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JULY & AUGUST 2015 Pgl2 += f »® \ . Chiang Mai . Leadership \ > Summit 2015 \ ae 2015 ain hes Pgl0 #+H 8 New Muscle-Building Exercises on J the Rebounder! SHEER LIAL A am eS Pg8 BR ‘ Po4 #00 SPECIAL PROMOTION = #53024 Now you can lose weight “7 and keep it off! BI A eer SSH! (Read page 4 ~ 7 for more details 6-009 47 7 HLIRIES 18) REBOUNDER {Including Rebound for Health VOD) Exercise that tones and builds muscles! enamine $ “ ESD) ana NEWLIFE Normal price Mitt “Ee AM284.10 (WM) / RM297.85 (EM) (2588V/ 129PV) $199.00 _(120BV/ 80PV) Peindeuine st) Penal mae) Saeed) HEALTHY BREAD COMBO & (Bread Maker + Bread Mix) Easy and yummy healthy homemade bread that add foro to your diet! {Check out our website fr some deicious bread recines) ERHORE (HOME S2eHeHARSS) SBAAMRARHH A, Moise eee! PERL SMSHRRLRMOR! > Normal price Hest FRMB98.45 / FIMT19, Werner went (967Bv/ 183.5Pv) 0.65 (206.858V/ 155.15Py) Rone Care) agen Ue eC Ex Zeal) ANNE LIND BODY LOTION Moisturize your skin and calm your mood. ‘The perfect massage agent for easy and smooth application. RAS ARE SONU, SIR. ROR, REDE. BIT. CUT eT Retina acd DRO lara) Soe vies above ae nchalve of GST LEWES ‘Terme & conditions ae: ‘Premoton paios 1 uy 31 August 2015 TMinsiMIR. 20:57 1 BRBASI. (fori ok at 2 AER, ‘Goode sls ae not retunsole or exchangeable, 3. Ran. wm. "Not appatie vith ether prometions, Quantly Dscounts, or APP price. 2 SARSKMMAD, SIRO RMT AE, 6 (ther terme and sondtons 200 maxes, "Nawaie™ resowes the ig oan te terms and conditions without pie note. HEAREMENRATEMEANENSEN, SRRITAM. NEWLI contents 8 JULY & AUGUST 2015 201547 AR8A tt ON THE COVER #13 g How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off! NSA SIE! HIGHLIGHTS #5 0 8 New Muscle-Building Exercises ‘on the Rebounder! SHR RE RABI ALA BN ESR 1 0 Chiang Mai Leadership Summit 2015. 201 ERM EES 12 samme + 4, Lumpatic Drainage Message EHR 1 6 Success Through Generations RIDER TAI Be PNT enue wneven CF LOSE WEIGHT AND KEEP IT OFF! MU SA BR ! by Sam Tan, Nutritionist ae. BHI Losing weight can be dificult and for some, keeping it off can be an even bigger challenge. For decades, people have tried countless methods and products just to achieve a simmer figure, and weight loss remains one of the most lucrative segments of the wellness industry. What many fail to take into account however, is that certain methods of weight loss while being effective for their purpose in the short term, are not sustainable and ‘may even be delrimental to health, Many resort to “quick and easy" ways, and end up suffering for it ‘Always remember that good health begins with your mindset, and any pblan you choose to folow should be holistic and sustainable, Don't sacrifice long-term health for short-term “results! Here are some of the unheatthy methods that are commonly used to lose weight “Yoyo” or Crash Dieting is when someone goes on a short-term, very extreme diet where they eat very few calories or selective foods. While highly effective short term, crash dieting is not sustainable and most often does not address the main issues of eating habits and lfesty’e choices that cause unhealthy weight gain. They can also be dangerous as the body may be starved of certain essential nutrients. “Celebrity Diets” While the dietary plans of the Holywood's rich and famous may appear highly etfective and glamorous, celebrity diets can be dangerous and are most often fads rather than solid, science-based eating plans. Always remember that diferent things work for diferent people, and it's important 10 find what is effective and sustainable for you. Liquid Fasts A highly restrictive liquid diet can result in more muscle being lost than fat, and is dangerous if done without medical supervision. It also doesn't ‘address the problem that once off the diet, many people go back to their previous eating routines. It is much more effective to make gradual, sustainable changes for long term results. Diet Pills The dangers of diet pil for weight loss need no introduction! We've all heard the horror stores. Diet pis represent the “quick and easy fix" mentality that many people apply to their health. Remember that nothing worth doing Is easy to do. We only get one body -let’s give it the very best possible! Meal Replacement Formulas Meal replacement formulas and weight loss shakes are favourites within the ‘weight oss industry. While appearing to be effective and healthy atthe same time, unfortunately many of them are heavily processed and contain articial flavours, colours, and additives. They tend to contain filers and sugar Heatthy, whole foods are better (and often cheaper) options for your weight loss plan, and always remember that the closer to nature, the better ARMSNAS ARH EAAOR, THEIR SA SSRRER—AMR. tH, MILT FMOTH ROP RIAD ERITH iS FLT RTL REM K. MATT, ARS ADAAMEMRELMEAS, COSPAS BR AMMAATMERR, CURERRCA, Ae EEATEREER. FSMBALHT