battle II SS Panzer Corps

operated with close air support, mainly

cannon-armed Stuka dive-bombers. Such
close cooperation meant that it was
imperative for panzer crews and German
infantry to designate themselves as being
friendly forces, hence the swastika flag.

most significant placement in his complex jigsaw,

that of the Fifth Guards Tank Army of General P. A.
Rotmistrovs. This powerful force, having driven
100km (65 miles) by road, began to occupy
assembly areas in the Fifth Guards Army's rear.
On 10 July Rotmistrov met with Vatutin and
Chief of the General Staff A.M. Vasilevky in
Oboyan. It is well worth quoting Rotmistrov's
account of the conversation:
"The front commander invited me closer to the
map, and pointing with a pencil at the
Prokhorovka region, said:
" 'Having failed to penetrate to Kursk through
Oboyan, clearly the Hitlerites have decided to shift
the axis of their main blow farther east along the
rail line to Prokhorovka. There, the forces of II
Panzer Corps have assembled, which must attack
along the Prokhorovka axis in cooperation with
XLVIII Panzer Corps and tank formations of
Group Kempf.'
"N.F. Vatutin glanced at A.M. Vasilevsky and
then, turning to me, he continued: 'Thus Pavel
Alekseevich, we have decided to oppose the SS

tank divisions with your tank guardsmen to
deliver a counterstroke against the enemy with
Fifth Guards Tank Army, reinforced by a further
two tank corps.'
" 'Incidentally,' said A.M. Vasilevsky, 'the
German tank divisions possess heavy Tiger tanks
and Ferdinand self-propelled guns. Katukov's tank
army has suffered considerably from them. Do you
know anything about this equipment and how do
you feel about fighting with them?'
' 'We know, Comrade Marshal. We received
tactical-technical information about them from the
Steppe Front staff. We have also thought about
means for combating them.'
" 'Interesting!' added Vatutin and, nodding to
me, said, 'continue.'
' 'The fact is that the Tigers and Ferdinands
not only have strong frontal armour, but also a
powerful 88mm with direct fire range. In that
regard they ate superior to our tanks, which are
armed with 76mm guns. Successful struggle with
them is possible only in circumstances of close-in
combat, with exploitation of the T-34's greater
manoeuvrability, and by flanking fire against the
side armour of the heavy German machines.'
" 'In other words, engage in hand-to-hand
fighting and board them,' said the Front

commander, and again he turned to conversation

about the forthcoming counterstroke, in which the
First Tank Army, Sixth, Seventh and Fifth Guards
Armies were to take part."
Rotmistrov's army was strengthened with the
addition of II Tank and II Guards Tank Corps; the
1529th Self-propelled, 522nd, and 148th Howitzer
and 148th, 93rd Gun Artillery Regiments; and the
16th and 80th Guards Mortar Regiments. With
these powerful forces gathering, Vatutin's order was
passed on to Rotmistrov's troops:
"On the morning of 12 July, together with the
First Tank Army and Fifth Guards Army, launch a
decisive offensive to destroy the enemy south-west
of Prokhorovka and, by the end of the day, reach
the line Krasnaia Dubrova [north-east of Syrtsevo]
to Iakovlevo."
The jumping-off positions for the Fifth Guards
Tank Army was a 15km (12-mile) wide swathe of
open ground that spread west and south-west of

At Kursk even the "supermen" of the

Waffen-SS were halted by the tenacity of the

Soviet defenders. II SS Panzer Corps suffered
horrendous casualties as its offensive
unfolded. The Leibstandarte, for example, had
181 killed and 9O6 wounded in two days.

Prokhorovka from north of the River Psel south
across the road and rail link to Storozhevoe. On
this ground of his choosing, Rotmistrov would
commit a total of 500 tanks and self-propelled
guns in his initial attack.
Then, on 11 July at 05:00 hours, the SS struck
its first blow, and the Leibstandarte's panzers
lunged forward along both sides of the
Prokhorovka road. The Luftwaffe, which once
more achieved a threadbare, local air superiority,
unleashed wave upon wave of bombers to blaze a
path into the Soviet defences. Driving the elements
of the already depleted Soviet II Tank Corps before
it, the Leibstandarte Division was subjected to
flank attacks and artillery fire. German
reinforcements were pushed forward as the sun
rose, but then the Leibstandarte crashed straight
into the 9th Guards Airborne Division. The 26th
and 28th Guards Airborne Regiments were to feel
the full weight of Hitler's crack guards.
An important point in the Soviet defences was
Hill 252.2. The area was subjected to a torrent of
bombs, rockets and shells as the Germans
attempted to soften up the target. A battalion of
panzergrenadiers, supported by Tigers and assault
guns, moved towards the high ground. Finally,
after three hours of intense combat, the
Leibstandarte took the crest of the hill and pushed
on to capture the Oktiabr'skii State Farm.
From the Soviet account of the Guards
Airborne Division, the following extract describes
the main events of the day:
"On the morning of 11 July, when the
formations of the Fifth Guards Army had still
not firmly occupied their positions, having
completed their regrouping, the enemy renewed
their offensive.
"It was an overcast day. A fresh breeze
disturbed the boundless sea of ripened grain
between Prokhorovka, Prelestnoe and Pravorot.
"Up to a battalion of infantry, supported by 40
tanks and self-propelled guns, among them heavy

Equipped with side skirts and additional

turret armour, a Panzer IV tank halts while its

commander and crew scan the horizon for the
enemy. The vehicle is probably a Panzer IV
Ausf H model, which first rolled off the
production lines in April 1943.

Tigers and Panthers, and by hundreds of Ju 87 and

Ju 88 aircraft, attacked the junction of the 9th
Guards Airborne and 95th Guards Rifle Divisions.
The main attack was against the 3rd Battalion,
26th Guards Airborne Regiment, which was
defending Oktiabr'skii State Farm. A short but
powerful artillery preparation and strong
bomber strikes preceded the enemy infantry and
tank attack. Armoured transporters carrying
motorized infantry followed the tanks and selfpropelled guns."

A storm of steel
The commander of the 3rd Battalion, Guards
Major D.I. Boriskin, reported on the situation to
his regimental commander, Guards LieutenantColonel G.M. Kashpersky, and ordered the
commanders of his rifle companies to open massive
fire as the tanks and infantry neared their
"Oktiabr'skii State Farm, Hill 252.2, and
Lutovo [village] shuddered from exploding bombs,
shells and mines. The soldiers attentively observed
the approaching enemy from the foxholes they had
dug the night before.
"When only several hundred metres remained
to the edge of the state farm, infantry poured out
of the armoured transporters. Submachine gunners
opened fire on the run, and concealing themselves
behind the tanks, they began the assault. The
distorted faces of the Fascists bore witness to the
fact that their warlike ardour was roused by a fairly
large dose of schnapps.
" 'Fire!' ordered the battery commander. A
squall of 3rd Battalion fire met the Fascists. The
long bursts of I.V. Khoroshikh's and P. N.
Lyznikov's heavy machine guns struck the infantry
in the flanks and were echoed by the Guardsmen's
light machine guns and submachine guns.
Divisional artillery and supporting battalions of
the RGK [Reserve of the High Command] 3rd
Artillery Penetration Division laid down an
immovable defensive fire in front of Oktiabr'skii
State Farm. The battalion and regimental artillery
of Guards Lieutenants I.H. Samykin and AT
Shestakov delivered fire over open sights.
"The infantry were separated from the tanks,
and facing a hurricane of fire from the state farm,
they withdrew to the reverse slopes of Hill 215.4.


The report continues: "At 14:00 hours up to 100

enemy tanks and up to a regiment of infantry
riding in armoured transporters attacked
Oktiabrskii State Farm and Hill 252.2. Around 40
tanks and up to a regiment of motorized infantry
attacked the neighbouring 287th Guards Rifle

Discovering the junction between the 95th Guards

and 9th Airborne Divisions, the Fascists tried to
drive a wedge between them. One hundred and
forty tanks were attacking along a front of 3km
[1.8 miles] in the sector from Oamki Farm to
Andreevka. A powerful fire raid and bombing
strikes by 50 dive-bombers preceded the assault.
Once again fierce battle raged, but the effort was
unequal. The enemy possessed absolute numerical
superiority and displayed special obstinacy at the
junction of the 26th and 287th Regiments ...
"Having pressed back the 26th and 287th
Regiments, up to 40 enemy tanks concentrated
against Prelestnoe and the southern edge of Petrovka
and up to 60 tanks across Hill 252.2 and along the
rail line towards Prokhorovka. The 26th Regiment
withdrew to the positions of the 23rd Guards
Airborne Regiment, on the south-western slopes of
Hill 252.4 [lkm/0.6 miles west of Prokhorovka]."
Another version of the situation was recorded
in the Leibsta.nda.rte s history:
"The line captured by this point (17:00 hours on
11 July) ran from Storozhevoe, the western and
eastern edges of the forest north of there [held by the
1st Regiment], along the road as far as a point 500
metres north-west of Hill 252.2 [held by the 2nd
Regiment], the hill just west of Swch. Oktjabrskij
[held by the panzer group], to the eastern edge of
Hill 252.2 [held by the Reconnaissance Battalion].
That line's position was reported to the corps, and it
was not crossed again that day. The reason for
stopping was the positions of adjacent units on both
sides. They were so far behind the division's advance
that we were outflanked on two sides. A frontal
attack on Prokhorovka would have resulted in very
heavy losses because of the strong enemy antitank
and defensive artillery on the south-eastern edge of
Prokhorovka and at the commanding position on
Hill 252.4 north-west of the Psel [should read
Prokhorovka]. This situation was reported to the
commanding general at about 17:00 hours at the
divisional headquarters in North Lutschki. A
suggestion was made to him to concentrate all the
artillery available to corps and to focus on the
Totenkopf Divisions attack on Hill 226.2 on 12. 7.
43. Only after the capture of this hill should the
attack by Panzergrenadier Division Das Reich and
Panzergrenadier Division Leibstandarte on

Regiment of the 95th Guards Rifle Division.

Prokhorovka be continued. After conferring with


A Waffen-SS grenadier leaves the safety of

a ditch to advance once again. It was

unfortunate for the Germans that on 9 July
torrential rain slowed the momentum of their
attack. However, by this time the Soviets were
launching counterattacks against the front
and flanks of the panzer spearheads.

The Fascists attacked the 3rd Battalion two more

times before 14:00 hours. However, these were
only reconnaissances in force."

An unequal struggle


the Chief of the General Staff, Colonel Ostendorf,
Lieutenant-General Hausser declared himself in
agreement with this plan."

"General, they are not our tanks"

Despite their exposed position, the progress of the
Leibstandarte had been good. A wedge had been
driven into the Russian lines in front of
Prokhorovka and II Tank Corps' defences were in
disarray. In company with STAVKA representative
Marshal Vasilevsky, Rotmistrov inspected the area,
as he later recorded:
"Sufficient daylight still remained and the
marshal proposed an inspection of the jumping-off
positions which I had selected for XXIX and XVIII
Tank Corps. Our route passed through
Prokhorovka to Belenikhino, and the quickmoving Willies [Willys jeep], bobbing up and
down over the potholes, skirted round vehicles
with ammunition and fuel, which were heading to
the front. Transports with wounded slowly went
past us. Here and there destroyed trucks and
transports stood by the roadside ...
"There, along the northern edge of the forest,
were the jumping-off positions of XXIX Tank
Corps. XVIII Tank Corps would attack to the
right, I explained to A.M. Vasilevsky ...
"The agricultural installations of Komsomolets
State Farm could be seen two kilometres distant to
the right.
"Suddenly, Vasilevsky ordered the driver to
stop. The vehicle turned off the road and abruptly
halted amid the dust-covered roadside brush. We
opened the doors and went several steps to the
side. The rumble of tank engines could be clearly
heard. Then the very same tanks came into sight ...
"Instantly, I raised my binoculars. Indeed, tens
of tanks in combat formation, firing from the
march from their short-barrelled guns, were
crossing the field and stirring up the ripened grain ...
" 'Comrade General, they are not our tanks,
they are German ..."
" 'So, the enemy has penetrated somewhere.
He wants to pre-empt us and seize Prokhorovka.'
' 'We cannot permit that,' I said to A.M.
Vasilevsky, and by radio I gave the command to
General Kirichenko to move without delay two
tank brigades to meet the German tanks and halt
their advance ...

"Thus the situation suddenly became

complicated. The jumping-off positions that we
had earlier selected for the counterstroke were in
the hands of the Hitlerites."
Again, II SS Panzer Corps recorded the heavy
losses suffered by their opponents: 99 tanks and 29
assault guns destroyed. But the SS had not escaped
unscathed. The armoured strength of the
Leibstandarte fell to 60 tanks, 10 assault guns and
20 self-propelled tank destroyers. The tanks
included 4 Panzer Hs, 5 Panzer IIIs, 47 Panzer IVs,
and 4 Tigers with, possibly, 10 captured T-34s.
During the evening Hausser issued his orders for
the following day, according the Leibstandarte the
honour of the most important task:

A Stuka ground crew at work. The Stuka

crews were much admired by the army. The War
Diary of the 3rd Panzer Division noted the
Stukas "attacking the Russian tanks
uninterruptedly and with wonderful precision"


"The reinforced 1st Panzergrenadier Regiment
with the Panzer Battalion subordinated to it is to
set out at 04:50 hours and capture Storozhevoe
and Jamki. It is to establish a position adjacent to
the 1st Battalion, 2nd SS Panzergrenadier
Regiment, at the road beside Hill 252.2.
"The reinforced 2nd Panzergrenadier
Regiment, the Panzer Group and the reinforced
reconnaissance battalion are to stand ready to move
in conjunction with elements of the Totenkopf
Division, as soon as that division has neutralized
the enemy attacks on our flank along the River
Psel, and to capture Prokhorovka and Hill 252.4.
"The Artillery Regiment Leibstandarte is to
send an Artillery Liaison Command to the
Totenkopf Division in order to support the attack
by that division on hill 226.6."
On the right flank of this operation, the Das
Reich Division was responsible for taking
Storozhovoe 1 and Vinogradovka, and then
opening up the southern route which led to the
crucial target of Prokhorovka.
Army Detachment Kempf's III Panzer Corps
was to provide all possible support and, ideally, to
join up with II SS Panzer Corps in Prokhorovka.
Failing that, Kempf was to syphon off as much of
the Soviet armour as possible from Hausser's front
and flanks. The final part of the German plan
involved XLVIII Panzer Corps taking the vital
crossing points on the River Psel, south of
Oboyan. When Prokhorovka was taken and the
River Psel crossed, the two panzer corps would
then push on across the steppe to Oboyan and
Kursk, with III Panzer Corps covering the eastern

flank. Vatutin and Rotmistrov deployed their

forces rapidly to prevent this eventuality. To the
west, spoiling attacks were to made against XLVIII
Panzer Corps. The orders which Rotmistrov's
issued to Vatutin were clear and utterly singleminded:
"At 10:00 hours on 12 July, deliver a
counterstroke in the direction of Komsomolets
State Farm and Pokrovka and, in cooperation with
Fifth Guards Army and First Tank Army, destroy
the enemy in the Kochetovka, Pokrovka, and
Gresnoe regions and do not permit him to
withdraw in a southern direction." Infantry
support for Rotmistrov's tanks was to be provided
by the 9th Guards Airborne Division.
Alarmed by the German attack on 11 July,
Rotmistrov advanced the start of his attack,
scheduling it to begin at 08:30 hours, Moscow
time, which was two hours ahead of Berlin.
Deprived of Popov's tanks as a result of their losses
on 11 July, he decided on taking the following
course of action:
"To strike a blow with the forces of XVIII,
XXIX and II Guards Tatsinskaia [an honorific
title] Tank Corps in the sector to the right
Beregovoe, Andreevka and Iasnaia Poliana; to the
left - Pravorot', Belenikhino, Marker 232.0 and,
by the end of the day, reach the line Krasnaia

Typical scene at Kursk: a panzer tank,

accompanying infantry and smoke and

flames. By 12 July the initiative in the south
had passed to Rotmistrov and his hundreds of
T-34s and self-propelled guns.

