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1. What do emergency experts think about using candles?

A. Its perfect when a outage happen.

B. It is not recommended.
C. It may be recommended.
D. Recommended in every cases.
2. In the opinion of Dr. Emery, why is dangerous using candles ?
A. Because of the mix of gases.
B. Because of the pollution.
C. Because of amassing gases.
D. The highest number of candles burned.
3. What is the best way of communication in peak hours?
A. Calling.
B. Texting.
C. Networking.
D. Avoid any kind of communication.
4. What is the most important recommendation from Department of Agriculture?
A. Keep all groceries independently from refrigeration cares.
B. Eating everything after food became perishable.
C. Dont consume anything after some hours out from fridge.
D. Celebrate a barbecue party to use all the groceries.
5. What the text says about the grown of microorganisms ?
A. They prefer highest temperature.
B. The ideal temperature of grown is around 40 F.
C. The limit temperature of grown is 40 F.
D. There isnt any relationship between grown and temperature.
6. Condiments as mayonnaise have to :
A. Be inside refrigerator or similar.
B. Be inside the larder or similar.
C. Throw when we dont want it.
D. Conserve at room temperature.
7. What is the most common accident in outages?
A. Crash accidents.
B. Electrical burns.
C. Falling down because someone trip me.
D. Falling down and other kind of accidents.
8. What we dont need in the blackout survival kit?
A. Five litres of water.
B. Cans for pets and humans.
C. Torches with batteries.
D. Recent contact list.

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