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A gas chromatograph (GC) is an analytical instrument that

measures the content of various components in a sample. The

analysis performed by a gas chromatograph is called gas
Principle of gas chromatography: The sample solution injected
into the instrument enters a gas stream which transports the
sample into a separation tube known as the "column." (Helium
or nitrogen is used as the so-called carrier gas.) The various
components are separated inside the column. The detector
measures the quantity of the components that exit the column.
To measure a sample with an unknown concentration, a
standard sample with known concentration is injected into the
instrument. The standard sample peak retention time
(appearance time) and area are compared to the test sample to
calculate the concentration.
The retention time, RT, is the time it takes for a compound to
travel from the injection port to the detector. it is reported in
minutes on our GCs. The retention time is measured by the
starting time which is zero to the time the detector sees a peak.
The retention time of 2-propanol is 3.014 min and n-butanol is
6.712 min. The component present in standard sample are 2propanol and n-butanol. This is because of the retention time of
standard sample likely with 2-propanol and n-butanol which is
2.989 min and 6.593 min. The component present in unknown
sample also are 2-propanol and n-butanol. This is because of
the retention time of unknown sample likely with 2-propanol
and n-butanol which is 2.991 min and 6.576 min. when the
temperature changes increased from 70 C to 100 C to 140 C
on a reversed-phase separation, retention time gets shorter
and shorter. At 100 C the retention time of 2-propanol is 2.290
min and n-butanol is 3.339 min. At 140 C the retention time of
2-propanol is 1.967 min and n-butanol is 2.281 min. This prove
that retention time gets shorter and shorter when the
temperature changes increased.

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