Dubrova to Iakovlevo. The V Guards
Zimovnikovskii [honorific tide] Mechanized Corps,
located in army second echelon, received the
mission of being prepared to exploit the success of
XXIX Tank Corps and II Guards Tatsinskaia Tank
Corps in the general direction of Luchki and
Pogorelovka. The tank corps had to occupy
jumping-off positions from Prelestnoe through
Storozhevoe to Mai. lablononovo by 24:00 hours
on 11 July and be ready to attack by 03:00 hours
on 12 July."

Last stand at Prokhorovka

The jumping-off points were now right in the very
suburbs of Prokhorovka itself. Rotmistrov's centre,
astride the Prokhorovka road, was XXIX Tank
Corps. XXIX Tank Corps consisted of the 31st,
32nd and 25th Tank Brigades, and the 1446th
Self-propelled Artillery Regiment, and had a total
of 191 tanks and self-propelled guns. Their task
would be undertaken with the help of the 1529th
Self-propelled Artillery Regiment's self-propelled
guns, which numbered 21.
These troops would lead the Russian attack on
the German lines between the Oktiabr'skii State
Farm and Storozhevoe, and their efforts would be
supported by the 28th Guards Airborne Regiment
and 53rd Motorized Brigade. II Guards Tank Corps
had 120 tanks, divided between the 4th, 25th and
26th Tank Brigades, and these were to strike at Das
Reich's positions from west of Vinogradovka along
the railway line to Belenikhino, with support from
the remains of II Tank Corps.
To Popov's rear lay the 53rd Guards Tank
Regiment with 21 KV-1 tanks. A further 228 tanks
and self-propelled guns of General B.M.
Skvortsov's V Guards Mechanized Corps waited in
the wings as a reserve force. A final, small
armoured reserve, which was commanded by
General K.G. Trufanov, occupied positions near
Pravorot. Vatutin was tasked with providing
supplementary artillery support, and his
supporting force would include the 17th Artillery
Brigade and 26th Antiaircraft Artillery Division, as
well as five other mortar or artillery regiments.
In all, Rotmistrov was to open the attack with
some 430 tanks and self-propelled guns, followed
by another 70. Roughly half of these tanks were
lightly armed and armoured T-70s. In order to


A tired panzergrenadier stocks up with

grenades for yet another day's fighting.The

Stielgranate had a time delay of 4.5 seconds,
giving the thrower time to take cover before
the fragmentation warhead exploded.

counter the long range of the German tank guns,

Rotmistrov specified to his tankers that they were
to close with the Germans at high speed before
swamping them, particularly the Tigers, by sheer
weight of numbers.
By 02:00 hours on 12 July, Rotmistrov's forces
were in place. It was a magnificent achievement,
splendidly supported by the efforts of STAVKA.
The days of movement had taken their toll on the
men, but the effective number of tanks was due to
their replacement and non-stop maintenance en
route. There appeared to be very little left for the
Russians to do but wait - praying was not part of
the Soviet soldier's creed.


Tanks Burning
Like Torches
Operation Citadel, Hitler's last great offensive on the Eastern Front, was decided
around the village of Prokhorovka on 12 July 1943 when hundreds of tanks clashed
in the greatest armoured battle in the history of warfare.

he tank battles that took place along the

southern pincer of the Kursk salient on 12
July were to mark the beginning of the end for
Hitler's ambitious Operation Citadel.
In the main, the attention of historians
chronicling the Battle of Kursk has focused on the
bloody fields to the south-west of Prokhorovka,
where Hitler's black-garbed guardsmen locked
horns with Stalin's elite tankers. But events to the
south-east and west of this armoured carnage
should not be overlooked, as they too proved to be
key factors in the overall equation. What took
place on 12 July should be viewed as a whole, and
not as a single, climactic tank battle.

Manstein and Hoth were attempting to weave

three strands into a single thread that would give
them the strength to wear down the Soviet
defensive belts and finally burst through to Kursk
and victory. The Russian commanders were equally

A Soviet ROKS-2 flamethrower team in

action. This model was intended to be used

almost like a rifle; it featured a butt and was
fired from the shoulder. The propellant was
stored in the cylinder beneath the rectangular
fuel tank. The weapon's shape made its
operator less of an obvious target than other,
more orthodox, flamethrower designs.

alive to the threats that hung over them. Vatutin's

instructions for 12 July placed the main emphasis
on the attacks of Katukov's First Tank, Chistakov's
Sixth Guards, Rotmistrov's Fifth Guards Tank and
Zhadov's Fifth Guatds Armies against the most
immediate German threat: Hausser's II SS Panzer
Corps and Knobelsdorff's XLVIII Panzer Corps.
Orders for an attack into the right flank of
Army Detachment Kempf east of Razumnoe were
given to Seventh Guards Army's XL Rifle Corps.
This attack was intended to prevent III Panzer
Corps from making progress in its drive to link up
with Hausser's men.However, the Russians were
taken by surprise during the night of 11/12 July by
a daring operation undertaken by elements of
Kempf's 6th Panzer Division.

A Turned against its own, this captured

German Nebelwerfer (literally smokethrower) is
speedily reloaded by its Soviet crew in an
operation that will take approximately 90
seconds. Each high-explosive rocket weighed
some 34kg (75lb).The angle of the tubes would
suggest that the target is an armoured vehicle

"All hell was let loose"

Headed by a captured T-34, a small group of tanks
and halftrack troop carriers were sent forward to
capture Rzhavets and the vital crossing points on
the River Northern Donets. Under strict orders not
to open fire or speak German, this battle group
drove into Soviet territory a little after nightfall on
11 July. In the words of a German account:
"They moved past manned and well-established
emplacements of antitank guns and multiple
rockets. The moon shed a dim light. The Russians
did not budge. Sleepily they were leaning in their
positions along the road. They were used to such
columns. All day long Soviet formations had been
rumbling past them. Bake [the German
commander] overtook an enemy infantry column.
Fortunately no Soviet soldier thought of hitching a
tide on the tanks."
Despite the loss of the lead T-34, the column
pushed on to teach Rzhavets. But now fighting
broke out:
...all hell was let loose. The ghost journey was
over. The Russians fired flares. Machine-gun fire
rattled wildly from all sides.
"Bke's tanks and armoured infantry carriers
raced into the village. Antitank gun positions were
overrun. Engineers captured a troop of multiple
"From the direction of the river came several
dull thuds. The bridge! Bake thought in alarm.
"A moment later his tank stood at the bridge
over the Donets. The bridge had been blown. The

approaching over the crest of the ridge. The

white star indicates an earlier "kill" possibly by
this unorthodox method of firing.

combat group had missed the turn in the village

which led to it.
"However, engineers and grenadiers managed
to reach the far bank by a foot bridge. And the
surprise among the Russians was such that the
Germans succeeded in forming a bridgehead. At

A typical village in the Prokhorovka area.

The lives of the population were soon to be

turned upside down by one of the greatest
battles of all time. When the inhabitants
eventually returned, it would be to a lunar
landscape littered with the detritus of human
savagery and mechanical destruction.



A Major-General G.V. Baklanov, pictured

right, receives instructions to move his troops
to join the Voronezh Front on 8 July. Baklanov
commanded the 13th Guards Rifle Division,
part of the Fifth Guards Army.

daybreak Bakes vanguard detachment of the 6th

Panzer Division was firmly established on the
northern bank of the Donets."
The bridge was repaired swiftly and III Panzer
Corps began to cross. Vatutin received word of the
fall of Rzhavets at 04:00 hours on 12 July and
realized the implications for his plans. In quick
succession, Rotmistrov was alerted, and he in turn

contacted Trufanov and issued him with the orders

to use his reserve formation to:
...destroy the enemy in Rydvika, Rzhavets
region and reach the line ShakhovoShchelovkovo
by the end of the first day."
Trufanovs force included some 60 T-34 and 30
T-70 tanks. Communications were established with
the Soviet forces already engaged in the area, and
the leading elements of Trufanov's group went into
action late on 12 July. Further Soviet attacks had
forced Hunersdorff to withdraw the greater part of
the 6th Panzer Division back across the River
Northern Donets and contained the modest
bridgehead held by the 19th Panzer Division.
The prompt, decisive reaction of Vatutin and
Rotmistrov had restored the Soviet line along the
River Northern Donets and had also prevented III
Panzer Corps from driving on to Prokhorovka on
12 July. But even as Trufanov's men went south,
events were shaping nearer to Rotmistrov's HQ
that would demand his concentrated attention.

A Red Army Guards tank colonel gives a

crew instructions. The tank formation to the

left of the picture shows a pair of T-34s at
rest. Navigation in underdeveloped areas
such as these could pose great problems for
tank units, and accurate communications
were vital, particularly if enemy minefields
were to be avoided.

The battle that became known as Prokhorovka

took place in a constricted arena. From the
German lines the northern boundary was the
winding River Psel. To the south-east unharvested
fields of rye and wheat rolled gently away and
4.8km (3 miles) further east lay Prokhorovka itself,
with its skyline dominated by a tall grain silo.
Only four miles from the River Psel was the
southern extremity of the battleground, the railway
cutting of the KurskBelgorod line, beyond which
the ground was marked by hills and cut by ravines,
a terrain which was totally unsuitable for any kind
of tank-to-tank combat.
As the sun rose over the steppe, it began to dry
out the ground, which had been dampened by the
night's showers. A cool east wind blew clouds
across the dull sky as the panzergrenadiers of the
Leibstandarte drove into the first rays of the sun.
They had one immediate objective: to capture
Stovozhevoe. It was 06:50 hours. At just after
08:00 hours, 67 tanks of the Leibstandarte began
to roll forward in support of their infantry.
Suddenly, in the words of an SS panzer officer who
was positioned in the van of the advance:
"A purple wall of smoke rose into the air,
produced by smoke shells. It meant: tank warning!
"The same signals were to be seen all along the
crest of the slope. The threatening violent danger
signals also appeared farther to the right at the
railway embankment.
" The small valley extended to our left, and as
we drove down the forward slope we spotted the
first T-34s, which were apparently attempting to
outflank us from the left.


Lieutenant-General A.F. Popov's II Tank

Corps moved from the South-Western Front

on 8 July to join the Fifth Guards Tank Army
on 11 July. The original caption reads, "Lt-Gen
A.F. Popov speaking into the radio with a tank
crew in action."

"We halted on the slope and opened fire,

hitting several of the enemy. A number of Russian
tanks were left burning.
For a good Ogunner 800
metres [874yd] was the ideal range.

"P.T. Brud's gun team who destroyed seven

tanks, one a Tiger. Junior Sergeant M.T.

Finogim and Privates D.M. Chernoff and P.V.
Zhitkilkh." Thus reads the original caption
extolling the heroism of these men. The Red
Army propaganda machine took many such
opportunities to boost civilian morale by
demonstrating the good use which was made
of the weapons they produced.



"As we waited to see if further enemy tanks

were going to appear, I looked around, as was my
habit. What I saw left me speechless. From beyond
the shallow rise about 150-200 metres
[164-218yd] in front of me appeared 15, then 30,
then 40 tanks. Finally there were too many to
count. The T-34s were rolling towards us at high
speed, carrying mounted infantry."
These were the tanks of the Soviet XXIX Tank
Corps' 31st and 32nd Tank Brigades. At the same
moment, the left flank of the Leibstandartes panzer
formation was hit by at least 60 Soviet tanks which
it engaged at 600-lOOOm (646-9144yd). For the
next three hours, a deadly battle raged, as related
by an SS NCO:
"They attacked us in the morning. They were
around us, on top of us, and between us. We
fought man to man, jumping out of our foxholes
to lob our magnetic hollow-charge grenades at the
enemy tanks, leaping on our
Schtzenpanzerwagens [APCs] to take on any
enemy vehicle or man we spotted. It was hell! At
09:00 hours [11:00 hours Moscow time] the
battlefield was once again firmly in our hands.
Our panzers had helped us mightily. My company
alone had destroyed 15 Russian tanks."
All along the front of II SS Panzer Corps, the
same scene was re-enacted again and again. As
another SS soldier recounted:

A Immobilized, this Panther Model D has

become yet another Russian trophy. It appears
to have fallen victim to the mechanical
problems that beset the Panthers at Kursk.
Judging by the tow wire and broken track,
this Panther was abandoned while being
recovered. The Model D had a flap in the
glacis plate for the machine gun and a drumtype commander's cupola.

