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MALAYSA © JANUARY & FEBRUARY | 2016 SPECIAL PROMOTION: NEWLIFE™’S KIDS KLENZ HSHEH: Sek OTDM ' “_ aw 7 Daily Detoxification Ki d for pie Health & Vitality! l neys 2S wnan: The Unsung Heroes Pgl2 4+ SER - & Po4 SOR , Detoxification is necessary for growing-up children to remain healthy HEARS itm Why your child needs KIDS KLENZ Att LDR EMEA? Think about the chemicals used in processed foods and fast foods. Think ALAS LS ie OAH CE RT about the toxins in laundry products, personal care products, household. FABRE. RAWAM. CREE. Cleaning products, pesticides in the home, food, and the environment. SRRUERR AB RA 198 38) HAR INLA B? Your child needs detoxication just as much as the aduits! FR AAA ARES ELIE! NewLifem™’s Kids Klenz EMRE ‘Arnatural plant fibre supplement formulated especially for children. + THRMMG EAT M RARER. ‘+ Promotes healthy bowel movement. + iE RIE. * Contains 2 prebictthat supports aheathy ervronmentin the gastointestin) -«* RANE Te, SARA RAMIRIRAN UAE, BL tract, and enhances the immune system. MBER. ‘= Natural appatite regulator. + RRR. ‘= Enhancos digestion and assimilation of nutrients + Ra ORO ILA. * Contains both soluble and insoluble fibres for maximum efficacy and «* ST FIAMESSS HEATER, CLS RAR AUNT counteracts the fore deficiency found in most children. Sram HO. ‘Contains apple pectin that helps to remove heavy-metal toxins. + STSER, HAMAR EMBR. ‘= Naturally favoured and sweetened + ADU AIA (Read page 13 for more details) CaS Ra Sms) Now purchase 1 box of Kids Klenz Fame TREE M ult} to purchase 1 box of Immuflora OR 1 bottle of Propolplus at 30% off ck 4) OR EP es 8 a le Peet tt EAL il Terms & conditions: ‘tian: {Promotion pod 1 Jarwary 29 February 2086 1 Rima. 2016618128208, 2.50% ascaunte tem ear no EMP 2 OMAR RARE RET OAGH 5 80% deccuntes tem care fal PV ana 80% 2 3. SOMSIT RA Re SICA 4. Ofer wie socks st ers 5. Goods si are not elunable or exchangeable Sun, Brae, 5. Net apploabie win other pomatons, Quantty Discounts, er APP ca, 6 FARSKEREAARM. MERMROMTRHAE. 7. Ober tems ana cantons app 7, ete) 1. RowLie™ reste the right to amen the ems and constions without por nok. 2 RESRUMNATRETENTAR ENED. BARN. 2 UFELINE-vaN& FEB 2016 QNEWLFE “contents a JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2016 2016 1A R2A Hh ORS Te Pea Bt lea ON THE COVER sai OG. Kidneys. The Unsung Heroes Rie - We are very pleased to announce our newly appointed Stockist in Hong Kong - § Elements. HIGHLIGHTS #5 Organizer Ltd. For any product enquiries or purchases in this region, please contact them at 08 Testimony: Natural Way of Eliminating SEN CER aCe ceaneeeiee oe Stones HB EARARAA. KEMERAC REE TUE: WBA E HR BARRAGE, TLR A, 09 Leadership Summit 2016 iota a 2016 Hae eS Mobile | F#URRH S88: +852 9095 3118 Hotline or order | STAM: + 852 6220 1838 1 0 Post Event: NewLife™ Health Retreat at Awana Hotel, Genting Highlands Jeannie Chan Besta BAR. HEME MAREE ORES Mobile | #UNKs#-S18: +852 9208 0243 Hotline or order | sTis#A#t: +852 6220 1698 “1 D Daly Detoxication for Bete Health & Vay RRS, AGERR. BABA! +1 4. Regain a Clearer Complexion with Annemarie Bérlind Sun Protection RRMA, LEELA ALR 1G Suturg.of Honesty and integrity in an Organization WER AASH & AU eS The Unsung Heroes wine - 5 By Leon Tan, Nutritionist Frat ha 9595 ole tele cat Ta ees) DN see ed We often underrate the roles of our kidneys when we think about our health. In fact, our kidneys are as important to our health as our heart or lungs. The kidneys are located one on each side of the spine under the lower ribs. They are reddish brown in colour, bean shaped and each about the size of an adutt’s fist. A person can live quite well with only one kidney if the other kidney is lost due to injury/disease, and some people live healthy