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Why is Beethovens ninth symphony

the greatest piece of music written?

What do we mean by great? What criteria are we going to gauge great?
Impact on society, at the time, or later
Expression of the composer himself (Bach and Mozart were greatly profound,
but they accepted death and pain were a part of life.) Through Beethovens
music, he questioned life, he struggled with concepts etc.

Why does it stand out from other symphonies of the time and also after?

Choral arrangement in fourth movement

It is a symphony written for humanity (in an age where tiredness and
fatigue had hit after Napoleonic wars)
It universalizes the intimate (he starts with intimate pain and suffering
and paths the way for humanity in the last movement)

Cellos and basses recitative is a bridge between instrumental world of pain and
voices of heaven?

To all readers of this, I must make clear that my intention was not to create a
piece of academic writing, about Beethoven, his life, and his works. Quite the
opposite. It was to write about my feelings, emotions, and everyday life,
listening to, studying, playing and exploring Beethovens life and works.
Life is hard. Life has been hard. And life will continue to be hard. Because, that is
life. And life for me, inside my head, can be very hard. A difficult place to be.

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