RM Bi ROME, REM TES. iQOR RRS THAT EIMAO AL RSE A A GHLE CLARSMMILGAWHR. FAM EER ROURIRIRIIT TE UE RRMA RM REAR AMET RAL AT AE RANA AURA, ROALD AMAR AEE RD AB. Pk APRTLMMALNLAORE, CURATED ENA, HARSHER AMARA TRME ND FERAEAMOELOL. SH, PROTECT HOARE LD ESRRM PARR E SIRO. BAR FRGHO RRM ER RAMAN SPASM. WASH RED . BHT REREAD BLED. 3 SRRBEERE NOAM, RALRSBERA AME, APA EO, RREVRAIAENSAR RS ZOOS. SR SME RP Heb A IOS Ie AE HE Bi, RMSGMES OMAR. sR eT HHT, HENORRMRAGR. KAUAI AIM AARON ETO AAI UTRAKR, ELOVNLEOKRIR, REBEE RAIMA ESR. Blk, 2S ORRR ARAL ETM AOE STRAT. TAIN NAR. waren, SERA ATI SHR KAN TLE! RAMOS RAR RE TOMS Sh. WEARS “RENSSRL” ORHER. BD AREAMACEAN MICHA. HAA RLARE TRON, SRMARARERR RBA. BN RATE, MOCO, HERNIAS RERH GST, MUNIN SRE MI HT AMEE. AULBAUFRANGAIMR, OF 208. HERRBESIARML, MABSALS H SRAGMA, Bm ERMA. BI Many dieting methods often remove important foods ‘and important nutrients - they are designed for rapid weight loss but not to keep you healthy. They put people at risk nutritionally, and as a result we often see quite severe health effects which can range from fatigue or constipation to more serious health risks lke heart disease, kidney failures or osteoporosis. Long-term dieters may notice dry skin, bite nals, and even hairloss, and those who lose weight too quickly may increase their risks of suffering from a heart attack. Now that we've looked at a few things NOT to doin managing your weight, lets talk about methods that lead to a healthier and wholesome lifestyle! Mindset Is Everything ‘Maintaining a healthy weight starts with maintaining ‘healthy mind. Losing weight can be a difficult process at times, therefore it is important to keep your eyes on the prize while you're munching on ‘green salads with low fat dressing. Here are a few things you could do to stay focused and motivated towards healthy weightloss: Set reasonable goals When starting 2 weight loss plan, its natural to want to lose as much weight as quickly as possible. Statistics have shown however that people who lose between (0.5-1 kg of weight per week tend to be more successful at keeping the weight off Setting reasonable goals and benchmarks that you can actiewe on a weekly /monthy bass wil make your weightloss Journey far more enjoyable, and allows for you to set yourself up for success from the beginning. Give yoursett € long term goal of your ideal bodyweight (or ideal body ‘composition, ie, body ft $6) and then break it down into ‘smaller benchmarks that you can track on a weekly basis, Have a support system | Don't do it alonel One of the most important factors to ‘success is having a solid support system. Share your goals with your close friends and recruit a “workout buddy" to} | exercise with. If you're wiling to rake a bigger investment, find @ personal trainer or a fitness studio that you can train with. Being part of a community that encourages you to keep fit and healthy will make it so much more fun and enjoyable! Reward your achievements Everybody needs a litle “sugar”, Make ita point to celebrate your achievements and reward yourself for sticking to your diet and ‘exercise plan. Rewards are a great way to keep yourself ontrack | ‘and motivated! So go ahead and book that beach vacation while = you work towards a trimmer figure! Do you eat to live or live to eat? ‘The way we look at food has a huge impact on our eating habits. ‘Many of us eat purely for the pleasure of it, and this can make it hard to give up certain foods that are hampering your weight loss plan. Start looking at food as sustenance for life, and keep an open ‘mind towards healthy recipes that you could use at home, It's amazing haw delicious hhealthy food can bel Check out pages 12-13 for some delicious recipes for healthy Power Shakes! =— St - HEALTH ARTICLE Fit, RAM. ASMIMAM, ROSE SA B, RANSCMSHU TR ERR. Lae aR aN RIESE! FLL. HSMERAER ROR T AERO SHERR, CNMLRARELEMS RRO SOR, EEMMNMTRR, ALESSSARTH HERZ, AMSHRSRRSBEAP ROR BAIA PORK Rea ER. BEE RBA RES seme ASM HS MRE 8. eR BRURBAMRR. te mae ERE RRMA ATH TRE AED maa AMES T— MER, AMAA RRS. BRL AS EG. RMSE, CER MES ERMBSHAE—Y) AAGNEE, LARA TERE S08. ASHMBSE— MORE NTE, He A Hem wR 7 HA AR H, DARZACERENE, MtAc—A ASS HEME. eu kA oy Maw AR BABI OLB ATO LL, REABaR ERISA ATA RIANRIIR, RS AANA DADA RA. MERRIER, Meee SLEMAM EE AT ORRA, HR EMEOR AMR. URSORTANRMER. RERO AAD BES. 2G. BASMOS KAAS HR. RORDAREA. Ne TARER YATE (aRIBIS AS SHRGEARSY. SNORRRRDI) DHE MEER, PERS ROMA RAR ABA T UE! (Re MROR DORR 2—. RERMATSONT RN Fee. lik. RNR AR A NE A At mK” RAM HR. BE Sie, CATT IS a EET Bie. MRM MSR. AEA HALAO RING A RIM, EAT ADOT BI SORRRMSEERE. eaLSTAEGES 2mac B—tAB—SHAMRBSEGN—HLGEM WAC. Bit, RRR MARMARA Sie HMO LEASIA. MEAS AiO AMR ASN, CARSRADA RMR MM A REAR. UAH AMR IRE A, ERI AGREMiP— TRS ZIRE! AMM, ERATE? ARAM A HH HH I TE UN. REHASH ARMA RRO EK SEE, Mba RHA, MATS TRE S. ICR A, Meese NEE SHOR, MORKAR MRA. BE SAMARAS TAALA! HOMIE SASH, SOMES Aha