lives even though born with one kidney missing. However, with no Kidney function death occurs within a few days! Ki neenueee eee ol Can you imagine the implications of an industrial fter that could be used ina process for more than 70 years without ever being paused, cleaned or replaced? The human kidneys are capable of such a feat. They are incredibly amazing fitration devices in that they can be used continuously for the duration of a human life without becoming clogged. The kidneys are not one large filer. Instead, each kidney is made up of ‘about a milion tiny fitering units called nephrons. Every day, your kidneys fiter about 200 litres of blood. As blood enters the kidneys through the renal arteries, it passes through the nephron; fuid and waste products are fitered out. Much of the fitered fluid is then returned to the blood through the renal vein, while the unwanted chemicals or wastes are concentrated in any excess uid @s urine. Around one to two litres of waste leave your bbody each day as urine depending on your build, how much you drink, the temperature and the amount of exercise you do. Besides cleaning the blood, the kidneys also: ‘+ make and regulate important hormones in the body that helo to control blood pressure, red blood cell production and calcium uptake from the intestine. ‘+ maintain body fluid at the correct levels for the body to function. + control body chemistry by regulating the amount of sodium, potassium, ‘water and other chemicals moving around the body. The body needs these minerals to maintain good health, but they must be maintained at the appropriate level ‘+ help reguiate the levels of other minerals such as calcium and phosphate, which are important in the formation of bones. PETER ao ‘Your kidneys play an important role in the daily workings of your body and help maintain your general wellbeing, so it makes good sense to take {900d care of them, Here are some things you can do: Avoid or stop smoking, Eat wisely, Exercise reguiatly To satisty thirst, drink water. Limit alcohol intake. Take steps to reduce the risk of urinary tract infection, Treat kidney stones quick’y. In the following section of this article, we will discuss on one of the most ‘common kidney diseases ~ Kidney Stones. What are kidney stone: Kidney stones are normally litle, solid mineral deposits that develop in your kidneys. The stones are made of mineral and acid salts, Kidney stones have many causes and can certainly affect any portion of your urinary tract - from your kidneys to your bladder. Frequently, stones develop whenever the urine becomes concentrated, enabling minerals to crystalize and stick to each other. ‘$8881 - HEALTH ARTICLE RS OTN SLIT EEC RRR ALM 7 BART fe, WEL, BAUER, RAF LAELIA. RCT Tape Tee AM. MTA. ANA, SULA AAs. eX BPR em ET it AY RAS, OAR AA a a — HE SEES. HAS AMM aR Tine B, ONARMLER. Ti. KARUBMARS RAEI, MAERELRARSER, [ae Se GRAM UBR—P Lune eet T aM70e A, MOBTRKAS, MRAM BRU? ARAM HAMLBAOE. KARA OTLICR. DERRE OR ERGO BIE, HEE OE weak. HARTER AMIR. HM, OTE BRAN AT TANTEI DRAB) A ‘Ont. WMS—AMAMAZOAAM MA. MAE AAORAUER, HANA Tom MRAaR. AMPA OAE, SHAPE ROMA AGG BR, UREA HE Rim Le Be PRIS IRIN. AYER, MoKA. HBA SA B. ERA-RRMBAT- 27. WaT Mem, AREA + POMATKAERSSE, Um, om SRE ALINE BSS ORC. ° See REE. + MIATA, FAURE DURE AE ER. SOR EAE RATER, CEN LARS T TR em AOE. © ARRIBA, ses anak, xem ARAN REREE. Cyan MESS RARER T REM AG. —PAS HLERM, SAMRBS SR, Reb Das Te PEN. ARREST ROTA: + MARPLE. ° Ewe. + EMH. + SBMS. + RSA AO. + RIMERS MLL + Dharm. RL a. TRNAS ERT ARATE BD wee. ee Tekst ee Leer RET RAMEE ALES. BEDSERAS MiRmAM, TRE MRT ERROMREOTOON. REN, RRA REDARAARN, ET ORE RARE RE. RUAN. Retest eee eas eae a a cee acannon ae ~~ Cloudy or smelly urine. oe ee Pain caused by a kidney stone might change - for example, ‘switching