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Outline: Eating Disorders Thesis Statement: Eating disorders arise as a result of influences from the media and the environment. Advertising constantly promotes health and diet plans, the entertainment industry presents footage and articles of unattainable lifestyles, and modem culture renders unavoidable daily pressures. 1 The entertainment industry provides endless pictures of popular icons and famous figures, that are looked up to by people everywhere; the images have been proven to cause insecurity and a self-hate in the minds if both men and women, A. The fashion business is known for its presentation of perfection. Not only do companies choose skinny representatives, they also favor fashion trends geared towards the smaller, more fit individuals. 1, Thin models are catefully selected to represent and display the apparel of major fashion brands. The models have a negative impact on adolescents and their view of themselves, (“Thin Fashion Models”) B. Celebrities generate a perception that their physique and lifestyles create great happiness. Audiences tend to obsess over superstars which can lead to the desire to imitate their appearances 1. Images of actresses, singers, and idols emerge on the infemet and newsstands every week (“Eating Disorders” Issues), 2. Gossip Magazines provide detailed insight into the lives of admired personalities (“Celebrity Gossip Magazines Linked to Eating Disorders, Study Finds”), ami 3. Magazine drama can become addicting to readers and cause them to indulge more frequently and more intensely leading to anorexia or bulimia (“Bating Disorders” Opposing) 4. Television shows offer real, live footage of families or specific individuals in the spotlight. A viewer seeing celebrities go about their daily lives can initiate a drive to seek the same lifestyle, or more specifically, figure (Derenne). me” IL Advertising preaches healthy choices such as diet plans and exercise programs. A There are several forms of advertisements implying one’s body is not good ‘enough and should be improved. B. Commercials, billboards, and ads are the most used options for companies to get their name and product to the public. Diet supplements, health programs, and exercise equipment can be most often seen (Sarvet). 2. Magazines are the prime location for diet plans and pills (“Eating Disorders” dssues). 3. Newspapers and magazines offer easy acvess to information about how to slim down and how to do it fast which is very appealing and convincing to readers (“Eating Disorders” Opposing). ‘Magazines show illusions of perfection, and such images can be highly misleading and create false hope 1. The majority of pictures that appear from page to page are airbrushed and any flaws a model might have are corrected. The overall appearance of the models. after computer correction is the kind of appearance readers will strive to reach. aii Many will choose the path of anorexia or bulimia to attempt such goals erenne). UL Culture is extremely influential on eating disorders. Society contributes endlessly to the way people feel about themselves and most often, the feelings are negative. A. Family and fiends can contribute to one’s thought process immensely. Due to the fact that many people put all of their trust and reliance in their relatives and peers, feedback can either make or break a person. 1. The messages sent by family and friends should mostly be positive. However, that is not always the case. In some situations, parents can imply that size matters and that being pretty or handsome is important. Children then think they have to be perfect and may turn to eating disorders to look a certain way (Eating Disorders” Opposing). B. Media puts every kind of pressure in the hands and faces of people everywhere. Even worse, the younger generation is becoming more exposed to technology at younger ages. 1. Accessibility to television, radio, phones, computers, and tablets puts celebrity information and advertising the fingertips of all who possess these gadgets. The effects are harmful to self-perception and lead to disordered eating (“Eating Disorders” Issues). C. With professional, medical options available to change one’s appearance, it has ‘been made easier to fix unwanted flaws. = 1. Plastic surgery allows people to have fat removed; however, such surgery is expensive and those who may not be able to afford it could very well turn to eating disorders to lose weight (Derenne). D. Sports create a level of competition that is often too much for many adolescents to handle. 1. The atmosphere can drive young athletes to tum to anorexia or bulimia in order to lose weight in hopes of becoming the best of the best (“Eating Disorders” Issues). Works Cited “Celebrity Gossip Magazines Linked to Eating Disorders, Study Finds.” Issues & Controversies Infobase Learning, 28 April 2014. Web. 29 January 2015. x (/ Derenne, Jennifer L., and Eugene V. Beresin. “Body image, media, and eating disorders.” ep. oe Academic Psychiatry 30.3 (2006): 257-261. / “Bating Disorders.” Issues && Controversies. Infobase Learning, 21 December 2007. Web. 28 January 2015. ‘Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, Detroit: Gale, 2014, Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Web. 4 February 2015. Sarvet, Bazry. “When Eating Becomes An Inner Struggle.” Businesswest 30.10 (2013): 52. OmniFile Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson). Web. 31 January 2015. \/“Thin Fashion Models.” Issues and Controversies. Infobase Learning, 9 March 2007. Web. 21 February 2015.

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