eS ai MT mys PCAC LL Management Bb ay che Regulate your thyroid function WT FRARAR ENTE NE ‘The thytoid is an endocrine gland that secretes hormones which regulate many bodily functions including your basal metabolic rate (BM). Your BM is the amount of energy your body uses at rest. It has been long proven that people with Lnderactive thyroid glands (hypothyroidism) have lower BMRs, making it dificult for them to lose weight despite ‘exercise or being on a strict let. lodine deficiency is one of the many causes of hypothyroidism, andin such cases the supplementation of iodine may be helpful in regulating thyroid function. NewLife™'s Kelp is arch source: of iodine and contains 22 trace elements that are vital for health, Research findings suggest that kelp supplementation may have endocrine modulating effects, and some studies have demonstrated its ablity to regulate thyroid function, It you have alvays struggled with losing weight successfully and preventing excessive weight gain, Kelp is a must-have for, your weight-loss plan! PRRNA WAR. QPS ARLE (GMA) aos. AAU Mee OMRON RIM. FRET AAO AT SA RIERA, BRIER RIED SPER, AMUEATIAUEIR. FARE LALA REM R—. ZAR, a PRATAP RRR. HERAT RAR RDS IN, CASA RNAI. ERE. RS PENARWER ARON, Se REME TATE SOR MRI MLN IONE. AHN A BED AWIERE A! ayn nats égitt HERBAL KLENZ POWDER A Nova Scotia ] ‘and Pacific KELP 0 Balance your electrolytes 57th 7 FA Many people carry excess weight in the form of water 2 retention due to electroyte imbelance caused by a potassium deficient dt and an over-consumption of ‘sodium. The most effective way to fix tis imbalance is to supplement with K Salt. It contains potassium extracted trom plant sources and can be taken mixed in fresh juices or apple cider vinegar and honey. With reduced sodium intake and the action of K Salt, your body will lush out excess water retention, RSADSARAMMROME, RAR PIER REOAMMART SROKA SME TADS. Ale. PRR OAE AR ASKER RRA LAR RARER. CHARMRARSOOR, TH HARER TERME — BSA ii PRGNMADATROMM, SHAH RRS Akar (C Prink enough water mizasftk ‘= Drinking enough water also helps to promote ‘weight loss, and distiled water is the best choice! Water helps to regulate your metabolic rate, and sometimes the urge to snack is actually your body's response to dehydration! You should be aiming to rink at least 8 cups of water per day, and remember ‘that other drinks do not count towards this amount! Sticking to pure water instead of sweetened or carbonated drinks is another way to cut out Unhealthy calories from your diet RARE MBAk tA RDB MLIBAUR, TART AB HIE! KEM DSH ARIRINE, ABR BUNGNC EAA RH SA PE AL BQESREOROHAMER, EROS Si! SHAR IDK, CARH 2 MRR Ske, mULAT eee RO Ee Add fibre to your diet $8 in274 00 355 Anigh fibre diet helps to promote weight loss and. regulate your blood sugar. Eat high fibre foods such as fruits, vegetables, wholemeal bread, unpolished fice, and legumes. NewLife™’s Herbal Klenz powder is a great supplement for those who find it hard getting enough fore daly. It contains both soluble and insoluble fibres, along with detoxifying herbs. Research suggests that eating more fibre helps to prevent weight gain and encourage weight loss, so make the switch from white bread to ‘wholemeal for that added fibre avery moming! BSAA RMA AM, See SORGMRR. SEO. RAMEARA. HE SRI DE OMA THERE BEGG HTA, COR M BIA RLTM, O AHERBAD. TRER, SHAADI RAMANA. All, MOA, RATE NAMARRASE MS, Cuee ASA! c Go for green foods and juices SRR EH Introducing green foods such as raw salads and fresh green juices to your diet, is one of the most effective ways to shed the fat! Raw salads and fresh vegetables are high in fibre, vitamins, minerals and nutrients, and low in sugar and calories. Making them a larger part of your diet will goa long ‘way in helping you to lose weight while getting you healthier at the same timel Green vegetable juices contain less calories than sweet fruit juices, and are packed with nutrients. They are also a_ healthy replacement for less-heatthy beverage choices. Remember, “green is lean"! HRCRRULTO NARA AMBRAAA, SAREUBAROG RL! LRPRMMRROTAS BOA ER TURMRCERK, BHSRS EEE DRE. AREER RDAMD RH. WAN EIOMAT EHR, MUTE! BERR MRt eA HEE, MASRSTRSASAOERR, BRM SERIA. AR REAM! DE SHH. Eat healthy fats si Hii ‘Some people's frst instinct is to eliminate all fats from their diet in trying to lose weight. Fats however are an important nutrient, and in fact healthy fats can help to ramp up your metabolism, keep you satiated longer, and assist in progressing weight loss. xtra Vigin Coconut O's rich in short and medium-chain fatty acids which help to promote weight loss while maintaining healthy thyroid and endocrine function. Flaxseed Oilis rich in Omega-3, which helps to improve blood flow to muscles {and stimulate enzymes which transpor fat to where it can be sed for energy. Mix either of these oils into your yoghurt smoothies as part of your healthy weight loss pian. ALAM MBER RH RNA