to a different piace or even increasing in intensity as the stone moves through your urinary tract. [ition een ‘Make an appointment with your health care professional in the event that you experience any signs and symptoms ‘that worry you. Gat instant mecical attention in the event that you encounter: + Pain so extreme that you cannot sit still or even find a more comfortable position. + Pain followed by nausea and vomiting - Pain followed by a fever and chils. + Blood in your urine, + Trouble passing urine. Factors which raise your risk of forming kidney stones include: ‘+ Family or your own history. When someone in your whole family has kidney stones, you are actually even more likely to form stones, as well. Also, in the event that you have recently already had one or more kidney stones, you have an increased possibilty of forming another, ‘+ Dehydration. Not drinking enough water every day can increase your risk of kidney stones. People who lve in hot climates and those who sweat may have higher Fisks in comparison to others. + Cortain diets. Eating 2 diot which is high in protein, sodium and sugar might raise your possibilty of having kidney stones. This is particularly true with a high sodium diet. An excessive amount of salt in your diet increases the quantity of calcium your kidneys need to fiter and significantly increases your possiblity of having kidney stones. + Being obese or overweight. Elevated body mass index (BMI), huge waist size and excessive weight gain have certainly been associated wih an increased possibilty of kidney stones. fa BSERSkS RAK. OR SRE HSC ALA mR RES, WSR RE, TAM ER: ae UREA PE Ae. ~ semeo mB eCRENC SN ena ~ SRO - ARN. RRS. TERRE. ~ RigiR RTA. ~ Bowen. ~RipseM HR. - PRR T ANS We. ~ Snot, SD SRB TMR. - RRLEAAS Roe. Manan me Bh, ABLE A RSME RR eviB te, aca it ANDRA MEM ae. Ce End RSME Att OER, RS LeU. . SSRUT eR, MATER fair: ~ SRR RR, Fe ~ Sikremm, MBL PERLE OMEN. ~ Sikes, Pet aee Mee IRINA. ‘ihn RAR RAI: hr RRRASRAL. RIAA OGL, CHARACTER A 5. hh, HRSA — EMO 25, EAT RAMARE RARE. bene BARS, GROKTREAARMEE ——/ WRAKRUE. PENA, Ta ARMLTREAOAL, HEELS E ave stk. HHS. SORE KAMMERRAaOAEM, HES HSROR. Rep ERMA \ MBA SM. iti EBA, sOmS LASAAE. RAM. 94K $588 EMD iS. EBL SAME SAMA < AAMAMSEME. + MCRRRAREROT. BEA. SATS HRROL IAG SB HENRE, mmm eAOKAM, HAMA AAA BOOS + RMR, (emiTmIsOT eee MEBANE, 15 (ARPRR MRR, RR AAMEMARR AE MOKH) REBRE AERO, 1 FERGMEL, HEREC AM GRERERA) PREGA ih HORSOOMETORBR aoRNOMs. PPE tbs ead ROMAB ORAM AREA Kt, STMT TRADE Bike: + MER RM, E ATR REBRRAG RAMEN SOA ORM. ESARBRROCS AM o ‘HERA, LAR A Hs ELE BAK SP MRBEREIR, FR RASS SEATED, REARS LE ALGORR. RATE MMAR, HERE RRA AMEB EK. —S + SeRSRRNRH, OAR. BE WOR, BR. MLA, OH. 4 BR. Fe. SAA MTA, + SAARI AR. dA, “bat, WHERE. TELA. Si EOE AM, Sa, HeePRO LEM REACE 2-ER, UES: BRI. HUBSABNET Seems anKE, CUSAAM— BA SH SISERA AER. fT AtRME, ALTERED ERA MS KATA AS BAY, CHER, ABS J RRB aL Sere — Ht A, SATA SEARLE REE. LRA AN aE TR ~ EREPARIRNUR Tak, Ae BK, HBR AE. Ame RT RTE ‘eR. FoR ROA eK # Se MMA EK SERANDK). S420 OS, PRE PA DE, REE RR E ieaveeiaa. ite iesAB Is am DE A BPH IAI. ERO EN OM IRAE SRE. RitoRe ME HORE, DLAI SEOR, ES atm 28m! ‘S822 - HEALTH ARTICLE + Digestive diseases and also surgery. Gastric bypass ‘surgery, inflammatory bowel disease as well as persistent diarrhoea can result in alterations in the digestive process, which may have an effect on your absorption of calcium ‘and water thus increasing the levels of stone- forming substances in your urine. ‘+ Other medical conditions. Health problems and dieordecs that may raise your possibilty of having kidney stones include renal tubular acidosis (a medical condition that involves an accumulation of acid in the body due to fallure Of the kidneys to appropriately acidity the urine), cystinuria {a