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dove one another” (Romans 13:8). 2. Understand that “with Gad nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:37). 3. Remember that the Lord ‘giveth thee power 10 get wealch” (Deweronomy 8:18). 4, Reale that “the wealth of xp forthe just” (Proverts 13 5. Learn how much God desires to. estore fo you |. Know that God's desire is for you to be ! debe-free: “Owe no man any thing, but to e sinner is laid the yours thas the locust hath eaten” Joo 2:25). 6. Sow your seed even during times of fain ‘In the days of famine they shall besa (Psalm 37:18-19). 7. Sow your natural seed liberally to reap Give, and itshall be given unto you; good measure, presed down, and For with sie supematur sraken together, and running over. the same measure that ye mete withal i shall bbe measured t0 you again” (Luke 6:38). BennyHinn.crg es: ; God has given believers rough His Word to recive edom through His promises! Iris time for you—like Isaae—to change your conditions, regardless of your circumstances that land, and recewed in the same year an hundredjold: and the Lono blessed him" (Genesis 26:12), i . For “Yiaac sowed in 1, Isaac sowed in times I f 2, Isaac didnit wait for the conditions to change. k j mine stepping out in ind seater 1g seed on the parched soil. He sowed so the conditions would change! 3, Isaac believed God and obeyed Him by not looking for help from the world and man. $B szac scared with ordinary, nacural seed and sowed into the supematural! He ended up with flocks herds, and a great amount of workers, Forhe hid possesion of flacs, and possesion of herds, and great store of servans: and the Philistines envied him (Genesis 26:14).

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