" ...over the hill to the left of the embankment

came three ... five ... ten ... But what was the use of
counting? Racing at full speed and firing from all
barrels, T-34 after T-34 rolled over the hill, right
into the middle of our infantry positions We
opened fire with our five guns as soon as we saw
the first tank, and it was only seconds before the
first T-34s stood shrouded in black smoke.
Sometimes we had to take care of the Russian
infantry riding on top of the tank in hand-to-hand
"Then, suddenly, there were 40 or 50 T-34s
coming at us from the right. We had to turn and
open fire on them...
"A T-34 appeared right in front of me when my
assistant gunner yelled so loud that I could hear
him without the headphones. 'Last shell in the
barrel.' On top of everything else! I swivelled
around to face the T-34 facing towards us at a


distance of about 150 metres [164yd] when the
next tragedy struck. The rear support for the gun
collapsed and the barrel swung up to point at the
sky. I used the force of swivelling the turret to
bring the barrel of my 75mm gun down, managed
to get the T-34's turret in my sights, and fired. A
hit! The hatch opened and two men jumped out.
One stayed put while the other hopped across the
road between the houses. About 30 metres [33yd]
in front of me, I hit the T-34 again.
"Everywhere, there were the shells of burning
tanks, standing in a sector about 1500 metres
[1640yd] wide; about 10 or 12 artillery pieces
smouldering there, too. One hundred and twenty
were supposed to have been in the attack, but there
could have been more. Who counted!"
This was not the situation that the Germans
had anticipated a Russian attack had not been
included in their plans.
From a command post, on a small hill southwest of Prokhorovka, Rotmistrov, Vasilevsky, the
STAVKA tepresentative and Kirichenko,
commander of XXIX Tank Corps, had panoramic
views of the battlefield. Having watched the air

Pictured here on its way to the killing

grounds of Prokhorovka, a mixed group of T-


Senior-Lieutenant G.V. Ivanov whose

antiaircraft gun crew shot down two

34s of 1941 and 1943 vintage halts to check

Luftwaffe aircraft. By this stage, the soldiers

directions and take a breath of fresh air.

of the Red Army were becoming more

Checking the tracks, as can be seen on the

accustomed to the activities of

nearest tank to the camera, was essential

photographers and their poses were

during such a period of rapid movement.

consequently less stylized.

battle from 06:30 hours and the 15-minute
artillery bombardment from 08:00 hours, at
exactly 08:30 hours Rotmistrov issued the
codeword for the tank attack to begin.
With the words "Stal, stal, stal (steel) ringing
in their ears, Rotmistrov's formation commanders
unleashed 500 tanks and self-propelled guns
carrying tank desant men from the 9th Guards
Airborne Division directly at the advancing
Germans. The scene is graphically described in the
Soviet official history:
"The battlefield seemed too small for the
hundreds of armoured machines. Groups of
tanks moved over the steppe, taking cover
behind the isolated groves and orchards. The
detonations of the guns merged into a
continuous menacing growl.
"The tanks of the Fifth Guards Tank Army cut
into the Nazi deployment at full speed. This attack
was so fast that the enemy did not have time to
prepare to meet it, and the leading ranks of the
Soviet tanks passed right through the enemy's
entire first echelon, destroying his leading units

and sub-units. The Tigers, deprived in close

combat of the advantages which their powerful
gun and thick armour conferred, were successfully
shot up by T-34s at close range. The immense
number of tanks was mixed up all over the
battlefield, and there was neither time nor space to
disengage and reform the ranks. Shells fired at
short range penetrated both the front and side
armour of the tanks. While this was going on there
were frequent explosions as ammunition blew up,
while tank turrets, blown off by the force of the
explosions, were thrown dozens of yards away from
the twisted machines.
"Soon the whole sky was overhung with heavy
smoke from the fires. On the scorched black earth,
smashed tanks were blazing like torches. It was
hard to determine who was attacking and who was

AT-34 "brews up" on the Kursk battlefield.

The Red Army tank crews displayed a reckless

bravery during the battle, especially at
Prokhorovka, where they fought the panzers
at close quarters.


defending. The battle was going differently in the

various sectors."
Rotmistrov later commented:
"Our tanks were destroying the Tigers at close
range ... We knew their vulnerable spots, so our
tank crews were firing at their sides. The shells
fired from very short distances tore large holes in
the armour of the Tigers. turned out that both we and the
Germans went over to the offensive
During the course of the morning the panzers
of the Leibstandarte were driven back towards
Oktiabr'skii, but the Soviet losses were grievous,
approaching 50 percent. The incredible bravery of
the tank desant men can only be marvelled at.
Clinging to the metal grips on the turret of a
bucking tank in a bullet-seared environment,
gagging on the stench of exhaust fumes and
cordite, then jumping off to fight on solid ground
once more, their casualties were immense. Such
fanatical bravery was equalled by the Soviet tank
crews.To quote from the official Soviet history:

A The material losses. Taken shortly after

the SS armoured units had been bloodily
thrust aside, the Red Army photographed
the battleground. The tanks here are mainly
Panzer IVs, although to the left is a Marder
III tank hunter which married a
rechambered Russian 76.2mm gun with a
Czech Panzer 38 (t) chassis.

^ The long 50mm gun, pictured here, was

the largest that the Panzer III could carry-The
Panzer Ills were to follow up the "panzer
wedge" formed by the Tigers. However, the
vicious, see-saw fighting at Prokhorovka was
not a neat training ground exercise, and the
Panzer Ills suffered heavy losses.



The human cost of victory or defeat: the

dead. Neither Stalin or Hitler had any interest

in their men as individuals; they were simply
the means to an end.

"The 2nd Battalion of the 181st Brigade,

XVIII Tank Corps, attacking along the left bank of
the Psel, clashed with a group of Tigers, which met
the Soviet tanks with fire from the halt ... Several
Tigers opened fire on Skripkin's tank
simultaneously. One enemy shell punctured the
side, another wounded the commander. The
driver-mechanic and radio operator dragged him
out of the tank and hid him in a shell hole. But
one of the Tigers was heading straight for them.
The driver-mechanic, Alexander Nikolayev,
jumped back into his damaged and burning tank,
started the engine and rushed headlong at the
enemy. It was as if a ball of fire careered over the
battlefield. The Tigers stopped, hesitated, began to
turn away. But it was too late. At full speed the
burning KV smashed into the German tank. The

explosion shook the earth. This ramming so shook

the Nazis that they began a hasty withdrawal."
By the early afternoon the Soviet 170th Tank
Brigade, despite having lost 30 of its 60 tanks, was
heavily engaged with the Leibstandartes armoured
reconnaissance battalion, which was fighting
desperately to deny the Russians access to the
division's rear. The Soviet pressure in this area
threatened, by the late afternoon, to cut the
Totenkopfs links with the Leibstandarte, but a
timely counterattack by Totenkopf & Tiger
Company restored the situation. By then the
Leibstandarte had abandoned Oktiabr'skii and
fallen back a further 1km (0.6 miles) to regroup.
As the day came to an end, the Soviets began
to dig in. Kirichenko's men had held the SS before
Prokhorovka, but the price had been high: the
Leibstandarte alone claimed to have destroyed 192

A Hanomag Sd Kfz 251/1O variant that,

judging by the warped, split-side armour, has

suffered an internal explosion. The gun, a Pak
36/37 37mm piece, indicates that this was the
vehicle of a platoon leader in a panzergrenadier formation. The mounting towards
the rear is for an antiaircraft machine gun.
The tactical numbers are just visible on the
upper-side plate.

Soviet tanks and 19 antitank guns for the loss of as

little as 30 tanks.
Elsewhere, the Germans had achieved more,
particularly on the Totenkopf Divisions front, south
of the River Psel. Employing 121 tanks and assault
guns the Totenkopf\\3A, by midday, captured Hill
226, greatly weakening Rotmistrov's right flank.
Happily for the Russians, Totenkopfwas unable to
advance further than Polezhaev, but in the thrust to
Prokhorovka it had taken the longest stride.
On the Leibstandarte s right flank stood Das
Reich, with 95 tanks and assault guns; included in
this figure were eight T-34s. A history of the
division records its activities:


A knocked-out Panzer IV smoulders on the

battlefield near Prokhorovka. Manstein's

panzer crews had done their best, but the
Soviets had held and destroyed Hitler's
dreams of final victory in the East.

Outgunned and underarmoured, these

Panzer Ills paid the ultimate price in a battle

that made no allowances for such
weaknesses. The violence of the shelling has
torn the schrzen, or side-armoured plates,
away. Evidently the foremost tank was
attempting to reverse out of danger when the
track was ripped off.


"Deutschland Regiment [one of the division's

two panzergrenadier regiments] continued to
protect the flank of the advancing Leibstandarte,
while the rest of Das Reich, still on the defensive,
flung back a succession of infantry and tank
attacks. One interesting incident was the
employment against the Russians of T-34s,
which Das Reich had seized from a factory in
Kharkov. During the day a column of 50
Russian vehicles was seen driving along one of
the balkas or valleys ... The direction of the
column's advance showed that it was moving to
attack Der Fhrer [the second of the division's
panzergrenadier regiments].

A Victims of the Shturmovik. As the battle

drew on, the panzers could no longer rely on
the Luftwaffe to command the Russian skies.
These three Panzer IVs have been
spectacularly gutted in what is very clearly
open country. With its combination of 37mm
cannons and 82mm rockets, the Shturmovik
was lethal.

"On the high ground above the Russian

column stood the division's group of T-34s, which
opened up a destructive fire upon the Russian
tanks. The panzerman's tactic was one which they
had learned early in the war with Russia: kill the
enemy's command tank first. It was the only
machine fitted with both a radio receiver and
transmitter. The other vehicles had only receivers
and could not communicate by wireless with one
another. This was yet another weakness in the Red
Army's tactics. Russian tanks carried on their rear
decks a metal drum containing the reserve fuel

Another classic piece of German military

hardware, this time an 88mm, lies wrecked

and abandoned in the wake of the Red Army's
success at Prokhorovka. On the tube it is
possible to make out 10 white "kill" rings.
The tyres appear to have been removed,
possibly for use on another gun chassis, as
Germany was experiencing a chronic shortage
of rubber.



supplies. A hit on the drum ignited the fuel and
caused the tank to 'brew up'."
At 08:30 hours 120 tanks of General
Burdeiny's II Guards Tank Corps went into the
attack, effectively eliminating Das Reich from
supporting the Leibstandarte s. assault on
Prokhorovka and, more seriously, preventing it
from defending the Leibstandarte's right flank.
"Heavy fighting developed on the right flank of
Das Reich Division. There the Soviet II Guards
Tank Corps attacked repeatedly from the gap
between Hausser's corps and Breith's divisions,
which had not yet arrived. That accursed gap! 'The
Russian attacks on our flanks are tying down half
our effectives and taking the steam out of our
operation against the enemy at Prokhorovka,'
growled the regimental commander, Sylvester
The Russian attacks against Das Reich ended in
the afternoon, when a downpour turned the
ground into a quagmire. Later on, the 26th Guards
Tank Brigade was dispatched south to support
Trufanov's group against III Panzer Corps.
As these mighty battles raged in the
Prokhorovka cauldron, the German situation to
the west was also deteriorating. With XLVIII
Panzer Corps poised to cross the River Psel and
push on to Oboyan, yet another of Vatutin's
spoiling attacks burst over the Fourth Panzer Army.

Katukov's XXII Guards Rifle Corps had

completed its hasty redeployment and placed 100
tanks in a position from which, at 09:00 hours,
they burst through the 332nd Infantry Division's
positions. By 17:00 hours, Kravchenko's V Guards
Tank Corps, with 70 tanks, had reached Rakovo,
and Burkov's X Tank Corps had driven the 3rd
Panzer Division back towards Verkhopen'e and
The 3rd Panzer Division, reduced to less than
50 tanks, needed assistance if the western flank of
the entire southern pincer were not to collapse. To
counter this threat, Grossdeutschlands-is re-deployed
to meet it. The knock-on effect of this move was to
leave the llth Panzer Division, itself only 50 tanks
strong, in no position to do more than probe the
Soviet defences. Then, late in the afternoon, the
11th Panzer Division was itself attacked by Russian
tanks. Although the Soviets made some inroads, the
11th Panzer held firm, and finally Vatutin called off
the attack as, once again, the skies opened and the
ground became impassable.

A Russian infantry squad inspects the

shattered ruin of a Panther with curious

caution. The much-vaunted Panther made
an unspectacular debut during Operation
Citadel. A Balkan cross is visible between the
twin exhausts.



A Russian infantrymen look at the results of

the awesome destructive power unleashed by
their artillery, tube and rocket units during
the battle of Prokhorovka. Just visible
through the distorted remains of this Panzer

other detritus of mechanized warfare. Hundreds of

grotesquely twisted and charred corpses stared
sightlessly upwards, victims of their Fhrers
ruthless and obsessive ambitions.
But for those who remained alive after the
fighting, there was still the next day's carnage to
prepare for, as the epic of Kursk had not run its
course in the charnel house of Prokhorovka.
Wehrmacht and Red Army leaders took stock of the
day's results. Vasilevsky agreed with Vatutin that
the seriousness of the situation demanded only one
course of concerted action: Soviet forces would
continue to maintain the pressure all along the
front. Vatutin subsequently ordered that all front
forces should:
...prevent further enemy movement on
Prokhorovka from the west and the south;
liquidate the enemy groupings that had penetrated
to the north bank of the River Psel by the joint
operations of part of the forces of the Fifth Guards
Tank Army and two brigades of V Guards
Mechanized Corps [meaning the 5th Guards Tank
Army]; liquidate units of the German III Panzer

IV is the rear of the Russians' Willys Jeep.


A day that had begun with a situation balanced

on a knife's edge was concluded by forces outside
any human control. By nature's intervention, the
fighting was over. Heavy rain washed the surface
clean of the blood spilt and cooled the heads of the
wounded. All across the ruined fields of
Prokhorovka lay the smouldering, torn remains of
hundreds of tanks, self-propelled guns and the

The vast slab-sided shape of the Ferdinand

is evident from this photograph. To the right

of the missing rear hatch is an unidentified
tactical marking. With the Germans being
held at bay on the northern shoulder of the
salient, it was possible for the Red Army's
intelligence staff to inspect some of the new
German weapons that had fallen into their
hands during the fighting.


Corps that had penetrated to the Rzhavets region;

and continue the offensive of the First Tank and
Sixth Guards Armies, and the right flank of the
Fifth Guards Army."
Meanwhile, the Second Air Army was
instructed to support Trufanov's forces in their
determined thrust. Rotmistrov had ordered his
men to prepare defences in anticipation of renewed
German attacks, and these were expected to take
place the following day. In the meantime, Trufanov
was making preparations for an attack on III
Panzer Corps. This would be a wholehearted
attempt to stop III Panzer Corps' progress
northwards, and to stop it once and for all.
That same evening, Vasilevsky was transferred
to the South-Western Front in order to coordinate
the forthcoming offensive, and Zhukov flew to
join Vatutin for a similar purpose. The Russians
were now moving into the offensive phase of their
plan for the Battle of Kursk.
However, on the German side, the situation
was now much less clear. The Anglo-American
landings in Sicily and the opening of a Soviet
offensive, Operation Kutuzov, which was aimed
clearly at Orel, had that morning resurrected the
doubts as to the value of Operation Citadel.
Consequently Hoth ordered that offensive
operations for the following day be considerably
reduced, with the intention of closing the noose
around those Soviet forces in the salient which had
been formed between II SS Panzer Corps and III

A The Panzer III Ausf N, as seen here being

towed into captivity, had been fitted with
the short 75mm L/24 gun to enable it to
carry out a close-support role. The barrel on
this tank has a cover to protect it from the
deleterious effects of dust. Production of the
Panzer III ended immediately after the Kursk
operation finished.