rare condition in which stones made from an amino ‘acid called cystine form in the kidney, ureter, and bladder), hyperparathyroigism, certain medications as well as some urnary tract infections cue ede eee ey Prevention of Kidney stones may include a combination of lifestyle improvements. You can decrease your risk of kidney stones if you + Consume water throughout the day. For people with a history of kidney stones, doctors normally recommend passing about 2.5 lies of urine a day. Your health professional might ask that you estimate your urine ‘output to make sure that you are actually drinking enough water. If you live in a hot, dry weather or if you exercise regularly, you might have to consume much more water in ‘order to produce enough urine. Light and clear urine is a sign that you are likely drinking sufficient water. + Consume fewer oxalate-rich foods. These include rhubarb, beets, okra, spinach, Swiss chard, sweet potatoes, nuts, teas, chocolates and soy products. * Select a diet low in refined sugar, salt and animal protein. Decrease the quantity of salt you eat and also pick nor-animal protein sources, such as legumes. ‘Our NewLife™ nutritionists can help you to develop a Nutritional programme that reduces your risk of kidney stones, Passing kidney stones can be very painful, but the stones normally cause No permanent harm. Depending on your situation, you might need nothing more than to consume pain medicine and take in lots of water in order to pass a kidney stone. In other circumstances - for example, in the ‘event that stones become lodged in the urinary tract or ‘create problems - surgery might be needed. It you do have stones in your kidneys, the following health recommendations may be beneficial: = For pain relief, drink the juice of half a fresh lemon in a {lass of water every hall-hour until the pain subsides. You ‘can alternate between lemon juice and Apple Cider Vinegar ~ Use only aistiled water for drinking and cooking, = Try drinking a large amount of liquid (preferably distiled water), allow twenty minutes for digestion, and then run up and down the stairs vigorously or bouncing on the rebounder. This has been known to allow small, stubborn kidney stones to pass naturally. \Wall-unctioning kidneys are essential to your overall health. Remember to care for them and keep them stronger and longer! On 18 June 2013, my husband, Peng Boon, was diagnosed with a 7mm kidney stone as seen on the X-ray. He wanted to get rid of the kidney stones the natural way, therefore he made the following lifestyle changes: (Changed from drinking alkaline water to distiled water; + Did 2 8-day Detoxification Rejuvenation Programme (DAP). Due to work ‘commitment, he could not do a longer duration; ~ Drank at least two glasses of Honegar (Apple Cider Vinegar and Pure Raw Honey mixed in a glass of distiled water) dally, and Drank 300ml of green apple juice daily Ate the 3 days of DRP, my husband went back for a medical review and the kidney stone was no longer visible on the X-ray. However, we did not know if twas totally gone. Over the next 6 months, while stil feeling an ‘occasional tugging pain on his right kidney area, Peng Boon adopted a comfortable but faithful approach towards flushing out his kidney stone. (On 5 January 2014, my husband urinated out the 7mm kidney stone. | gu ery During the 6 months lntween diagnosis and passing out the kidney stone, we learned that Apple Cider Vinegar and Pure Raw Honey contain properties that can help to soften kidney stones and cause kidney stones to be flushed out naturally. The daly consumption of green apple juice also helps cleanse the kidneys. We have also learned that the possible causes for the formation of kidney stones include dehydration (Insufficient intake of water) and consuming