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Parents Billy and Sheila Warner. Mechanic and Hairdresser. 53 and 48.
2 younger sisters.

1955 Born.
1960 Age 5 started attending Sunday school
1962 Age 7 first Holy Communion
1967 Age 12 Confirmed into the Catholic Church
1968 Age 13 First Kiss
1972 Beginning of the football season
Lost her virginity (Del?)
Had sex with Del in the burnt out Mini
Del asked her to be his girlfriend
Condom ripping incident
Finds out shes pregnant
Del and Christine have a shot gun wedding
Christine gives birth to their baby boy Declan
Del Christine and Declan move to New York to a tiny apartment in
Christine gets a part time job as a bar maid
Del dies of lung cancer at age 61 in 2015 and Christine dies age 77 in

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