RIED. OR, RONARRTARRORAR, KEL, GRO AUMES SRNR, BOKMAL BAA, A RTS LAER, ‘HAMMAM AMMAR, RAILS. RIP RRR D BNR. Wak HAM AR M3 RRR, ARNALDO SAA LAR HEAR. BLOC EM ANE HM ALLA RAH, AMR RNA. st - HEALTH ARTICLE mmm Exercise regularly 29120) No effective weight loss plan is complete without exercise, Regular exercise does not just burn calories, it also helps to raise your metaboic rate, Which is the amount of energy your body uses just to function normally. As we know, weight loss happens when you use more energy than you ‘consume, which makes exercise an important factor for weight loss. Exercise that tones and builds muscles also ensures that your body composition is improving while you're losing weight. Check out pages 8-9 for some movernents that will help you burn fat and build muscle using your rebounder! FAAMMEARARED. ANRMBMTR MR TAM, th ROR CORTINA ES SORT RE AAR, DIALS R SHALE. STEMI, RRS AGHAST, SARISOHR, Bits HAAFTSCEHAR. EMT MATA, ARIE A AN AST RURE IR BERENSON, HAL AMR MRM ‘A a AUS A A | Get enough sleep #84 21 MGA Being short on sleep can affect your weight loss plan in a variety of ways. Studies show that a lack of sleep tends to prompt people to eat larger portions of food. Late night snacking and skipping exercise sessions can also be caused by a lack of sleep. Plan your sleeping schedule to get atleast 7 hours, and stick to it as much as you can! BEARS TEMAS. HET. ABT FLFR, KERNS RLS MERMES, REAIRELE NMRA AR. AE Fit, PFW MEORREG, GREP REET Ise, FHEZ EE. ‘Apoly the tips above as part of your daily lifestyle and you'll be well on your way to a leaner, healthier you. Always remember that no ‘matter now hard it gets, your heaith is worth every effort. SULMEMENE ARES, ESAT HE. MRS TMS AMAA, RETHRENENR, I) Beam! NEW MUSCLE-BUILDING EXERCISES ON THE REBOUNDER! SE DER AG AL A Ste SAR ‘The NewLife™ Rebounder is an excellent workout too! nat just for jumping and bouncing ‘on, but also for building muscles and improving joint stably. Make sure to try these out careful if you're doing them for the first time. Use these movements in your workouts 2-3 times per week and you'll see results in no time! HECMMART BRTMREM MSHS. HA RANT AMAL TS BE. SETS, LAMM EGTA S. ILHAM ACA Slt, MRT EIR, MARE B ALA! 1 Assisted Squatiaanst29 Place arms on handle, feet hip-width apart with toes slightly pointing out. ‘Slowly push the butt back lowering into a squat while keeping the knees Dohind the toes, keop arms on handle for support. * Push back to standing to complete the movement. REHOME, SAAS, BOMLIHEER. oHETE, AMMEN, RERUNS, ROL REM, ELRHMOM. MERE. Works: Legs. ARIAT: BEASBLA. $ Leg Kick-back fe RBBE Place arms on handle, feet together on the Rebounder maintaining a noutral spine. Soften the knees, and lit one lag to the back until sight discomfort is fet at maximal range of motion, * Bring the leg down and repeat on the other leg. oF AUER. TBI. RIN RAE. + KOEN, GLP -MADERRRNE RENNER, oHEMMCS, SR — RAM TSN. Works: Legs and lower back. AERAMG: MBN HALA. Lunge ia + Peon ore gon re Rebound nd aro ono for Ams on ofr bane g ‘= With toes facing forward, raise the heel of the back foot off the floor. * Slowly bend the back leg down from the knee without bringing the front knee forward. ‘Slowly come back up and repeat on the opposite leg. + BRM ERRL, RRM. RATE, REM + DIRE s, BIRORININIEAE Re. + SUTRGRE TM, SHaA TARTS, + RRUESD. IMMMM TEE. Works: Legs. eR: HERBAL : Dip mares * Sit on the edge of the Rebounder. Place arms on the Rebounder while keeping forearms parallel to the body. Place both feet on the floor keeping knees hip-width apart and legs resting at 90 degrees, + Soften the elbows and lower into a dip while supporting the body with the arms on the Rebounder. ‘= Push the arms straight to complete the movement SAMMI, EMEA MN L. MATRA S SEIT. MME 2h, MEAT SHOR, KOMMS OORT. = ARANETA RANE, UR ORI AREAL IR NER, BARRERA Works: Chest, triceps, and shoulders. HERA AE: BHAL. AL SLOLAO ‘S881 - HEALTH ARTICLE Plank with Leg Raise Fasc s##88 * Place elbows on the centre of the Rebounder with legs on the flor. Brace the bely, Keeping the spine neutral and the abs tight. + Siony if one eg sighlly for an added chalenge without colapsing the abs. “FARAH, RG, RISER. HIRMLABIEEIR, OF Heb RU. + MeIHSee—aL, AMIE MRREDUA MR Works: Abs and lower back feRBABCL: BLAU BALA. Push-up #EN + Place hands on the centre of the Rebounder with legs on the floor, Brace the bel, keeping the spine neutral and the abs tight. + Slowly bring the upper body down wile keeping the shoulder soft and abs tight. + Arms should move at a 45 degree angle away from the body. + Push the arms straight to comple the movernont, SFEMERKR TD, WHE, RAHKER. HAMMER, ED MAR. ROR LERETE, Gi RRMA. * SSTERM, RESH SHSM. PANE, RMR. Werks: Chest, back, triceps, and shoulders feFGA. Da. WABRLA. A= ALA. s Lying Leg Raise (1ENKBE «Le fat on your back on the Rebounder with legs resting on the aor and arms resting parallel on each side