water that contains inorganic minerals. On the other hand, dstiled water is fee of inorganic minerals and essential for the physiological function of transporting nutrients into our cells and removing waste out of our cells We are thankful to Newlife™ for the heath knowledge it imparts, as well as the products it caries which are of high efficacy and therapeutic qualty. The holistic nutriion approach has proven effective for eliminating kidney stones. PAs ad ERRMRE ENT St as a Jovin Heng, Singapore E88, emit 2OISOR ICA, RARER URSA tA ART RRAM HT. HIBS ROSH BA, MubR EAR ieee Hs: HOLE RB tk IR RK - HIGRORES RRA (RFATIES, Blt FRKOIAIT) + + GREDERAGRERM RR RMAA AG SHARWKEARMED : ~ §RBSOORAN HRT. RES TIRER. RRR WOK LAIR REET (OR ROFPAPABHREERENA. EIT IRNT AMG, SAAEGSRREMRERS RAT HE, (Clem RIB A AA LEBER SEARHIER. OVA ASE, EHRRR HT TRAM ARE. ADGMRE AD ARAME LOT AOR ER, 17RT PRAGA GHA BRL ASE AOA, REE EIS HORN. ROB BAYARD ARR RUE PINS AER AERA CSR) AURA SH EMT ORM KE ARR Re. Mi, RATS, Bits EMER RE, ATER ER Dp. WATHNGSANO MA. ANMOSNRE SFR INEAS ROMAIN, RR RENAE LATA ROE. RHE SUAS RDERARHRERE. rn Se th at Sentosa 201 OEMs Veadership’Summit 2016} by Mr. Rahman Johar, Director of Business Development HBeNa See, ese seme I We have just concluded our Leadership Summit 2015 in Chiang Mai and itwas a pretty special one. Imagine how rmuch better it would be ifyou had 10, 20 or 1000 more from your group attending? It marked a milestone in our goal to not only make cur Detoxification & Rejuvenation Programme known and reach the wider market, but to also make a credible business option available to many who are in gearch of ways to enhance their financial base at a time when most are challenged by adverse variables such as ever increasing inflation and volatile exchange rates. NewLife™ provides a simple yet powerful viable business with an income potential limited only by one's imagination. The Leadership Summit goes futher in providing a platform for business bulders to acquire strong values ‘and buld character that wil enable ther to be major players in the industry ‘As you work to enhance your value as a team leader and mentor to your corganization, while training them on strong values and basic business skis, the Leadership Summit also provides everyone with a common focal point which is pre-aligned to the'r individual goals of building a substantial market network and a growing income base. As everyone works at accumulating points for the Summit qualffcation, their business {and income will naturally grow. Leadership Summit 2016 will again provide you with the same opportunity to rally your team together in accumulating qualification points, grow their business and be invited for the 2016 Summit. What can be more fun than working to be together again in the next exotic venue with all your team members and in the process see their business grow multiple times? ‘The campaign period and venue will be announced in the next issue of Lifeline, but now isthe time to start building your team why? ‘The bigger your starting team base is, the more people you can have participating, and the bigger the overall business volume will be. So start immediately to sell and sponsor more, ahead of the announce: ment. You can only gain more this way and wil be better able to benefit in the most significant way when the announcement is published, To help you with a clue, the same point count wil be used with perhaps ‘one minor enhancement. So there you have it! Go for it starting now! We look forward to welcoming you and your new team in a big way at the Nowlifo™ Leadership Summit 2016! RADA RUA DRM OSEAN. BR “SER. HARMS. ELLER ER, MECHAM DUE SELOUR, AMS ORR 20%, BEIOOORLE, HRA SSM? SASS ARI ARE SONT—A ORE. RIARERS MRT SHES S TRAM ARFHEAOS, VRLMS BAM ID ALEA—TTRNRLMS. ARAWAROMH