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come out in the wash = to be OK in the end despite difficulties

do someone's heart good = make someone feel better emotionally

fill someone's shoes = be able to do as well as a previous boss, leader, etc.
go the distance = do everything that is necessary, participate in a situation to the
hands down = easily, without dispute
in the cards = something that will happen in the future
keep late hours = to stay up or work very late on a regular basis
keep up with the times = wear or do what is fashionable
live up to = meet expectations
live within one's means = spend no more than you earn
make hay while the sun is shining = take advantage of good times to profit as much
as possible
on one's toes = very alert, pay close attention
open secret = something that everyone knows, but should be secret, or someone
thinks is secret
square deal = a fair business transaction
take forty winks = take a nap, sleep for a short period of time
work like a horse = work very hard, work a lot
Idioms Quiz
I've been __________________ this week. I think I've worked more than 70 hours!
I need to know that you're willing to ________________. I don't want to hire anyone
who will leave after a few months.
Your clothes are so out of date! You need to ______________________.
The burgers at Joe's Burgers are _____________ the best in Portland.
Be careful to ________________________ while you go to university.
I'm tired, let me _____________ and then we'll go shopping.
Peter is always _______________. He's very alert and notices everything.

I'm not sure I can ___________ her ______________. She was an amazing example to

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