of the body. | » '* Bracing the belly, bring knees together and lift them slowly to the chest while squeezing the abs. + Slowly bring the feet back down and repeat the movement, ROMER, RUUD E EOF. ERAT Mee SRO. HAM, LRM, RBM. MAORI. RRR. HST ANTE. Works: Lower abs. tERABG: PIAL. Basic Crunch BASMBE * Lie flat on your back on the Rebounder with legs rested on the floor. * Place arms behind your head for support + Koop your eyes at one point, 2. knee/celing. Without staining the neck, ‘exhale and crunch your abs, iting your shoulders off the rebounder. * Release and repeat. + SERENE L. AUMLEEE Mev L FAR ALUELR. RULER, IMAC. OES, MURR, RE AFAR, Iv RI HRR. ° Hid, BREATHE. Works: Abs. feRaBG m. 1g Your Workout RHA RCHRSHD You can combine these movernents in any variation depending on which part of the body you want to target. Try them in a circuit where you do each ‘movement for 10 repetitions before moving on to the next movernent, and cycling through 2-3 times. Or you could try them in time intervals where you do each movement for as many reps as possible in 45 seconds with 15 seconds rest before moving onto the next movement, and cycling through 2-5 times. Train safe, and have fun! OPV TTRAHL Labte, ski e mas se 4. BGPAMPSRBRT ION, BAW TT fe, SORBET ZRORAO IMENT. Ra AIR Viana abt, ROLLAS Pare mm SET SE. IRR SB BRT B— TAME. Lue if, SURE ZESA MOSER. AIEEE, RINTRMURE! DO IT, LIVE IT, ET eS TUR 10-13 December, 2015 Le Meridien, Chiang Mai. a = PES Pa Bea l=) Be a ed cparicr enters cts ‘Take your NewLife™ business and income to the next level by joining us for the DO IT, LIVE IT, LOVE IT Leadership Sumit ‘This 4-day, 3-night summit wil be atime of earning, sharing, and fun. With Mr, Rahman Johar as our keynote speaker and many interesting workshop topics, you'll return hore to your business with an array of new skils and concepts to grow your network. Enjoy vibrant Chiang Mai with your NewLite™ comrades and explore the colourtul city and attractions just ‘minutes from the hotel. Best partis, you can aim to go for free! this year with New4ifa™ 1 July 2015 - 80 September 2016. ‘= Personal Sponsoring: 10 points for every person you sponsor with 15OPV. ‘+ Business Growth: 10 points for every 1S0PV growth in your Newlife™ business during the Qualifying Campaign Period against 2 Quarter 2015 (Apri - June 2015), ‘= Personal PV: 10 points for every 150PV you achieve personally, 11 High Achiever Bonus: Achieve 650 points to enjoy the full package for {ree PLUS enjoy a fight subsidy of RMBOO for fights to Chiang Mai from Kuala Lumpur or $8500 for fights from Singapore and other countries. ‘Achieve 600 points to enjoy the full package for free. ° ‘Achieve 960 points and have half of your package price subsidized. * Pay M1500 or S$600 to go. * {1180 must mantsn ache satus what at 1S0PV ding Quatting Campaign Parad 2. Elgbiy o ant the Qualifying Campaign s based on BO IC. Mute busnoss conta fr testo 3 one uncer tho man aout 3. Roptcabe o spouse's paepaon unorby air must ayo pay forte spouse. Anyone blow he age of TBis not paid To parcial. 4 Alpayenis ad achevornts rth Surmt must be carpets by 50 Seotarber 2015, 5: Alinoanvoe sr not exorangeable for cash roduc x ary equal vue tare 8. in tho evo! tat the quale IBO Is unable 1 paris, NewLie™ wl epee the ‘at ofthe neste, Ary exception seni athe eae discretion of Ne ™ 7, Nowbto™ ean the ifs to change the reaninesin Pe eer of uoresoencreuretaos 1, Tho doison of NowLto™e inal. n the cas of any ferences nine, NowLso™ iterpretation wl provi, Steud BOs have dou or questions onthe Tes & Conatons ‘hoy should wre to New efor caret. 9, Nowtiotassnce harghis to ane change tha toms & condone wihaut ary pr rete. mA RIGOR HD CARE. Cee. ER RANE. EB ‘Cie @mUIOWAR LR! WARMER PRR ARimeh. STIRS, iin ANI Re et aR 3, MERORS HUMMER, HALO SSPEARS: TT ONL MRE E, PREAWARIEL, 29, EAMBM SRF mAvIR ADRES DOR. SERS OT AEBRA, RABET SWANS R MICE! Site 20157 A1 HESAGOR. | PARED: SHBMCAT RA —A WIE 10 TES $0), OATHS IO BOELSY. ° USK. LTE Hm mR MANZO MISE (20154 SOR) OMAR. eH RHR ICO TMH, NORTE OR NAS. + TARE RL SMATTOOT AER, RATRIEIO 1 BRU: RAOOCARITTAS IRAE “R(SRDULR RRERMBOOH Az MIRE EaRSSSOO AAs mit ROTA, 2. ROO RASTA & SI. * 8. RRSCO AAMT RAR ARE. * 4, SAJRM1500RRSS600, ARES. * poe asian RORURROHEINRSREREME ED COT REO. 2 SERRINRRT AMGEN. KATARADS PEAR Gamay mena. 5 RRNSS, SROORIRMRS RRS SERMA IRE Ban, manwamOZeTTe4, 4, ENR RETA RN RAMRR ARE REIO SAORI MAL ie. SHKHBTERERRNRANS. AREKBEMOTE. AGGMRhOEE—ArEeSERoaO. LORS T AME. wes ganar ca IONE. 1 ERURHOADE, RE SRRREARAT RMR, 8 RenTaxnwaunMAeASeRnaRs. MRI SRLEER, UL ONERRHRONSAAA. OER HRaNGSONS. New om, 9 BESRURTRO, RRSRARMEEM, WATER. 