Re ame. ero AeA Rw RL ED am. Sk RT — Te ERA TITANS Ae, SH FERRARO AH. SERIA AO SAM RES SR ROWE— TRIMER HE A OFS, LLANE TEER LH. THA SCAAS AMEE MANS HOESTE, CONSEMSAB LOT ERA HOUADRAUH RA. ASSES RAR— PROGR, OSARTABRNF, HITE AMAA MTALOARM. RES AR RSARROMSEAORBAL, WEMEAB PRS HEZ IE. 2016 aya Am aes IR IR PSE RD SSE ROOMM. RORANRRRRS MANES BELGE ROC RAMBS. LIA H2Sh— #9 DSIDSMESHM— KER RE. HRNLEM RLS — BR CoE SAMA, ERE? 20164 Sb us Sf ARAN Ae ee RRA A Rot, MARCA M OBER! atta? CRIMAUAMA, HALSHRR-VOSHA, SiMe Mam MES. FULMER TIRES CORA. RARE SHEAESRENT. FAAASSHMNEMES Rane. ATHM OMG RMSE MRE, HiT AMR, BATE BS Ar A 80 AUR A TREE SEINE, RR! EIR ZA mea NATAL ANEAMGEI OTHE STAM SRARDE Seema! Aleit LAT IStokification & Rejuvenation Programme si Dat. Lyn Ta, .O-8 T= Locatedin the Genting Highlands just outside of K proved to be an excellent venue for our second Health Retreat last year, hich was held from 10-14 October 2018. Thirty people from all walks of ife and from all over the world came together to undergo Dr. Lynn Tan's Detoxification & Rejuvenation Programme (OP), The Health Retreat provides a unique DRP experience, as aside from doing the programme itself, the participants enjoyed dally activities such fas walks and exercise sessions. Health workshops covering the DAP in-depth and how to address chronic and degenerative health conditions through natural healing were conducted. Other sessions covered topics such as: “Annemarie Borind beauty workshop", “Delicious ways to prepare heathy cuisine", "How to ‘detoxily’ your home from dangerous of water’, “Enzymes and your heatth’, and many more. Under the personel care of Dr. Lynn Tan and her dedicated team, the Health Retreat was an enriching experience that provided a platform for each participant to begin making lifestyle changes that can provide long term health ber fond the programme. We believe that good health star's in the mind, and our goal at each Health Retreat is to provide our participants with knowledge that they can apply on themselves as well as the people around them, CEASE ZTSRAE, SHES ANRC SR ENIEIA. Hee HELO S10 AIOE 4AM AAT ORME. wl +SEE ee SH 1S SRI 1940183 5 SHRM (DAP) StS AS SHR T— 15H OOI8: TiTDRPS, SSA wHTAT Hw AR: 5h. FARM ES DR ATEMOAPAY RIT ML BAER). UTHER EAROLE OB. CK SH), GOR S BAUER BS. ERAAREL RTM OM SORT, wea RR BERORRE-MSSAHRERRAWSE, B Hell TARRRE A, LMT gMeTeeE BAH, OULTMANNER. NS, REMAN RALEFS, ALGAE SEO SEA ARATERSSHEMORAMN, HAE CHHD OAPTRERE Here are some ofthe quotes from our participants on their experience! “Enjoyable - food was tasty Getoxed in the process!” _—*AS a first-timer with anticipation ofthe with an educational mind set change Antony Lim, Singapore __~100%6 satisfied! My health knowledge i lighter, and Ihave stopped coughing! ~Gindy Mok Tai Chan, Malaysia "Thankyou so muh for al the use nfrmation. [have less ankle pain and fee fghter. Newfe™ nas dore sucha good jb lease Say or thy health retreat programme” Mok Soo Moi, Malaysia "An amazing ex very satisfied?” ‘Salma Ghal ‘Perience for me. I feel that my body Is stronger and am 1 Oman OO a he most visible improvement is some clearing of the eczema on my 1200. The topics wore very good especialy on sin care and nutiton” “Messica Lee, Australia “The mast visible improvement fs the regressing of my varicose veins” ‘Musallam Rashid Al Mandhari, Oman “This heath reteat has made it possbie for me To do the DAP requ, which would not be possible forme on my own de fo mu bey Scheie fel ater and heathior, and | havo & befor understancing OW on types of water, heathy eating, and important ngradents sack product for different needs.” — _Shyna Tong, Singapore ife™ team, we ‘On behalf of all of our participants as well as the Newdi ‘would like to express our sincere appreciation to Lydia Ling, Susie Moi ‘and Abigail Moi for coming all the way from Singapore to support our participants and also to share with us from their knowledge and passion for total health! It you feel that you or a loved one could beneft from the DRP and would ‘enjoy the comfort of having everything prepared for you in a relaxing ‘environment surrounded by like-minded people, do join us at our next upcoming Health Retreat, which wil be held at Kasih Sayang Health Resort in Kota Kinabalu from 14 to 19 March 2016, Turn to back cover for ‘more information. ‘and good. Not hungry at al whist geting ‘outcome, this was an eye-opener is enhanced tremendously, | feel _ = 0%! RTM T RE ORRIN, Bk __ SREORERERM LORS OReAT—wH. 389M - POST EVENT DFARS SEM ASR: 5E. HESOLRARAMD, SRA RUE AGMA TOUR, hale THLE MMMORS. | WES aioe EER, MEET! | BAU. 3: +oRREN ORAS. OMT ex RELA OBESE. ines SMEAR, HES ERR RATE! | aM Sanz BETO ES RMATIAR, RRS: HT. Rim! PaMHb, Be ea ERISA SMEAR, AIR BRP RAARI. FRE RH Rm RAAT! | SSSHRA RRM We J Liftt@— HER FA TEDAP. AT oR RM, RAMA T, GLEMETORP. we SACTHRSR. BWR. taxmaMA. meet RURGRIEAR ABA RSME REE EA ae PATERAOTE. mai, time HIRATA OS SHCRATE SME, III. HE HOARE LRRRNER. SITU TRAM S SH, ASOT MITE SAR RATINIAS PACE. JORG SH aL ihe ATT MORPHS, AL BASE THESE STEEN ERE REL). DAAMERES SBEROM HX, BARA AHS Bn BF 201 OBR 148198, BETRBERM Kasih Sayanght BH RDO TREE TE. WS OHRAT RE Sirth Daily Detoxification for Better Health & Vitality! IEAHS, RAEWR. BARD! By Sam Tan, Nutritionist ei 2 #00 Each day our bodies are under assault from poisons and toxins inthe air ‘we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. This is compounded by that fact that most of us have faulty nutritional patterns and nutritional deficit diets. Itis vitually impossible to avoid all forms of external toxins, which is why our detoxifying organs such as our liver, kidneys, colon and ‘skin play such Important roles in keeping us healthy. Over time however, these organs can become depleted and overworked due to the onslaught Of toxins from external sources, leading to a decreased level of function ‘and subsequently a condition called autointoxication Autointoxication is a condition in which the body's eliminatory organs are Not detoxifying the body effectively, which causes the body to retain toxins and waste matter. One of the most common forms of autointoxication is ‘constipation. Constipation, or regular bowel movement, is usualy caused by ‘acorbination of insufficient wate, insufficient exercise, and insufcient dietary fibre. Is generally characterised by an accumulation of faeces in the colon, \wihich resuits in impacted waste matter - enorustations- ning the sides ofthe big and smal intestines. These encrustations are breeding grounds for hari bacteria and cancer-causing chemicals. They also retain toxins that may be reabsorbed back into the body, resulting in autointoxication \We belove that autintoxicationis one of the common causes of premature aging ‘and doctors have proven that a high percentage of chronic and degenerative ‘ SSO RTIBMADSIB DIP RR ARIEAR SH GRAPHER BUVAMUVEM CSE. Ria AOMLA Ae O HE BERMAN RPE. PRE TA ROPER Te, SESE 2359714#6 - ANNEMARIE BORLIND Sun Milk SPF 30 (125ml) | BREA FLARSPF 30 (125%:3+) Ideal for sun-sensitive skin, Sun Milk SPF 30 offers high levels of protection J from the sun and natural care alin one. Its also ideal for children's skin that 's particulary delicate and in need of extra protection. An optimum UVA/UVB {iter offers professional protection from damaging UV rays. Plant extracts | | reinforce the skin's resistance and self-protection capabilties. The sun | moisturising complex with Panthenol offers skin intensive treatment and nourishment, \ RIBSLMSPFOOW REIMAN AMARA, ES AAT RE UREA AUREL. HDA AHS. BEMINTIPOMO. CAA LIS UVAUVERUALSN AE, SREP LAK