Panzer Corps. Both the Leibstandarte and Das

Reich were to hold their positions, although the
men from the Totenkopfwete ordered to carry on
the offensive in the following way:
...continue its right wing attack in the Psel
valley to the north-east and is to move forces as
strong as possible [at least one armoured force]
onto the ridge of hills north of the Psel as far as the
road from Beregowoje to Kartschewka. It is to
force a crossing over the Psel in the south-east and
to destroy the enemy forces south-east and southwest of Petrovka in cooperation with the
In an attempt at morale boosting, Hoth passed
on a message to the troops from Manstein, who
stated that that he wanted to: his thanks to and admiration for the
divisions of II SS Panzer Corps for their
outstanding success and exemplary behaviour in
this fighting."
Heartening words for the survivors, but of little
consolation to the dead.



Kursk had been fought and lost. Now the German armies on the Eastern Front were
faced with a defensive war against a vastly numerically superior foe. For the Soviets,
the battle marked a turning point in their war against Nazi Germany.

he dare 13 July 1943 was a critical one for the

Third Reich. Hitler summoned Manstein and
Kluge to a conference at his headquarters, the
Wolfsschanze (wolf's lair) in East Prussia.
As a result of the Anglo-American landings in
Sicily, the possibility now existed that the Allies
would invade somewhere else in the south of
Europe. Consequently, Hitler received the
commanders of Army Group South and Army
Group Centre with a simple declaration of intent:
"I must prevent that. And so I need divisions
for Italy and the Balkans. And since they can't be
taken from any other place, apart form the
transfer of the 1st Panzer Division from France to
the Peloponnese, they will have to be released
from the Kursk Front. Therefore I am forced to
stop Citadel."

However, Hitler was also concerned about

Operation Kutuzov, the Soviet offensive into the
Orel salient. Model's Ninth Army had suffered
20,000 casualties and the panzer divisions were
severely degraded. Kluge eagerly agreed with his
Fhrers decision to cancel Operation Citadel. On
the other hand, Manstein was more optimistic, and
spoke with the support of both Hoth and Kempf

As the Russians advanced in the wake of

the German withdrawal, scenes of destruction

such as this became more familiar. With
diminishing support from the Luftwaffe and
the more confident and experienced efforts of
the Red Air Force, panzers on the open steppe
became prime targets for Soviet groundattack aircraft.

when he requested that Citadel continue and ruled

out the prospect of a Soviet attack south of
Kharkov. Indeed, such was his conviction that
Army Group South would succeed that Manstein
had already moved XXIV Panzer Corps
consisting of the 5th SS Wiking Panzergrenadier
Division and 23rd'Panzer Division into assembly
areas around Kharkov in preparation for
continuing the offensive. XXIV Panzer Corps
would provide a further 104 tanks and 7 assault
guns and, in Manstein's opinion, restore the
momentum of the German attack.
At the very least, Manstein argued, his forces
could inflict ruinous losses on the Red Army's
strategic reserves. Interestingly in his postwar
writings, he claimed Soviet losses at Kursk were
four times those of his own, and that all Soviet
reserves had been committed. Despite these
arguments, Hitler remained adamant: Operation
Citadel would be cancelled. But he conceded that
Army Group South could continue operations of a
reduced nature, with the aim of destroying the
Russians' operational reserves and thus preventing
them from undertaking any offensive operations
that summer. Manstein retired to his headquarters,
determined to render the Soviets incapable of
taking major offensive action.
The reports from the southern edge of the
Kursk salient were mixed. In the Prokhorovka
region, the fighting was negligible. II SS Panzer
Corps noted its tank strength as 250 tanks and
assault guns, including 4 Tigers and 12 T-34s.
Totenkopf'wzs under severe pressure from the 10th


These two photographs combine to form

a searing image of the reality of war. Dead

men, lying before uncut barbed wire
defences, had been channelled into fields of
fire and scythed down like chaff. In many
ways, the Kursk salient resembled the
battlefields of World War I

The Nebelwerfer was the most widely

used of the rocket launchers developed by the

Germans. Each of the six barrels had a calibre
of 150mm. The weight of shot that could be
laid down was heavy in comparison with
conventional artillery, but even so, it was far
less accurate. However, the object was to
saturate an area and demoralize the enemy.
The range of a Nebelwerfer was 7000m


Guards Mechanized Brigade and 24th Guards

Tank Brigade, and was not capable of making
progress towards Prokhorovka. Nor had a
supporting attack by the Leibstandarte made any
significant progress. Soviet counterattacks were
equally as unsuccessful:
"At 12:40 hours [14:40 Moscow time], the
enemy attack collapsed at our main battle line.
Our defensive success is to be ascribed primarily to
the Artillery Regiment LAH, the 55th Rocket
Launcher Regiment, and the concentrated fire of
our heavy infantry weapons."
Although Leibstandarte and Totenkopf had
failed, Das Reich, having regained its position, had
recaptured Storozkvoe before going on to reach the
outskirts of Vinogradovka. Das Reich at least was
making some progress and moving towards the
leading units of III Panzer Corps.

A These two Soviet soldiers are members of

specialized Razvedchik advance
reconnaissance units. Here, they are taking
directions from a local. The Razvedchik often
worked with the increasingly large numbers
of Soviet partisan units, and were well-versed
in the use of captured Axis weapons.

Trufanov's attacks had gone in as planned, but

had coincided, in part, with the 19th Panzer
Division's attempt to expand its bridgehead.
Fighting raged for the whole of the day, with
Trufanov's 26th Guards Tank Brigade and the 11th
Guards Mechanized Brigade both sustaining heavy
losses while attempting to contain Breith's panzers.
However, by the end of 13 July the 7th Panzer
Division was ready to join the 19th Panzer
Division in a joint attack towards Prokhorovka at

first light the next day. Manstein's limited
continuation strategy still looked feasible. The
name given to Army Group Souths scaled-down
activities was Operation Roland.
To the west, Grossdeutschland had finally
completed its regrouping and, on 14 July, in
concert with 3rd Panzer Division, counterattacked
the Soviet V Guards and X Tank Corps, which had
been reinforced by VI Tank Corps.The German
counterattack drove the Russians back and, on 15
July, Vatutin asked Katukov to assume a defensive
posture. Mellenthin would keep a balanced record
of the efforts of XLVIII Panzer Corps, describing
them in the following manner:
"All of this was certainly a success of some
sorts; the dangerous situation on the left wing had
been rectified, and the 3rd Panzer Division had

These twin windmills overlooked the land

These trenches could be anywhere in the

Kursk salient.The dry, sandy soil would be

running towards Belgorod. Here, a Red Army

difficult to dig and maintain. However, they

security unit scrambles back to friendly

had served their purpose well, and it only

lines, having completed a fruitless sweep for

remained for the local population to return

German stragglers.

the land to its proper use.



been given some support. But Grossdeutschland was

dangerously weak after heavy fighting lasting for
10 days, while the Russian striking power had not
appreciably diminished. In fact, it seemed to have
increased ... By the evening of 14 July it was
obvious that the timetable of the German attack
had been completely upset. Of the 80 Panthers
available when battle was joined, only a few were
left on 14 July."
During the evening of 13 July orders were
issued by Army Group South for Operation
Roland, the objective of which was to establish a
continuous front in the Prokhorovka area and
damage the Russians as severely as possible. In
essence, III Panzer Corps and Das Reich were to
link up, trapping as many Soviet troops as possible
in the resultant pocket between the River LipovyiDonets and River Northern Donets. Mopping up
of the encircled Russians would be left to the men
of the 167th and 168th Infantry Divisions.
Zhukov and Vatutin accurately predicted the
German course of action and took preventative
steps. Strong forces were left to cover Prokhorovka


A Getting out and talking to the men was an

essential morale-boosting exercise. In this
picture, Army-General K.K. Rokossovsky and
the Central Front's Political Commissar,
Major-General K.F. Telegin, chat with a
distinctly nervous enlisted man.

and all available armoured reserves were sent to

relieve Trufanov and give General V.D.
Kryuchevkin's Sixty-Ninth Army time to extract
itself from the pocket.
Das Reich's attack began at 04:00 hours on 14
July; and the fighting was intense, as the history of
Das Reich testifies:
"Stolidly they accepted casualties from the
extensive minefields, across which they marched to
gain the high ground south-west of Pravorot. The
first houses in Belenichino, a village at the foot of
the high ground, were taken by midday, when the
fighting was from house-to-house and hand-tohand. Twelve of the Russian tanks which
intervened in the battle were destroyed by
grenadiers using hollow-charge grenades, while

overhead Stukas dive-bombed the Russians,
destroying their resistance inside and outside the
village. With Belenichino at last in German hands,
the grenadier battalions regrouped under the
protection of the panzer regiment whose
counterattacks threw the Russians back in
confusion. The panzer regiment then led the
division's attack for what remained of the day and
continued this throughout. But the attack which
began with good success during the night of the
15th lost momentum as heavy rain washed away
the road surfaces. Corps' other order, to regain
touch with III Corps, was accomplished when the
panzer regiment met the leading elements of 7th
Panzer. That junction surrounded the enemy forces
in the Gostischevo-Leski area and destroyed them."
But this optimism is followed by a much less
positive outlook:

"Despite this successful operation it was clear

that Citadel could not succeed, for on both the
northern and southern flanks the German advances
had not gained the ground expected of them and
there was still more than 130 kilometres (80 miles)
of trenches, minefields and Russian armour."
Although the Germans had sealed the pocket,
the greater part of the Soviet forces escaped and
the ranks of the panzer divisions were even thinner
than before. The Leibstandarte, for instance, on 15
July counted 57 tanks and 28 assault guns.

In the centre of this trio is Army-General

I.S. Konev, commander of the Steppe Front,

and to the right is Marshal G.K. Zhukov. It
was Steppe Front, acting in concert with
Voronezh Front, that was to strike at Army
Group South in Operation Rumiantsev.



Guards Scout Sergeant Frolchenko is a


Pictured here, consulting a map with a

typical veteran Frontovik, the Russian

local commander. General IM.F. Vatutin is

infantrymen who gave so much during the

pondering his next move. Vatutin was highly

Kursk fighting. The summer of 1943 was a hot

regarded by both Stalin and Zhukov. During

one, hence the leathery tan. However,

1944 Vatutin was killed by Ukrainian

Frolchenko seems more interested in lighting


up than being photographed for posterity.

Now Mansrein had his continuous front and

looked forward to shattering any Soviet riposte.
Indeed, behind the Russian lines the TwentySeventh and Fifty-Third Armies of Konev's Steppe
Front, plus the 400 tanks of XXXIV Guards Tank
and I Mechanized Corps, began assembling near
Oboyan and Prokhorovka, and the Forty-Seventh
Army moved into position behind Shumalov's
Seventh Guards Army. Zhukov and Vatutin were
preparing to go over to the offensive, and this
attack was timed to start on 17 July.
However, Hitler spared the Red Army the
effort. At midday on 17 July he issued an order
that II SS Panzer Corps should be withdrawn and
await transfer to Italy. Thus Operation Roland and
Manstein's hopes ended.
It was on 17 July that the Soviets launched
their next offensive against the eastern extremity of
Army Group Souths defences along the Rivers
Mius and Northern Donets near Izyum. The

purpose of this operation was to distract German

attention away from the arrangements being made
for the major Soviet summer offensive, Operation
Rumiantsev. The DonetsMius operation was
extremely successful in achieving its objectives as the
SS divisions Das Reich and TotenkopfvrsK sent to
the Mius, but the Leibstandarte departed to Italy.
However, it was the Soviet activities in front of
Orel that posed the clearest immediate threat.
Operation Kutuzov had begun on 12 July,
conducted by the Briansk Front attacking the nose
and southern flank of the salient, and the left wing
of the Western Front attacking along the northern
flank of the salient. Central Front was scheduled to
join in on 15 July, having rested and re-equipped
after its exhausting struggle with Model's Ninth
Army. The German defence of the Orel salient
rested on the shoulders of Lieutenant-General

A Surrounded by cameramen and reporters,

Major-General A.G. Kravchenko, commander of
V Guards Tank Corps, is presented with a medal
by Army General IM.F. Vatutin. To Vatutin's rear is
Nikita Khrushchev, future Soviet Premier, who
was at that time Member of the Military
Council for the Voronezh Front. Khrushchev had
played a significant, ruthless role during the
Kursk fighting.

This Guards tank crew, commanded by

Junior-Lieutenant A.F. Nilov, is proudly
walking to a medal award ceremony. The
enamel badge worn over the right pocket of
the gymnastiorka denotes the Guards status.
To the men's left is aT-34 Model 1941, with its
hatches and engine covers open for cleaning
and maintenance.

Rudolf Schmidt's Second Panzer Army. The title
Second Panzer Army was impressive, but its three
army corps, XXXV, LIII and LV, consisted of 14
infantry divisions with the 5th Panzer Division in
reserve, in total approximately 160,000 men and
350 tanks and assault guns. This was a drop in the
ocean when compared with the Soviet forces
ranged against them.
Whilst Operation Citadel had raged, General
VD. Sokolovsky, commanding the Western Front,
and General M.M. Popov, commanding Briansk
Front, had quietly gathered their forces to mount
attacks against the Orel salient. Western Front had
built up to 211,458 men, 4285 guns and mortars
and 745 tanks and self-propelled guns. The Briansk
Front had a spearhead of 170,000 men and over
350 tanks and self-propelled guns. Another newly
formed tank army, Third Guards, with 731 tanks
and self-propelled guns, was held in reserve. Stalin
and his advisors decided it was time to launch

Operation Kutuzov while the pressure on the

Voronezh and Central Fronts was at its height.
At 03:30 hours on 12 July, Soviet artillery
battered the German lines with a hurricane of fire.
Complemented by air attacks, the guns and
mortars of the Western and Briansk Fronts kept at
their work until just after 06:00 hours. By the
afternoon, the Eleventh Guards Army had pushed
into the German lines, only to be held up by the
5th Panzer Division. Nevertheless, by nightfall the
Soviets had forged 10km (7 miles) into the

A very smartly turned-out group of Russian

staff officers, looking more Tsarist than

proletarian, listen as Army General K.K.
Rokossovsky offers his thoughts on a
captured Ferdinand.The efficacy of the
Ferdinand's armour is apparent from the
three strikes it has taken. The broken track
had meant the end for this vehicle.


