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Ethos, Logos and Pathos


This is an example
Pathos advertisement. I
can see that the advert
is trying to make us feel
sad and sympathy
because the advert uses
a small, sad, starving
child on it to pull on our
heartstrings which will
make us want to help
out with the service.

This is an Ethos
advertisement. I can see
that to make people
want to buy their things,
they will put somebody
famous on the advert to
make people think that
if its good enough for
*famous celebrity* then
I must be good enough
for me.

This is a Logos
advertisement. In these
kinds of adverts, it uses
facts and numbers to sell
its products. In this
advert, it says that it
reduces plaque up to
98% which shows that
the product does
actually work. This
advert can also be an
ethos advert because it
has a professional
looking person on it.

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