SERCO Ot a. HLTH TA MSE AR \ | RAMARRIED. SO RANMA ASMA RRMA. Sun Anti-Aging DNA-Protect Sun Cream SPF 30 (50ml) i ZDNAGMRSPF 30 (50EH) DNA-Protect Sun Cream SPF 30 offers high level sun protection and active cell and DNA protection. The natural DNA-Protect complex developed to treat skin stressed by UY, aso fights free radicals, which are harmful to the coli, and 07 “4 2 28 = En En En a) e 30° 9.30 7.30 - 9.30% 30 9:30 ~730" 9.30% Good & Bad Fats | Goal Setting & Natural Weight Loss | Your Gut Health ‘Awareness Growth Planning | fPhabIEit 2) (in Chinese) “Tse eo SuRRsIEMARMA | Bynotean Steen RR By Ala Tong Manage) | by Ly Ling (0) (Sher anager) ‘yon Hero zi 08 15 2 Rea 4 02 09 16 23 30 = a Ea Ean a 200-400" = 2.00% 3:30 =200" 3.90 2.00" - 3.30% How to Manage The 6 Essentials for | Workshop: Healthy | Understand the Your Calories Optimum Health | Eating & Juicing Important Concept Seer sE HS seisteisnnRis Asem | Tresh. GRBEIET | of "Body ast By Sinbooten Qaroge)| Bike Spring-Cleaning" By Native Susie Ma Masaeh, | trough Detoxteation (20 Suppor) Vwian Yep, Kaen ke | a Rohwenation = 2.00% = 4.00 Programme iDoecanean | Tees ae LUM SHRES Lae) aeRe amme a eeoeitE Scans cmemmns By vay Tan ste) ~ 2.00% 8.00 = Inner Shine, : Outer Giow with Kidoey Health ‘Annemarie Bériind ve 1 Be, anaes eeee ee By Leon Tan Nations) ppp ey = 03 10 3 3 Ts TUE MON THU WED SAT FRI SUN ah - SCHEDULE OF EVENTS. FEBRUARY 2016 | 2016725 Ce Socata 02 16 23 En oo sae ‘Sayaee = | Immunity Kids: HOSUR AEH ‘the Home ee (Silver Manager) By Susie Moi (Manager) ie By Susie Moi (Manager) ee Sonar) 03 7 24 04 1 Opportunity Bones BuaE SOUS TR RS RHA MIA Rem asm |e 05 12 19 26 06 13 20 2 Ea Ba ee | ee | ‘RRR Chinese New Year Illnesses with (By (BO Support Lo Hei Gathering ‘Nutrition, RIBERA RE Detoxification & WERE Rejuvenation ae By Lydia Ling mm | Sie. a = aie, ORME =| aes a a ES wa By Nushiclayus (IBO Support) o7 4 2 28 HEALTH RETREAT at Kasih Sayang Health Resort with Datin Dr. Lynn Tan (N. D.) & Team Kasih Sayang (2m 475= sf" FRA BHGL RA io se 14 - 19 March 2016 6D5N Detoxification & Rejuvenation Programme 201643140 4198 CRSMHT S RIE Tan Shang RARE Sage Occupancy BA fe DAP Participants tay Be Feguar “Ean Bp Reg (Per Person) cite ae ae BE aR DEEMESAMEROSS |e Ge8y7— | RMa.785/ br suse’ Sis | sai ri0 Sia 2.088 Note: Afro ol nase 3 FSA Fee Includes | Ei: ‘frat Report arte BR ante s-right stay at Kash Sayang Heath Resort | oe Sunches, 6 diner, 8.5 suppers DFP mons) | Saree. mena (DAPHIRE RE) faye of ORP with enema bucket | SAS SURAT —— a eons by Datn Dr, Lynn Tan (NB. and team (r English) | sARsTRRM BSR REIBA SS ORIG CASES) Note Airfare rot Non DRP Participants Early Biss wi Regular #8 j (Per Person) LS - , EDAPHE SARBRSSH | SA) "$665 M1, 735 / $8620 z nal sone Fee Includes | #1 &i5. pot arse BB" evo arte a aah Sajang Heath Resor ncn breaks) SIRE LAI, BED Fuah iocturos by Datin De Lynn Tan (ND. and team (n English | RST ER HERI BENDA ARES RRRRGR TE (ASSES) oOo “Airport transfers between Resort and airports are only available as follows Hist faseia'F Date Fl a mh Pick-up point aa Destination Bait Pickup time 248 14 March 2016 (Monday) T Bak 2016#3A148 CEM KIA SEREEIRRELSS KASIH SAYANG eon 19 March 2016 (Saturday) — DOIGESAION CRM KASIH SAYANG KKIA SERRA cen SED P Please note MERI, — 1. Health Retest starts at 2pm sharp on 14 Marc st, ant tr at 2pm aarp on 14 March 2016 ae ens at 12 noon on 19 March 2016. Kindy conse theo RRLNRAZOIGSA UATE AI, REQOIOESA IONE OREM. SIReMMD, 2. Aoptcatons subject o approval Plage coi fight eny ator succostl WReNRneREAAAIE. deMMME MMe. TON wasaemR. For more ivoraton, vt wv nul com yo carac Fr more eration, two. nelle como Sorlat your apo Manage or eae NOLS Goa RIM nolo com REN AMER OD RLLTMES Se

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