This mine-detector operator is clearly an

A female combat engineer team cuts

optimist considering his highly dangerous

through barbed wire defences during the Red

trade! As well as their own minefields, the

Army's pursuit of the Wehrmacht. The PPSh

advancing Red Army had to deal with freshly

submachine gun lies in readiness for action.

seeded German minefields. Many of the

German mine cases were made of glass,
plastic or wood to avoid magnetic detection.

German lines. Rokossovsky's order of the day on

12 July read:
"The soldiers of the Central Front who met the
enemy with a rampart of murderous steel and truly
Russian grit and tenacity have exhausted him.
After a week of unrelenting and unremitting
fighting they have contained the enemy's drive.
The first phase of the battle is over."
Fighting resumed the following day and further
success attended the Russians' efforts. Although
fighting desperately, the Germans had fallen back
15km (12 miles) along a front of 23km (17 miles).
The northern flank of the German line in the Orel
salient was in imminent danger of collapse.
Happily for Kluge, his local commander east of
Orel, Major-General Lothar Rendulic
commanding XXXV Corps, had prepared his
defences well, and deployed: "6 of his 24 infantry
battalions, 18 of his 42 artillery batteries, and 24
of his 48 heavy antitank guns opposite the narrow


attack sector." Radio intercepts and aerial

reconnaissance had provided Rendulic with an
extremely accurate picture of the Soviets' axis of
advance. The result of Rendulic's preparations was
the destruction of 60 Soviet tanks on 12 July for
the loss of 3 antitank guns. As the Briansk Front's
Chief of Staff later wrote:
"The first day of the offensive did not produce
appreciable success in the Briansk Front. In spite of
the powerful artillery and aviation support of the
attacking forces, on 12 July the front shock groups
penetrated only 58 kilometres [3.14.9 miles]
into the depths. The almost two years of enemy
preparation of the Orel salient had a telling effect.
Behind the first captured trench was a second, after
each occupied position there was another, and


A German prisoners as far as the eye can

see. Stalin decreed that no German prisoner
of war would return to Germany until
Stalingrad was rebuilt. Millions of Axis POWs
were engaged on reconstruction projects
throughout the USSR.

beyond each line another appeared. We did not

succeed in introducing the tank corps to battle on
July 12."
Model, now commanding the Second Panzer
Army as well as the Ninth Army, disengaged four
divisions - including the 12th, 18th, and 20th
Panzer Divisions from his sector of Operation
Citadel, and redeployed them to contain the Soviet

On 15 July Rokossovsky's Central Front, rested

and refitted, went over to the attack, and, although
unsuccessful, proved yet another drain on Model's
diminishing resources. The next day Model
ordered work to begin on fortifying the River


An essential element of the rearguard were

the antitank batteries. This is an interesting

gun as it is a hybrid Franco-German weapon.
The gun itself is the French Model 97 married
to the carriage of a German Pak (antitank
gun). The shell could penetrate 83mm (3.Bin)

For these Aryan supermen the war is over,

of armour plate at 822m (900yd).

and the Soviet Untermensch (subhumans) are

Manhandling was eased by the use of a castor

triumphant. The Wehrmacht's infantry were

wheel at the rear of the chassis. The

overstretched and outnumbered; surrender

perforated, drum-type muzzle brake was an

was preferable to a hero's death.

instant identifying feature.



Desna at the base of the Orel salient to cover the

vital rail junction of Briansk. This defence was to
be known as the Hagen Line.
However, further difficulties were to come
Model's way just two days afterwards. On 17 July
the fresh Soviet XXV Tank Corps threatened the
rear of his defences at Bolkhov. Two days after this,
the forces of Rybalko's XII and XV Tank Corps
attacked from the march and crossed the River
Oleshen. In the process, Rybalko's two corps had
gained a further 12km (9 miles) of territory on
behalf of the Soviet Union.
In order to stiffen the Wehrmacht's tesolve,
Hitler forbade any further withdrawals by Model's
forces, issuing his directives in a Fhrer order dated
20 July. The absurdity of Hitler's instruction was
made even more apparent when yet another Soviet
army, Fediuninsky's Eleventh, began to batter away
at the crumbling German line north of Orel on 21
July. On 22 July, Hitler's made a slight concession,
and offered Model the power to conduct a mobile
defence. With so many holes to plug, Model had

A This group of refugees is one of the luckier

ones. The village to which they have returned
looks relatively unscathed, and the Red Army
appears to have lent a hand. There is a
distinct lack of men, as the Red Army
recruited all the males from liberated areas
almost immediately after it had arrived.

already thrown into the line the 441st and 707th

Security Divisions, but both of these units were
incapable of resisting tanks.
By 25 July, the Third Tank Army had cut the
Orel-Kursk railway and was probing for a weak
spot in the German defences. However, STAVKA
was forced to modify its plans as a result of
Model's successful defensive operations. The
direction of the Russian thrust to envelop Orel was
changed from north and west to south-west.
Rybalko's Third Tank Army, with over 450 T-34s,
was redeployed to carry out this mission.
However, once again events in Italy intervened.
On 25 July Mussolini was arrested. Hitler,

determined to act rapidly, called Kluge once again
to the Wolfsschanze on 26 July, where he
announced that II SS Panzer Corps would leave for
Italy immediately, and that several other divisions
would follow on after it. To release these troops,
the Orel salient was to be evacuated as quickly as
possible. Despite Kluges protestations, Operation
Herbstreise, or Autumn Journey, would be
authorized on 28 July.
Supported by the recently arrived
Grossdeutschland Division, the Germans began to
pull back to the Hagen Line. Despite innumerable
partisan raids, the Germans managed to evacuate
trains full of the wounded and fresh supplies.
There was little threat from the Soviets at this
point. The plethora of Soviet formations involved
in Operation Kutuzov had led to a confusion in
the command and control system, and the
reorganization of their forces gave the Germans a
small, but valuable, breathing space. On 5 August,
Orel was finally evacuated.

Amidst the explosions of German demolition

charges, the city of Orel once more became Soviet.
Ten days later, the Germans had completed their
withdrawal behind the Hagen line. As a result of
Operation Kutuzov, the Red Army had eliminated
the Orel salient, but had failed to trap Army
Group Centre in what the Soviets had hoped
would be a "Super Stalingrad".
Now Stalin and his staff could turn their
attention to the main Russian offensive for the
post-defensive phases of the Kursk battles. This
offensive was called Operation Rumiantsev, and it
was to be a far more ambitious project than
Operation Kutuzov.

As the Red Army liberated more and more

of the Soviet Union, scenes like this were to

become a familiar sight. The young soldier is
holding his sisters whose village he has
helped to free. On the original caption he has
just been informed that his parents have died.


Defeat at Kursk meant Army Group South had no option hut to retreat to the
Dnieper. Despite the Fhrer's rantings that they not yield an inch of ground,
German troops fled west, with hundreds of Soviet tanks in pursuit.

itler's removal of II SS Panzer Corps from the

line allowed Manstein to shorten his front by
returning to the positions occupied on 5 July.
When the 3rd Panzer Division was sent south to
support the River Mius' defences, the German
forces before Belgorod and Kharkov were stretched
perilously thin. With Manstein distracted by the
Izium-Mius offensives, which had also drawn in
the Das Reich and Totenkopf Divisions, the stage
was set for Operation Rumiantsev.
The objectives for Operation Rumiantsev were
breathtaking in scale, amounting to the total
destruction of both the Fourth Panzer Army and

Sixth Army by reaching the Black Sea coast behind

them. The attacks by the Red armies were to be
phased over a period of time to prevent the

Armoured trains, although almost obsolete

due to airpower, still played an important part

by providing highly mobile fire support.
Dressed for cold weather in greatcoats and
fur caps, Russian infantry hurry past the
remains of one of their own trains captured
during 1941. The Red Army maintained the
largest fleet of these weapons systems well
into the Cold War era.


A Despite the vast increase in the availability

of motor transport, the Red Army still used
large numbers of horses. Drawing the panji
wagons, common throughout eastern Europe,
the redoubtable Russian horses could survive,
whereas those from the West perished in their
thousands. This picture features a ford across
the River Oka in central Orel.
^- Following elaborate preparations.
Operation Rumiantsev opened on 3 August.
Three weeks of savage fighting later, Kharkov
was once again in Russian hands. Here, a light
tank drives beneath a banner whose
proclamation reads: "Let us live in military
harmony the USA, UK, USSR."


Wehrmacht from drawing breath. The Soviet Union

was now possessed of the men, equipment and
experience to carry out such a rolling programme
of attacks. The immediate tasks were to recapture
Belgorod and Kharkov, and these devolved on the
Voronezh and Steppe Fronts. The method of
execution was to be simple; once again "Zhukov's


Often forgotten or overlooked is the

suffering of children in war. Here, a group

of young boys, all pre-teens, and probably
orphaned, tell tales of derring-do amidst the
ruins. Many such boys became members of
the Red Army simply to gain food and

bludgeon" was to be employed: massive hammer

blows by artillery, tanks and infantry applied in
such overwhelming numbers that no technological
or tactical subtlety could stand against them. Stalin
had hoped to launch Operation Rumiantsev on 23
July, by which time the Wehrmacht was back at the
pre-Citadel jumping-off positions, but was
persuaded otherwise by Zhukov, who argued that
an eight-day delay was necessary to bring Vatutin's
and Konev's forces up to strength.

Yet more Lend-Lease vehicles, this time

American White IV13A1 scout cars manned
by paratroopers of the 3rd Guards Airborne
Division. This Red Army reconnaissance
unit is about to move off towards the
ephemeral German defences west of Orel the Hagen Line.


A Orel was successfully evacuated, despite

the best efforts of the Central Partisan
Bureau to coordinate sabotage activities
during the first week of August. Orel was
liberated, but many of the population had
been forcibly evacuated by the Germans,
along with 20,000 of their own wounded. The
Russians made the most of the occasion,
parading with flags and flowers.

The postponement was granted and the time

was used efficiently. Of the seven Soviet armies,
four had been heavily degraded during the Kursk
battles. The tank armies were now brought up to
over 500 tanks each, and infantry replacements
poured in. When Operation Rumiantsev began,
Voronezh and Steppe Fronts had over 980,000
men, 2439 tanks and self-propelled guns, 12,627
guns and mortars and nearly 1300 aircraft, against
300,000 men, 250 tanks and assault guns, 3000
guns and mortars, and less than 1000 aircraft.
^ When the Red Army moved into Orel, they
were led to this mass grave. The decaying
corpses bear mute testimony to the brutality
of the Gestapo's operations in occupied
Eastern Europe.

To further distract the Wehrmacht's

intelligence-gatherers, maskirovka. (deception
operations) were undertaken along the southwestern flank of the Kursk salient. Dummy



Collaborators? Fascist sympathizers? These

A mine-clearance team moves cautiously

men, all civilians, have been summarily

through the rubble. The man on the left has a

executed for allegedly giving succour to the

"prodder" which it is hoped will detect non-

Germans. The advance of the Red Army

metal cased mines. The Germans were adept

provided an opportunity for some elements of

at littering areas with booby traps, as well as

the population to exact revenge on those who

mines. The casualty rate amongst engineers

had worked for the Nazi authorities.

such as these was unpleasantly high.


positions, false radio transmissions and increased

railway traffic diverted the 7th Panzer Division and
78th Infantry Division to the area, further
weakening the already truly threatened part of the
German line.
On 3 August, at 05:00 hours, the Russian
artillery overture began playing along the German
frontline. Three hours later, the Soviet artillery
rolled on to bombard the German rear and allow
the first ground attacks to go in. By the early
afternoon, the German lines had been penetrated
sufficiently for Vatutin to commit four tank
brigades to exploit the breach, which they did to a
depth of 25km (21 miles). By the end of the first
day, the Russians had driven a 10km (7-mile)
wedge between the Fourth Army and Army
Detachment Kempf.
However, Steppe Front had not been so
successful. Konev requested and received
reinforcements V Guards Mechanized Corps to
add weight to his attack. However, Manstein's
reaction was swift. The SS panzer divisions Das
Reich and Totenkopf were brought back from the
River Mius and, along with the battered 3rd
Panzer Division, were placed under III Panzer
Corps. This force was given instructions to halt the
Soviet armour north-west of Kharkov. Army
Detachment Kempf was reinforced by the 5th SS
Panzergrenadier Division Wiking.

A The only really effective natural defence

lines in the Ukraine were the waterways. This
section of scouts are keeping well under
cover. The western bank is noticeably higher
than the eastern, giving the German
defenders a considerable advantage. However,
the speed of the Russian pursuit seldom
allowed the Wehrmacht time to dig in.

If the Kursk battles had exhausted the

Wehrmacht, so too had they the Red Army.
Consequently, as the Soviet tanks pushed ahead
while their infantry plodded in their wake,
German formations dug in and fought the Red
infantry. Gradually, the gap between the Soviet
infantry and their tanks expanded dangerously.
Nevertheless, on 5 August Belgorod was liberated.
Coinciding as this event did with the recapture of
Orel, Stalin ordered a salute to be fired by the guns
of the Moscow garrison to celebrate these
triumphs. This tradition was to continue with
increasing regularity until the end of the war.
By 6 August the Sixth Guards Army had
broken through in the west, and the ripple effect of
Zhukov's plan spread wider. On 7 August
Bogodukov was taken by the Soviets, as was
Grayvoron. These penetrations threatened to
encircle the 19th Panzer Division and the remains
of the 57th, 255th and 332nd Infantry Divisions.



Lieutenant-General Gustav Schmidt, commanding

the 19th Panzer Division, was aware of the 50km
(35-mile) gap between the Fourth Panzer Army and
Army Detachment Kempf, but was unaware of just
how deep the Soviet penetrations were. Schmidts
force moved out to realign between Grayvoron and
Akhtyrka in a column several kilometres long. The
column was covered by the Luftwaffe, which
mounted mock attacks to convince any observers
that it was a Soviet tank force.
The ruse worked for some time, but finally
General Trofimenko, commanding the TwentySeventh Army in Grayvoron, realized that there
were no Soviet forces in that area. Immediately an
ambush was prepared in some woods through
which the column had to pass. Varentsov,
commanding Voronezh Front's artillery, directed
the guns of the Twenty-Seventh Army and, with
the aid of ground-attack aircraft, proceeded to
destroy Schmidt s force.
By mid-afternoon the road was a mass of
tangled lorries, tanks and guns shattered by the
Soviets. Red Army men ranged through the woods,
gathering prisoners. Schmidt was counted amongst
the dead. Only a few survivors made their way
through to link up with the elements of the
Grossdeutschland which had returned from its "fire
brigade" activities in the Orel salient.


