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Tri-City Christian School

Tatiana Acevedo
12th Grade
Rhymed Poetry
Its dark and I cannot see a thing.
I feel it suffocating my body, as if Im in a hellish dream.
I feel heat brush up against my face and all around.
Fire is enclosing on me sharing nothing but sound.
A single spark or flame I cannot see,
only the burning of flesh I feel upon me.
Im in shackles, I cant move at all.
The skin under the cuffs is cutting off and about to fall.
I scream and yell, but my voice is sore.
I know I am not going to win this war.
He got me and now I am trapped.
The devil strikes again, showing God his wrath.
Evil whispers I hear absorbing in my head.
Speaking of torture and how God is dead.

No one to help unlock the shackles to set me free,
until I see a light burst before me.
Blinded by the rays of hope sensing care and love.

Eyes are shut for the light is too bright from the one above.
Blood gushing from my wounds and stinging in pain.
only to be healed by Him who calls my name.
Blindly I step forward for my eyes are still closed.
He is guiding me from the devil whom he loathed.
Faith spread through my body and I finally felt free.
Praise the Lord almighty for I was once blind, but now I can see.

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