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Jordan Thompson

Art 133
Unit 3 paper
What is meaning? Meaning is what gives humans motivation, drive, purpose, pursuit, and
desire to do things in life. Meaning can be different for everyone. It can involve family, purpose
of living, spiritual, anything that makes a person happy. Daniel Pink (2005) explains that in order
to being searching for meaning people must start taking spirituality and happiness seriously.
Meaning is not easy for people to find but it can be found. Along with meaning there is caring.
Caring is a set of behaviors that is able to be recognized by others. According to Eldridge (2012)
caring is very important to education. Studies have shown that schools with a more caring staff
have a greater amount of students with improved academic learning. Caring needs to be shown
by a community of people. For example in a school setting, the teachers, principal, and other
administrators need to all be caring for the students.
Meaning and caring can be very helpful in teaching students. Meaning specifically in art
education can help tremendously. Meaning can be used to help students create their art by
figuring out what makes them happy and what does not. Caring is a great quality to have and can
be done by anyone. Being caring in a classroom can involve listening, being helpful, respectful,
and a concerned teacher towards the students about their learning.

Eldridge, L. A (2012). The ethic of caring holistically for art students: Esmeraldas boutique. IN
L.H Campbell &Simmons 111 (eds.), The heart if education: Holistic approaches (pp287-296),
Reston VA: National Art Education Association
Pink, Daniel. H (2005)A whole new mind: why right-brainers will rule the future

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