A Here, a Land-Lease British Valentine tank

escorts lorry-borne infantry to a crossing point.
Finally, in the last days of September 1943, the
Red Army once again stood on the eastern bank
of the Dnieper River. The Wehrmacht hoped to
defend this great river and gain time to rest and
rebuild its strength, but the Red Army was not
prepared to grant this respite.

On 8 August Manstein was visited by Chief of

the Army General Staff Colonel-General Zeitzler. To
Manstein, the only issue now was the Soviet attempt
to destroy Army Group South. To deny the Russians
this result, territory had to be given up and the line
drastically reduced to enable the Wehrmacht to retain
control of the southern River Dnieper. Zeitzler
reported this viewpoint to the Fhrer.
Hitler's reply was to release the 3rd Panzer
Division from the south as the Russian offences
there had ended by 3 August. The 3rd Panzer
Division joined the Eighth Army, formerly Army
Detachment Kempf. The eastern suburbs of
Kharkov were penetrated by tanks of the Seventh
Guards Army, causing Manstein to consider the
Roman punishment of decimation for the men of
the 282nd Infantry Division that had collapsed and
allowed the Soviet incursion. The 6th Panzer
Division restored the situation. However, a similar

breakdown in discipline took place on 18 August,
when the 57th Infantry Division broke under
Soviet artillery fire.
The Totenkopf had, by 12-13 August, arrived in
sufficient strength to take on the overextended
troops of Katukov's First Tank Army, and in the
ensuing clash the First Tank Army lost 100 tanks.
Although the SS panzers had suffered considerably
at Kursk and the River Mius, Das Reich had
received all of the Leibstandarte's armour before the
latter went to Italy. The increasing strength of the
German forces kept open the roads and railway to
Kharkov, and these Manstein hoped to use to
evacuate the city. However, Hitler would not agree
to let Kharkov go, as, he said:
"The fall of the city could have serious political
repercussions ... the attitude of the Turks depends
on it. So does that of Bulgaria. If we give up
Kharkov, we lose face in Ankara and Sofia."

Manstein was not prepared to, as he put it,

...sacrifice six divisions for doubtful political
reasons ... I would sooner lose a city than an
In the face of Hitler's disapproval, Manstein
ordered the evacuation of Kharkov on 22 August,
along with the destruction of the city. Konev, in
order to trap as many Germans as possible and to
curtail the vandalism, ordered a night attack, but it
was too late. The Soviets liberated only blackened
ruins and took a handful of shell-shocked
prisoners. But, symbolic as Kharkov was to Stalin
and Hitler, to Manstein it was a concrete reality.

Not the Andrews Sisters! These Guards

tank men have just been awarded decorations
for bravery. The curly hair effect is achieved
by pulling down the sheepskin lining of their
tank helmets.


There was now nothing substantial to defend until
the River Dnieper and Kiev. Now, Army Group
South was faced with two grim choices: its men
could either defend where they stood; or they could
retreat as far as they could, all the while hoping that
the much-vaunted Eastern Rampart was not simply
an illusion which had been conjured up by Josef
Goebbels' propaganda wizards.
The Eastern Rampart was the name given to a
theoretically solid line of defences running from
Melitopol on the Black Sea to beyond Gomel,
some 800km (600 miles) to the north. For the
greater part ofthat distance, it followed waterways,
mainly the River Dnieper. It was described on
propaganda leaflets thus:
"Germany has clad the west bank of the
Dnieper in concrete and shod it with iron. We
have created an Eastern Rampart there,
impregnable as our Western Rampart on the

Throughout the autumn the Russians

pressed on into the Ukraine. However, not

The happy faces of these Russian children

in a newly liberated village on the way to
Belgorod need no further explanation. Two
years of Axis occupation were now over.


everyone in the liberated regions welcomed

the return of the Russians. Anti-Soviet
Ukrainian forces continued partisan
operations for almost a decade after the end
of World War II.

Atlantic. You [the Red Army] are being sent to
your deaths. Death awaits you on the Dnieper.
Stop before it is too late."
The section that ran from the Black Sea to the
River Dnieper was known as the Wotan Line and
protected access to the Crimea. However, although
construction work had been carried out, mainly by
forced, deported labour, it was the military
engineering of fantasy, but one to which the
scurrying Wehrmacht would cling with more and
more desperation during the next few weeks.
With Kharkov back in Russian hands, the
Soviets once more attacked along the River Mius,
and this time the Germans did not hold. To the
north, on the front of Army Group Centre
opposite Smolensk, the Western and Kalinin
Fronts opened their offensive, Operation Suvorov,
^- K.K. Rokossovsky had served as a cavalry
officer under the Tsar. During the years
following the revolution, he rose to command a
cavalry division, but was arrested as part of
Stalin's purge of the Red Army in 1937. On his
release from the Gulag in 1941, Rokossovsky
was given command of a mechanized corps.
The skillful leadership he demonstrated
between 1941 and 1942 drew him to the notice
of Stalin and Zhukov. However, his work at
Stalingrad and Kursk brought him to
international prominence. After the war, he
was appointed Poland's Minister of National
Defence between 1949 and 1956.
^ G.K. Zhukov had served in the Tsar's
cavalry. A firm supporter of communism, he
rose steadily through the ranks, avoiding the
horrors of the purges. Zhukov's military
reputation was made by his crushing defeat
of the Japanese in 1939. In 1941 he organized
the defence of Leningrad and led the Moscow
counteroffensive. Although Zhukov's
offensives of 1942 were failures, the fighting
at Stalingrad restored his reputation, and the
success achieved by the Red Army at Kursk
put him in an almost unassailable position of
influence. Although regarded as one of the
most successful leaders of World War II,
Zhukov was marginalized by Stalin, who was
jealous of his fame and popularity.


A In a scene that could be taken from

In the depths of the forest a pair of

Tolstoy's War and Peace, sabre-wielding

demolition experts lay charges to damage

Cossacks charge across the snow-covered

German communications. Throughout the

steppe to harry retreating Axis troops. In the

latter months of 1943, partisan activities

right circumstances, cavalry could prove

became more widespread, coordinated and

surprisingly effective, particularly against

effective. The Axis was forced to deploy more

groups of cold, hungry stragglers in the open.

and more troops to counter such operations.



A Abandoned German vehicles litter the

streets of liberated Russian towns and cities.
The speed of the Red Army's advance was, at
times, so rapid that the Germans had no time
to do more than abandon vehicles which
could otherwise have been salvaged. The StuG
III has been fitted with the wide Ostketten
(east tracks) which provided better weightdistribution in mud or snow.

on 7 August, to add even greater pressure to the

now hard-pressed Wehrmacht.
On 27 August Hitler travelled to Vinnista in
the Ukraine, where he was briefed by Manstein,
and agreed to the transfer of troops from Army
Group Centre to Army Group South. However,
the situation of Army Group Centre made any
transfers impossible. During the night of 27/28
August, two Soviet Corps broke through the Sixth
Army's defences and struck south towards
Mariupol which was on the Black Sea.
The date 3 September was the fourth
anniversary of the outbreak of war, and also the
day that Anglo-American forces landed on the
mainland of Italy. It was also the day on which
Manstein and Kluge met Hitler in East Prussia.
The results of the conference were limited: Kluge
was allowed to withdraw part of Army Group
Centre to the River Desna; and Manstein was
permitted to evacuate the Kuban bridgehead - the

one German foothold in the Caucasus and so

abandon the River Mius line
Three days later, the Soviet Third Guards Army
ripped a 36km (31-mile) wide hole between the
First Panzer Army and Sixth Army, and the Central
Front drove into the junction of Army Group
South and Army Group Centre. It was at this
point on 7 September that Manstein demanded
"forces or a free hand for further withdrawal to
shorter and more favourable sectors."
The next day Hitler arrived at Zaporozhye,
Manstein's headquarters on the banks of the River
Dnieper. Manstein suggested to the Fhrer the
withdrawal of Army Group Centre across the River
Dnieper to free troops that could man the Wotan
Line. Hitler refused this proposal, but he did agree
to transfer troops from Army Group Centre. Kluge
promptly vetoed this. Communications from
Manstein and Kluge to Hitler became increasingly
pessimistic. Finally, on 15 September, Hitler
capitulated and allowed Manstein and Kluge to
withdraw behind the Rivers Desna and Dnieper.
Only the Sixth Army would remain east of these
rivers and engage in holding the Wotan Line.
From the moment the order to retreat to the
rivers went out, the race to get across them was on.
On foot, in lorries, by any manner of means, the
Landser headed for the River Dnieper. Isolated
German units were washed away like sandcastles
on a beach by the flood tide of Russian armour.

It is perhaps fitting that the honour of reaching
the eastern bank of the River Dnieper first went to
men of Vatutin's 51st Guards Tank Brigade, who
arrived there late on 21 September. Four
Guardsmen paddled across and established a toehold
which expanded during the next three days to a
bridgehead of 31sq km (12 square miles). Men of
Rokossovsky's Thirteenth Army reached the river
north of Kiev on 22 September. During the next few
weeks the Red Army busied itself with dispatching
the last German pockets of resistance east of the
River Dnieper, redeploying their by now depleted
tank forces. Positions were established along the
eastern bank of the River Dnieper and further
bridgeheads set up on the western bank. At the end
of October, Field Marshal von Kleists Army Group
in the Crimea was cut off from Army Group South
as the River Shivash was crossed by Soviet troops.

The prize of Kiev

The next glittering prize for the Red Army was the
Ukrainian capital of Kiev. Since the beginning of
Russian history in the 11th century, Kiev had been
a centre of Slav culture, and Stalin was determined
that it should be returned to Soviet rule in time for
the 26th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution
on 7 November.
Kiev fell to the Russians in the early hours of 6
November. Men under Vatutin's command drove
the T-34s that moved cautiously into the city. Four
months and a day had passed since the opening of
Operation Citadel. During that time, the Red
Army had fought the cream of the Wehrmacht to a
bloody standstill on ground of its own choosing,
destroying forever the myth of German
invincibility, and liberating vast tracts of Soviet
territory from Nazi domination. The final German
comments come from Heinz Guderian, Inspector
General of Panzer Forces at this time:
"By the failure of Citadel we had suffered a
decisive defeat. The armoured formations,
reformed and re-equipped much effort,
had lost heavily both in men and equipment and
would now be unemployable for a long time to
come. It was problematical whether they could be
rehabilitated in time to defend the Eastern Front;
as for being able to use them in defence of the
Western Front against Allied landings that
threatened for next spring, this was even more



Josef Stalin, pictured here in 1946, was

the undisputed leader of the USSR

throughout World War II. Unlike Hitler, Stalin
had no frontline military experience to colour
his strategic thinking, and furthermore, he
placed more trust in his commanders,
allowing them a greater degree of latitude in
their operation, particularly after the crushing
defeat they had managed to inflict on the
Wehrmacht at Kursk.

questionable. Needless to say the Russians

exploited their victory to the full. There were to be
no more periods of quiet on the Eastern Front.
From now on the enemy was in undisputed
possession of the initiative."
Stalin's comment, made in a speech celebrating
the 26th Anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution
on 7 November 1943, was equally apposite:
"If the Battle of Stalingrad signalled the
twilight of the German-Fascist Army, then the
Battle of Kursk confronted it with catastrophe."
The road to Berlin and ultimate victory was a
long, hard one, and the men of the Red Army paid
a shocking toll to take their first steps along it. The
Battle of Kursk marked, to paraphrase Winston
Churchill: "the end of the beginning."


German Army formations

committed to Citadel
Army Group Centre (Field Marshal
von Kluge)

Army Group South (Field Marshal von


Ninth Army (Colonel-General W. Model)

XX Army Corps (General of Infantry Freiherr von Roman)
45th Infantry Division (Major-General Freiherr von
72nd Infantry Division (Lieutenant-General
137th Infantry Division (Lieutenant-General
251st Infantry Division (Major-General Felzmann)
XXIII Army Corps (General of Infantry Freissner)
78th Assault Division (Lieutenant-General Traut)
216th Infantry Division (Major-General Schack)
383rd infantry Division (Major-General Hoffmeister)
XLVI Panzer Corps (General of Infantry Zorn)
7th Infantry Division (Lieutenant-General von
31st Infantry Division (Lieutenant-General Hassbach)
102nd Infantry Division (Major-General Hitzfeld)
258th infantry Division (Lieutenant-General Hocher)
XLVII Panzer Corps (General of Panzer Troops Lemelson)
2nd Panzer Division (Lieutenant-General Lubbe)
6th Infantry Division (Lieutenant-General
9th Panzer Division (Lieutenant-General Scheller)
20th Panzer Division (Major-General von Kessel)
XLI Panzer Corps (General of Panzer Troops Harpe)
18th Panzer Division ( Major-General von Schleiben)
86th Infantry Division (Lieutenant-General Weidling)
292nd Infantry Division (Lieutenant-General von
Luftflotte 6 (Colonel-General von Greim)
1st Air Division (Lieutenant-General Deichmann)

Army Detachment Kempf (General of Panzer Troops

XI Army Corps (General of Panzer Troops Raus)
106th Infantry Division (Lieutenant-General Forst)
320th Infantry Division (Major-General Postel)
XLII Army Corps (General of Infantry Mattenklott)
39th Infantry Division (Lieutenant-General
161st Infantry Division (Lieutenant-General Recke)
282nd Infantry Division (Major-General Kohler)
III Panzer Corps (General of Panzer Troops Breith)
6th Panzer Division (Major-General von Hunersdorff)
7th Panzer Division (Lieutenant-General Freiherr von
19th Panzer Division (Lieutenant-General G.
168th Infantry Division (Major-General C. De
4th Panzer Army (Colonel-General Hoth)
II SS Panzer Corps (SS-Obergruppenfuhrer Hausser)
1st SS Panzergrenadier Division Leibstandarte
Adolf Hitler (SS-Brigadefhrer Wisch)
2nd SS Panzergrenadier Division Das Reich
(SS-Gruppenfhrer Kruger)
3rd SS Panzergrenadier Division Totenkopf
(SS-Brigadefhrer Priess)
XLVIII Panzer Corps (General of Panzer Troops von
3rd Panzer Division (Lieutenant-General Westhoeven)
llth Panzer Division (Major-General Mickl)
167th Infantry Division (Lieutenant-General
Panzergrenadier Division Grossdeutschland
(Lieutenant-General Hoerlich)
LII Army Corps (General of Infantry Ott)
57th Infantry Division (Major-General Fretter-Pico)
255th Infantry Division (Lieutenant-General Poppe)
332nd Infantry Division (Lieutenant-General
Luftflotte 4 (General of the Luftwaffe Dessloch)



Major Red Army formations

committed to Citadel
Western Front (Colonel-General V. D.