200 steneerne tablespoon of ripe peaches re tonnes and mango NewLife™ Extra Virgin ARE yoghurt made with the ATR ALTER, ‘Coconut Ol mi orange juice Newdife™ Yoghurt rrieironela Rae erase 5O set Maker 250 tees eara ed ea MOR COLE g frozen bern! tablespoon of Ay GRAMM EAB WOO Seacawead Newle™ Pure Raw tablespoon of Honey Newlute™ Pure 1O0O%a— FRALSAR RR Raw Honey = PERE SAARR Blend al ngreconts = Blend a ingrecents 7 fsicierad Nutrition Facts #28577 oaaiararh Nutrition Facts #288577 eee Senin Sa cata peer Sining So Seine aed Secure Seng SOE ec a is Ba * ators aco Pet. —— eRe. ata oye 15% Waa yo Suurasd ra SRDS sie Suuied ra DEERE OE— Sodium 507g" me Sholesterol MMM 2a 3% ‘al Carboycrate Sodum i 9070/83 a Bukiem (esa zi ‘al Careonyta cee 2 (bay Pour EE TO ate Por ie wx ricaekete sees Ouiay si aS aR — ste nh Protein 6a 77 ah Sugar # 629/58. Gwtorwedutsins Vianna Frown gad ye ae nctensioss, | Vien CRC 15> Tamanna piaeiee Gases 19% fon BIRT VarmnG ERC 77% = BLEW SSRIS | Ont vals ar ben 200 cai eh Salcum #5 27% on & 1 EiUazant — Silamautaisiooxraencw Saxe te oaain ao eae SBansweniocreane How to make almond milk? #{=W3 fat . = 1. Soak 2 cups of raw almonds in cstiled water overnight. HOMME SCOARWAA, RANE. 2, Blanch the almonds and peel the skin off with your fingers. WeCRE. 8, Minos the blanched almonds with New1ife™ Alpha Juicer (mincing mode) PAROLE HE) RELAIS. 4, Add 34 cup of distilled water into the minced almonds and mix them wel WURORMAHARSOAC, MEA. 5, Extract almond mik by runing the mixture through NewLife™ Aipha Juloer Quicing mode). PRAMATECRATH, MMT RAMA CD. 6. You may add another 3% cup of distilled water to the pulp and soak for 5-10 minutes. Repeat Stop 5. SAM BMUARK, BACB NSE RL OSM. 42 UFEUNE JUL 8 AUG 2015 ‘rift - RECIPES Yo em tablespoon of NewLte™ fresh figs tablesooon of 2 HER Po Se ee RARER, Newdite™ Pure, mialmond milk ¥ EIR cup of homennanat Raw Honey 100 ean teaspoon of New fe™ Vo yoshuat made with salen 4 teaspoon of NaN ESTE TEES Fokon the Newte™ nste 1 Sorina Power sEmeaenie “Yoghurt Maker 200 wanes ALTE MRE ‘teaspoon of organic RESIN (LER esc vanilla extract ‘SRR FLAE LEAL SITE) RANA Blond al ingrecents fa = Bend al ingrecients = aiwred Nutrition Facts #24 oaaree Nutrition Facts #34577 oe Senig Soo score, etna Saving Soo 6 cota ares feeine ces woa aanant, Sang aeem eR 5 Daly Vake ee mE Wei Tota Fat 7 1% Total Fat 2 o% Salad Fa OM ZOVH 1 ‘Sauaed?a Ro ET Sodum zeny es am Shotosterol NM ayes — 38 {etal Carbotyrste Sodium 9 25518 0% mgeam 'oa'® 2% {otal Carbohydrate Detay Pour WR TATE — a9 Bmaxieae 203% By Sino Data Foor mee OTTR 90% Prown BA 159 TT Sugar oy Vian AERA Ton Poth eRe Vian BEACON Tamaaean Gack 05% on 8 TOE Worn G #260 125 = ‘Gaim #§ 76% «Fon #7 Sdamseamacnoc rent Nutritional value of almond milk #0380 eH ‘Amand mikis low in fat, but high in energy. proteins, lipids and fore, It contains miners tke calcium, ion, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and zinc. Other nutrients include vitamin C, B-6, thiamine, ‘boftavin, niacin folate and vitamin E. All these nutrients are essential fora healthy body. The heatth benefits of almond mikinciude the improvement of vision, weightloss, stronger bones and a strong, healthy heart. i helps in building strong muscles, maintaining ideal blood pressure and propery-functioning kidneys. Almond milk fs recommended for people who do not consume any form of day products, have cow mik allergyfntoterance or are vegetarian. SCHOMMSRE, ORAM, SRG. SRMEAE. ERSS IM, $015. Oe oe (F. (RM. RAWOAARWEAR. UAE RC. 06. GRR, AIEK, HM. OMAONESE RE, AL AHSURRELREAO. MIORKARS MERLE OHNE, Hh, BAMMEROR. & CAUTRAA, CHEV MTMEAARGE RE. SERRE S OETA, OE DAWARRAALD. UFELNE-WULAAUG 2015 19 LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE 4s MASSAGE MEARE @ Use the mice and rng fngers push downwards gently and lightly at the hollow before the colar bone for 25-60 times. APHATA RG MRO MA, BBae2ESOR. © Avoiy ight pressure, gently stretching the skin downwards with smal, © ster okes 25.50 tos at each spot. MRAARERG. RENAME THAR, GPT ® rraszsox © withthe rng feng at the front spot and middle fnger at the back. /Appy ight pressure and gle slong the spots towards the colar bone 25150 tres, Complete tis racsage by performing C) again, FAHSLARS TAMER. MONEE RED. RRR BAL, SRBRARERAL, BMAT2E50R. Ge, WAN SRSA, ORAL ANNA aM Apply lght pressure with your figers and move in a circular, clockwise rection 10-15 times. ‘FR SLI St 75 Fe ES HE AB LOE 152 Anpiylght pressure and movein small crear rections at each spot for 4-5 ties. Repeat the whole motion 5 times. HOU EO TABARROK RMR N. BeNSMEGI. ® Aop\y ight pressure atthe holow portion below the ribs ands @ stotch the Skn with sma stokes Whio sweeping downwards 20-25 times. ARENA TMM Sh, MARITAL. HE MZOS 25% ® Aopiy very ight pressure atthe joint ne, stretching the skin with, simalsirokes and sweeping up and downwards 20-26 times. RRR TIE, CADSR, ERAS, aAR20R 25%. ANNE LIND BODY LOTION 100% natural active ingredients and natural fragrances. See ue ee en ene aa ‘The Anne Lind Body Lotion series provides stimulating aromatic care that pampers ee a ee ee ene eam) fragrances provide calming effects and lighten your mood. They