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Erin Bishop

Mrs. Kennedy
Comp Gov
18 November 2015

Lilia Blaise, Liz Alderman, and Aurelien Breeden. "France Unsure If Raid Killed Top Suspect in
Paris Attacks." The New York Times. The New York Times, 18 Nov. 2015. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.

The search for Abdelhamid Abaaoud was what the information in the article circled around. It
goes on to talk about raids and assaults after the initial attack, all surrounding this search. For
example, the article says, The day of further violence left Paris on edge once again and much of
the world transfixed as the manhunt for Mr. Abaaoud and his accomplices played out. Evening
brought only uncertainty about whether the threat had been eradicated or whether Mr. Abaaoud,
who has boasted of eluding capture, remained at large. Just with this one passage, it is
foreshadowed that the main subject of the article is Abaaoud. This article did not discuss any
possible reasons for the attacks, though it could connect to the article read in class, Why do
terrorists want to kill Americans? in the way that both passages describe the search for
something. In the paper article, the search for the reasons nations despise Americans is dominate,
even going so far as explaining why the assumed reasons make sense. In the NYT article, the
search for Abaaoud is dominate, as said above, everything is leading back to the search. This
article seems to connect with the theme Impact of foreign intervention on developing countries
and their governments. Even though Paris is a developed city, the attacks could be considered
foreign intervention and it definitely had an impact on the government, since the special forces
(military, police) had to be used to find the perpetrators behind the attacks. This took up the

governments time and forces, and ultimately will lead to war, using up a great amount of
resources, After the raids, Mr. Hollande told a conference of French mayors that the operation
confirms that we are at war. Overall, this is a decent article to connect to multiple different
themes, and sources.

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