Voronezh Front (General of the Army

N. F.Vatutin)

Fiftieth Army (Lieutenant-General I. V. Boldin)

Eleventh Guards Army (Lieutenant-General I. K.
First Air Army (Lieutenant-General M. M. Gromov)
Front strength: 211,458 men, 4285 guns and mortars,
144 rocket launchers, 745 tanks and self-propelled guns
and 1300 aircraft

Thirty-Eighth Army (Lieutenant-General N. E.

Fortieth Army (Lieutenant-General K. S. Moskalenko)
First Tank Army (Lieutenant-General M. E. Katukov)
Sixth Guards Army (Lieutenant-General I. M.
Seventh Guards Army (Lieutenant-General M. S.
Sixty-Ninth Army (Lieutenant-General V. D.
Second Air Army (Lieutenant-General S. A. Krasovsky)
Front strength: 625,591 men, 8718 guns and mortars, 272
rocket launchers, 1704 tanks and self-propelled guns and
900 aircraft

Briansk Front (Colonel-General M. M.

Third Army (Lieutenant-General A. V. Gorbatov)
Sixty-First Army (Lieutenant-General P. A. Belov)
Sixty-Third Army (Lieutenant-General V. A. Kolpakchi)
Fifteenth Air Army Lieutenant-General N. F.
Front strength: 433,616 men, 7642 guns and mortars, 160
rocket launchers, 794 tanks and self-propelled guns and
1000 aircraft.

Southwestern Front (Army General R.

I. Malinovsky)
Fifty-Seventh Army (Lieutenant-General N. A. Gagen)
Seventeenth Air Army (Lieutenant-General V. A. Sudets)
Front strength: 65,000 men and 80 tanks. The number of
aircraft is unavailable.

Central Front (General of the Army K.

R. Rokossovsky)
Forty-Eighth Army (Lieutenant-General P. L.
Thirteenth Army (Lieutenant-General N. P. Pukhov)
Seventieth Army (Lieutenant-General L V. Galanin)
Sixty-Fifth Army (Lieutenant-General P. I. Batov)
Sixtieth Army (Lieutenant-General I. D.
Second Tank Army (Lieutenant-General A. G. Rodin)
Sixteenth Air Army (Lieutenant-General Rudenko)
Front strengths 711,575 men, 11,076guns and mortars,
246 rocket launchers, 1785 tanks and self-propelled guns
and 1000 aircraft


Steppe Military District (Steppe Front

from 9 July) (Colonel-General I. S.
Fifth Guards Tank Army (Lieutenant-General P. A.
Fifth Guards Army (Lieutenant-General A. S. Zhadov)
Fourth Guards Tank Army Lieutenant-General G. I.
Twenty-Seventh Army (Lieutenant-General S. G.
Forty-Seventh Army (Lieutenant-General P. M. Khozlov)
Fifty-Third Army (Lieutenant-General I. M. Mangarov)
Fifth Air Army (Colonel-General S. K. Goryunov)
Front strength: 573,195 men, 8510 guns and mortars,
1639 tanks and self-propelled guns. The number of aircraft
is unavailable.
The numbers quoted do not include Front reserves and
are taken from the returns for 1 July, four days before
the offensive began.


Losses at Kursk
The vast array of statistics that claim to represent
accurate measurements of the losses suffered by both
sides make for a study in their own right. I readily
acknowledge my debt to David Glantz and Jonathan
House for plundering their highly scholarly work,
The Battle of Kursk, in pursuit of recent, wellresearched figures.
Glantz and House quote, with reservations, from
Soviet and German records and freely state: "no
comprehensive tally has been made on the German
side...", and "...the circumstances of Soviet record
keeping were so chaotic that actual loss figures may
never be fully known." With these points in mind
readers are left to judge for themselves as the figures
provided can only be treated with circumspection.
Soviet Front


vehicles of which about 126 would be total losses and

Army Detachment Kempf would have suffered 336
damaged and 67 total losses. Ninth Army figures would
read as 647 damaged and 130 destroyed.
The total German panzer loss for Operation Citadel,
using the method outlined above, would be 1612
damaged and 323 irreparable losses.
Calculated in the same manner, Soviet tank and selfpropelled gun total losses would be 1614, five times
those of the Wehrmacht.
Losses for both sides during the post-Kursk operations
were roughly in the same proportions: one German for
five Russians. However, the Soviet Union was far more
capable of sustaining this ratio than the Third Reich.


The above figures include formations not directly

engaged in battle. When these formations are discounted
the percentage increases from 14 percent to between
20-70 percent in some heavily engaged formations.
When assessing tank and self-propelled gun losses the
Soviet sources give a figure of 1614 lost out of 5035
committed to action.
German losses between 5 and 20 July are:
Ninth Army: 20,720 men
Army Group South: 29,102 men
giving a total of 49,822. Again, the formation
commitment alters actual unit percentage losses.
German tank losses are also calculated by the calendar.
II S S Panzer Corps' tank and assault gun strength fell
form 494 on 5 July to 251 on 13 July, 50-60 being lost
at Prokhorovka alone.
By 13 July XLVIII Panzer Corps numbers, again
including assault guns, had dropped from 601 to 173.
Those of Army Detachment Kempf during the same
period fell from 326 to 83.
These figures can be deceptive, as not all armoured
vehicles were "total losses": many were recovered and
repaired. A rule of thumb calculation suggests that

between 15 and 20 percent would be actual write-offs.

Thus, Fourth Panzer Army had 629 damaged armoured



German tank aces at Kursk

That the German panzer force was technologically more
advanced than that of the Red Army is beyond doubt.
The capacity of the Tiger to absorb punishment.
combined with the range of its main gun, provided the
men who operated it with the opportunity to achieve
great things. The battle for Kharkov during the early
months of 1943 had earned the SS panzer troops an
excellent reputation. Kursk and the subsequent fighting
during the Soviet counteroffensives from August to
November 1943 confirmed their status as an elite
fighting force. From the ranks of these men there were
many who found fame and glory, but there were a few
who were elevated to the pedestal of tank ace. There is
no similar section for Russian tank heroes as theirs is a
story that remains To be told.
Michael Wittmann
Of all the German tank aces, one stands as first among
equals: SS-Untersturmfhrer (Second-Lieutenant)
Michael Wittmann, who commanded a Tiger troop of
the Leibstandarte during Operation Citadel. On the first
day of Citadel Wittmann's Tiger destroyed eight Soviet
tanks. It was Wittmanns troop that shattered the attack
of the 181st Tank Brigade at Prokhorovka on 12 July, a
remarkable achievement. During the Kursk battles
Wittmann and his crew claimed to have destroyed 30
tanks and 28 antitank guns. Before his death in
Normandy on 8 August 1944, Wittmann had accounted
for 138 tanks and 132 antitank guns, almost 20 percent
of which were gained during Operation Citadel.
Manfred von Ribbentrop
SS-Obersturmfhrer (Lieutenant) Manfred von
Ribbentrop, son of Hitler's Foreign Minister, fought in
the Leibstandartes panzer regiment at Prokhorovka. On
12 July Ribbentrop's tanks were attacked by a large
group of T-34s. As the range reduced to less than 175m
(200yd) the effectiveness of the German guns was
neutralized. The fighting was vicious and carried out at
close quarters. The claim of Ribbentrop and his crew, for
that day alone, was 14 Soviet tanks.


Franz Staudegger
It is to SS-Unterscharfhrer (Sergeant) Franz Staudegger
that the most remarkable performance in the Kursk
salient must be credited.
On 8 July Staudegger's Tiger was under repair at
Teterevino. A report arrived that some 50-60 Soviet
tanks were approaching. Staudegger and his men hurried
the repairs and set off to meet the Russians. During the
course of the morning this lone Tiger fought for two
hours, destroying 17 enemy tanks. The Soviets withdrew
to regroup. Staudegger followed and, catching the
Russians bunched in a gully, proceeded to destroy a
further five T-34s. With his ammunition gone
Staudegger withdrew. On 10 July Staudegger became the
first Waffen-SS Tiger commander to be awarded the
Knight's Cross.

Ailsby, Christopher. Images of Barbarossa. London: Ian Allan, 2001.
Bartov, Omer. Hitler's Army: Soldiers, Nazis and War in the Third Reich.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
Brett-Smith, Richard. Hitler's Generals. London: Osprey, 1976.
Carell, Paul. Hitler Moves East, 1941-1943. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1964.
Carell, Paul. Scorched Earth. New York: Ballantine, 1971.
Cooper, Matthew, and Lucas, James. Hitler's Elite, London: Grafton, 1990.
Cooper, Matthew, and Lucas, James. Panzer. London: Macdonald, 1976.
Cooper, Matthew, and Lucas, James. Panzergrenadier. London: Macdonald and Jane's, 1977.
Dunnigan, James. The Russian Front. London: Arms and Armour, 1978.
Forty, George. German Tanks of World War Two. London: Blandford Press, 1987.
Glantz, David M., and House, Jonathon. When Titans Clashed: How the Red Army Stopped Hitler.
Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Press, 1995.
Glantz, David M., and House, Jonathan. The Battle of Kursk. London: Ian Allan, 1999.
Glantz, David M., and Orenstein, Harold S. (translated and edited). The Battle of Kursk 1943: Soviet
General Staff Study. London and Portland: Frank Cass, 1999.
Guderian, Heinz (translated by Christopher Duffy). Achtung-Panzer! London: Arms & Armour, 1992.
Guderian, Heinz. Panzer Leader. London: Joseph, 1952.
Haupt, Werner. Army Group Center. Atglen, PA: Schiffer, 1998.
Healy, M. Kursk 1943. London: Osprey, 1993.
Jentz, Thomas, Doyle, Hilary, and Sarson, Peter. Tiger I. London: Osprey, 1993.
Jukes, G. Kursk: The Clash of Armour. London: Purnell's History of the Second World War,
Battle Book No 7, 1968.
Lehman, Rudolf. The Leibstandarte. Manitoba: JJ Fedorowicz, 1990.
Lucas, James. Grossdeutschland. London: MacDonald and Jane's, 1978.
Lucas, James. War on the Eastern Front: The German Soldier in Russia 194145- London: Greenhill, 1979.
Luck, Colonel Hans von. Panzer Commander: The Memoirs of Hans von Luck. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1989.
Mellenthin, F.W. von. Panzer Battles 1939--45: A Study in the Employment of Armor. London: Cassell, 1955.
Newton, Steven H. German Battle Tactics on the Russian Front 1941-45. Atglen, PA: Schiffer, 1994.
Nipe, George. Decision in the Ukraine. Manitoba: JJ Fedorowicz, 1996.
Reynolds, Michael. Men of Steel. Staplehurst: Spellmount, 1999.
Rokossovsky, K., A Soldier's Duty. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1985.
Sadarananda, Dana. Beyond Stalingrad. New York: Praeger, 1990.
Seaton, Albert. The German Army, 1933-1945. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1982.
Sydnor, Charles. Soldiers of Destruction: The SS Death's Head Division, 19331945.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1977.
Williamson, Gordon. The SS: Hitler's Instrument of Terror. London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1994.
Ziemke, Earl E Stalingrad to Berlin. Washington, D.C.: US Government Printing Office, 1968.



Italic page numbers refer to illustrations.

antiaircraft guns
German 12, 32, 34, 38, 41, 120,

151, 186
Soviet 98, 157
antitank guns
German 31-2, 38, 41, 42, 70

Soviet 56-7, 58, 60-2, 99, 104,

110, 139
antitank rifles 78, 84, 85, 100, 102
artillery 81

German 73, 76, 93

Soviet 60, 88, 90, 95, 98, 145
Baklanov, Major-General G.V. 178
Barbarossa, Operation 6-7, 30-1, 121
Belgorod 17-18,20,23, 209
Bell P-39 Airacobra 123-5
Blau (Blue), Operation 8-17, 9
Blitzkrieg 30, 42-3
Bobrik 79-81, 103-4
Bol'shie Maiachki 114, 155, 156
Bumble Bee (Hummel) 38, 41, 48
Burdeiny, General 168, 187
Burkov, Major-General V.G. 157, 160,
cavalry 14, 20, 55, 105, 110, 214
Chuikov, Lieutenant-General V.I. 11,
12, 17
Churchill Mark 3 29, 57
Degatyarev DP light machine gun 81,
Dnieper, River 7, 17, 18, 212-13,
Donets, River 8, 9, 19, 20, 23
Eastern Rampart 212-13
Elefants 36
Enshin, Major-General M.A. 133-6

Ferdinand^, 47, 81, 98, 139-41, 161,

169, 188, 198
flamethrowers 37, 83, 176
Focke-Wulf Fw 190 38, 44, 118, 119,
120, 123, 129, 157
German armies
First Panzer Army 9, 215
Fourth Panzer Army 20, 23, 48,

85, 87-91, 106-17, 146-59, 187,

204, 209-10


Ninth Army 45-8, 75, 79-86,

92-105, 132-45, 135, 190
Second Panzer Army 20, 23, 26-7,
Sixth Army 8-10, 12-17, 204,
German corps

II SS Panzer Corps 40, 48, 71,

107-9, 146-8, 155-9, 191-7
Kharkov 19-23
Oboyan 112-15
Prokhorovka 160-75, 180-9
start of Citadel 74-5, 87-91
withdrawal 203
III Panzer Corps 48-9, 158,
162-4, 174, 177-8, 187-9,
XLI Panzer Corps 47, 79, 103
XLVII Panzer Corps 79, 96-7,
98-103, 104
XLVIII Panzer Corps 20, 48, 74,
80, 87, 107, 115, 117, 146-58,
160-4, 174, 187, 193-4
XXIII Corps 47, 79
XXIV Panzer Corps 49, 191
XXXV Corps 198-200
German divisions
1st SS Panzergrenadier Division
Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler 38, 161,
Kharkov \9, 22
Oboyan 112-13
Prokhorovka 155-6,
164-74, 179-89, 192
start of Citadel 74, 88
2nd Panzer Division 47, 96,
103-4, 137, 144
2nd SS Panzergrenadier Division
Das Reich 19, 38, 86, 189, 192-7
Oboyan 106, 112-13
Prokhorovka 156-8, 161,
164-7, 174, 185-7
start of Citadel 74, 88
3rd Panzer Division 48, 74, 87,
106-8,161, 163,187, 193, 204,210
3rd SS Panzergrenadier Division
Totenkopf'38, 160, 161, 767,
191-2, 197
Kharkov 19, 211
Oboyan 114-15
Prokhorovka 155-7,
164-74, 184-5, 189
start of Citadel 74, 88
4th Panzer Division 47, 139, 142,

