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Fel6cen10ls,o1 Submitted by: Govemmental Affairs Committee Recommended by: Committee of the Whole ORDINANCE NO. WHEREAS, the Birmingham City Councit is the legislative branch of the City government, having the responsibility to review and adopt legislation that is for the greater good of the citizens of Birmingham; and WHEREAS, the Birmingham City Council under Section 11-43-56, Code of Alabama 1975, has the ‘management and control of the finances and all of the property, real and personal, belonging to the City; and WHEREAS, the Council's objective is to exercise the aforementioned authority and to streamline this process and to ensure the best outcome for the citizens of Birmingham by ensuring that the Council will have access to all facilities, equipment and resources necessary to perform the duties of the Council NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, that it shall be the policy of the City of Birmingham that the Mayor shall cooperate and assist in facilitating work authorized by the Council, and the Mayor shall also provide access for the Council and its staff to facilities, equipment, and resources necessary to perform the Council's duties. ADOPTED this day of 2016, Fel6ccn101s.02 Submitted by: Governmental Affairs Committ Recommended by: Committee of the Whole ORDINANCE NO. WHEREAS, the Birmingham City Council is the legislative branch of the City government, having the authority to review and adopt the General Fund and Capital Fund budgets annually to ensure the uninterrupted operations of the City, as well as, the authority to approve amendments and/or transfers recommended by the Mayor; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it necessary to stay fully informed of the operations of the various departments, as necessary, in order to make thorough decisions during the budget process that affect the day-to-day operations of the City and for future fiscal year budget discussions; and WHEREAS, the budget process is continuous and it takes twelve (12) months to complete a fiscal cycle. The budget process is governed by Article V of the 1955 Mayor-Council Act as amended. On a day to be fixed by the Council, but in no case later than the 20th day of May in each year, the ‘mayor shall submit to the Council: (a) a separate current revenue and expense budget for the general operation of the city government, to be known as the "general fund budget”; (b) a budget for each public utility owned and operated by such city; (c) a capital budget; and (a) a budget message; and WHEREAS, the Council finds it imperative to receive timely information that will allow greater understanding as to how the departments operate financially; and believes transparency is key to making further budgetary decisions. In accordance with the Mayor-Council Act of 1955 as amended under Section 4.06 the Mayor is required to prepare and submit to the Council such reports as may be required him “or her”; and WHEREAS, the Council has established a committee process for departmental reporting. Respective chairs and members are updated, as necessary, or as requested by the committee chair to discuss budgetary needs and items that will potentially warrant approval by the full Council. The Couneil finds that this process is essential in fully understanding the budgetary operations of the various departments; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, that it shall be the policy of the City of Birmingham, under of the Mayor-Council Act, that it shall be the duty of the Mayor to submit to the Council the General Fund and Capital Fund budgets by May 1* of each fiscal year Furthermore, the Mayor or his/her designee shall provide presentations of the requested reports to the assigned Council committees as necessary to estimate the projections of expenditures for that department, office or agency, for the ensuing fiscal year in which the committee may require to be submitted thereon. Such projections shall be submitted and it shall be the duty of the Mayor to provide all information related to the performance of City programs to ensure that City resources are utilized in a manner that provides the highest quality of services to its citizens. I i Budget Reporting Process: Noticing ‘The Council President or the Committee Chair will serve notice to the Mayor to appear, in person cr through his/her designee, before the assigned committee to give a comprehensive operational and financial report. Said notice shall be provided at least fourteen (14) days prior to the committee meeting, The notice will consist of the date, time, and place to appear before the assigned com Comprehensive Financial Report ‘The Comprehensive Financial Report will consist of a written report of information related to the departments that will answer the following questions at a minimum: 1, Does the department project any future needs and/or expenses that will exceed approved budget? If'so, in what account and what amount, 2. If your response to question { is yes, please explain the funding required, the purpose and a proposed remedy to reduce such expense going forward (or justification for future appropriation for such expense in future budgets), 3. _Lisvidisouss cost-cutting initiatives in the department that could reduce expenditures and the possible consequences of implementation of the proposal 4. Does your department have any additional budgetary requests for new initiatives in next, year’s budget? Reporting ‘The Mayor o his/her designee will give a written and verbal report before the noticed committee consisting of the following information: ‘The Department's Mission and Function Budget Highlights / Funding Request Department's Performance, Challenges and Current/Future Initiatives, Accomplishments Other Budgetary Impacts (Not Operating Funds) Closing Remarks and Questions from the Committee wauN= BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the Mayor or his/her designee shall report to the following. committees in order to give reports, as necessary, related to the operational and financial updates: J

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