are marked with the BDIH "Certified Natural Cosmetics" seal, which means each Dee eee a ee) essential oils and aromatic materials from controlled biological cultivation or controlled biological wild collection. In addition to the careful selection of raw materials, the ecological impact of each product plays enue Apply the Anne Lind Body Lotion to moisturize your skin and calm your mood. Use it as a massage agent for easy and smooth application. © Peace the mide anc ring figers at the amit and pres gently atthe holow pon for 25 tes, BRERLERMART, RARECIGMZON. @ Use tight pressure, gonty stretch the skin wth small strokes, sweep across the arm in segments until the armpit Repeat the motion for 20-25 times. Complete this massage by performing 6) again. BRANREENATAM, GMMR ERAT RRM. RAMEN, ORATOR MIR, RAGS E ROR H ER. ® Aoply very light pressure at the spots and sweep towards the joint area 20-25 times, BERRRRMX HAA MDORION ® Apply very light pressure at the spots and sweep inwards towards the inner thigh 20-25 times. REAMEAM A MRM0E 28. ® Aoply very light pressure at the spots and sweep upwards towards the spots at (@) 20-25 times, REBELAAG, ELEMRIMEEIE—H, HRLOEN. ® Use light pressure, gently stretch the skin with small strokes, glide ‘around the knee cap. Repeat the motion 20-25 times. SEERA, MURR AHRM, RMA TEZOEK, @ Use ight pressure, gent stretch the skin th smal rward strokes at the cal an glde upwerds towards the knee [ont 20-25 tes, REAMAAM MARAE OARS EH, AME AERS RA, BMH e20B25%. ® Aoply very light pressure at the spot and sweep upwards towards the knee cap 20-25 times. BERG, BME LAER, MMAR @ Use light pressure, gory stretch the skin wih smal stokes, glide Beneath the ankle back and forth 20-25 times. EMRE ABE, FMEA IRM20E 25%. ® Using vant pressure, genty massaging wth sal strokes, glo upwards along the groove in betwen foes 20-25 times, Completa the whole massage by repeating nthe folowing sequence RACER RSMAG, ARMANI, MMs 20B25 Re ASEAN hm ik TE i ®@G&OOG® Be tg ' ee ure sad | et eS | ee ao cy lemon grass Ey edidalgihdabdaitils Dery Coreen epee Mele EO Le rad Coes er ie | Fe Laure utah McuLeoetN he kai naue sd Le CACC Mees ee Le Ea or ee oe ed a ee cto) Doe ECU. On MEL mec od Peer Me LT IBO CORT SUCCESS THROUGH GENERATIONS . - RAR TD RAE The integration of the next generation into an on-going business is one of the greatest assets of he network marketing business. At NewLife” encourage succession planning and for Indep Business Owners to work together with their loved ‘ones in building strong, successful networks for long-term passive income, eK Mr, Stanley Chong needs no introduction. Through his company Invigorating Life, he has forged the way for thousands to experience Newdife™ and has guided countless people through Dr. Lynn's Detoxification & Rejuvenation Programme, We are very pleased to announce that while Mr. Stanley Chong continues to be active in the ‘Life™ business, he has brought onboard hie eldest son, David Chong, to take on the Siver Manager tite and continue the work that Invigo- rating Life has been doing all these (On behalf of the NewLife™ family, we would like to express our heartiest congratulations to Mr, Stanley Chong and Mr. David Chong, and here's to achieving greater heights together rough the sharing of Total Health! UF-RBASRRE ROMS, ER RARURO RAMEN Z—. eae, B {4 SRT AAG SR A— TE: RA RAD MEARS Wk. HER, DRTC SHS Fee GASH) BABPOREORABURESA RE. mT REO). ERE IMT EF AL OS ORR E QARMEE ZI LIS TAMA ATR ace meen QOPREMELNNEH : TERRE HEE FRHLSMUUS, LOKTEABHE MAT |, CRMGLE, BRAALEKLARL HE A EULRAHLCARRMESAMEGMMLE RL RARHLN, BOAHVAMRAR, ELEM RRBRG OSM! Touching a life can impact a family and save a generation. RENE, THva-hER, RA- PEK, ikBLE « ACHIEVERS Our Heartiest Congratulations to All Achievers PIRORASAAR ARS APRIL - MAY 2015 | 201548258 : Beaune DAVID CHONG & MELISSA WONG LING POH LENG (CHOW KWEE LEIN UARROW DANIE MARCUS WONDERWAY MARKETING. EVACO LIFESTYLE PTE LTD TAN CHING HONG. TEO CHAE JOO TONG AH MOY ALICIA TANG KIU HUA, CHING HAN CHEONG COMMUNITY WELLNESS (S) PTE LTD. YONG Al HOON (HELEN) TOO FOONG YING (HELEN) HARTIN| BINT! SAIRIN MAK KHUAN YING (CONNIE) MICHAEL CHONG TZE-AUN CHUA GEOK TIN CARRINGTON ENTERPRISE CHIA SUIT LING. ‘ACQUOLINA ENTERPRISE YOW TENG TENG MABEL TEO SIOK GEK LING LAY KHIM (SARAH) H.L. ENTERPRISE CHONG WEE HOON (VIVIEN) EMILY THERESA FERDINANDS. \V BASIC CARE ENTERPRISE CHING HUI YING (SHEREEN) LEE LAY CHENG CHONG AH HAl (MARK) TING LING LING (JANE) UM MEE ING STANLEY CHONG & PATRICIACHOONG — SHIU YEW CHOONG (FREDDY) (CHOW HUI YAN LEE SUNG YAP TAN THEAM CHAI (STEVEN) ‘SAW EWE KIM SIN CHENG YAM (EUNICE) TAN MING KHUN SIM BEE HONG AW KEN KEN ENRICHED LIFE UM WAI YING CHANTEL CHIA YEE CHONG. SL INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD ‘SUSIE MOI-QUEK LOW YOk YIN (SUSAN) TANG GEOK SENG (CAROLINE) MAELODEE CHONG TZE-YUIN Branca) ‘APRIL & MAY 2015 HO TWEE Lim IRENE CHONG