5th SS Motorized Infantry

Division Wiking 20, 49, 191, 209
6th Infantry Division 47, 81, 142,
6th Panzer Division 48, 89, 115,

158-9, 164, 177-8, 210-11

7th Panzer Division 48, 89, 115,
158-9, 164, 192-3, 195, 209
9th Panzer Division 10, 47, 101
10th Panzergrenadier Division 47,
103, 139, 141
11th Panzer Division 10, 48, 74,

87, 106-8, 148-50, 161, 163-4,

18th Panzer Division 47, 103, 133
19th Panzer Division 48, 89, 115,

158-9, 164, 178, 192-3, 209

20th Panzer Division 47, 79-81,

103-4, 137, 142, 144

86th Infantry Division 47, 103
167th Infantry Division 48, 74,
87, 161
168th Infantry Division 48-9, 158
282nd Infantry Division 49,
292nd Infantry Division 47, 103,
332nd Infantry Division 87, 161,
503rd Heavy Panzer Detachment
49, 158
505th Heavy Tank Battalion 47,
81, 96, 98
Army Detachment Kempf 48-9,

87-9, 91, 115, 117, 158-9,

164-5, 174, 177-8, 209-10
Grossdeutschland Panzergrenadier
Division 10, 35, 41-2, 48, 74, 80,

87, 106-12, 148-55, 151, 161-4,

187, 193-4
Getman, Major-General A.L. 152, 164
Gring, Hermann 14, 121
Gorynov, General S.K. 126
Grizzly Bear (Brummbr) 38, 43, 47,
Guderian, Colonel-General Heinz 7,
32, 33-4, 36, 216
Hagen Line 202, 203
Hausser, Paul 19, 71, 87-90, 114, 158,
161, 173-4

Heinkel He 111 40, 44, 120, 128-9

Heinkel He 177 40, 46
Henschel Hs 129 38, 119-20, 157
Hill 247.2 111-12

Hill 252.2 171, 172, 174
Hill 253.3 139-41
Hill 257 142-4
Hill 274 95, 98, 142, 144
Hitler, Adolf 18-19, 24-5, 28, 210-11
Barbarossa 6, 7
Blau 8, 10, 11
Orel 202
preparations for Citadel 41, 49
Sicily 166-7

Stalingrad 13-14, 17
start of Citadel 72
tank production 33, 34
withdrawal 190-1, 196, 202-3,
Hornet (Rhinoceros) 38, 49
Hoth, Colonel-General Hermann 48,

85, 87-90, 106, 134, 164-5, 176,

howitzers 38, 41, 43, 117, 147
Hummel (Bumble Bee) 38, 41, 48
Ilyushin 11-2 (Shturmovik) 15, 69, 97,
120, 123, 125, 127-30, 128, 130,
Ilyushin 11-4 126
Junkers Ju 87 Stuka 38, 40, 45,
118-20, 129, 173
Junkers Ju 88 40, 47, 120, 128-9
Katukov, Lieutenant-General M.E. 147,

152, 160, 164, 169, 177, 187,

193, 211
Katyusha rocket launchers 60, 66, 88,
98, 133, 153
Kempf, General Walter 48-9, 164-5,
Kharkov 8, 9, 17-18, 19-23, 21-2, 26,
50, 191,205, 206, 209-11
Khrushchev, Nikita 60-1, 91, 159, 197
Khudyakov, General 128, 129, 130
Kluge, Field Marshal Gnther von 23,
46, 190, 215
Knobelsdorff, Lieutenant-General Otto

von 80, 107, 146, 147, 155, 160,

161, 164
Konev, General I.S. 53, 117, 130, 133,
Kravchenko, Major-General A.G. 160,
168, 187, 197
Krivoshein, Major-General S.M. 108,
152, 162, 164
Kutuzov, Operation 189, 190,
197-200, 203
KV-1 heavy ranks 25, 32, 55-6, 58,
KV-2 assault gun 57

L6/40 light tanks 13

Lavochkin La-5 51, 69, 118, 119, 123

Lend-Lease scheme 56-7, 123, 155,
Leningrad 6, 7, 26, 27
List, Field Marshal Wilhelm 10
"Lucy" 51-2, 72
Luftwaffe 14, 15, 38-40, 75-8, 104-5,
106, 118-31
Lukhanino 107-8, 112

M3 Lee tank 56, 57

M3A1 White scout cars 755, 206
machine guns
German 49, 106, 145
Soviet 11, 55, 68, 81, 89, 91-2,
102, 132, 136, 140, 152-3
Maloarkhangelsk 62, 79, 81, 103, 105,
Manstein, Field Marshal Erich von
18-23,23,48, 161, 161, 209-11
Operation Roland 196
Prokhorovka 176, 189
Stalingrad 14, 17
tactics 45
withdrawal 190-1, 204, 215
Marder III 38, 42, 183
Mars, Operation 23
Maxim machine gun 89, 152, 153
Mellenthin, General FW. von 152,
Messerschmitt Bf 109 38, 119, 120,
123, 129
MG 34 machine gun 49, 145
MG 42 machine gun 106
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-3 727, 143
mines 65-6, 72-4, 81, 81, 87, 102,
147, 199, 208
Mius, River 17, 19, 204, 209, 213, 215
Model, Colonel-General Walther 95-6,
97, 101, 105, 190
Olkhovatka 144
Orel 200-2
Ponyri 137, 139-41
start of Citadel 75,79
tactics 45
mortars 59, 77, 82
Mosin-Nagant rifle 18, 51, 137
Mussolini, Benito 25, 28
Nebelwerfer rocket launcher 878, 99,
177, 191
Northern Donets, River 75, 89, 177-8
Oboyan 62, 87, 92, 106-17, 146-8,

160-4, 168, 174, 187

Olkhovatka 93, 95, 98, 98, 105, 132-3,
137, 142-4
Orel 18, 20, 23, 51, 189, 190,
197-203, 207, 209

Panzer II 31, 38
Panzer III 37, 40, 71, 108, 167
Kharkov 22
preparations for Citadel 47
production 31-2, 34, 37, 189
Prokhorovka 183, 185
tactics 45
Panzer IV 31-4, 36, 37-8, 45, 47,
107-8, 143, 170, 185
Panzer V Panther 30, 34-6, 34, 42, 48,
87, 773, 180
Panzerfaust 41
partisans 57, 55, 64, 65, 68, 70, 126,
Paulus, Colonel-General Friedrich
9-10, 12-14, 16, 17
Pe-2 720, 727, 724, 129
Pena, River 107, 154-5, 160, 162
Pokrovka 87, 114, 147, 155-6, 164
PolikarpovI-16 737
Ponyri 81, 93, 95, 103, 703, 105,
Popov, Major-General A.F. 117, 157,

167, 175, 779

Popov, General M.M. 17, 51, 198
PPSh submachine gun 77, 55, 68, 102,
132, 136, 140
Prokhorovka 91, 114, 117, 130, 154,
155-6, 160, 762, 164-89
Psel, River 164, 166-8, 171, 174, 179,
184, 187
PTRD antitank rifle 60, 78, 84, 85,
PTRS antitank rifle 78, 84
Pukhov, Lieutenant-General N.P. 81,
128, 139
Rendulic, Major-General Lothar
Rhinoceros (Nashorn) (Hornet) 38, 49
rocket launchers 60, 66, 87-8, 98, 99,
133, 753, 777, 191
Rokossovsky, General K.K. 18, 20-3,
51,53, 194, 198,213
Olkhovatka 92-8, 104
Orel 199
Ponyri 139
start of Citadel 72, 75, 81, 86-7
Roland, Operation 193, 194, 196
Romanian unirs 13, 15, 76", 25
Rostov 9, 10, 17
Rotmistrov, Lieutenant-General P.A. 55,

117, 160, 165, 168-71, 173-5,

177-8, 181-3, 185, 189
Rumiantsev, Operation 7.95, 197, 203,
Rzhavets 177-8, 189
Samodurovka 93, 95, 103-4, 137, 139,
142, 144



Schmidt, Lieutenant-General Gustav

Schmidt, Rudolf 198
Sd KFz 222 atmouted car 7
Sd Kfz 232 7, 29
Sd Kfz 251 armoured personnel carrier
71, 108, 184
Shtemenko, Major-General S.M. 523
Shumilov, Lieutenant-General M.S. 158
Smolensk 18, 26-7
Sokolovsky, Colonel-General V.D. 51,
Soviet armies
FiFth Guards Army 160, 167-71,
177, 189
Fifth Guards Tank Army 90, 146,
160, 162, 164-5, 168-75, 177,
182, 188
Fifty-Third Army 196
First Tank Army 90, 146-7, 160,
168-9, 177, 189,211
Forty-Eighth Army 79, 103
Forty-Seventh Army 196
Fourth Tank Army 160
Seventh Guards Army 89, 177
Seventieth Army 81, 87, 93
Sixth Guards Army 147, 159, 164,
177, 189, 209
Sixty-Fourth Army 20, 23
Sixty-Second Army 11, 12, 20
Third Guards Tank Army 198,
Thirteenth Army 79, 81, 103,
128, 137, 139, 216
Twenty-Seventh Army 92, 196,
Soviet corps
II Guards Tank Corps 146, 168,
169, 174-5, 187
II Tank Corps 87, 114, 117, 146,
157, 167, 169-71
III Mechanized Corps 107-14,
117, 146, 152-4, 162-4
IX Tank Corps 87, 93
V Guards Mechanized Corps 175,
V Guards Tank Corps 112-13,
146, 156-7, 160, 168, 187, 193
VI Tank Corps 111, 146, 152,
163-4, 193
VII Guard Cavalry Corps 20
XTank Corps 146, 157, 160, 164,
167, 187, 193
XIX Tank Corps 93, 103-4
XL Rifle Corps 177
XVI Tank Corps 93, 95-6
XVII Guards Rifle Corps 87, 93,
96-7, 141-4
XVIII Guards Rifle Corps 87, 93


XVIII Tank Corps 173, 174, 184

XXII Guards Rifle Corps 187
XXIXTank Corps 173, 174-5,
XXXI Tank Corps 90, 117, 146,
XXXV Guards Rifle Corps 158
Soviet divisions
3rd Guards Airborne Division 139
4th Guards Airborne Division 139
9th Guards Airborne Division
168, 171-2, 174, 182
13rh Guards Rifle Division 178
15th Rifle Division 81, 96
51st Guards Rifle Division 90,
112, 113-14, 168
52nd Guards Rifle Division 88,
106, 168
67th Guards Rifle Division 87,
106, 108, 162
70rh Guards Rifle Division 96-7,
137, 142
71st Guards Rifle Division 87
73rd Guards Rifle Division 115
75th Guards Rifle Division 96-7
81sr Guards Rifle Division 115,
90rh Guards Rifle Division 87,
107, 108, 111
93rd Guards Rifle Division 90-1
95rh Guards Rifle Division 168,
171, 172
97th Guards Rifle Division 168
106th Infantry Division 158
162nd Infantry Division 145
175th Guards Rifle Division 137,
307th Rifle Division 103, 132,
320th Infantry Division 158
375th Guards Rifle Division 88
Speer, Albert 32, 33-4
Stalin, Josef 29, 92-3, 216
Belgorod 23, 209
Blau 9, 10
Oboyan 117
Orel Bulge 145
preparations for Citadel 50-5
Rumiantsev 206
starr of Citadel 75, 91
Stalingrad 6, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11-17, 11,
24-5, 50
Sturmgeshtz HI (SruG III) 22, 31, 34,
37-8, 39, 47-9, 71, 135, 151, 215
SU-76 56-7, 59-60, 104, 141
SU-122 57-60
SU-15256, 59, 73
Suvorov, Operation 213-15
Syrtsevo 112, 148, 150, 154

T-34 18, 24-5, 90, 109, 112

Kharkov 21
markings 152
Model 1941 116
Model 1942 55
Model 1943 13, 115, 116, 134
Oboyan 112-13
production 32, 33, 556
Prokhorovka 162, 181, 182
rank troop organizarion 59
tank desant troops 19,24, 111, 117,
182, 183
Telegin, Major-Gneeral K.F. 194
Teploe 137, 139, 142, 144
Tiger 33, 34-5, 98, 166
Oboyan 112-13
Ponyri 135
preparations for Citadel 42, 47
Soviet defences against 56, 601,
start of Citadel 86, 87
tactics 43-5
Timoshenko, Marshal S. K. 8,9,10
Trufanov, General K.G. 175, 178, 187,
189, 192, 194
Tupolev SB-2 124, 126
Uranus, Operation 13, 23
Valentine 56,210
Vasilevsky, Marshal A.M. 75, 91,
116-17, 168-9, 173, 181-2,
Vatutin, General N.F. 29,51, 146-7,

164, 193-4, 196-7

Kiev 216
Oboyan 106, 116-17
Operarion Rumiantsev 209
Prokhorovka 167-9, 174, 177,
starr of Citadel 72, 75, 90, 91
Verkhopen'e 155, 162
Wasp (Wespe) 38, 43
Yakovlev Yak-9 69, 113, 123, 125, 125
Zhadov, General A.S. 160, 168, 177
Zhukov, Marshal G.K. 8, 23, 189, 194,
195, 213
air force 127
Operarion Rumianrsev 206
Orel Bulge 145
prepararions for Ciradel 51, 52,

starr of Citadel 75, 91
Utanus 13
ZiS-3 guns 60, 88, 94


Lavishly illustrated volume on the greatest tank battle in history

Contains over 300 photographs, the majority previously unpublished,
sourced from Russian archives
Concise and clear text written by an expert on the Red Army in World
War II

Includes first-hand accounts from Russian and German soldiers who took
part in the battle
Detailed appendices on the orders of battle of the German and Soviet
forces and their casualty figures
Includes details on the lesser-known aerial aspect of the Battle of Kursk


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