CHUAY PENG aa APRIL & MAY 2015 DAVID LIM MING SHEN MAY 2015 TAN LEE KENG (LILY) DAWN LIM MEI CHING LIM SIEW CHOO CHAN S00 TECK PETER eens APRIL & MAY 2015 ‘SO SUE YI REGINA WONG MUI CHOO (KELLY) ‘TJAM HELEN FENNY NATALIA TJAM HENG LEE HIANG APRIL 2015 TAN LEE KENG (LILY) DAWN LIM MEI CHING HOH LAI CHUN. LUM SIEW CHOO JIMMY PNG KONG HUI CHAN S00 TECK PETER MAY 2015 DEBBIE LIM SIM CHING ‘YAP CHENG CHENG JULY 2015 | 201575 = Se = w 1“ 2 28 = Emm Em - = 7.30°"- 9,20" = 7.30°"- 9,30" Workshop: ‘The Importance of Yoghurt Making | Gut Health MAmamIte ries | MBNA (in Chinese) By Abigail Moi ‘By Jovin Heng RID RHRRAAR IMA PER Ltr Tip cb) By Sule Mes anager) By Sim Bee Hong (Managed | Team Skool Ke o 08 15 22 2 02 09 16 23 30 En Em nn ~130%- 9.30 =7.20e-9:90% 720-9200 6 Essentials The Oily Affairs Business Opportunity Bread Making RAE RFA Meeting MAAS SERRA By Jeffrey Lim (Manager) ‘By Alicia Tong (Manager) Awa By Sim Bee Hong (Manager)! By Sarah Ling (Manager) By Jeffrey Lim (Manager) dat er = 03 10 17 Py 3 & 32 ——___J ee = 4 Wu 18 2 gam [so nina Em Em 200--3.30-" 2.00" - 820% 200" 3.30 =2.00m- 8:09" AllAbout Water | Juicing for Health | Raising Super Detoxification & Et (in Chinese) Immunity Children Rejuvenation: By Jeffrey Lim (Manager) AERRt ORR) &Teens Programme By Sim Bos Hong Managed! ARB SHAY HHS SORE (& Jovin Heng RRR ‘By Lycte Ling (Siver Manager| ‘By Susie Moi (Manager) aan Ya Pine] = 200m 4.906" 00° 4.00% How to Lose Weight | Juicing for Health & Keep It Off! Demo (Bilingual) SA SY RTI RIE) Programme By Leon Tan (Nutritionist) | By IBO Support ES ORE By Jeanne Lim (Manager) Perper 5 05 12 19 26 if#h% - SCHEDULE OF EVENTS. AUGUST 2015 | 2015585 Ea S Ae 7 24 f=} Malaysia's ees = Eee emote wi 04 1" 18 > En En En 1 SG sims) - ~7.30- 9:30" ~730°"- 8.300" =7.30-"- 9.30" 7.30% 9:30 Workshop: Workshop: The Importance of | Workshop: Yoghurt Making ‘Annemarie Bérlind | Gut Health ‘Annemarie Bérlind HORLBMERAN LAP | Natural Skincare SRS RA Natural Skincare By Joun Heng RIBSRMAR MAPA | BySmBootong Manage) | ISHTAR ARP RR Teeth Teeth By Sm Bee Hong Manage 3 Suse Me erage 2 05 12 19 26 = S 06 13 20 2 = En Eq En En - ~7.30%- 9.30 7.30°"- 9.305" .30°"- 9.50% 7.30°"- 9.306" Workshop: 6 Essentials Bone Health Business Opportunity Enzymes Making BAER Bane Meeting aR LEG By Lum Mei Leng By Katy Wong RES LMASR 5S. araoo) By Joey im Manager = a 07 14 2 = Prien sb 15 2 29 6am En Ea En Ea QP - 2.000- 3.30% =2.006- 2.000 = 2.006- 2.900" =2.00%- 3.300 =2.00e"= 3:30 Liverin Losing Weight & Delightful Healthy | Prevention of Detoxification & ced Gaining Health Beverai Chronic Diseases with Rejuvenation Byvetoy Lin Menage) | AMRSTRAFIERR Concoctions ‘Super Antioxidants | Programme By Nasa SSRIS | aReieMARIM | HES eee By Suse Mal Manage) | tes By Lyd Ling Sher Ser By Sarah Ling (Manage) | Manager) PET waa 2.00% 4.00" ~2.00-"- 4.00% 00% 4.00% = 2.00% - 430 ‘Annemarie Bérlind | Detoxification & Juicing for Health | Yoghurt & Bread 6 Essentials Beauty Workshop | Rejuvenation Gilinguan) Making Demo RAER SISMIGMSS Te | Programme SRI OLED SERA MERI | By Loon Tan (orton) Byhy Kroo Beavicon) | seas SSRARRR By BO Support By BO Support By Jeanne Lin (Manage) L009" = 4.20" How to Lose Weight & Keep It Off! SUPER ARIE! ‘By Leon Tan (urtonis = 09 23 30 5 Fe a rene rg rea ry HEALTH RETREAT at Awana Genting Highlands Resort with Datin Dr. Lynn Tan (N. D.) & Team HES RaaeRteS j STRASRBLRAM 10 - 14 October 2015 | 20154610 10A 2148 '5SDAN Detoxification & Rejuvenation Programme | S455 S88 FARA Cae er ea eee) en Rie ee tos a ee ee DRP Participants ‘Twin Sharing RAS ‘Single Occupancy #A—% (Per Person) Regul Early Bird Regular Early Bird joguier ae Neen RERZ EMH ERA eR RM,900 / RM&,500 7 RM4,090 / $81,750 $81,915 Fee Includes | AILS: 4-night stay at Awana Genting Hightands Resor | aif 4 lunches, 4 dinners, & 4 suppers (ORP menu) | AHF. MARA (DRPAIREY fis) 4 days of DRP with enerna bucket | 4:55 SOG FRRLIE (HA ALBA Health lectures by Datin Dr, Lynn Tan (N. 0.) and team (in English) | aaRsTRRERAS RIM + BLEND H ROUBINI CLARE IED Non DRP Participants Early Bird Regular (Per Person) EHS tmO Eid SDAPHS SMES SS (BA) FM1,280 / S$500 RM1,400 / $$550 Fee Includes | RAGS: 4-night stay (twin sharing) at Awana Genting Highiands Resort (nciudes breakfast) | 4HbEE CTLA32%: 455918) Health lectures by Datin Dr. Lynn Tan (N. D.) and team (in English) | asSesTRREAAB ARIAL BEM SHAG GRARGRIE LSE IEIRD Ploase note MEE. Health Reveat starsat 2pm sharp on 10 Octaber 2015 an ends at 12:oon on 14 Oct Kindly consider these foctors when booking your fight SBE ELOISE 10M OR REINER ZT. 42015410148 SFINER. MEREMED, RSEOR 2, Applcation's subject to approval Please cont fight ‘ony after successful registration PASKARORER SAME. Mae BABE For more information, visit cr contact your upline Manager or nearest Newkite™ office. ‘see. sii ABM LAR SI Hk IAG AcE ALIA T MRI TEAM

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